reihaii · 11 years
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Oh hey. I decided to follow you since you know Izaya and well he talks about you a lot so I figured I’d see what all the buzz was about. Adachi Tohru, nice to meet you. 
Haha, whatever I’m looking for? Well, just someone to talk to I guess. I get bored easily.
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... So it's back to constant associations with him.  Great.  I can foresee this going well.  Do me a favor and just erase whatever he's said about me from your memory, because the likelihood of it being accurate is low. Yagiri Namie, but you likely know that.  ... You as well, I hope.
That seems to make two of us.  There isn't much to do most days except listen to him go on and on about things no one but him could possibly care about. Do you know a good brand for microwaves? 
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reihaii · 11 years
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No idea what you’re talking about.
Can’t a guy just sit around and enjoy popcorn?
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Whilst nonchalantly tagging someone in the post while you're at it.  Right. Try again. 
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reihaii · 11 years
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Enjoying the show, Rokudenashi?
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*breaks out the popcorn*
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reihaii · 11 years
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I believe you forgot option number 3, where I barely avoid the overwhelming desire to throw up or smash your face against a wall, and arrange to live somewhere else, and stay far away from you for the rest of the week.
... Or, you know.  Potentially the rest of your life, because you're bound to die before you get what you hope to accomplish.  Which leaves me to my own goals without you being a pain in the ass about it. 
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Easy, I wanted to ask you something and I will give you two different options, Option number 1: You can date me, and possibly marry me; or there is option number 2: You can just sleep with me. Aside from the fact that we are living together just cause you have nowhere else to go I am letting you live here free of charge well in exchange for your job but you get paid for that. 
{He huffed, and stared at her.}
…So Namie-chan, what will it be?~
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reihaii · 11 years
Reblog if you Skype role play as your muse.
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reihaii · 11 years
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As he has proved to be incompetent in the whole ordeal, I guess I'm going shopping for a new microwave.
It may be a bit strange -- but does anyone happen to have any suggestions on a brand, or anything? This one was the one I thought to be sturdy, but two months isn't long enough to support it.
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reihaii · 11 years
[ izaya ]:
Namie had always had a strong personality, some would call it abrasive, not that she particularly bothered Izaya. He knew how to handle her, and he still signed her paycheck. All the little orders she gave him were easy enough to just roll off the back. Oh the temptation to tease her about the pushiness was strong. Oh it was— oh why the hell not?
Fingers flying across the keyboard, a quick goodbye was said to Celty and Izaya closed out of the chatroom and powered down the desktop while Namie went back out the way she came; apparently he didn’t have a choice in the matter. Padding back out into the living room, the noir snagged his cell phone from the coffee table on the way to the front door, smirk slowly growing on his lips as he came up behind her.
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"So are you usually this bossy with everyone or is it just me? I always assumed that you saved that for your brother."
          It's right as she pulls his jacket off of the chair he'd carelessly tossed it over the night before that he chooses to comment, and she freezes stiffly, eyes slightly narrowed and her jaw set.  There's so much she could say, right now.  So many vicious comments she could throw in his face.  But, she doesn't.  Instead, she hurls the jacket in it instead. 
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          " Get your shoes on. "  Her tone cold as ice and her stare empty, she turns from him again and moves swiftly for the door, doing a double - check of everything.  The keys around her wrist, her cellphone and the list inside her purse, which is firmly at her side.  Her jacket is in the car ...
          She tugs the door open, flicking the lock on the doorknob, and steps out, unlocking the car doors with the button on the key chain.  " ... We can hit the department store, and stop by the daiso on the way home, and maybe the sushi stand because I don't feel like making dinner tonight ... "
          She pops open the passenger door, leaning in to push the seat back into the usual position that Izaya places it -- God forbid she let him play with it, she controls will be whirring the whole car ride there and back -- then rounds to the driver's side to ease into the seat.  " ... Why is Wednesday always so long. " 
*[ Shopping Day ;
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reihaii · 11 years
Okay, so.  Since I’m excited and want to roleplay with like EVERYBODY.
