rei-remediating · 7 months
A boy can dream, can't he?
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150K notes · View notes
rei-remediating · 8 months
Kitase says the lyrics in “Hollow” depicts Cloud’s feelings & emotions and “No Promises to Keep” is about Aerith’s feelings. It’s written that way and that’s something he’d like players to notice.
Source: https://www.gameinformer.com/preview/2024/02/06/an-extended-demo-only-made-me-even-more-excited
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rei-remediating · 8 months
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The more literal translation of what Fushiguro says to be his type (揺るがない 人間性  = yuru ga nai ningensei) is “unwavering humanity”.
And here is translation of Yuuji’s name (悠仁) - which imho highly reflects his character.
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Yes, it’s “unwavering/unchanging humanity”.
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rei-remediating · 1 year
Going on a trip down memory lane in honor of the WOH concert's 2nd anniversary!
When May 3 rolled around everyone had mixed feelings because on one hand: YAY LLD REUNITING ON STAGE WITH THE REST OF THE GREMLIN CAST! but on the other, farewell concerts mean the end of the show's promotion period which also marks the end of interactions between the main actors. And worse, it also marks the start of CP breaking, whether it's just the actors being more distant and reserved with each other throughout the concert (compared to when they were promoting the show) or in the worst cases, like the Love and Redemption concert, where they broke CP so brutally.
But the worst of all (for me at least) is the gloating. The gloating of solo fans, the gloating of the fans of other CPs, and the ever insufferable presence of yxh accounts that have been trying (and failing) to make up conflict between GJ and ZZH the very moment the show started getting the tiniest bit of attention. When it was announced that their Tom Ford livestream was to be done separately, it was made a big deal with all those vultures screaming all over weibo how they were finally "competing with each other", and yxhs fanning the flames at the sidelines.
So when the concert rolled around the atmosphere in the fandom was bittersweet. The more experienced fans were telling us what to expect and going: "They'll probably break CP. There's nothing we can do except hope they'll do it gently".
But as we've learned before, the WOH fandom is a circus and the WOH cast our ever indulgent clowns. Fans found out that GJ and ZZH were sharing a dressing room for the concert and everyone lost their shit. And that's when we knew we were fools to think this farewell concert would be like every other farewell concert, because nothing about this fandom has been normal from the start 😂
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In private, a lot of us were gearing each other up for the very strong possibility that GJ and ZZH will nowhere be as close in the concert as they seemed to be when they were promoting WOH. Turns out, not only did they seem even closer and more touchy than before, but the rest of the cast seemed to have finally snapped and lost their marbles altogether. Solo fansites were whining about how hard it was to get good solo photos of GJ and ZZH because they stuck close to each other throughout the entire event.
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Even better, they didn't seem conscious of the attention at all. The crowd in the concert hall screamed at the smallest interactions between them and they didn't even look fazed. I wouldn't have blamed them if the screaming made them feel awkward and conscious, but the fact that they just didn't care and even occasionally played along with the hoard of screaming shippers just made me appreciate them even more for being so natural about it and not treating it as something to be ashamed of.
And going beyond showing it with actions, ZZH also verbally acknowledged the fans that like both of them in his speech at the end of the concert. It's often said in CN fan circles that being a CPF from a BL drama is the hardest road to take as a fan (in c-ent at least) because it puts you at the very bottom of the fan heirarchy. CPFs in general are at the very bottom of the fan pyramid but BL CPFs in particular are considered to be even lower. It's a given not to mention you or acknowledge you, and you should only exist in the very fringes of fandom. That's why a lot of BL novel fans (I'm talking about c-fandom specifically) don't really like live action adaptations or their actors, because to them these actors are just using the stories they love to gain popularity, and once they get what they want are quick to toss it and its fans aside as some kind of dark and shameful secret of the past that has to be buried. That's why ZZH's acknowledgement at the end of the concert meant a lot to CPFs, because finally, they get to have a 'seat' at the table along with everyone else.
And of course, the promise and the hug that melted even the most jaded c-fandom veterans 😂
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It was really a privilege to be allowed to witness this moment. They could have taken the easier path but chose instead to share this moment with us. It truly was amazing to see them hug and firmly cement their relationship (whatever it may be) in front of thousands of people (with many more watching through the stream) when the norm in the industry is to break CP at this point.
