reinagoochirorp · 8 months
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Faye Valentine, (Cowboy Bebop, 1998)
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reinagoochirorp · 8 months
Reina definitely loved that expression of his pleasure, so much that she paused her movements for a moment, just to tilt her head back and speak to him
" Don't avert your eyes from me... " she said in a tone that could be interpreted both as soft and commanding. She was smiling yet her voice was firm, almost like that was an order more than a request. " There's nothing I love more than seeing the desire in my partner's eyes... " she explained, again with that mix of intentions.
After that she went back to her previous activity. She started licking him again, and then she took him in her mouth, slowly letting his erection go deeper and almost touch her throat a little. After a few minutes, she even let him feel her teeth, giving him light nibbles, careful not to hurt him, just letting him know she could.
In her experience, she had noticed most men loved the adrenaline rush that came with her using her teeth. It was some kind of psychological effect, knowing a woman had the power to make him cry with pain and still decided not to.
But Reina's dominant side was starting to kick in. She had always adored to be the one in charge, the one with the power, in her intercourses. Her customers knew it well and she had slowly gathered a loyal bunch of men that loved being dominated by her and gladly paid for it.
So she decided to test if Russel could be one of them.
She stopped sucking on him and got up on her knees, now as tall as him. She pushed her naked body against his and kissed him roughly, while he grabbed his ass with both hands and squeezed it tightly.
Her body, her expression, her tongue, her hands. Everything was perfectly working to assert dominance over him. Her body language was basically shouting - Trust me and let me handle this. -
" Whatever I want? " Reina asked smiling at him " You should be careful with your words, boy... I'm quite a freak when it comes to sex, I might take initiatives you wouldn't imagine... " she chuckled " But, just for this once, I'll go easy on you... "
Her words could be interpreted as a joke, but she was dead serious about being a freak. At least, that was what everyone always made her feel like. Loving the dichotomy between pain and pleasure, for example, was something few of her clients approved. The point was that she loved inflicting pain more than receiving it, and that was unacceptable for a woman.
She was sincere, though, when she told him she'd go easy on him. For some reasons, Russel didn't make her feel the need to go into dangerous games. Instead, he gave him a feeling of safeness and sweetness. Maybe it was just temporary, she thought, and soon she'd get the need to hurt him as well, but she decided to enjoy the softness while it lasted.
She helped him get up on his knees and bowed in front of him, resting on her knees and elbows.
When she had him right before her mouth, she started licking the tip of his shaft, with slick, theatrical moves. She wanted to give him something to please the eyes too, so she acted like she was performing for a show, always keeping eye-contact and working her tongue around him slowly and rhytmically.
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reinagoochirorp · 8 months
" Whatever I want? " Reina asked smiling at him " You should be careful with your words, boy... I'm quite a freak when it comes to sex, I might take initiatives you wouldn't imagine... " she chuckled " But, just for this once, I'll go easy on you... "
Her words could be interpreted as a joke, but she was dead serious about being a freak. At least, that was what everyone always made her feel like. Loving the dichotomy between pain and pleasure, for example, was something few of her clients approved. The point was that she loved inflicting pain more than receiving it, and that was unacceptable for a woman.
She was sincere, though, when she told him she'd go easy on him. For some reasons, Russel didn't make her feel the need to go into dangerous games. Instead, he gave him a feeling of safeness and sweetness. Maybe it was just temporary, she thought, and soon she'd get the need to hurt him as well, but she decided to enjoy the softness while it lasted.
She helped him get up on his knees and bowed in front of him, resting on her knees and elbows.
When she had him right before her mouth, she started licking the tip of his shaft, with slick, theatrical moves. She wanted to give him something to please the eyes too, so she acted like she was performing for a show, always keeping eye-contact and working her tongue around him slowly and rhytmically.
It wasn't the first time Reina got that kind of treatment, but surely it had happened at most one or two times before. It was all kind of new for her, especially since, being there no money involved, everything felt so natural and right-rhytmed.
She kept moaning, partially because she couldn't help it and partially to give him a positive feedback.
His tongue felt hot and wet inside her, and every time it hit one of her most sensitive spots she felt waves of pleasure rushing through her body.
She let him do it for a couple of minutes, slowly becoming more aroused.
Then she backed a little, stopping him from going on.
" That felt really good... would you mind letting me make you feel good too? " she asked with a cheeky smile. " I want to hear your moans as well ~ "
she tuck a strand of his hair behind his ear, something a little too sweet for her standards but that came out so naturally she couldn't help it.