If you want a para / oneliner starter, please hop in the inbox and ask. If you want the blog greeting, just like the post.
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reihaii · 11 years
Introduce the mun!
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Name / Alias: Max / Nix / Vani / Whatever Age: 23 Gender:  Sexuality: Asexual.
Movie: Badly done horror movies.  All of them.  They're hilarious. TV Show: Bates Motel probably; I don't watch TV much. Writing style: No real preference. Video Game: Persona series.  Animal: Eh. Color: Orange. Food / Drink: Cheese / Aloe juice.
Siblings: One Pets: Bird, Rat, Cat, 2 Firebellied Toads Piercings / Tattoos: Zero Blogs: jouzuna, kenasu, rocchisama, kesuu, dismantl, aufstrebend, yabureru OCs: A lot since I'm a novelist??
Pledged Prelude Mun Intro;
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reihaii · 11 years
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I see.  You high school boys really are the most generous, aren't you?  You know exactly what to say.  Too bad you're so young.  Oh well.  Anyway, I really don't have much to do with him on a personal level; entirely business.  To clear up now.
To be frank with you, I can't name a single person who would really go out of their way to say they like him.  It's amazing that he manages to channel so much effort into people who could care less if he dropped dead.
Is that so?  There's never a dull moment around here.  Who is it this time?  For once, Izaya isn't blathering on about it.  It feels odd to remain uninformed about it, really, as annoying as he can be about it.
I'm fine, though the night could be going better.  A broken microwave means a lot more work just to melt some butter for a meal I don't even care to eat.  But if I don't make anything, he won't eat.  And then I'll hear it from him for an hour.  Incredible. 
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Oh no, please don’t get the wrong idea, Yagiri-san. I won’t imply or assume anything, especially where he’s concerned. That wouldn’t be fair to you.
Haha, is that so~? The feeling’s mutual! I don’t like him, either~.
I’m fine, thanks for asking! I just came online to look for information on the recent gang activity in downtown Ikebukuro. Some crazy stuff is going on. But what about you? How are you this evening?
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reihaii · 11 years
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What did I tell you?  If I have something to say to you, I'll do so directly, Heiwajima - San.  I'm not implying anything; you were the one who said being blunt means I don't need to ' be afraid of what others will say. '  I was never afraid in the first place.  ... Impressive?  How so?  -- Anyway, a lot of people bend themselves to impress a crowd; it doesn't necessarily mean they are like him, just that it's his sole purpose in life.
I'm following complete strangers, that's the point of the website, isn't it?  So why not follow someone I've seen around and hear about every day?  I'm not antisocial.  I'm a strong woman who does not care to put up with his bullshit, but I'm not uninterested with the general population like Kishitani - Sensei. Does a woman need to like cats?  I put up with his, it doesn't necessarily mean I want anything to do with them outside of said requirements.
I'm not being moody.  I'm being straight - forward.  Your word usage annoys me.  You make it sound like you're doing me a favor.  It reminds me of him.  Don't.
You brought it up.  You asked whether I'd sit down to dinner with him or not.  I replied in kind. 
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I’m … … that’s fine, no one was saying anything like that. I’m not assuming anything either if you’re trying to say that. If you were anything like Izaya, then I wouldn’t be talking to you.. Or I’d be pissed, either one. … … I wouldn’t say that, you seem impressive.
And you’re okay with that. Of all people, I didn’t think you’d really bother with anyone? Or maybe that’s what I got from what he was saying about you … … so you like sugar but not cats. That’s … unexpected. .. hm ..
It just meant I wasn’t going to ask, don’t be moody over nothing. You’re like an old cat, goddamn. Tch … … Whatever, be disgustingly technical? Like I care.
… I don’t care about something that useless, either. Can we stop talking about that fleabag.
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reihaii · 11 years
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Then don't get offended when I ask if you want something, teme.  You clearly did.  It's like you think telling me you don't and then asking me for something anyway is going to make me more inclined to do it.  ... What do you want?
