rekhma · 6 days
Decolonization includes not imposing your European political ideology onto a population that is still undergoing genocide, and then showing them disdain for not abiding by it. There are Ghazzawi kids coming back to their parents as shredded flesh and blood in plastic bags and you want to sit there and talk about the inherent oppressiveness of Palestinian liberation taking the form of a nation state.
Please fuck off and die in a ditch.
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rekhma · 11 days
This is a room full of nazis.
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rekhma · 11 days
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rekhma · 12 days
cats know keyboard shortcuts even microsoft doesnt know about
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rekhma · 12 days
it’s called a riverbed for a reason. lie down in it
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rekhma · 14 days
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rekhma · 17 days
this sucks so bad i need to [remembers suicide jokes only worsen my mental health] put on the best talent show this towns ever seen
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rekhma · 21 days
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rekhma · 21 days
thank you to everyone who donated i got $50 for today! and my friend said she’d cook for me so I just had ti get $30 worth of groceries, and i asked my coworker if we could share a lyft to work and she said yes:). so i should only need $30 for ubers per day :)) so that effectively slashes my goal by a lottt
please dm me for proof, or send an ask.
dm or ask off anon for p-yp-l
to summarize prev post: i’m disabled, poc, recovering from covid, very limited mobility bc i can’t take my meds with covid meds, and i have to go to work. (and yes i wear a high quality mask everywhere)
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rekhma · 22 days
if anyone could help out a poc disabled person recovering from covid eat and get to work for the next week i’d love you forever
yes i mask everywhere no i can’t take time off work and i have limited mobility until i can take my heart meds again so this is my only option. if you have spare funds please donate to evacuation gfms first and then to me thank you.
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rekhma · 23 days
everyone STOP having steady 9-5s and start being able to hang out with me at 2 am on a wednesday
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rekhma · 25 days
You're in her DMs
I have her blocked
You will understand in time
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rekhma · 25 days
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rekhma · 1 month
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rekhma · 1 month
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rekhma · 1 month
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rekhma · 1 month
being a lover girl around men who only want me for sex is like being a lamb surrounded by wolves and im being eaten alive again and again and again because i think they're different and they're not
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