reikii13-blog · 12 years
I will translate the words real quick:
My puppy/has gone away/it had white feet and a white tail/
Even though we were always together, oh
My puppy/has gone away/it had white ears and a white back/
Even though we were always together, oh
I have shed every tear I could/Now I'm just living day-to-day/
Hurry, Come home
Rainy days and windy days/I always gave you walks
So hurry, hurry, come home
I know you like guitar work so i put this up
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reikii13-blog · 12 years
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“I dreamt that you were a dog. And the dog was my husband. Anyway, it was the worst dream ever.”
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reikii13-blog · 12 years
I love ranma and when i listen to this song i think of how i am with you when it comes to my feelings lol im lame
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reikii13-blog · 12 years
This song should make you feel better. "I've been searching for you" 
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reikii13-blog · 12 years
My Dream come true
I Remember i was thirteen years old Staring up at the moon
I whispered my wish and i hoped that it would come true soon
" Grant me a person who Loves me for me" I asked 
" not  this man i made my self out to be"
Little did i know that i would have to wait a long time
For my sweet wish to be granted, for some one to be mine.
So the years came and went yet i stayed all alone
Till one day you saw my boxers and i handed you my phone
At first i was shy, you were too 
Little did i know that you were my dream come true.
almost 4 years had passed  and i cherish every day
because i have you in my life and here i want you to stay.
My love you make me complete in every single way
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reikii13-blog · 12 years
Forever love =) ChipmunkX Teddy Graham
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reikii13-blog · 12 years
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reikii13-blog · 12 years
My reasons
There are times where i cant understand why you'd pick me, im no one special. i have never been some ones first choice or some ones dream come true. im not perfect and i make many mistakes. i get scared of losing what i have with you because honestly its the best thing i've ever had. You  and this relationship are a very important part of my life. you are some one i cant even think about losing. I know i'd never ever have the connection that i share with you with anyone else because you give a damn. You understand when its hard to, you're patient when most people would give up. You have no idea how much you mean to me, so i decided to make this tumblr a tribute to the things that remind me of the love i share with you. this is also my gift to you because you give me so many things and i haven't given you anything. i want this to be something that can make you smile and bring you joy. i want this to be a place you go to when you're sad and need a pick me up. I want this to bring you peace. i know i dont deserve you i have never deserved you, you are an amazing woman and this is  one of the ways that i want to show you just how much you impact my life.
I love you and you mean the world to me. 
PS I hope you like it =)
Love, Your teddy Graham
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reikii13-blog · 12 years
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reikii13-blog · 12 years
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Kiss On The Horizon
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reikii13-blog · 12 years
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reikii13-blog · 12 years
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reikii13-blog · 12 years
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reikii13-blog · 12 years
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reikii13-blog · 12 years
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reikii13-blog · 12 years
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Sometimes I look up into the sky, and smile at the thought that we are looking at the same stars, no matter how far away we are. 
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reikii13-blog · 12 years
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Miaka & Tamahome <3
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