And boy did they mean it. Months after the end of the concert, they were still stubbornly expressing a sense of unity and support for each other. At a time when toxic ZZH fans were really ramping up their attacks against GJ, ZZH pinned his and GJ's duet on his weibo page not only once, but twice. When the livestream host refused to read out a fan's username that had ZZH's name on it, GJ bluntly asked her to read it out loud, saying that censoring it out "isn't polite".
And you gotta wonder if that's part of what all this is about. Since February 2021, there have been many attempts to discredit the close relationship between them and not only has it not stopped, it has gotten much worse. ZZH is no longer in the picture (publicly, at least) but they're still at it and their tactics growing more and more brutal and unhinged the more time passes. In the beginning, ZZH was the evil one who forced poor innocent GJ to do CP marketing with him, and now GJ is somehow an evil mastermind who used ZZH to do CP marketing against his will and crushing him after. Just what is this obsession? It's been almost two years now, ZZH is out of the public eye, his career halted indefinitely, and they're still at it. I'm sure there's more to it but I can't help but feel that part of the reason for all this is because in an industry that rewards the people who are willing to pull off the dirtiest tactics, and encourages the worst kind of competition, GJ and ZZH dared to to treat each other with so much sincerity and kindness.
And just so this post doesn't end on an angsty note, remember when after the concert people were crying and hugging each other, having mental and emotional breakdowns, only to see, about an hour later, videos of GJ and ZZH laughing and giggling onstage, whispering in each other's ear, and then singing "Love to fight if you want to win" together like a pair of newlyweds? Yeah. While the rest of us peons were crying our hearts out, those two were busy treating the concert afterparty like a wedding banquet. Truly the life of an NPC.
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And lastly, before I become too emo and write five more paragraphs, I just want to say that even if I'm no longer posting as much about them, I'm always still here waiting.
任山高水远 你在我也在 🏔🍊
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rei-remediating · 1 year
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This zine is for Qi Ye and Tian Ya Ke (the novels) so technically they have nothing to do with WOH or the actors, but it's ran by people who came from WOH fandom. They believe in ZSJ and are very hostile towards CPF. So do take that into consideration before supporting this zine. There are different types of fans: those who only like TYK, those who only like WOH, those who like both but don't care about the actors, those who like both and also love the actors, etc, etc. This message is specifically for those who are interested in the zine but also care for ZZH's situation, just so you guys are aware of what kind of people are managing this zine so you can decide for yourself whether to support or not.
I know Flora is probably just using "whalers" as a blanket term for everyone who believes that ZSJ is legit, but the people who run this zine are not part of the usual whaler crowd and they're probably not even fans of ZZH at all. You know those types of fans who believe they're better than everyone else because they 'only like the drama/book and don't care about the actors'? That's pretty much what these people are. They don't care about how strange the situation is, or why CAPA has their handprints all over ZSJ's career, because they're 'above' caring about all that. They're 'too smart' for that. They look down on the rest of us who refuse to take things at face value, and think we're nothing more than dumb stans who took ZZH's situation 'too seriously'. How dare we care about him beyond the entertainment he gives us as a public figure, right?
And lastly, this isn't referring to any specific mod, but rather to the company they keep:
If you believe that ZZH is ZSJ but are still fine with writing and consuming Junzhe RPS fanfics, then we have two situations,
a. You believe ZZH when he said that GJ was responsible for 813, which makes GJ a bad person. And so you're writing and consuming fanfics about ZZH and the guy who essentially ruined his life.
b. You think ZZH was lying about GJ and GJ is innocent, which makes ZZH a bad person. And so you're writing and consuming fanfics about GJ and the guy who is framing him for a serious crime that he didn't do.
So...CPFs are a no-go, but people who use ZZH as a barbie doll for their little Junzhe fics is fine? Writing fics about him in romantic situations with the guy who supposedly ruined his life is fine? I don't quite get the moral standard here.
