reinedelair ¡ 8 years
i mean JAYSUS CRUST @hazelhaegtesse /look at what my dash served me right after that last reply/
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Icarus and the Sun 
Inspired by Icarus, who dared to fly too near the sun on wings of feathers and wax. If he was in love with the sun, then this might as well be a story of forbidden love.
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reinedelair ¡ 8 years
Ask sent (assuming tumblr doesn't swallow it SPEAKING OF WHICH I HOPE YOU GOT MY BDAY MESSAGE >:][ ) and if my horse's ass excuse fir a memory will allow I'll follow up with more.
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More about Symbology, Tarot, and Fairytales.
The Death card is about a huge upheaval, and the ‘death’ of one way of life. But it also is hopeful, because it suggests the start of a new one.
I used the story of the Bear King (Or Psyche/Cupid) at the point where she looks to finally see who’s been sleeping next to her. This ends the life of luxury she’s been living, and enters her into a series of trials that eventually leads to a better, fulfilling life!
What’s important about the Death card is that you have to do it, even though it may destroy everything you once knew. To remain is to stagnate.
NOT PROMISING MORE … but what would you do for the emperor card? Hard to find a reliable king-figure…
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reinedelair ¡ 8 years
:))) *eeeeeeeeeeee*
b-b-but... b-b-b-b-b-b--b-b-b-b-------but... 
“other” he isn’t
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More about Symbology, Tarot, and Fairytales.
The Death card is about a huge upheaval, and the ‘death’ of one way of life. But it also is hopeful, because it suggests the start of a new one.
I used the story of the Bear King (Or Psyche/Cupid) at the point where she looks to finally see who’s been sleeping next to her. This ends the life of luxury she’s been living, and enters her into a series of trials that eventually leads to a better, fulfilling life!
What’s important about the Death card is that you have to do it, even though it may destroy everything you once knew. To remain is to stagnate.
NOT PROMISING MORE … but what would you do for the emperor card? Hard to find a reliable king-figure…
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reinedelair ¡ 8 years
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(via Rota Taro Orat - Tarot Deck on Behance)
on tumblr: @fredericopompeu
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reinedelair ¡ 8 years
These cards are byoooooootifullllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll  ❤️ ❤️ ❤️
[On a personal-significance level @hazelhaegtesse : nononononononononononononononononononononon *WEEPING* it’s... it’s Death... and Cupid and Psyche... and this was originally posted on March 26 which is a day early but still...*WEEPING*]
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More about Symbology, Tarot, and Fairytales.
The Death card is about a huge upheaval, and the ‘death’ of one way of life. But it also is hopeful, because it suggests the start of a new one.
I used the story of the Bear King (Or Psyche/Cupid) at the point where she looks to finally see who’s been sleeping next to her. This ends the life of luxury she’s been living, and enters her into a series of trials that eventually leads to a better, fulfilling life!
What’s important about the Death card is that you have to do it, even though it may destroy everything you once knew. To remain is to stagnate.
NOT PROMISING MORE … but what would you do for the emperor card? Hard to find a reliable king-figure…
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reinedelair ¡ 8 years
tfw mental state so awful you can’t even create tarot spreads
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reinedelair ¡ 8 years
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April 2016 is going to be the start of my next challenge! 
The Pop Culture Spread Craft Challenge is a 30 challenge to create as many spreads as you can off of prompts. Each day will have its own prompt!
There are a few simple rules for the challenge:
1. The spreads created for the challenge need to be open for anyone to use. While I absolutely support you being inspired for private spreads, those that are put towards the challenge need to be free for others to use. 2. Each spread entered is an entry for the prizes, however, only one per day will be counted.  3. You must follow the challenge for the day to be entered. Again you can feel free to change things how you like, but I am putting the challenge out to have people create a spread based off of certain criteria. So if the challenge is for a spread based around a fictional dog, and you choose to make it around a fictional cat, it will not be counted as an entry.  4. All spreads are due the morning of May 10th. This gives you 40 days to complete the challenge!
This is all you care about, isn’t it? The prizes are going to be a picture by @moonlitwitch and a pendant from @duckievamp. 
I really can’t wait to start this up! It’s going to be so much fun!
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reinedelair ¡ 8 years
fwiw the NSFW thing is completely PP’s bullshit. They nearly withdrew their support from Patreon completely because they don’t want their pure & holy service being used to support nefarious deeds and lewd acts of any sort ‘cos you know nobody ever in the world has ever or will ever ever ever use PP to fund such things never ever
So I just launched a Patreon page! And I mean like *just* launched, like fifteen minutes ago and don’t even have a proper post up yet. But I thought people might like to have a look, and maybe throw a couple bucks my way so I can paint lots of Goddesses while living the artist’s life.