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reinagoochirorp · 9 months
It wasn't the first time Reina got that kind of treatment, but surely it had happened at most one or two times before. It was all kind of new for her, especially since, being there no money involved, everything felt so natural and right-rhytmed.
She kept moaning, partially because she couldn't help it and partially to give him a positive feedback.
His tongue felt hot and wet inside her, and every time it hit one of her most sensitive spots she felt waves of pleasure rushing through her body.
She let him do it for a couple of minutes, slowly becoming more aroused.
Then she backed a little, stopping him from going on.
" That felt really good... would you mind letting me make you feel good too? " she asked with a cheeky smile. " I want to hear your moans as well ~ "
she tuck a strand of his hair behind his ear, something a little too sweet for her standards but that came out so naturally she couldn't help it.
Reina kept her eye on him as he undressed, mentally taking notes of everything she saw. Russel had a great body, and the fact that he didn't look too shy about it made her smile a little. She had thought he'd be much more goofy and bashful, it was a nice surprise to see he was comfortable enough to take initiatives.
She closed her eyes as she felt his lips all over her body. She wasn't used to something that sweet, to be honest, but she quickly got comfortable with it and let herself enjoy the softness of his lips.
When he got to her thigh and asked for her permission she opened her eyes again and locked them in his.
" Yeah, go on... I'm curious to see what you have got for me... "
The whole thing was going in a direction she hadn't seen that much before. This boy was focused on giving her pleasure, while usually it was the other way around. Reina gave her body away for money so many times it was hard to point out when it had become an habit to please her partner before getting any attention to herself, if she even got any. She couldn't help but let out a moan as she felt his lips moving up her thigh.
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reinagoochirorp · 9 months
Reina kept her eye on him as he undressed, mentally taking notes of everything she saw. Russel had a great body, and the fact that he didn't look too shy about it made her smile a little. She had thought he'd be much more goofy and bashful, it was a nice surprise to see he was comfortable enough to take initiatives.
She closed her eyes as she felt his lips all over her body. She wasn't used to something that sweet, to be honest, but she quickly got comfortable with it and let herself enjoy the softness of his lips.
When he got to her thigh and asked for her permission she opened her eyes again and locked them in his.
" Yeah, go on... I'm curious to see what you have got for me... "
The whole thing was going in a direction she hadn't seen that much before. This boy was focused on giving her pleasure, while usually it was the other way around. Reina gave her body away for money so many times it was hard to point out when it had become an habit to please her partner before getting any attention to herself, if she even got any. She couldn't help but let out a moan as she felt his lips moving up her thigh.
Russel's touch was soft, delicate and gentle. Nothing like Reina was used to get. The way he ran his finger on her body, she definitely liked it. It was something new, and unexpectedly sexy too.
When he reached for her panties she felt lighter : that was something she knew how to handle.
" Sure... " she replied, locking her eyes with his. She put her hand over his and guided it along her thigh, feeling the fabric slide down her skin, then she spreaded her legs a little and lifted a foot to get rid of them.
She was now completely exposed, and the feeling she got from it was a mix between curious and excited. She wondered what his next move would be.
" Like what you see? " she asked, her hand still over his " You might get more comfortable too while you're at it. I wouldn't mind seeing more of you... "
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reinagoochirorp · 11 months
Russel's touch was soft, delicate and gentle. Nothing like Reina was used to get. The way he ran his finger on her body, she definitely liked it. It was something new, and unexpectedly sexy too.
When he reached for her panties she felt lighter : that was something she knew how to handle.
" Sure... " she replied, locking her eyes with his. She put her hand over his and guided it along her thigh, feeling the fabric slide down her skin, then she spreaded her legs a little and lifted a foot to get rid of them.
She was now completely exposed, and the feeling she got from it was a mix between curious and excited. She wondered what his next move would be.
" Like what you see? " she asked, her hand still over his " You might get more comfortable too while you're at it. I wouldn't mind seeing more of you... "
She was definitely enjoying how that was going. Russel was the type of guy that was still inexperienced, she had noticed, but that was willing to learn new things. She liked that. The men she usually ended up with were a bit too straightforward for her taste. It was nice to have something different for once.
She responded well to his attempt at deepening their kiss : she let him slide his tongue on her lip and went on with it, so that soon their tongues were searching for each other and exploring the other's mouth.
