reignoctis · 3 days
"Are you alright?"
"Did they hurt you?"
"Can you stand?"
"They won't get away with this."
"No one's ever going to hurt you again. I promise."
"Sorry it took so long to find you."
"Don't say you're fine. There are bruises all over you!"
"Sweetheart, I need you to open your eyes for me."
"Here. Drink this. You're dehydrated."
"Tell me the last thing you remember."
"You look like you haven't slept in days."
"I'll kill them for doing this to you."
"Did they just push you?"
"All that matters is I'm here now and we're together."
"I don't care that I'm in danger. It's you that I'm worried about."
"No one's going to find us here. We're safe."
"Don't worry. I'm not going anywhere."
"If he touches you again, I'll kill him."
"I trust you ... but I don't trust them with you."
"I'm not going anywhere."
"I'll be right behind you."
"Whatever happens, don't let go of my hand."
"Shh, it's just me."
"Did they lock you in here?"
"Did they fucking touch you?"
"If anyone comes through that door to hurt you, I'll deal with it."
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reignoctis · 3 days
once i get my shit together n come back it's over for everypony
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reignoctis · 3 months
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[MLP] some homegrown therapy. This is during the Canterlot Wedding arc, Luna is speaking to Twilight at dawn as she passes of her shift to her sister instead of at midnight.
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reignoctis · 3 months
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Tears for a sister, a thousand years apart.
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reignoctis · 3 months
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reignoctis · 3 months
Ponyville winds down as the sun does. It's too small a town to warrant shops staying open late which means if Luna wants to visit she's forced to get up early. Breakfast dinner with Celestia at six gives her an hour before needing to return to eat. Though her stomach already grumbles, her sister often had late duties to attend to that staved off an earlier meal.
It would be rude to raise the moon in the middle of a conversation, but it would be only slightly less rude to knock on a door at closing. Luna's ear twitches, so precisely attuned to the ending day she can near feel the time passing. "Rarity?" She's forced to duck her head at the boutique entrance lest she stab the pretty doorframe with long horn. Her quick teleportation over made a disguise unnecessary, Luna would be inside before anyone noticed. "Are you in? We would like your expertise." The sleep still clinging to her feathers makes her relaxed enough to slip into double pronoun.
@wintermulitplied - liked!
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reignoctis · 3 months
fuck it starter call multis specify
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reignoctis · 3 months
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Working on a horse
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reignoctis · 3 months
PROMPTS FROM A COURT OF WINGS AND RUIN *  assorted lines from the novel by sarah j. maas, adjust as necessary
only you can decide what breaks you. only you.
tonight, i want you to wear that crown to bed. only the crown.
i believe everything happens for a reason.
this could be a very bad idea.
we can make whatever rules we want.
leave a note... or tell me next time.
you have every right to question me.
i don't see you spouting poetry.
i missed you. every second. every breath.
you're my equal. and as much as that means we have each other's backs in public, it also means we grant each other the gift of honesty... of truth.
is there a purpose to your visit, or may i return to my book?
kindness can thrive even amongst cruelty.
it's a rare person to face who they are and not run from it... not be broken by it.
it's fine if you drink directly from it.
i wish i had been there to stop it. i should have been there to stop it.
my goal was bigger than revenge.
i belong to no one, but my heart belongs to you.
i hadn't realized i was a villain in your narrative.
there are many types of strength beyond the ability to wield a blade and end lives.
you are your own person, you make your own choices.
i'd like a word.
you are a better friend to me than i ever was to you.
i want to share this bed with you. i want you to hold me.
remember that you are a wolf, and you cannot be caged.
we're all a little broken in our own ways... in places no one might see.
i would have waited five hundred more years for you. a thousand years.
you are a warrior, and warriors know when to pick their fights.
they took what is ours. and we do not allow these crimes to go unpunished.
i believe that everything happened exactly the way it had to... so i could find you.
it is the family you make, not the one you are born into, that matters.
ready to be wicked?
one life may change the world.
i missed you, too.
this is war. we don't have the luxury of good ideas - only picking between the bad ones.
it is a new world, and we must decide how we are to end this old one and begin it anew.
i see all of you. and there is not one part that i do not love with everything i am.
it'll be dangerous.
i have no regrets in my life, but this.
i will find you in the next world, the next life.
what we think to be our greatest weakness can sometimes be our biggest strength.
i won't tell anyone unless you say so.
when you erupt, make sure it is felt across worlds.
you bow to no one.
leave this world a better place than how you found it.
you do not fear. you do not falter. you do not yield.
will you come with me on this adventure, and all the rest?
do not get distracted. do not linger.
it's already ended badly.
for someone who was just dead, you seem remarkably relaxed.
they're terribly cruel to me.
here's to family reunions.
i will fight with everything i have, too.
what time are we back in the training ring tomorrow?
daylight is a precious resource.
