rejuvenative · 10 years
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                     "What, I'm supposed to believe that you're                        not awkward when you want to sleep with                        someone? Not for a minute. You haven't                        got it in you to be smooth, pretty boy," Salem                        answered. "Rich doesn't automatically                        mean you've got game. It just makes people                        pretend you do."
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           Harry snorted and rolled his eyes, a smile on his lips.
                  “That’s right— I didn’t bring you here because I’m dying.                      I brought you here because I just really, really want to                      have sex with you and I’m this awkward about it. Makes                      perfect sense. I can totally see the logic behind that.”
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rejuvenative · 10 years
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            "Nnnope, I stole 'em from my boyfriend,              but I'm sure your big brother has great              taste in sunglasses too."
                           He might have wondered about whether or not                            Harry had siblings if he hadn't already looked                            him up. Besides, this man had said 'older' brother.                            Harry was only twenty-one. This guy was o l d .
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              “You look like those sunglasses are too expensive for you. Tell me, did you take them from my big brother?” Of course he kept up with the news like anyone else, and the news included the fact that his brother was dating a guy. Gabriel couldn’t say he was surprised— Harry had always seemed a little gay. 
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rejuvenative · 10 years
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           " ... "
                          So much for secret keeping. He wasn't so                           good at this, it seemed. Harry had picked                           a rather supbar liar to keep a charade with.
           "So that was obvious then? ... I'm             going to ask you to keep that just             between the two of us, if you don't             mind."
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(☾☆) — Rosemary glanced down to his shirt and noted that they shared a similar habit. She only did that when she was nervous. Could he feel that way right now? She bit down on her lip and then shrugged. If she was to be honest it still didn’t make much sense. ❝It’s not a real relationship then?❞ 
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rejuvenative · 10 years
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                 " -- I should get a job in advertising. I can                    definitely make up random stuff. Even                    better if it doesn't have to make sense. I                    think you just found my true calling, Miss...?"
                              He paused, remembering belatedly that he was                               talking to someone he'd never met before. He                               quickly extended his hand.
                 "Salem, by the way. And you are?"
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                 ” I am not even completely sure what sort of food                   product we’re talking about. But from what I                   understand of sales, it doesn’t have to make sense.                   It just has to sell. “
                                          A slow blink.                              This is odd for Rain. Usually, by now, she would have gotten                              at least a handful of questions about her skin and what had                              caused it. Already, she had loaded her usual lie about dying                              of a horrible skin disease on her lips. Instead, he was treating                              her as if she were                                                                                normal.
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rejuvenative · 10 years
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                 "Well that's been obvious since day one," Salem                   answered. It didn't take quite so much effort to                   be himself now that they were talking. "I mean,                   survival? Pff. What kind of bullshit reason is that?                   An obvious lie."
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           Harry chuckled and leaned back in his seat a bit,             almost missing the hand as it was pulled from his             hair. It had been a soothing touch… He didn’t get             many touches that he could consider to be intimate,             and he supposed he shouldn’t think of any touch             from Salem as being such. After all— Salem hated             him. Nothing from him could be considered loving.
                  “Right, that is definitely it. I secretly have the hots                      for you. That’s why I’m keeping you around.”
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rejuvenative · 10 years
chxrismatic - pointmanparadox - mystechnology - yesthosetwins
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            "What do you think? Do I look smooth?              I look totally smooth, right? Yeah I do."
                              He'd told himself he was going to stop                               talking to strangers. That had lasted                               approximately -- eleven minutes. Well,                               there's always tomorrow...
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rejuvenative · 10 years
amentiiia - bestfriendsxexfriendstilthexend - nineliveshardy - lxgique
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                " -- Do you think that's her natural hair                   color? I mean, really? I bet it's not. I                   bet she bleaches it. Oh wait -- shit,                   shit, she's looking! Do you think she                   heard me?"
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rejuvenative · 10 years
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             "I don't really know. I heard that after               it foreclosed, some rich kid bought it               all -- for condos or something? Who               knows. Anyway, he never did anything     ��         with it. Just let it go empty."