When they were done with the kiss she caught her breath for a moment before making the next move; she threw herself back laying down on the bed, and invited him to get over her. She lifted her arms over her head, giving him a carte blanche to do whatever he wanted with her now exposed body
" I'm usually the one leading the game, you know, but... I'm curious to see what you have in mind for me " she said " Just don't hold back... "
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reinagoochirorp · 11 months
She was definitely enjoying how that was going. Russel was the type of guy that was still inexperienced, she had noticed, but that was willing to learn new things. She liked that. The men she usually ended up with were a bit too straightforward for her taste. It was nice to have something different for once.
She responded well to his attempt at deepening their kiss : she let him slide his tongue on her lip and went on with it, so that soon their tongues were searching for each other and exploring the other's mouth.
When they were done with the kiss she caught her breath for a moment before making the next move; she threw herself back laying down on the bed, and invited him to get over her. She lifted her arms over her head, giving him a carte blanche to do whatever he wanted with her now exposed body
" I'm usually the one leading the game, you know, but... I'm curious to see what you have in mind for me " she said " Just don't hold back... "
" Sure thing " she replied with a smile, gently taking the glove off his hand. When it was free again, she guided it again over her breasts. This time, though, she let him touch her without the fabric of her t-shirt getting in the way.
" Feels better, doesn't it? Uh, and... " she untied the tie she had used as a blindfold and set it aside " Maybe you'd like to take a better look at what you're touching, too... "
Her soft smile soon turned into a grin " We can move on to another kind of game, if you want... I call it - having fun - and the rules are pretty simple : there are none, in fact. You can do whatever you feel like doing... and of course you can expect me to do the same. My first move would be this... "
She moved a little forward and gave Russels' lips a soft kiss. She made sure not to push it too much, keeping her tongue in place for the moment. She sucked lightly on his lower lip and let her hand rest on his shoulders.
After a moment she pulled away and looked straight in his eyes to watch how he'd react. She was pretty sure that after having him touch her body in such a sensual way a simple kiss wouldn't be too much.
As she waited for his response she wondered why she was being so cautious. It wasn't likely for her to act so prudently... what was it about this boy that made her that careful? What was so special about him? She couldn't tell yet, but she was determined to find out before the night ended.
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reinagoochirorp · 11 months
" Sure thing " she replied with a smile, gently taking the glove off his hand. When it was free again, she guided it again over her breasts. This time, though, she let him touch her without the fabric of her t-shirt getting in the way.
" Feels better, doesn't it? Uh, and... " she untied the tie she had used as a blindfold and set it aside " Maybe you'd like to take a better look at what you're touching, too... "
Her soft smile soon turned into a grin " We can move on to another kind of game, if you want... I call it - having fun - and the rules are pretty simple : there are none, in fact. You can do whatever you feel like doing... and of course you can expect me to do the same. My first move would be this... "
She moved a little forward and gave Russels' lips a soft kiss. She made sure not to push it too much, keeping her tongue in place for the moment. She sucked lightly on his lower lip and let her hand rest on his shoulders.
After a moment she pulled away and looked straight in his eyes to watch how he'd react. She was pretty sure that after having him touch her body in such a sensual way a simple kiss wouldn't be too much.
As she waited for his response she wondered why she was being so cautious. It wasn't likely for her to act so prudently... what was it about this boy that made her that careful? What was so special about him? She couldn't tell yet, but she was determined to find out before the night ended.
She gave him a smirk even though he couldn't see it.
" Well, it was... an experience. " she took his hand again and this time she placed it on her left breast " I was turned into a chimera in the winter, so I had a few weeks before the spring came. I couldn't see it happening at all, it didn't even cross my mind that I could be subjected to something like that. It started with waves of literal heat in my body, which spreaded from my neck all the way down between my legs. The second day I was already a freaking mess. I felt the urge to give my body to someone. I didn't want to plead anyone to be my mate though, so I had to satisfy myself on my own... every two or three hours. " she paused for a moment, leaving him the time to imagine what she meant.
In the meantime, she guided his hand so that he could touch her other breast. She pressed it firmly against her soft skin.
" Working was out of question. I had to lock myself in my room because seeing someone else would have meant wanting them, and that could lead to bad decisions : I didn't have a stable relationship, so I could have ended up with anyone, and that was not wise, since not everyone around here had good intentions. So I just faked a flu and forced myself to go to bed. I thought sleeping would give me a break, but it wasn't the case. I kept having wet dreams and waking up constantly to soothe the need. " she lowered her voice, getting closer to his ear " My coworkers say they could hear me moan through the walls ... " she added in a suggestive tone.
