reitafromthegazette · 4 years
This is the part where Shige bitches about how hard the filming was and how frustrated he got. Idk why but I find it so lovable. Then again, bitching is the first thing I noticed about Shige all those years ago and loved him for it.
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reitafromthegazette · 4 years
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Kato-san being smol.
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reitafromthegazette · 4 years
Context: during ‘Sakurai-Ariyoshi Abunai Yakai’ TV show, Koyama and Shige visit “power spots” in Tokyo (i.e., places that are supposed to restore your energy)
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(In a more serious note: I hope all NEWS’fans are okay, and I wish the best to Koyama, Shige and Massu)
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reitafromthegazette · 5 years
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reitafromthegazette · 5 years
2020.02.28 NEWSな2人 Kato-sensei and the 7-finger Pianist
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reitafromthegazette · 5 years
How dare they cut this gold? This is the happiest I’ve seen Shige.
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reitafromthegazette · 5 years
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reitafromthegazette · 5 years
The clown, after sucking me off, proceeds to pull the multicolored rags out from my weenie while I clap in joyful glee
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reitafromthegazette · 5 years
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Sir, please stop this.
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reitafromthegazette · 5 years
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© inala  
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reitafromthegazette · 5 years
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© inala  
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reitafromthegazette · 5 years
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Damn son
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reitafromthegazette · 5 years
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reitafromthegazette · 5 years
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Shige hung out around Shibuya where he grew up his title being “17 of searching for a place where I belong”. The cinematography was so beautiful it was hard to choose just 10 shots.
Like Tegoshi, he talked about being happy after entering Johnnys and after debuting but getting depressed soon after. However, unlike Tegoshi, the reason wasn’t so much that he wasn’t allowed to shine but rather that he wasn’t allowing himself to. When asked what he’d say to his younger self he said it wouldn’t matter as at the time, he didn’t listen what anyone said. That’s so true though, you only learn things through experience. Then, he added “Thank you” for suffering back then and for not choosing a more dangerous path.
Half of the footage was filmed at a neat book cafe and he talked about his writing career a lot. He also went to the Ozaka Yutaka memorial plate with hundreds of messages from grieving fans, some very recent. Shige said he admired his music but also was impressed by how much he was loved even decades after his death.
He was also told the other members said he was the one who changed the most in these 15 years and he himself agreed. At the end, he said he doesn’t know what comes next, but he knows that NEWS always makes him laugh like a schoolboy.
I really love the way these interviews are filmed and conducted and how they bring out the members’ colours. Except they don’t really feel like NEWS interviews, they feel like interviews with individual artists where NEWS is a only a small part. I would much prefer one solid band interview. It’s not that hard and we haven’t had one in years.
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reitafromthegazette · 5 years
Bibitto 2019.08.30 
There was a feature about kids who refuse to go to school and Shige voiced his understanding saying it was nothing to be embarrassed about. “It was for a short time but I myself had a time when I refused to go to school in elementary. I had a time when I was eating bento in the bathroom.” 
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reitafromthegazette · 5 years
Shounen Club 2005.07.10  Theme: Cherish
S: What do you cherish, Massu?
M: The thing I cherish would be Shige, I guess. How about Shige?
S: That’s embarrassing. For me, it would be Koyama.
M: Not me?
S: Just kidding. It’s Massu.
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reitafromthegazette · 5 years
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2017.07.21 SCP
The question was about which habit they’d want a girl to quit …
M: This especially concerns Shige. We spend our lives together. He’d hold karaage and wipe his hands on his pants! Since we spend our lives together… It worries me.
S: Recently I got better. Since you say it to me I can’t do it anymore.
Erm, the question was about girls though…
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