                              He was only lying a little bit. Not enough to count.
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               ( ☢ ) ——❝How strange. Do you know why?❞
               This street has never been closed before, even when                     construction was being done on it a couple of month                      previous. The pavement had been torn up and the                     sidewalks had been redone, but it still stayed open. It                     makes him wonder why they decided to close it.
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rejuvenative · 10 years
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             It's an unexpected question. Ironic, really.              Then again, he supposes it applies to him              regardless of his mutation. He doesn't care              for the ability he has, after all.
                              " -- Invisibility always sounded cool. Probably                                 just because I'm lazy and I could definitely                                 ditch whenever somebody wanted to ask me                                 to do something. Yeah. Yeah, I'm going with                                 invisibility for sure."
polyphxmus, cxnturion, chxrismatic, speedxd & rejuvenative
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   ”If you could have any superpower, what would it be?”
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rejuvenative · 10 years
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                   Salem snorted. "Oh, so you were concerned                    that I wasn't making lewd comments, I see.                    Maybe you should just admit you think I'm hot                    and get it out of the way," he teased. His hand                    continued to fiddle with Harry's hair, and he                    thought absently that it was softer than it looked.
                                              As soon as it crossed his mind, his grin faded                                               slightly and he moved his hand back to Harry's                                               shoulder instead. That was enough of that.
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         Harry used to keep product in his hair, but as           he got more and more ill, he became much           less motivated to put that much effort into just           about anything. The touch to his hair surprised           him, but he didn’t say anything about it. Instead,           e just allowed Salem to do as he pleased, and           he settled back into his chair before replying,
                      “—That sounds much more like you.”
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rejuvenative · 10 years
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            "He told me about some guy he slept              with in high school. Except he might              be lying about that... I wouldn't put it              past him just to say something to mess              with my head."
                              He's relieved that she doesn't bother to                               question him on it. It isn't as if he's in a                               situation that he can freely explain. He                               couldn't talk about it to anyone he knew,                               so he'd taken to talking to strangers. The                               fact that she'd gone along with it pleased                               him, and he immediately took up the tone                               he would have used with an old friend.
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          “ That’s —- unfortunate. " 
Good thing she’s never had a problem with going along with conversations. Much be a pro to never starting them, or having ever had someone she felt she was required to have conversations with. Random strangers are her best friends sometimes. 
          “ How’d you find out? ”
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rejuvenative · 10 years
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             "Well then it just seems rude of them               to use it for their tag line, doesn't it?               Besides, when the product is bull-               related, why doesn't it claim to give               you horns? Makes more sense."
                               He doesn't so much as bat an eyelash                                at her appearance. As far as mutations                                go, he's seen stranger. He could only                                assume it was a mutation -- but what                                 other reason could there be? Very, very                                good stage make-up, maybe, but he                                doesn't think anyone would just walk                                around that way, if it were.
             ” Calm? 
    Is that the word for what you are right now? “
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Rain retorted, cocking an eyebrow in his direction. She had been minding her own business, as the cliche goes, when her ears had been so rudely intruded upon by his energetic spewing of words. Spinning on her heels to face the boy, it took Rain a few seconds to catch up on everything he had thrown at her.
          ” …. I hardly think drinking something is going to grow you wings.             Even if it did work, it seems to me that it would work on a much             slower level. You want wings, you’re going to have to try some…                                        other manner of achieving them. “
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rejuvenative · 10 years
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            Salem shrugged and glanced down, fiddling             with the hem of his shirt. He couldn't exactly             explain his situation in its entirety. It defeated             the purpose of a fake relationship (even one             he didn't want to be a part of) if he went around             telling everyone that it was, in fact, fake.
                              "Yeah, you'd think so. It's a complicated situation,                                 I guess. We don't know each other all that well.                                 You could say it's a -- a union of convenience?"