" It was over in a few days, luckily for me and for everyone around for that matter. " she chuckled finally, her hand still over Russel's " But I'm sure you would have loved the show ~ "
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reinagoochirorp · 11 months
She gave him a smirk even though he couldn't see it.
" Well, it was... an experience. " she took his hand again and this time she placed it on her left breast " I was turned into a chimera in the winter, so I had a few weeks before the spring came. I couldn't see it happening at all, it didn't even cross my mind that I could be subjected to something like that. It started with waves of literal heat in my body, which spreaded from my neck all the way down between my legs. The second day I was already a freaking mess. I felt the urge to give my body to someone. I didn't want to plead anyone to be my mate though, so I had to satisfy myself on my own... every two or three hours. " she paused for a moment, leaving him the time to imagine what she meant.
In the meantime, she guided his hand so that he could touch her other breast. She pressed it firmly against her soft skin.
" Working was out of question. I had to lock myself in my room because seeing someone else would have meant wanting them, and that could lead to bad decisions : I didn't have a stable relationship, so I could have ended up with anyone, and that was not wise, since not everyone around here had good intentions. So I just faked a flu and forced myself to go to bed. I thought sleeping would give me a break, but it wasn't the case. I kept having wet dreams and waking up constantly to soothe the need. " she lowered her voice, getting closer to his ear " My coworkers say they could hear me moan through the walls ... " she added in a suggestive tone.
" It was over in a few days, luckily for me and for everyone around for that matter. " she chuckled finally, her hand still over Russel's " But I'm sure you would have loved the show ~ "
" Well, some changes had started happening during the process," She said in a thoughtful tone, as if she was trying hard to remember what actually happened " which took over a month to be completed. Something like feeling my muscles becoming more elastic, my overall physical conditions improve, and my movements becoming faster. But all that was mostly shaded by the pain of the treatment. After the final night though it all happened quite suddendly : I figured out I had venom in my teeth in a very unpleasant way... " she stopped for a second. She really didn't want to dig more in the subject so she quickly went on, hoping he wouldn't ask more about it " After that came the feeling my body was stronger and faster, but at the same time I became aware of my new weaknesses, such as cold temperature. The last thing I noticed was how some basic needs has become more intense : I felt hunger more often and I began enjoying raw meat more than before. And of course, the heat. My first heat was a mess, you know? But maybe that's a story for another question... " she smiled even though she knew he couldn't see her.
" Okay, next round! I'll make it harder this time. " she adjusted her position a little, now kneeling on the bed instead of sitting on it. It was crucial, since the next part of her body she made him touch was the curve of her butt. She guided his hand on the skin, careful not to let him touch the lace of her panties, trying to make it at least a little more difficult. She knew perfectly well he'd guess it in no time, though, and she was okay with it. To be honest, she was hoping he'd realize it immediately, so she would be able to observe his reaction.
" So? What is it? "
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reinagoochirorp · 11 months
" Well, some changes had started happening during the process," She said in a thoughtful tone, as if she was trying hard to remember what actually happened " which took over a month to be completed. Something like feeling my muscles becoming more elastic, my overall physical conditions improve, and my movements becoming faster. But all that was mostly shaded by the pain of the treatment. After the final night though it all happened quite suddendly : I figured out I had venom in my teeth in a very unpleasant way... " she stopped for a second. She really didn't want to dig more in the subject so she quickly went on, hoping he wouldn't ask more about it " After that came the feeling my body was stronger and faster, but at the same time I became aware of my new weaknesses, such as cold temperature. The last thing I noticed was how some basic needs has become more intense : I felt hunger more often and I began enjoying raw meat more than before. And of course, the heat. My first heat was a mess, you know? But maybe that's a story for another question... " she smiled even though she knew he couldn't see her.
" Okay, next round! I'll make it harder this time. " she adjusted her position a little, now kneeling on the bed instead of sitting on it. It was crucial, since the next part of her body she made him touch was the curve of her butt. She guided his hand on the skin, careful not to let him touch the lace of her panties, trying to make it at least a little more difficult. She knew perfectly well he'd guess it in no time, though, and she was okay with it. To be honest, she was hoping he'd realize it immediately, so she would be able to observe his reaction.
" So? What is it? "
" Nah, we're done with that, I consider your consummation paid! This is just some fun between me and you. " Reina smiled at him. She got up and went back to the trunk to get a black tie. It wasn't hard to find one since she enjoyed dressing up like a man from time to time.