Here’s the link: https://www.patreon.com/thaliatook
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reinedelair ¡ 8 years
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hot DAYUM i'm excited about this #tarotchallenge starting in april! from // blacklilydivination.tumblr.com // : " The Pop Culture Spread-a-Day Challenge is a 30 challenge to create as many spreads as you can off of prompts. Each day will have its own prompt! There are a few simple rules for the challenge: 1. The spreads created for the challenge need to be open for anyone to use. While I absolutely support you being inspired for private spreads, those that are put towards the challenge need to be free for others to use. 2. Each spread entered is an entry for the prizes, however, only one per day will be counted.  3. You must follow the challenge for the day to be entered. Again you can feel free to change things how you like, but I am putting the challenge out to have people create a spread based off of certain criteria. So if the challenge is for a spread based around a fictional dog, and you choose to make it around a fictional cat, it will not be counted as an entry.  4. All spreads are due the morning of May 10th. This gives you 40 days to complete the challenge! " follow // blacklilydivination.tumblr.com // for further details!
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reinedelair ¡ 8 years
Waiiiiit... did you mark your account as NSFW? Cos then PayPal won’t allow payments :C (You don’t show up in Patreon search results either.)
So I just launched a Patreon page! And I mean like *just* launched, like fifteen minutes ago and don’t even have a proper post up yet. But I thought people might like to have a look, and maybe throw a couple bucks my way so I can paint lots of Goddesses while living the artist’s life.
Here’s the link: https://www.patreon.com/thaliatook
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reinedelair ¡ 8 years
I’ve been trying to pledge for a few days now, but it won’t accept my payment ?? *SAD FACE*
So I just launched a Patreon page! And I mean like *just* launched, like fifteen minutes ago and don’t even have a proper post up yet. But I thought people might like to have a look, and maybe throw a couple bucks my way so I can paint lots of Goddesses while living the artist’s life.
Here’s the link: https://www.patreon.com/thaliatook
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reinedelair ¡ 8 years
maybe the cure to what ails me
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April 2016 is going to be the start of my next challenge! 
The Pop Culture Spread-a-Day Challenge is a 30 challenge to create as many spreads as you can off of prompts. Each day will have its own prompt!
There are a few simple rules for the challenge:
1. The spreads created for the challenge need to be open for anyone to use. While I absolutely support you being inspired for private spreads, those that are put towards the challenge need to be free for others to use. 2. Each spread entered is an entry for the prizes, however, only one per day will be counted.  3. You must follow the challenge for the day to be entered. Again you can feel free to change things how you like, but I am putting the challenge out to have people create a spread based off of certain criteria. So if the challenge is for a spread based around a fictional dog, and you choose to make it around a fictional cat, it will not be counted as an entry.  4. All spreads are due the morning of May 10th. This gives you 40 days to complete the challenge!
This is all you care about, isn’t it? The prizes are going to be a picture by @moonlitwitch and a pendant from @duckievamp. The pendant will be chosen by me and paid for this coming weekend (March 18).
I really can’t wait to start this up! It’s going to be so much fun!
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reinedelair ¡ 8 years
lol can’t argue with science
How Psychic is Your Sign?
ARIES: You approach the psychic world like you approach everything else – head on! You’re forthright in your beliefs (or your skepticism) but being too sure of yourself can hinder your psychic development in some ways, as can your arrogance.
Your Psychic Talent: Precognition – how very Aries it is to get information before anyone else!
TAURUS: You take a step by step approach to psychic development and you’re cautious about protecting yourself from psychic attack. Very grounded, your kindness is an asset in psychic work and your determination to learn puts you ahead of your peers.
Your Psychic Talent: Psychometry – having a physical object to hold helps you enormously in picking up psychic impressions.
GEMINI: You love to communicate and can’t stop yourself from giving people messages and psychic advice. The constant chatter of your mind can be a hindrance to psychic development though, and it’s important that you learn some stillness and calm.
Your Psychic Talent: Mediumship – doing what you do best – talking – but to spirit instead of to living people!
CANCER: You’re highly sensitive but slightly wary of the psychic world, and your fears can put up barriers to psychic communication. Your compassion is a great help, however, and you are shrewd enough to understand when you’re being taken for a ride.
Your Psychic Talent: Tarot – you have an intuitive understanding of imagery and symbolism.
LEO: You love the sense of importance that being psychic gives you, and you milk the “look at me” factor for all it’s worth. Your genuine desire to help others is very spiritual, however, and if you can put your ego aside you can be a great channel.
Your Psychic Talent: Clairvoyance (seeing spirit) – you especially love being able to see grand figures from times past.
VIRGO: You have the technical ability to make a great psychic, but you’re held back by a lack of confidence and a dislike of the vagueness of it all. Methodical and disciplined, you would shine in a psychic art which takes many years to master thoroughly.
Your Psychic Talent: Astrology – where you can seamlessly synthesize hundreds of details into a helpful, coherent whole.
LIBRA: You find it difficult to trust the psychic impressions you receive, for fear of saying the wrong thing or upsetting someone. Nonetheless, much of what you think is imagination is actually spirit input – stop trying to over-rationalize it and just feel.
Your Psychic Talent: Tai Chi or any other kind of moving meditation – a graceful and fluid way to connect with spiritual energies.
SCORPIO: A natural psychic and mystic, you have strong potential and an affinity with spiritualism, the occult and all things mysterious and unknown. You love to research the history of these topics, and can become quite the aficionado of the psychic world.
