reirei0011-blog · 6 years
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Time for another fake doujin cover lel
Diving into this headfirst and I have no regrets
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reirei0011-blog · 6 years
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Obviously, I failed Inktober but there’s always next year. Been playing Aura Kingdom lately so here’s a fake doujin cover for my OC yaoi ship, Brynston and Naharel.
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reirei0011-blog · 6 years
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I've been playing Castlevania: Curse of Darkness recently and I feel like it's a pretty underrated game. So here's something for little ol' Hector. 
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reirei0011-blog · 6 years
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Won't let a busy day stop me from doing Inktober 2018 (even if I'm nearly two hours late) 
I love sugar baby Dante but sugar uncle Dante is just mmmfff 
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reirei0011-blog · 6 years
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Can I make it through Inktober this year? Welp, let's find out.
Starting off with a quick doodle of one of my favourite bbys, Trevor Belmont.
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reirei0011-blog · 6 years
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Eternity without you is nothing but emptiness.
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reirei0011-blog · 6 years
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Let’s pretend for a moment that I make doujins LOL
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reirei0011-blog · 6 years
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Little glowy things
Also found in my Redbubble.
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reirei0011-blog · 6 years
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Sometimes, ideas spring from the weirdest places.
(Also available in my Redbubble.)
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reirei0011-blog · 6 years
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In a way, I guess I made Avell the masochist that he is because I wanted someone to share the scars with. And as the RP progressed, I was happy enough that he could share them with Sylas too. 
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reirei0011-blog · 6 years
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More CSP experiments. I really enjoy how I don't necessarily have to agonize over lineart LOL~
Avell, my WildStar OC.
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reirei0011-blog · 6 years
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I haven’t touched my drawing tablet in a while. 
On the night I decided to pick it up again, I felt as if I was being swallowed by a world that was filled with static, an enormous, extensive kind of noise that just wouldn’t go away. I tried to run from it, shutting the turbulent loudness out with music, letting the songs turn into streets and alleyways to where I can escape. In the darkness of my small, solitary corner, I don’t know why Sylas emerged. Perhaps because I thought myself approaching the edge of madness, and took comfort in the illusion that he was real because it meant that, for a moment, I wasn’t alone in my insanity. 
And that, perhaps, something beautiful can be born from something so ugly. 
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reirei0011-blog · 7 years
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I was hoping to give this to @cheesy-paninie​ as a surprise birthday gift, complete with some kind of frame, but my dad, ever so supportive of his daughter's endeavours and a hardcore netizen, took a picture of it while I was getting a coffee and posted it on his Facebook account. XD So here it is, a drawing of CheesyPaninie's characters on WildStar: Scirocco Ashfire and Ksenia Pavotz.
Advanced happy birthday to my favourite sandwich! Here's to more epic RPs! <3 
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reirei0011-blog · 7 years
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Art is one of my therapies, aside from writing. It helps me relax, and shave off the stress that comes with a job that operates on deadlines that are always set the day before. Art is my tomorrow. Even in black and white, it fills my world with colour.
I'm planning to fill my huge empty wall with more of these--stuff done in illustration boards and a couple of pens. I suppose it reminds me that there's always something I could look forward to when things get utterly, irreversibly bleak.
~Snowflower~ 09.26.2017
(A fanart of our WildStar characters Sylas Frostmoon and Avell Lunarswift.)
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reirei0011-blog · 7 years
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Because of work, I’ve only recently had the chance to draw on these card-sized papers scattered about my table. Now I have this crazy idea of filling my wall with these cards as wallpaper.
Sounds about right.
Love at first sight: Avell and Sylas seeing each other for the first time.
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reirei0011-blog · 7 years
Go the Fuck to Sleep - A dramatic reading by Qrow Branwen (impression by @guiltyeleven)
~The perfect bedtime story for the perfect kind of parent~
Disclaimer: Made purely for entertainment purposes only. Some words have been changed in order to fit the RWBY theme. 
Go the Fuck to Sleep is by Adam Mansbach
RWBY and all related characters are the property of Rooster Teeth
No copyright infringement whatsoever is intended. This book is amazing and we had a lot of fun making this little recording. Enjoy! <3 
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reirei0011-blog · 7 years
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Quick doodle of Sylas before I go to work. Not sure why he popped into my head when I was thinking of a character who could send me good vibes and motivation, given that we made him out to be a psycho-Aurin. Still, Avell and I love him to bits.
Fill me with your sparkling Aurin sunshine, you cray-cray
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