relatable-ocd · 3 years
do you all ever just feel not related to the nd community despite being neurodivergent because people usually just talk about ADHD and Autism in, both, discussions and memes about neurodivergence
personally, no, since the term started as an term relating, but i can understand your frustration since it has evolved to mean many things relating to "non-typical" brains (though, imo, most people don't have the "normal" brain people count as normal). I understand words change meaning over time but I kind of have a thing were I use words in the way i first learned them, and neurodivergent was taught to me to mean autism and related conditions like ADHD
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relatable-ocd · 3 years
The whole “I’m so OCD” thing neurotypicals do made it harder for me to realize I actually had OCD, because I didn’t really fit the stereotype people had for OCD. Also I was worried I was just one of those people who said they had OCD tendencies to be quirky. It was a huge relief when I got a diagnosis.
thats a point on why OCD jokes can be harmful that i haven't really thought about. Ive usually focused on how it could further stigmatize it. I'm sorry,
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relatable-ocd · 3 years
Suffering from religious OCD doesn’t mean that you don’t actually care about your Faith. Suffering from religious OCD doesn’t mean that you actually hate God or other aspects of your faith. Your OCD impacts your Faith because it’s very important to you. Your OCD impacts your ability to believe in your Faith because that’s what mental illness does, it tries to destroy and control everything in our lives. 
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relatable-ocd · 3 years
“OCD is the doubting disorder, you will doubt everything, in one second you can easily be completely convinced of something you didn’t see a moment ago.”
-robert bray, ocdrecovery (via cloudofocd)
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relatable-ocd · 3 years
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[Image description: Someone looking at two buttons and sweating. One is labeled "showering to reduce contamination OCD" and the other is labeled "Not showering to reduce harm OCD."]
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relatable-ocd · 3 years
fyi, my main blog is @conciergeof-pancakes, and i forget that replies show up as that one and not this blog, so if someone w that username replies to you on my posts or reblogs, that’s me.
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relatable-ocd · 3 years
i get gorey intrusive thoughts in response (like punishment) to my other bad intrusive thoughts. is it just me?
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relatable-ocd · 4 years
Me: *Just trying to turn my heating pad on*
My ocd: Time for me again?
Me: .....*Frantically pressing the button that sets the time because I need some sort of balance for the button pressing?*
Me: 1 2 3 4!!!! 1 2 3 4!!!! 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 12341234123412341234123412341234-GOD,MAKE IT STOP!!!!
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relatable-ocd · 4 years
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relatable-ocd · 4 years
I always feel so guilty after I ruminate on an intrusive thought. I know the thought itself is intrusive but I feel like a bad person for even thiking about it and trying to disprove it. I feel like I can’t trust what I tell myself.
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relatable-ocd · 4 years
[CW: Period mention] I have question for the community in general (and/or you, if it applies lol): Have any of your period having followers noticed that OCD gets worse at points during their cycle? I've noticed my intrusive thoughts cycle from debilitating to just annoying over the course of a few weeks, and I'm wondering if it's related to my period. It could be something else, but it seems like a likely explanation, and I'm curious if anyone else has noticed something similar. Thank you!
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relatable-ocd · 4 years
Is it normal for people w ocd to experience disassociation from their morals pertaining their intrusive thoughts?
For example, not being able to comprehend what’s wrong with horrible shit like p*dophilia- when you absolutely did before and do by default like a normal human being
I can’t stress enough how much pedophilia and my pocd disgust me, but I keep slipping into these lines of thoughts and really just straight up believe them for a while
It’s takes me way to much effort to snap out of it and it makes me feel horrible and sick each time it happens
(I’m really sorry, I just couldn’t find anything about this anywhere)
I think so? Dissociation in general is common in OCD. Either way, you recognize pedophilia is bad in general, so even if it isn’t common, it doesn’t make you bad. Thoughts don’t make someone a bad person, it’s actions that do or do not.
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relatable-ocd · 4 years
hi reminder that sensorimotor obsessions are very much a thing when someone has OCD, I hardly see anyone talk about it :(
its hyperawareness of bodily functions- I call them intrusive feelings :D
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relatable-ocd · 4 years
Out of all the mental illnesses I’ve had, I think OCD might be my most hated. It’s not the most emotionally intense, but god is it relentless. Just always there at the back of your mind. Never satisfied.
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relatable-ocd · 4 years
Having OCD is like getting scammed and gaslighted by your brain most of the time
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relatable-ocd · 4 years
hey!!! so I’ve been reading your blog, and I’ve seen a lot of people who are understandably really really struggling with ocd. mine got bad at 13, and it’s been a really tough ride but at 20 I manage my symptoms better than I ever thought I could. I’ve been on a couple medications, but I finally found one that works so I just wanted to give assurance that while I still have lots of ticks and bad days, you can absolutely get better at living with it, and it will lessen the hold it has on you :’))
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relatable-ocd · 4 years
Hi! So I have OCD (it’s mostly contamination and some other stuff) but I’m cishet and sometimes my brain will be like: omg what if you’re a lesbian? Even though I’ve never been attracted to a woman, that question keeps popping into my head. Is that an intrusive thought?
id say yes
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