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rei-remediating · 1 year
How ZZH's Instagram account was compromised
aka the question that's been plaguing us all since last year. But now we have enough info to put together a theory. (As always all this info is thanks to the hard work of QV and her friends. I'm just compiling)
During 813, Xie Yihua's son, Abner, said in a comment on Bilibili that ZZH's instagram account isn't actually his. It was set up by staff when ZZH was still under the management of his former boss, Yu Zheng, and that the phone number that was registered to the account doesn't belong to ZZH.
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This means whoever has access to the actual phone number can reset the password and take control of the account.
Also how on earth did Abner know the details of the IG's account's security (or lack thereof)? Did his mother tell him? We already know Xie Yihua is ZSJ's handler.
On June 2020, ZZH posted on his IG after months of inactivity, and in the comments section he thanked a woman named Virginia. We can infer from their convo that he had lost access to the account sometime ago and that this Virginia helped him gain access again.
Based on ZZH's IG activity, he did stop posting for a few months and only started posted there again when he started filming WOH. That's when he thanked this Virginia person.
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There's an interesting comment under Flora's tweet saying that when they first read this, their interpretation was that this Virginia helped ZZH gain access to his account by setting up a VPN for him. And I was the same. That's also how I initially interpreted it, that ZZH wasn't able to access his IG because of the Great Firewall. But with all the info that has come to light, it looks more like ZZH was unable to access it because it was set up by someone else, with a number that didn't belong to him. And Virginia probably helped him by contacting whoever it was that had access to the account in Yu Zheng's management.
So if all this time ZZH's IG account was under the control of someone from Yu Zheng's studio, how did it wind up in the hands of ZSJ's team?
Recently, Yu Zheng was seen promoting the hat from ZSJ's brand. (Photos from bluebird and QV)
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It's worth noting that Yu Zheng doesn't seem to like ZZH very much. He interacted with a ZZH anti and implied that it's ZZH fault Zhao Ge did not air. So why is Yu Zheng promoting "ZZH's" brand if he doesn't even like him?
The person Yu Zheng interacted with literally has the username 'zzh liar' and is an active ZZH anti.
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And for those who don't know what Zhao Ge is, it's the show where Yu Zheng asked ZZH to come back for additional shoots while he was still recovering from his knee injury. This is widely understood to be the reason why ZZH's knee was messed up for good. More details here.
Zhao Ge was already running into problems way before 813. The script had a lot of elements that likely got it into trouble with the censors, plus in December 2020 more than a hundred industry folks signed a letter calling for a boycott against Yu Zheng and another person for being notorious plagiarists and all around shitty human beings. If it's not the script that sank Zhao Ge's chances of airing, then it's Yu Zheng's awful reputation as a plagiarist amongst his peers. Even before 813, the chances of Zhao Ge airing were not looking good.
Yu Zheng was brought to court by Taiwanese author and producer Qiong Yao for plagiarizing one of her novels, and a Beijing court later ruled in her favor. He was ordered to pay her millions. So you know...Yu Zheng is quite literally a criminal. That along with the script is probably why Zhao Ge will never see the light of day. ZZH should actually be the angry one here because his knee was pretty much ruined forever just for a shitty drama that will never even air.
A document that was circulated amongst ZZH fans last year and associated with him can also be linked back to a lawyer that once worked on Yu Zheng's legal counsel. Coincidence? Maybe. But it's interesting how many times his name comes up in relation to ZSJ.
And this is just personal speculation but I wonder if Yu Zheng was pissed when ZZH blew up after he was no longer within his management, and he could no longer reap the benefits of ZZH's fame for himself. Remember during the WOH concert ZZH mentioned that a lot of old friends suddenly came up to him after WOH's success, asking for all sorts of favours and whatnot, and then him apologizing for not being able to attend to them all. Looking back on that, it's interesting that a lot of people involved in the scam had more or less a connection with ZZH in the past. The Chens from the teashop, Xie Yihua, Zhang Su, Xiao Chu Nada, etc. And now Yu Zheng.
So yeah this is it. Yu Zheng's involvement with ZSJ was the last piece of the mystery behind the compromised IG account.
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rei-remediating · 2 years
I remember this post today so I searched for it. I always remember that GJ did this and never unfollowed ZZH.
heyyy I heard the cast members unfollowed him when the scandal dropped? 😞 I don't want to believe it but...sigh...