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(☾☆) —The pint sized woman furrows her brow once he presents her with his dilemma. She blinks a few times, wondering if she perhaps misheard him. She didn’t think so though so she did her best to respond. ❝Is that a good thing though? I mean, if you’re a boy and your boyfriend likes boys? I’d find it more odd if he didn’t.❞ Shortly after speaking she began to rub her temple. This was making her head hurt.
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rejuvenative · 10 years
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                 "Shut up, we both know you love it when                   I'm noisy," Salem answered, cocking a                   suggestive eyebrow and grinning lightly.
                                   It was a good show of himself. If Harry                                    prodded him, he'd say he was just tired                                    from the tests, but to be honest, he hoped                                    to avoid the conversation. The bruises on                                    his chest and stomach still ached, and he                                    didn't want to think about them. Instead he                                    would rather have a distraction. Anything,                                    really. Without explanation, he slid his hand                                    up to toy idly with the other's hair.
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            Harry knew nothing of the way Salem was being treated.              When he told the scientists to be gentle with him, he’d              meant it. It hadn’t been for show— hadn’t been some              way of getting Salem to trust him— it had honestly               been how he wanted them to treat Salem while they              were running experiments on him. They had six months—              that meant they had plenty of time to get their data and              not have to mistreat him. It wasn’t as if they were keeping              him as a prisoner; Salem had agreed to come here. The              last thing Harry wanted was to give him a reason to leave.
                   The young heir hardly noticed when the door opened, and                     so the hand on his shoulder— the sudden strength in his                     body— caused him to gasp lightly. "—Salem. You’re so quiet,”                     he said, a small smile on his lips. "It’s a nice change, really,                     but I can’t say I’m not concerned.” Normally Salem had                      something snarky to say almost every time he was in Harry’s                     presence.Today was different— today he felt so tense.
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rejuvenative · 10 years
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               "Well that's not rude or anything."
                               Not that he can argue, exactly. It's                                part of the reason he chose this                                house in the first place -- nobody                                would want to be here. It looked                                awful. Then again, if he didn't have                                his ability, it probably would have                                been awful.
               "I mean, sure, it looks shady, but there                 isn't anyone out here but me. Unless                 you think I'm shady?"
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       He wasn’t trying to argue with, or contradict her,        nor was he making efforts to prove her wrong.
       She quite liked this one.
                    ❝    Well, that’s easy for you to say I guess…                     Then again, I have nowhere to be, actually…                     I just prefer to avoid sketchy places, and no                    offence but this looks like Sketchyville, capital                    of the United States of Sketch❞
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rejuvenative · 10 years
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            "So you just -- woke up in my house?"
                          He couldn't imagine that anyone would                           lie about that. It would be a terrible lie,                           after all. Who would have believed it?                           It was too weird of a story to actually be                           untrue -- and he did have to admit that                           his house at least looked like an ideal                           place to dump a body.
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     Logan could detect a slight hint of annoyance from the other. “And I’ve stepped in to your place of occupancy.” For a moment she returned to silence before finally giving him a look of frustration,”To be honest, it wasn’t my plans to be here. I woke up—“She pointed towards a dark and musty corner,”There—and I can’t remember where I was to begin with.” 
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rejuvenative · 10 years
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           "What, Harry? He's not a friend. He's              a dick, I hate him. He's my boyfriend."
                         He thinks for a second about trying to                          explain that, but he abandons it only                          seconds later in favor of shaking the                          empty can curiously and looking over                          the label.
           "You think it'll do something? Like             what? It's an energy drink, it's not             like it's bad for you or anything. I             think, anyway. I don't really know             anything about these labels."
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             Bridget hardly ever speaks to strangers,              yet the one she’s hearing right now is quite              impressive and fun to pretend she never              saw him. A shy smile covers her lips,              eyes narrowed as they gazed the floor.              For a moment she thought of answering              his question, but he seemed so hyped             — even if he said he’s calm — she couldn’t              help but laugh softly.
             ” I do not know who is your friend you’re             mentioning, but I advice you to stop drinking             these — it may not give you wings, yet I’m             afraid it’ll do far worse things. “ 
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