" Now I'm going to tie this around your eyes ... " she stood in front of him and bent once again to blindfold him " I swear I'm not going to kidnap you or something " she chuckled " So just relax and wait ok? "
She left him there for a moment and came back with a glove she put on his hand, carefully letting the fabric slide down his fingers. " There. Now, these are the rules : I will place your finger on my body and you'll have to guess what part of it you are touching. Easy, right? If you guess it right, you can ask me whatever you want. It can be a question or a request, you decide. If you can't, I'll get to do the same. " she explained " This way we'll get to know each other better, plus, I'm pretty sure you won't mind some physical contact... well, it won't be that exciting at first, but who knows what can happen when your hands are on me ... alright, ready? This is your first round "
She took his hand and guided his finger on her shoulder, having to remind herself once more that she'd need to go slow at first.
" What is it? "
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reinagoochirorp · 11 months
" You'd be surprised of the things I enjoy " Reina replied in an enigmatic tone. She didn't know when and if Russel was going to learn that, but she was into all sorts of crazy stuff.
Truth was the salary of a bartender wasn't exactly enough for her, in economy terms, but also in psychological ones. She couldn't live a normal life after all she had been through. She needed something to keep the numbness away from her. Because of that, she had started working as a prostitute as well. At first it had been hard to settle down, but soon she became good at it. She had many customers and many lovers, all with different needs and kinks, and she learned to love every one of them, with a preference for the ones that involved some pain - both taking and giving it - . Pain was good. Pain reminded her to breathe and be present, pain made her feel alive.
But that guy in front of her... he looked like he wasn't even aware there was more in sex than just kisses and caresses.
- One step at a time, Reina. Don't rush things up. You know very well how teasing can be just as exciting as a full intercourse. - she told herself, and immediately cooled down, her need for extreme experiences suddendly toned down.
She looked at him and smiled " So you don't mind? Great... "
Reina had zero modesty, to be honest, but she still decided to act like she did. She got back on her feet and turned her back at him, letting her dress slide down to the floor. She was wearing a pair of black lace panties under it, nothing to cover her chest though.
She kept an arm over her breasts and bent over to get a large t-shirt from one of the trunks. When she wore it, it was clear that she hadn't exactly chose it to cover herself up. It was so worn out you could see perfectly through it.
" There, I'm feeling better now. So... " she sat next to him again " How does playing a game sound to you? ~ "
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reinagoochirorp · 11 months
" You'd be surprised of the things I enjoy " Reina replied in an enigmatic tone. She didn't know when and if Russel was going to learn that, but she was into all sorts of crazy stuff.
Truth was the salary of a bartender wasn't exactly enough for her, in economy terms, but also in psychological ones. She couldn't live a normal life after all she had been through. She needed something to keep the numbness away from her. Because of that, she had started working as a prostitute as well. At first it had been hard to settle down, but soon she became good at it. She had many customers and many lovers, all with different needs and kinks, and she learned to love every one of them, with a preference for the ones that involved some pain - both taking and giving it - . Pain was good. Pain reminded her to breathe and be present, pain made her feel alive.
But that guy in front of her... he looked like he wasn't even aware there was more in sex than just kisses and caresses.
- One step at a time, Reina. Don't rush things up. You know very well how teasing can be just as exciting as a full intercourse. - she told herself, and immediately cooled down, her need for extreme experiences suddendly toned down.
She looked at him and smiled " So you don't mind? Great... "
Reina had zero modesty, to be honest, but she still decided to act like she did. She got back on her feet and turned her back at him, letting her dress slide down to the floor. She was wearing a pair of black lace panties under it, nothing to cover her chest though.
She kept an arm over her breasts and bent over to get a large t-shirt from one of the trunks. When she wore it, it was clear that she hadn't exactly chose it to cover herself up. It was so worn out you could see perfectly through it.
" There, I'm feeling better now. So... " she sat next to him again " How does playing a game sound to you? ~ "
She stopped when the zip reached its end, right over the spot where her lower back started. Her bare back was now completely exposed, and it was clear now that she wasn't wearing anything under her dress.
She took a long breath and then she broke out in a laugh " I wanted to look sexy and all but it was getting hard to breathe in this thing! I should have probably chosen a bigger size... sorry, really, it's not the most polite thing to do but I needed it. Badly. So, what were you saying about the mirror? "
Despite acting like she didn't notice a thing, Reina knew perfectly well that Russel had been showing off some confidence he didn't actually have. She didn't know where exactly the lie started, but she had been with enough men to know when they were lying indeed. Even if usually she wouldn't have cared about it, this time she decided to be a little more subtle than always, just to make sure not to traumatize him. If she'd act like she usually did, she would have mentioned every detail of what the mirror showed when she was laying in the bed, alone or accompanied. But she decided to make it a little softer, just this once.