Yeah this is true. Not all of the cast members were following him to begin with (ex. Zhou Ye never followed him and vice versa) but the ones who were following him mostly unfollowed. The very first ones to jump ship were Ma Wenyuan and Huang Youming. Wang Laoshi eventually did unfollow though I wasn't able to personally confirm exactly when. Everything happened far too quickly and I wasn't able to keep track of every single person. And don't be too...upset. On that day, someone expressed skepticism over the outrage and was promptly kicked out of the production they were participating in and even had their weibo account muted. It was a public lynching. If you expressed sympathy or even just question things, then you're fucked. You can't really blame them for jumping ship because things were very, very bad and getting dangerous really quickly. I mean, I was upset too, but the situation really was terrible...I don't blame them for saving their own asses.
The only cast members who stayed with him until his account was finally taken down were GJ and Sun Xilun (Chengling).
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Thanks, I'm feeling a little better! Hope you're doing well too!
GJ unfollowed at least two accounts on August 14 that posted negative pieces about ZH, but I was only able to personally confirm one.
He also blocked one of his fans. She basically made a post celebrating ZH getting kicked out of the industry, then she got blocked by GJ and she ended up asking others in his supertopic for help. That's how people found out.
We should probably follow his example. If you see something you don't vibe with, just block.
p.s. I purposefully left the screenshots out, so if you have them, pls don't add them to this post.
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rei-remediating · 2 years
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A post about how a shit stain waste of space @ajawrites @bookshop attacked fans of Gong Jun and Zhang Zhehan in an article she wrote for @vox, and then went on to slander and defame Zhang Zhehan in an attempt to get the only article published about his cancellation by CAPA retracted.
Here's the context: On June 6, 2022, @vox published an article written by @ajawrites @bookshop claiming that fans of Gong Jun and Zhang Zhehan are "conspiracy theorists". In it, she makes all types of claims defaming myself and the entire JunZhe fandom (both here and in China) for being conspiracy theorists because we do not believe Zhang Zhehan's Instagram account is controlled by him. For those who don't know, Instagram fraud is rampant and there have been several Chinese celebrities who have been the victim of this. Zhang Zhehan's solo fans encouraged the reposting of this article and defended it because they somehow believe that Zhang Zhehan would "comeback" on an international platform before his name is cleared in China (another story for another day).
On June 14, 2022, less than one week after the publication of that article, The China Story published an article about why Zhang Zhehan was cancelled, and specifically that a non-governmental organization called the China Association of Performing Arts (CAPA) was behind the cancellation, not the Chinese government. It also described the efforts made by Li Xuezheng, a famous government-affiliated director, to clear his name. To my knowledge, this is the only story in the world to shine a light on CAPA's role in Zhang Zhehan's cancellation.
After this article was published, @ajawrites @bookshop wrote a long email to the China Story on June 18, 2022 seeking that the article be retracted. She claimed she had done "research" which showed that the article was part of a conspiracy theory (false), that Zhang Zhehan's family was linked to Japan (false), that Zhang Zhehan was cancelled by the government (false), that CAPA wasn't involved (false), and that all those who believe they are are "conspiracy theorists" (false). She repeats anti talking points to smear Zhang Zhehan in an attempt to obtain a retraction of the article.
Yes, @ajawrites @bookshop attempted to get the only article in the world that described CAPA in a negative light retracted.
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We have a copy of the email. Here are some excerpts of her own words.
Here's @ajawrites @bookshop insinuating that Zhang Zhehan was banned by the government, when it has been proven on multiple occasions that the government did not ban Zhang Zhehan.
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A writer who cannot even get this fact right does not deserve to be called a writer or a thinking human being.
Here's @ajawrites @bookshop claiming that Zhang Zhehan has family ties to Japan, which is FALSE.
Zhang Zhehan himself stated in his interview with Li Xuezheng on January 1, 2022 (seven months before this email) that this was not true. Yet, @ajawrites @bookshop continued to spread this smear to the editors of The China Story.
How does someone who is too lazy to confirm facts become a "culture writer" for @vox?
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Here's @ajawrites @bookshop claiming that their "research" shows that the public genuinely hated Zhang Zhehan. They claim that Zhang Zhehan was not cancelled by bad actors, but rather by the "public".