... I don't spend time with you, Izaya.  I live with you.  And why do I do that?  You have something I want.  And I have something you want.  So I'm here because you want me here -- out of necessity, not courtesy.  So, I don't really care what you do.  I don't spend my leisurely time making friendly with you.  There's a reason I turned you down for that hotpot party. 
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Of course I fucking want something, I always want something…you’ve known me long enough to know that I never talk to someone with out a little self-sufficiency…so yes I do in fact want you to make us some lunch. 
-Izaya sat in his spinny chair and stared at the emerald eyed woman- 
Namie-chan your words hurt, and besides I’m an information broker we generally are hated~ but if you hate me so much enlighten me on this single subject. 
-his usual fox grin began to form a little the sides of his mouth slowly raising up his face- 
Why do you spend time with me?
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reihaii · 11 years
[ izaya ]:
He was pretty sure he ran everything by her that he needed just yesterday, everything she rattled off sounded about right. Izaya heard her talking to him, but he was only about half-listening at the moment. Perched at his desk as per usual, red eyes flickered up in time to catch her picking her keys and purse up.
"Chatroom, why?"
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There wasn’t really anyone in there besides Celty (thankfully not his sisters though), he didn’t have to guess much why she was suddenly showing an interest in what he was doing considering she was pretty indifferent to him most of the time.
          " ... Is that it? "  Namie sighs, and shakes her head before slipping her purse strap up onto her shoulder and makes her way to the small office, leaning in.  " Then come on.  Get your shoes and your coat.  It's a lot easier if you tag along, because we always realize that we're missing something when I get back, and it's annoying. "
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          " So, hurry up.  If we both go, no one but our own stupidity can be blamed if we forget something, but the likelihood we will decreases a lot.  -- I'm not making a second trip. "
          Flicking her hair over her shoulder, she leaves the room again to find her boss's trench coat, because the good Lord knows that somehow, he'll have lost it, or something or other, and make up the most ridiculous excuses just to stall them.  It's like he's a child. 
*[ Shopping Day ;
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reihaii · 11 years
goofyfacade started following you
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My popularity today is through the roof.
Haven't seen you around at all.  Yagiri Namie.  Thanks for joining the crowd for 'Scout Namie's Life' Day.  Hope you find whatever it is you're looking for, Mister. 
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reihaii · 11 years
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... Well.  There it goes again.  The microwave won't work unless you put a cup of water in with whatever you're heating up.
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reihaii · 11 years
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... And what is your basis for these 'certain vibes?'  I really don't care that much.  At best, there's a mere indifference between us.  If I cared as much as you seem to be implying, I would care when I hurt his feelings.  Because believe it or not, it is possible to do so, and yes, I have done it at least twice.
He has something I want.  Since I need it, I put up with him.  It isn't much of a hassle.  -- And who do you have in mind, then, that would treat me right?
Even if he tried, all I need to do is leave.  I have nothing to hide anymore that doesn't tie directly into what he's doing and what he wants to accomplish.  I'm in a safe spot. 
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:..♔:.. Hmm, if you say so. I’m only curious cuz I kinda see certain vibes whenever you’re around him. Sounds t’ me like you care a bit. But again, it’s far from my business so I’ll just leave it at that.
Well, I’m not gonna pry it outta you so no worries and as for what I’m getting at, is just that. You don’t seem like someone who deserves to be dealin’ with an asshole like him is all.
I see. I really hope that never becomes the case and if you’re certain then, I guess that’s that..
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reihaii · 11 years
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While I hate to be known for having anything to do with Izaya, you aren't wrong either, so you'd be right in that assumption.  Though, dropping that line of thought right now would be great.
Oh.  So I have heard about you.  Nothing enough to give you any opinion, but he doesn't seem to like you very much.  But that doesn't really affect me.  Nice to meet you, Kuronuma - Kun.
So.  How are you? 
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Ah, yeah. Actually, you probably have seen me with Ryūgamine Mikado. You look familiar yourself, which I believe is because you have an association with Orihara? Correct me if I’m wrong.
It’s a pleasure, Yagiri-san. I’m Kuronuma Aoba.
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