" Ah, yes. You're wondering why it's placed there... well, let's just say I enjoy looking at my reflection when I have those kinds of expressions on my face that you wouldn't show everyone. " she tried to word it out. It was hard, since she has always been as straightforward as she could be. - Look, I like to watch myself fuck - was the typical Reina-ish reply she would have given anyone else. But somehow she knew Russel was probably nervous enough to trigger a fly or fight response if she was THAT sincere, and she didn't want to lose the chance to have him.
" You would be surprised if you did that, too. It's strange how we're not aware of how we look 90% of the time. It gets really... arousing when you do it in the right moment. "
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reinagoochirorp · 1 year
She stopped when the zip reached its end, right over the spot where her lower back started. Her bare back was now completely exposed, and it was clear now that she wasn't wearing anything under her dress.
She took a long breath and then she broke out in a laugh " I wanted to look sexy and all but it was getting hard to breathe in this thing! I should have probably chosen a bigger size... sorry, really, it's not the most polite thing to do but I needed it. Badly. So, what were you saying about the mirror? "
Despite acting like she didn't notice a thing, Reina knew perfectly well that Russel had been showing off some confidence he didn't actually have. She didn't know where exactly the lie started, but she had been with enough men to know when they were lying indeed. Even if usually she wouldn't have cared about it, this time she decided to be a little more subtle than always, just to make sure not to traumatize him. If she'd act like she usually did, she would have mentioned every detail of what the mirror showed when she was laying in the bed, alone or accompanied. But she decided to make it a little softer, just this once.
" Ah, yes. You're wondering why it's placed there... well, let's just say I enjoy looking at my reflection when I have those kinds of expressions on my face that you wouldn't show everyone. " she tried to word it out. It was hard, since she has always been as straightforward as she could be. - Look, I like to watch myself fuck - was the typical Reina-ish reply she would have given anyone else. But somehow she knew Russel was probably nervous enough to trigger a fly or fight response if she was THAT sincere, and she didn't want to lose the chance to have him.
" You would be surprised if you did that, too. It's strange how we're not aware of how we look 90% of the time. It gets really... arousing when you do it in the right moment. "
Jackpot. The snake had sank its teeth in the prey. The hunt had been successful.
Reina took Russel's hand in hers and quickly walked him to the counter to pay for the drinks
" Ah, don't worry Reina, those are on the house " the waitress smiled " It's your recipe after all! Goodbye for now, have fun! ~ "
" I will, Suzie, don't worry too much for me ~ " she responded with a playful smile.
Then she guided Russel behind the counter, behind the scenes of the pub. She walked past a lumber room and a big room with countless bottles in it, perfectly stocked in high shelves. Then she turned right and faced a wooden door.
" Just a second " she said as she took out a hairpin out of her hair. She used it to open the door " I don't like bringing keys with me. This is much more practical. " she explained. " Come in. " she smiled at him, leading the way inside.
The room was pretty big and pretty empty too. There was a single bed in a corner, a small table with two chairs, and a few trunks that contained clothes here and there. A few books were piled on the floor and a giant mirror was settled facing the bed
" It's not much, but it's home, I guess " she chuckled " Take a seat wherever you like most. " she offered, sitting on the bed herself. " Well, the options aren't exactly endless but hey, I tried! "
" Ah, Do you mind if I get a bit more comfortable? " she asked, while she had already unzipped the back of her dress.
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reinagoochirorp · 1 year
Jackpot. The snake had sank its teeth in the prey. The hunt had been successful.
Reina took Russel's hand in hers and quickly walked him to the counter to pay for the drinks
" Ah, don't worry Reina, those are on the house " the waitress smiled " It's your recipe after all! Goodbye for now, have fun! ~ "
" I will, Suzie, don't worry too much for me ~ " she responded with a playful smile.
Then she guided Russel behind the counter, behind the scenes of the pub. She walked past a lumber room and a big room with countless bottles in it, perfectly stocked in high shelves. Then she turned right and faced a wooden door.
" Just a second " she said as she took out a hairpin out of her hair. She used it to open the door " I don't like bringing keys with me. This is much more practical. " she explained. " Come in. " she smiled at him, leading the way inside.