They ignore all the proof and statements that what happened was due to malicious competition and monopoly. All of this was readily available, had @ajawrites @bookshop actually done diligent research. Li Xuezheng had, after all, talked about it for weeks at the end of 2021 and early 2022.
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But of course @ajawrites @bookshop knows better! They know better than even Chinese people! They even know that CAPA is a government organization, when CAPA itself said that it is not government and does not represent government.
Pretty rich for white journalist @ajawrites @bookshop to claim that when Li Xuezheng, a renowned government affiliated film director, says that Zhang Zhehan's cancellation was not done by the Chinese government but instead by CAPA, he is spouting a "conspiracy theory".
@vox is this the type of sinophobic journalists that your publication now employs?
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Here's @ajawrites @bookshop defending CAPA by stating that it is not to blame for Zhang Zhehan's censorship from all media platforms in China.
Except they failed to read the multiple media reports indicating that CAPA had allied itself with multiple media platforms to ban those it deems "immoral". These media resources includes a western outlet, Reuters. Basic due diligence would have unearthed this, but it appears neither @ajawrites @bookshop or @vox care about the facts.
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Here's @ajawrites @bookshop suggesting (as a white foreign writer with zero access to his case), that it is "unlikely" that Zhang Zhehan's investigation would go anywhere, that he can't come back, that he is "already back".
These are clear anti talking points easily found on Chinese social media.
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Of particular note is that @ajawrites @bookshop claims that these conclusions are a result of their "research". Yes in their own words, in 2020 they were just learning Chinese. With their level of genius, I bet they're not far from being a beginner.
Yet, this is the type of "expert" that @vox employs to write about Chinese fan culture.
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The article in China Story is one of the only published articles in the world that details how Zhang Zhehan was cancelled by CAPA, not the Chinese government. Yet @ajawrites @bookshop, great friend to Zhang Zhehan solo fans asked for a retraction.
Yes, we have the email. They actually did.
Who has incentive to take down an article that speaks negatively about CAPA? Who has incentive to water down statements negative to CAPA? Who has incentive to perpetuate smears against Zhang Zhehan internationally?
Who better to manipulate than a lazy and dumb writer like @ajawrites @bookshop
I do wonder how @vox and its advertisers feels about @ajawrites @bookshop spreading slander about a Chinese celebrity and his fandom? I wonder if @vox even bothers with basic fact-checking? I wonder if @vox is okay with one of its writers contacting another publication in an attempt to supports their biased views?
To the Zhang Zhehan fans (Zhang Sanjian believers) who have fawned at the feet of @ajawrites @bookshop: good to know that you support those who defend CAPA, the organization that cancelled Zhang Zhehan.
And one last thing to @ajawrites @bookshop: only a shit stain waste of space would write an article about a celebrity to gain a following in his fandom while actually despising him, believing the smears against him, and thinking he's a t******.
We call people like you blood sucking vampires.
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rei-remediating · 2 years
C-Novels Available in English Translation
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A few weeks ago, a few of my danmei-loving friends and I got to talking about how much there is that we want to read, but that none of us have been very organized about keeping track of titles, fantranslation links, etc.
So, we decided to make a spreadsheet.
AND to combine every link we'd each separately stashed around on that spreadsheet.
The result is a list of 73 titles (currently 70 are danmei, 2 are baihe, and 1 is gen, reflecting our personal interests/preferences) with links to translations, some complete, some not. (as of 2/5/23)
Love C-Novels? Especially danmei? Looking for something to read? Check it out!
Some notes:
This is specifically for English translations from Chinese titles. Though some of the links do include other works (for example, some translators also do Chinese, and some Carrds list fantranslations in multiple languages), we're English speakers who are interested in Chinese novels, so we focused on that.
Currently, this is mostly basic information (titles, authors, links), with no summaries, genre tags, etc. We hope to ultimately expand it but that will be a lot of work and the information is already available at the provided NovelUpdates links, so we encourage you to use those.
We make no claims that this list is exhaustive; while the first sheet lists the resources we had collectively already gathered, there's a second sheet with things we know of and intend to add.
We'll try to keep links and such up-to-date but if you spot a problem please let me know!
