reiterlo · 3 years
why am I alone
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reiterlo · 3 years
sometimes I feel like you tell me you admire me for something you actually despise me for,
but say otherwise anyway to help fool yourself you love me for it.
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reiterlo · 3 years
These tears are familiar to me
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reiterlo · 3 years
What do I do when I forget
How to do
That which keeps me alive.
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reiterlo · 3 years
i feel like
i can get love if i buy love,
i can feel love if i be love,
but i can only have love if i give love.
it starts with myself.
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reiterlo · 3 years
Step back
For the girl i love
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reiterlo · 3 years
“Letting go doesn’t mean that you don’t care about someone anymore. It’s just realizing that the only person you really have control over is yourself.”
— Deborah Reber
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reiterlo · 3 years
“It is awful to want to go away and to want to go nowhere.”
— Sylvia Plath, The Unabridged Journals of Sylvia Plath
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reiterlo · 3 years
Meet love, then what? What happens after the acquaintance?
“The night is our bridge, it leads to a moon-wish, and who knows, perhaps love?”
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reiterlo · 3 years
I love you but tonight i just wanted to hear you. You couldn’t do that for me.
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reiterlo · 3 years
Alcohol abuse and dependence can often arise from the use of alcohol as a coping mechanism. For some, grabbing a drink is the easiest way to deal with something they don't know how, or do not want to handle. Continued avoidance of life's challenges and lack of healthy coping mechanisms can be direct facilitators of problematic drinking down the road.
I’m not crazy
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reiterlo · 3 years
If I need someone,
I think of you.
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reiterlo · 3 years
Is there such a thing as getting attached too fast?
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reiterlo · 3 years
Me: do you like me?
Her: i love you
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reiterlo · 3 years
Why stay if everybody goes?
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reiterlo · 3 years
It hurts seeing you this way.
I know sadness when i see it,
I’m certain this is more than just that.
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reiterlo · 3 years
When I’m sad,
I may say, “leave me alone,”
But they don’t understand.
When I’m sad,
I don’t mind being alone with you.
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