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reignoctis · 3 months
i'm okay with:
starting over - are you a little overwhelmed with where our thread is going? let me know, and i'd be happy to start a new one with you!
pausing - if you're feeling one thread more than another we have going on, that's perfectly fine! you're welcome to let me know if you'd like, but it's not a necessity.
multiples - if we have a ship that you love and you have many ideas for them, always feel welcome to throw them at me no matter what! while it may affect my reply speed due to having more, it doesn't affect my interest at all!
regrouping - maybe we initially had an idea that didn't pan out but you don't know how to say it? just shoot me a message and let me know you'd like to plot further/something else.
anything else - have we not talked and you want to? shoot me a message! send in a meme if you don't know where to start! ask for my discord! i may not initiate too often myself, but i love being able to love our threads together!
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reignoctis · 3 months
Reblog  this  post  to  let  your  followers  know  you're  fine  with  being  tagged  in  random  starters.  Additionally,  reblog  this  post  if  you're  all  right  with  being  sent  old memes,  no  matter  how long ago you reblogged them.
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reignoctis · 3 months
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love is a gentle thing
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reignoctis · 4 months
Luna’s fatigue mainly stems from how hard dream work is and how much fighting she does at night. She never really sleeps enough to recover so it’s a cycle. Pain is also fatiguing so even if she took a break from her night duties she still might not have as much energy as an able bodied pony.
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reignoctis · 4 months
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Slight edit to the thing @.alicornae made and I love it even more.  only rp partners can reblog
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reignoctis · 4 months
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Tell me that you can forgive Bring me peace that I may live Show me now, how to find my home
canon divergent private Luna of mlp.  g5 inclusive.  by asra. c.
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reignoctis · 4 months
I really want to write n draw but I'm off meds because possible side effect fuckery so I can't focus and I have no energy!!!
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reignoctis · 4 months
❛  please don't leave me alone. i cannot do this without you.  ❜ ❛  just fucking leave me alone!  ❜ ❛  i'm done crying about this. i'm done crying about you.  ❜ ❛  why do you even pretend to care?  ❜ ❛  will i ever be good enough?  ❜ ❛  i hate you!  ❜ ❛  i don't ever want to see you again.  ❜ ❛  if you don't go now, i promise i'll make your life a living hell.  ❜ ❛  did you ever really love me? or was it all just a game to you?  ❜ ❛  you're not my friend ... not anymore.  ❜ ❛  i don't love you anymore.  ❜ ❛  how could you do this to me? i trusted you!  ❜ ❛  i gave you my heart, and you just walked away like it meant nothing.  ❜ ❛  it's all my fault, isn't it? i ruin everything i touch.  ❜ ❛  this is goodbye. i hope you find the happiness i couldn't give you.  ❜ ❛  can't you see i'm hurting? or do you just not care enough to notice?  ❜ ❛  i don't even know who i am anymore. it's like i've lost myself along the way.  ❜ ❛  i never thought i'd see you again. why did you come back into my life now?  ❜ ❛  i'm finally happy ... why do you have to try and ruin this?  ❜ ❛  i never meant to hurt you.  ❜ ❛  what happened to us? we used to be so good together.  ❜ ❛  promises are just words, meaningless and easily broken.  ❜ ❛  i pushed you away when all i wanted was for you to stay.  ❜ ❛  why couldn't you love me back? am i not enough?  ❜ ❛  i never meant for you to find out like this. i'm so sorry.  ❜ ❛  i wish we could go back and fix the moment everything went wrong.  ❜ ❛  i feel like we're drifting apart, and no matter how hard i try, i can't stop it.  ❜ ❛  i can't believe you'd say that to me.  ❜ ❛  i thought you knew me, but your words make me question everything.  ❜ ❛  i'm trapped between two impossible choices, and neither one feels right.  ❜ ❛  no matter what i choose, someone i care about is going to get hurt.  ❜ ❛  once trust is broken, can it ever be truly repaired?  ❜ ❛  you don't get it! no one does ...  ❜ ❛  no matter what i do, it's never enough.  ❜ ❛  you said you'd always be there for me. where were you when i needed you the most?  ❜ ❛  why should i have hope when everything around me is falling apart?  ❜ ❛  i can't move forward. i keep reliving this moment over and over again, and i'm stuck.  ❜ ❛  i thought i was doing the right thing ... but i realize now that i was wrong.  ❜ ❛  was it all just a lie?  ❜ ❛  i don't even know who i am anymore. i've lost myself in trying to please everyone else.  ❜
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