Know of something that's not on the main list OR on the "to add" page? Please do send the info my way! Comments or ask box stuff will help.
Note that to actually access the fantranslations, you'll often need to take additional action to read them - you may need to request access, or get a password, etc. How to get this access is usually included on the pages.
Known official translations are listed. We will not link fantranslations for titles that are out officially in English. Don't send them. Don't ask for them. We won't help you pirate these titles.
Don't forget to thank and respect translators, and honor their wishes! Without fantranslators, we wouldn't have all this amazing stuff to read in English, so THANK YOU FANTRANSLATORS!
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rei-remediating · 2 years
You guys must have seen that article from Vox that was filled with misinformation about ZZH's case written by someone called Aja Romano.
The article was very hostile towards Junzhe CP fans, which is actually not that strange knowing how RPS fandoms are seen, but since Romano herself was part of RPS fandoms and even believes that Xiao Zhan and Wang Yibo are in a secret relatonship, you've got to wonder where all the hostility is coming from. It's also very interesting that she never once showed any interest in WOH ever since it aired, but then suddenly appears and writes a scathing article about Junzhe CP fans a full year later, even regurgitating anti talking points from weibo beat by beat. So when I first read it I suspected that it wasn't written by a passerby journalist, but rather by someone who was very familiar with the WOH fandom and specifically with Junzhe CP fans. Someone who was keeping an eye on the fandom's conversations. And also possibly, someone who has something against us or ZZH and GJ.
On June 2022, an article that was published on The China Story finally laid out the facts about ZZH's case: that he wasn't banned by the CN government, that CAPA wasn't a government entity and therefore had absolutely no right to issue a boycott, that ZZH was the victim of a vicious smear campain that must have taken millions to fund. After the horrible articles Aja Romano wrote for Vox, it was a welcome relief.
Well now some amazing people over on twitter found out that Aja Romano actually emailed the editors of The China Story, asking to retract the article. It's the ONLY article that contains the truth about his case, and has all the facts that Li Xuezheng himself stated. And she asked for it to be taken down.
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She claimed that the article was filled with misinformation, even though the article was based only on facts that were verified during the time Li Xuezheng was active. Aja insisted that ZZH was banned by the government, even though that was debunked three times, twice by the NRTA and once by the MCT. Since when did a chronically online waste of space and human equivalent of watery diarrhea like Aja Romano have more say about ZZH's case than the literal Chinese government?
Like what you like, ship what you ship. Mind your own fucking business. There's no rule saying you must stuck your rancid dick in other fandoms just to enjoy your own.
Full post about Aja Romano's email here:
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rei-remediating · 2 years
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A post about how a shit stain waste of space @ajawrites @bookshop attacked fans of Gong Jun and Zhang Zhehan in an article she wrote for @vox, and then went on to slander and defame Zhang Zhehan in an attempt to get the only article published about his cancellation by CAPA retracted.
Here's the context: On June 6, 2022, @vox published an article written by @ajawrites @bookshop claiming that fans of Gong Jun and Zhang Zhehan are "conspiracy theorists". In it, she makes all types of claims defaming myself and the entire JunZhe fandom (both here and in China) for being conspiracy theorists because we do not believe Zhang Zhehan's Instagram account is controlled by him. For those who don't know, Instagram fraud is rampant and there have been several Chinese celebrities who have been the victim of this. Zhang Zhehan's solo fans encouraged the reposting of this article and defended it because they somehow believe that Zhang Zhehan would "comeback" on an international platform before his name is cleared in China (another story for another day).
On June 14, 2022, less than one week after the publication of that article, The China Story published an article about why Zhang Zhehan was cancelled, and specifically that a non-governmental organization called the China Association of Performing Arts (CAPA) was behind the cancellation, not the Chinese government. It also described the efforts made by Li Xuezheng, a famous government-affiliated director, to clear his name. To my knowledge, this is the only story in the world to shine a light on CAPA's role in Zhang Zhehan's cancellation.