Your Psychic Talent: Telepathy – want to know what other people are thinking or to manipulate their thoughts? You can!
SAGITTARIUS: You’re not sure whether you believe in psychic abilities or not, but you do accept that there’s more to the world than we can know. Sudden or dramatic incidents in your life up your psychic senses and you’ll find yourself much more open at times of crisis.
Your Psychic Talent: Astral travel – go wherever you’d like from the comfort of your chair or bed!
CAPRICORN: You take the psychic world very seriously and get irritated with those who think it’s  a game or an entertainment. A traditionalist at heart, you’re interested in the old ways of the psychic arts, and suspicious of the new-agey take on psychic abilities.
Your Psychic Talent: Runes – you’re fascinated by these ancient tools and have a unique insight into their use.
AQUARIUS: You know there’s something out there – you’re just not sure what. You look for a rational, scientific answer to psychic phenomena, but you’re excited when you can’t find one. Ahead of your time in many ways, you could tune in to alien races or beings.
Your Psychic Talent: Channeling – wise words from other races or entities just surge through your stream of consciousness.
PISCES: As a true empath, you’re very open to psychic vibrations and you’re among the most sensitive of all signs. You must learn to keep your emotions at arm’s length, however, otherwise they will interfere with the psychic impressions you are able to pick up.
Your Psychic Talent: Clairsentience (feeling spirit) – sensing pains, emotions and states of mind comes naturally to you.
More Zodiac Here
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reinedelair ¡ 8 years
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In this shadow work challenge, we will be exploring our past and delving into some of the core experiences that have helped create and reinforce our shadows. Please keep in mind that shadow work is a highly individual process and there is simply no way I could ever devise any sort of curriculum that yields impeccable results for everyone. It is up to you to give this challenge true substance. This is not a set of step-by-step instructions or specified exercises, but a collection of interrelated subjects that form a generic basis for shadow work that you will [hopefully] be able to build off of. 
The prompts included were designed to be responded to in one (or all) of the following ways: journaling, creative expression, or tarot reading. I recommend journaling and/or creative expression as the basis with tarot as a supplement, but it can serve as a stand alone tarot evaluation as well (which is why I created this Tree of Life Spread). Whatever works for you, go for it! This challenge is only meant to get your mind reeling, and as you will see it’s pretty cut and dry, so I encourage you to use it as you please– get creative and allow it to evolve as you go. 
If you feel comfortable doing so, please share your work and tag “january shadow work challenge”. I for one would love to see it, and I’m sure those who are trying to get their foot in the door with shadow work would appreciate some reference material. In any case, I thank all for participating and as always I welcome public or private feedback! 
(P.S. I did not get to work on/edit this as thoroughly as I would have liked, so please forgive me for any errors or sloppy writing in general! Also, feel free to shoot me an ask if you have any questions. Best Wishes and Happy New Year!)
Keep reading
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reinedelair ¡ 8 years
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Behold! The accompanying tarot spread for the January Shadow Work Challenge. So if you don’t want to commit to the whole challenge, feel free to give this stand alone spread a go. Best wishes and happy new year!
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reinedelair ¡ 8 years
Page of Wands with a side-order of The Moon. Uh huh.
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63. The Two of Swords - Djwal Khul and Hilarion - When faced with choices and decisions that are not easy to make, knowing yourself is the key to navigating the fog. Time to give yourself some space and perspective to see things how they really are. Where do you need to change directions?
26. The Page of Wands - Etheric Rescue - You are being called to spend time bringing your energy back into yourself and to find some balance. Simplify where ever you can. Busy does not equal productive and hectic energy often means we miss important details.
70. The Nine of Pentacles - Vision of Splendour - This is a call to see the big picture in your situation. You are entering a time of great success and achievement of goals so it is a wonderful time to be thankful and to also get things in place for the next big thing. Remember to share the love too!
96. The Moon - Archangel Raphael - Healing the self and breaking through and free of illusions. This is a call to rally your guides, angels and loved ones and get rid of that thing you know no longer serves your highest good or goals. You may have been telling yourself a little white lie for too long.
35. The Two of Wands - Loving Kindness - The love of being of service to others and to spirit. Creating, collaborating and expanding your life work in a heart felt way. Having the greater good in mind when making decisions and spending energy on projects or people.
30. The Seven of Wands - Brining Heaven to Earth - This is the sign you have been asking for if you have been wondering if you should keep going. This is the card and energy of perseverance. Ground and center yourself and ensure that you are keeping your boundaries in place while you navigate this time.
Short and sweet today due to the number of cards x
Tarot Deck Used - The Aura-Soma Tarot
#oraclewednesday #oracle #tarot #aurasoma #aurasomatarot #goddess #priestess #spiritual #sacred #rebels
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reinedelair ¡ 9 years
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Your purpose in life is to help people transform their pain. You use the tarot as a guide to transform people's pain. You are like a guardian angel. You deeply empathize with people who are suffering because you've been there yourself.
(via Tarot Reader Personality Test)
Thanks, @ethonydawn​!
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