reluctanttank · 4 years
Nick Valentine: Hello, I am Detective Right All the Time.
Nick Valentine: *points at Hancock* and this is my partner, Detective Terrible Detective
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reluctanttank · 4 years
" This is why you bring a safety tall."
“Got lost in a crowd today. Not an existential thing, it was just way too many tall people and I took a wrong turn to get out of it.”
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reluctanttank · 4 years
Seline didn’t move from her position, her tail twitching lazily at her side.  She wasn’t surprised at the sudden shock at seeing her.  He probably would never have noticed her had she not ‘spoken’.  Such was the way of her kind, hiding in plain sight until the moment was right. 
“Aye, I am the one who is speaking to you.  You’re welcome to come over if you wish to speak more comfortably.”  The whisper remained amused but thee was no malice in it.  “If you have a moment, that is.”
The Tiger just stared for a while, sword in hand, eyes on the shadow. Some part of him feared the moment he looked away, the dragon would be gone. After a moment, though, he backed up on the roof, getting a running start before making the leap to the next rooftop.
He landed with surprising grace, eyes still focused despite the blade not being raised. “... what do you want with me, dragon?” he asked, accent heavy and voice quieted.
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reluctanttank · 4 years
not sure if this will make sense to anyone besides me but: the antidote to negativity is not positivity, its warmth
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reluctanttank · 4 years
The veil is thin here. It’s thin everywhere. Of course it’s fucking thin. Who ever heard of a thick veil? That shit’s lightweight, even sheer.
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reluctanttank · 4 years
“Your existence isn’t all that unknown any longer, is it?”  While the voice was a silent amused whisper in his head, the owner wasn’t immediately visible.  At least not until one looked up to see the dragon reclining on a low roof with all the ease of a contented cat.
“I’m glad that your blade was able to be returned to you.”
The moment something spoke in his head, the Lucky Tiger’s head snapped up. He knew he probably looked a bit foolish searching for a voice in his head, but the dragon on the building across the way seemed a good spot. Especially when it was lazily staring at him across the way. How long had an actual dragon been there?!
Could... could it hear him from that far away? For now, he kept his mouth shut, but tilted his head to show he had heard it in the first place.
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reluctanttank · 4 years
With Fate backing down have you had more hero work? Or is it about the same?
“It’s about the same, for me. Maybe a little moreso. People actually kinda know I exist, which makes being spotted a little less… I don’t know, words are failing me. But it’s not like I can go back into hiding the fact the Lucky Tiger exists.”
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reluctanttank · 4 years
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reluctanttank · 4 years
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its true!!
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reluctanttank · 4 years
Accidental Paladin (Fantasy AU)
Tagged as: Fantasy AU
Orrin Lyuhe didn't exactly ask for paladinhood. If anything, he never even planned to raise a sword for anything more than self defense. No, if things had gone his way, he would have led the simple life of a traveling merchant, just like he thought he would when he left his home across the sea. Orrin, after all, is a simple man with simple pleasures, and little more desire than to help other people even in some small way.
But, as most of us know, life has a funny way of changing plans.
For Orrin, that change came in the last day or two at sea, where a vicious storm struck the little boat he had taken passage on. Trapped below deck and unable to do much of anything to help, Orrin did the one thing he knew he still could: call out a desperate prayer to the gods his family worshiped, begging any of them for some shred of mercy. And to Orrin’s surprise, he got an answer. The sun returned to the afternoon sky and saw the boat safely to shore, and in exchange, the gods had a new servant.
Orrin still doesn’t have a solid idea of how exactly one goes about being a paladin, let alone one in a world pretty new to him, but even after a few weeks, the gods don’t seem too displeased in his choice of champion. Though, with both business and divine whispering of being ‘a light in the darkness’ shepherding him place to place, Orrin can’t help but wonder if gods have a sense of humor...
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reluctanttank · 4 years
“I thought I might ask the most handsome man in my life if he’d like to go out to dinner and see a movie.” 
“Oh! Well he would be a lucky man and a fool not to accept.”
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reluctanttank · 4 years
"Always. Big plans in mind?"
“Are you free tonight?” 
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reluctanttank · 4 years
Eleria didn’t have her insecure moments often and when she did she usually buried them not wanting to accidentally project those feelings onto anybody else.  Largely self taught, she didn’t necessarily have completely control over her empathic gift. 
She leaned into that embrace, her arms slowly snaking around him in return.  “Even if I’m not entirely natural?” 
“Even if you’re not.” Orrin pressed a kiss to one of her horns, a hand gently tangling into her hair. “I find many of us aren’t entirely natural... some just more so than others, yes?”
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reluctanttank · 4 years
“I’m fine.” At least her skirt hid the restless twitching of her tail.  That always gave her mood away even if her face showed nothing. 
“I just…has it ever bothered you, me being what I am?” She had always been different but it was only recently that she had discovered that she was a deliberate freak.
Orrin recognized that twitching, and the reasoning became clear when she spoke next. Immediately he set the watering can down, pulling off his gloves before pulling her into an embrace.
“Not at all,” he murmured, giving her a protective squeeze. “I love every part of you. Including the horns and tail.”
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reluctanttank · 4 years
“Orrin…may I ask you something?” Given the uncertain expression on her face it’s clear that she couldn’t be certain what his answer would be and was perhaps not sure if she really wanted to know.
“Eh?” The sound of his name had Orrin leaning around one of the plants on the balcony, tilting his head quizzically at her expression. “Of course you can... are you all right?”
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reluctanttank · 4 years
Breaking news: Lo would have to stand on a box to fit in frame with most of her friends
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reluctanttank · 4 years
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“Did you enjoy the New Year celebrations?”
“Always do.” The way he’s scratching the back of his neck, though,suggests that he might have a couple concerns. “... did I really ask you if you were single?”
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