reinholdx-blog · 9 years
                    i want to make a descole blog (and im actually confident in playing him) but like my mum doesn't want me to roleplay.
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reinholdx-blog · 10 years
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i cant wait for the cold
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reinholdx-blog · 10 years
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screw you and your dumb knee high stockings
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reinholdx-blog · 10 years
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reinholdx-blog · 10 years
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reinholdx-blog · 10 years
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reinholdx-blog · 10 years
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And in that moment, I swear we were solving a puzzle.
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reinholdx-blog · 10 years
Send me a ▓ to see how I, the MUN, would react to meeting your character in person.
alternate version of this meme
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reinholdx-blog · 10 years
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reinholdx-blog · 10 years
« luke's identity stealer »:
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             ‘ oh, i’m simply shaking. i do hope that wasn’t an attempt at intimidation. a threatening nature just doesn’t suit you.’
                   look what you’ve done now, his mind seethes. clive had just wanted to lay low, keep out of the public eye as much as he could ever since he’d been released. and now because she’s showed up, his solitude had been shattered. thanks a lot, flora.
                   delicate hands go to the sides of his head, bony fingers rubbing his temples. calm down. everything’s alright. you’re fine.
             ‘ you should’ve just left me alone, you stupid girl. ’
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                 the stern face given is only to hide tears that seem to reappear in her eyes. if she knows anything, it's that she isn't letting him win, even if the moment is so small. he doesn't deserve the pleasure of her shattering due to his actions, and she's grown to learn that she wasn't going to provide what other's hadn't earned.                                                                                                                                           mostly.
                    ` i'm not stupid. ´ she avoids more words, only because she feels a fresh layer of tears form. flora knows every single thing she could say, more thought she gives the more twisted they grow, though with them leads fear of actions he'd give.
                    breathing heavily, though she doesn't notice, the girl manages to bring her eyes to his. bottled up tears were now gone, though they could flood back so easily. ` you're the one who got himself into prison. ´
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reinholdx-blog · 10 years
« quick update ! because i want to roleplay on mobile here too, when im on mobile, my replies will be the kind of photoshop style thing but not done with photoshop and it's less likely i can give people fancy names. »
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reinholdx-blog · 10 years
« luke–y »:
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                         ”Then why are we takin’ them?!”
 Gosh Luke calm down its just tea, he seemed a bit too ruffled up over the situation, perhaps he should calm down a bit and keep a level head, so that’s exactly what he attempted to do. 
"Maybe we should just make tea with them..? Isn’t that the only thing we can really do?" 
He offered before suggesting one other thing, 
"Or we could always go in his closet and borrow one of his hats, maybe play pretend if you’d like."
Luke, what in the world makes you think he’d be okay with that..
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                ` oooh ! that sounds fun ! ´
      she almost questioned  the idea, the professor's            possible reactions,  the general  plan, but part of            her assumed it to be fine, for what reason would            he have to be harsh  on them for wearing a hat ?
                 she entered the professor's room, scanning the                  shelves for  the one  where  his hats  were kept,                  though they  were  distinct  and  easy  to find in                  seconds.  cautiously, she  lifted  a  hat,  placing                  it   on    her   head   and   clearing   her    throat.
           ` hello  there !  i am the one and  only  professor              layton, who doesn't like cucumber sandwiches. ´
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reinholdx-blog · 10 years
melon ( waterwatermelon )
{ fruit meme | accepting }
Melon - my first impression of youNow you’re asking for a trip down memory lane. Gdi Frances we met like a year ago, so forgive me for how horrible inaccurate this must be. I recall being quite interested in Triss and her powers, but I didn’t think the dark verse let me get to know her as well as I wanted to. Then we did the pranking thread, which was a lot more canon Ariel on my part and kinda fun. Somewhere along the line we started talking on asks? I think?I tried so hard just to call you a loser. Couldn’t do it, man. 
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reinholdx-blog · 10 years
« luke's identity stealer »:
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                     on the list of things you probably shouldn’t do, that’s closest to number one. clive doesn’t even go into shock. he just trembles in anger, making sure to fill his words with as much fury and spite as he can muster. she’s just touched him without his permission, and it was to inflict pain. oh, how that just made his blood boil. he could do far worse than just verbally hurting her. for he wants nothing more than to T H R O T T L E the woman in this moment.
     ‘ how DARE you lay a hand on me !! i could kill you without a moment of hesitation, flora, so don’t even think of doing something so idiotic AGAIN. ’
                    a small squeak bursts from the girl’s lips as she almost hops backwards. with his words comes sudden fear that he was to perform actions mentioned, and with this she tightens her body, her body tense as if to protect herself.
                    upon seeing him, discomfort struck her, only taking moments before, without thinking, flora defended herself without reason. his simple presence, breath, was threatening. she could only retaliate the future she had created mentally.
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                       ` stay back ! ´ now her mind grows blank.                                                       what reason does he have to ?                                                                what  i n t i m i d a t i o n can she provide ?
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reinholdx-blog · 10 years
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« so im looking for a human fc for flora and i quite like this person but idk. if anyone have any ideas? »
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reinholdx-blog · 10 years
« why is there -8 flora art ;-; »
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reinholdx-blog · 10 years
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Bloody Dark AUs
Killer Couple; This is not your average love story. They were young, they were dumb, and they were psycho. It started out with the killing of her/his parents. They didn’t want them together, so the old folks had to go. After that, there was a thrill inside them. They wanted to do it again. 
Nightmare: Constantly haunted by nightmares, muse A is starting to see things in reality. Horrible images of things that don’t seem to go away. Muse B sees that there is something wrong and offers their help. But Muse A is scared, all the images are starting to tell them to kill Muse B. It’s clear the nightmares are starting to take control.
Horror Film: Just like in a horror film, a group of teenagers go out to a cabin/party for some fun. They don’t intend to do anything right and want to make all the wrong choices. But the fun is cut short when they notice they’re is an unwanted guest who is hacking off everyone in ways no one should see. All they have to do is survive the night. But that’s not going to be easy.
Beast: Muse A is cursed, forced to turn every full moon. They become a beast unable to control. Because of this they’re isolated themselves. They’re world came crashing down when the beast killed someone (Sister/brother/mother/lover/etc/). But, Muse B stumbles upon Muse A and is curious and stuck. All Muse A can do is try not to get close in fear they’re die too. 
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