The room was pretty big and pretty empty too. There was a single bed in a corner, a small table with two chairs, and a few trunks that contained clothes here and there. A few books were piled on the floor and a giant mirror was settled facing the bed
" It's not much, but it's home, I guess " she chuckled " Take a seat wherever you like most. " she offered, sitting on the bed herself. " Well, the options aren't exactly endless but hey, I tried! "
" Ah, Do you mind if I get a bit more comfortable? " she asked, while she had already unzipped the back of her dress.
" And there I thought you would never ask ! " she chuckled , calling a waitress with a gesture of her hand " There's something you need to know, though. I live here in the pub. I don't have the money to afford an actual house... so, my number is actually the pub's number. But don't worry too much about that, I'm usually the one that answers the phone, and you can always ask the others to call me if they pick up instead. " she smiled.
When the waitress came, Reina asked for a pen and a shot of vodka, and when she was back with them she gently took Russel's arm and started writing on it.
" Aaand... done. " she said with a cheerful smile.
Then, she decided it was finally time to come out of the sand and jump at her prey's throat. There were two ways things could go : either she'd manage to convince him to spend the night together - victory - or he'd refuse and run away - loss - . Again, a 50/50 kind of situation. But Reina was the type of woman that loved taking risks.
" You can contact me tomorrow in the morning, maybe. But if you don't want to wait that much, you can come with me right now... I've got a room for myself in the back of the local. It's not particularly big or luxurious but we're going to be alone in there. Maybe there are some other cool tricks you can show me... "
She knew that was an hazard, especially with a man that - despite his efforts to look outgoing - was so shy and calm. But then again, what was life without some gambling?
And, just to be sure, she topped her proposal with a lewd look.
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reinagoochirorp · 1 year
" And there I thought you would never ask ! " she chuckled , calling a waitress with a gesture of her hand " There's something you need to know, though. I live here in the pub. I don't have the money to afford an actual house... so, my number is actually the pub's number. But don't worry too much about that, I'm usually the one that answers the phone, and you can always ask the others to call me if they pick up instead. " she smiled.
When the waitress came, Reina asked for a pen and a shot of vodka, and when she was back with them she gently took Russel's arm and started writing on it.
" Aaand... done. " she said with a cheerful smile.
Then, she decided it was finally time to come out of the sand and jump at her prey's throat. There were two ways things could go : either she'd manage to convince him to spend the night together - victory - or he'd refuse and run away - loss - . Again, a 50/50 kind of situation. But Reina was the type of woman that loved taking risks.
" You can contact me tomorrow in the morning, maybe. But if you don't want to wait that much, you can come with me right now... I've got a room for myself in the back of the local. It's not particularly big or luxurious but we're going to be alone in there. Maybe there are some other cool tricks you can show me... "
She knew that was an hazard, especially with a man that - despite his efforts to look outgoing - was so shy and calm. But then again, what was life without some gambling?
And, just to be sure, she topped her proposal with a lewd look.
" Ah, how cool! " Reina said with an enthusiastic tone. She didn't have to exagerate that much for her reaction : she really thought alchemy was cool as hell, and she wasn't that used to see it in action, either.
She took the knife and inspected it " It's really good as new huh? Impressive! You know, in this place there aren't many... geniuses, let's say. If you end up working here you probably don't have any education background. At least, none of my coworkers do, and I'm no exception. Something like alchemy is really above our possibilities, so we're not used to it at all " she explained " I've always thought it was like some sort of hybrid between science and art. I know almost all alchemists consider themselves as science men, but I can't help but see something artistic in it. "
She lifted her gaze from the knife to Russel's eyes again " Now it's my time to show you something cool. Wait. "
She took the knife in her hand and started playing with its characteristic handle : it was split in two parts and could be opened up or closed like the wings of a butterfly - hence the name -. She made it spin between her fingers, opening and closing it quickly, making it look like it was floating in the air.
" It looks nice, doesn't it? It's actually nothing more than a trick, but it gets my manual skills trained. "
Then, she added with a smirk " Note that this is not the only good thing I can do with my hands... "
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reinagoochirorp · 1 year
" Ah, how cool! " Reina said with an enthusiastic tone. She didn't have to exagerate that much for her reaction : she really thought alchemy was cool as hell, and she wasn't that used to see it in action, either.