After this article was published, @ajawrites @bookshop wrote a long email to the China Story on June 18, 2022 seeking that the article be retracted. She claimed she had done "research" which showed that the article was part of a conspiracy theory (false), that Zhang Zhehan's family was linked to Japan (false), that Zhang Zhehan was cancelled by the government (false), that CAPA wasn't involved (false), and that all those who believe they are are "conspiracy theorists" (false). She repeats anti talking points to smear Zhang Zhehan in an attempt to obtain a retraction of the article.
Yes, @ajawrites @bookshop attempted to get the only article in the world that described CAPA in a negative light retracted.
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We have a copy of the email. Here are some excerpts of her own words.
Here's @ajawrites @bookshop insinuating that Zhang Zhehan was banned by the government, when it has been proven on multiple occasions that the government did not ban Zhang Zhehan.
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A writer who cannot even get this fact right does not deserve to be called a writer or a thinking human being.
Here's @ajawrites @bookshop claiming that Zhang Zhehan has family ties to Japan, which is FALSE.
Zhang Zhehan himself stated in his interview with Li Xuezheng on January 1, 2022 (seven months before this email) that this was not true. Yet, @ajawrites @bookshop continued to spread this smear to the editors of The China Story.
How does someone who is too lazy to confirm facts become a "culture writer" for @vox?
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Here's @ajawrites @bookshop claiming that their "research" shows that the public genuinely hated Zhang Zhehan. They claim that Zhang Zhehan was not cancelled by bad actors, but rather by the "public".
They ignore all the proof and statements that what happened was due to malicious competition and monopoly. All of this was readily available, had @ajawrites @bookshop actually done diligent research. Li Xuezheng had, after all, talked about it for weeks at the end of 2021 and early 2022.
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But of course @ajawrites @bookshop knows better! They know better than even Chinese people! They even know that CAPA is a government organization, when CAPA itself said that it is not government and does not represent government.
Pretty rich for white journalist @ajawrites @bookshop to claim that when Li Xuezheng, a renowned government affiliated film director, says that Zhang Zhehan's cancellation was not done by the Chinese government but instead by CAPA, he is spouting a "conspiracy theory".
@vox is this the type of sinophobic journalists that your publication now employs?
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Here's @ajawrites @bookshop defending CAPA by stating that it is not to blame for Zhang Zhehan's censorship from all media platforms in China.
Except they failed to read the multiple media reports indicating that CAPA had allied itself with multiple media platforms to ban those it deems "immoral". These media resources includes a western outlet, Reuters. Basic due diligence would have unearthed this, but it appears neither @ajawrites @bookshop or @vox care about the facts.
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Here's @ajawrites @bookshop suggesting (as a white foreign writer with zero access to his case), that it is "unlikely" that Zhang Zhehan's investigation would go anywhere, that he can't come back, that he is "already back".
These are clear anti talking points easily found on Chinese social media.
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Of particular note is that @ajawrites @bookshop claims that these conclusions are a result of their "research". Yes in their own words, in 2020 they were just learning Chinese. With their level of genius, I bet they're not far from being a beginner.
Yet, this is the type of "expert" that @vox employs to write about Chinese fan culture.
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The article in China Story is one of the only published articles in the world that details how Zhang Zhehan was cancelled by CAPA, not the Chinese government. Yet @ajawrites @bookshop, great friend to Zhang Zhehan solo fans asked for a retraction.
Yes, we have the email. They actually did.
Who has incentive to take down an article that speaks negatively about CAPA? Who has incentive to water down statements negative to CAPA? Who has incentive to perpetuate smears against Zhang Zhehan internationally?
Who better to manipulate than a lazy and dumb writer like @ajawrites @bookshop
I do wonder how @vox and its advertisers feels about @ajawrites @bookshop spreading slander about a Chinese celebrity and his fandom? I wonder if @vox even bothers with basic fact-checking? I wonder if @vox is okay with one of its writers contacting another publication in an attempt to supports their biased views?
To the Zhang Zhehan fans (Zhang Sanjian believers) who have fawned at the feet of @ajawrites @bookshop: good to know that you support those who defend CAPA, the organization that cancelled Zhang Zhehan.
And one last thing to @ajawrites @bookshop: only a shit stain waste of space would write an article about a celebrity to gain a following in his fandom while actually despising him, believing the smears against him, and thinking he's a t******.
We call people like you blood sucking vampires.
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