She took the knife and inspected it " It's really good as new huh? Impressive! You know, in this place there aren't many... geniuses, let's say. If you end up working here you probably don't have any education background. At least, none of my coworkers do, and I'm no exception. Something like alchemy is really above our possibilities, so we're not used to it at all " she explained " I've always thought it was like some sort of hybrid between science and art. I know almost all alchemists consider themselves as science men, but I can't help but see something artistic in it. "
She lifted her gaze from the knife to Russel's eyes again " Now it's my time to show you something cool. Wait. "
She took the knife in her hand and started playing with its characteristic handle : it was split in two parts and could be opened up or closed like the wings of a butterfly - hence the name -. She made it spin between her fingers, opening and closing it quickly, making it look like it was floating in the air.
" It looks nice, doesn't it? It's actually nothing more than a trick, but it gets my manual skills trained. "
Then, she added with a smirk " Note that this is not the only good thing I can do with my hands... "
When she saw the bright pink spots on the boys' cheeks Reina couldn't hold back a grin. - Bingo - she thought, the usual rush of adrenaline beginning to flow in her body.
" He was indeed very talented." She replied " I always thought he would be considered a genius in the military field if only he had been more keen to show his works to others. But hey, the past is in the past, right? Let's move this conversation towards something more fun! " she gave him an innocent smile, that did nothing to hide her true intentions, and rested her head on her hand
" I'm pretty sure you must be popular within the girls, mhm? But... something tells me you're not taken, am I right? " she played a bit with her hair, then she threw them back to expose her neck. She had done it before and knew that it had a nice effect on men.
" I know women are usually attracted to bold and cocky guys, but I know for sure that the quiet ones often hide some very interesting things, too... and I bet you can hold many surprises behind that blonde hair of yours. For example... " she moved her dress to bare her left thigh and took a butterfly knife out from her now exposed garter " I broke it this morning, but maybe you could fix it like you said you would with the broken glass? "
She hoped that letting him show off his abilities would make him a bit more confident. Sure, his shy side was very fun to play with, but she needed him to be in the right mood to move to step four, and being too self-conscious could be an obstacle.
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reinagoochirorp · 1 year
When she saw the bright pink spots on the boys' cheeks Reina couldn't hold back a grin. - Bingo - she thought, the usual rush of adrenaline beginning to flow in her body.
" He was indeed very talented." She replied " I always thought he would be considered a genius in the military field if only he had been more keen to show his works to others. But hey, the past is in the past, right? Let's move this conversation towards something more fun! " she gave him an innocent smile, that did nothing to hide her true intentions, and rested her head on her hand
" I'm pretty sure you must be popular within the girls, mhm? But... something tells me you're not taken, am I right? " she played a bit with her hair, then she threw them back to expose her neck. She had done it before and knew that it had a nice effect on men.
" I know women are usually attracted to bold and cocky guys, but I know for sure that the quiet ones often hide some very interesting things, too... and I bet you can hold many surprises behind that blonde hair of yours. For example... " she moved her dress to bare her left thigh and took a butterfly knife out from her now exposed garter " I broke it this morning, but maybe you could fix it like you said you would with the broken glass? "
She hoped that letting him show off his abilities would make him a bit more confident. Sure, his shy side was very fun to play with, but she needed him to be in the right mood to move to step four, and being too self-conscious could be an obstacle.
" Ah, don't worry too much about it " Reina gave him a reassuring smile " I can say with enough precision that you won't mind giving me some nice things when the time has come ~ " she said in a playful tone, sticking her tongue out even.
It was all about phase 4 of her plan. After phase 3, the one involving the actual conversation, usually came the last and most entertaining part : she'd start by dragging him into the back room ( a simple lumber room with a small bed she used to sleep in at night ) with a random excuse and she'd end the night with some nice, problem-free physical activity.
That was what she did every night, with a different man every time. That was what made her feel alive in the first place, the only moment in the day that gave her something that temporarily filled up the void in her chest.
She gave her body away and received an adrenaline rush in return. It was her routine.
It was pathetic and sad, but it was her reality now. She knew nothing about the world anymore but how to please a man with her body, and that was everything she could hope for.
Kicking away those thoughts from her head she finally replied to his question
" I'm half snake. The person who created me selected features from over 40 different species of snakes to alter my dna. I am extremely flexible and fast, I can digest pretty much anything, and my body temperature is lower than a human's. My irises are vertical shaped, if you look at them close enough. But the biggest change is probably in my instincts : I can feel danger incoming, for example. Sometimes I can become a bit aggressive. And, in the first weeks of spring season... " she finished her drink to give a dramatic pause to her speech " I go into heat ~ "
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