remedysweet · 7 days
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Trying to figure out modern Ludovica.
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remedysweet · 14 days
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Whaaaaat the
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remedysweet · 15 days
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Hold bb, look at bb, cherish bb
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remedysweet · 15 days
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time to learn a little bit about the Yells. i've been writing a few lore posts for a while and instead of continuing to let they grow and fretting over them, i think i'm just going to throw a few out there and try to finish up the rest this week.
The Yells
Despite their imposing size, strange behaviors, and mysterious keepers, the Signallusc (or The Yells as most rabbits call them) are considered just another part of the island landscape. These towering faux trees serve as the island version of radio towers, and make all radio communication above and below ground possible.
Though the 2 largest of the naturally formed Yells are still upright and active (and heavily protected so that their natural life cycle can be properly studied), these days rabbits prefer to cultivate the towers so that they don’t grow in problematic areas or do…other things.
Wild or free growth Yells make their homes in dead rotting wood as natural decomposers, and many live out their lives as simple slime molds (or as simple as any slime mold can be). Certain conditions must be met to trigger the drastic color change and vertical growth that make them viable for communication use, and so wild Yells are usually found growing in small clusters in or around the resources they need to sustain their new forms. Dead trees or stumps with roots still in the ground are prime hosts for these slime molds and they’re actually seen as beneficial since they stabilize potentially dangerous dead trees and kill diseases or especially destructive insects that might harm surrounding living trees. Once inside these dead trees the slime mold eats them from the inside out, taking the branches first, and then devouring the mass from the top down.
Compared to other slime molds they can handle direct sunlight quite well, but wild yells still tend to favor hosts in shady areas and from the way these trees are devoured they seem to try and keep some sort of shell around them for as long as possible. This wooden shell not only serves as food, but also gives the growing Yell a moist, dark, home until its outer membrane is thick and strong enough to handle being constantly exposed. When wild Yells “die”, it’s usually because they’ve run out of host tree long ago, and have stiffened into a rigid structure that eventually cracks (usually due to being struck by lightning) and crumbles, releasing clouds of spores. The remains of a Yell dissolve in the first rain after they fall and tend to leave the area around the strange lotus pod-ish pit in the ground where “roots” used to be spotless, but smelling very metallic with a hint of foulness. Almost like not so fresh blood.
Through the observations recorded by island botanists and the specific botanical sect known as the Antenna, rabbits (and hares, as they were the first to investigate and made great strides in understanding the process before they left the island en masse) have learned exactly what triggers Yell vertical growth and have used this knowledge to cultivate Yells quite successfully. A combination of owl feathers, metal ore (mainly bog iron), charcoal sticks and or ash (best if created by lightning strike, wood preferred but animal remains like burned out hawks are perfectly acceptable), and a little starter wood are fed to the slime mold, and after it’s broken everything down it begins its transformation. It is then introduced to a host plant sprout, a type of fast growing, woody, creeping vine in the Grasp family bred specifically for this purpose (wild cultivars work fine but they’re half as hardy and the bond has a greater chance of triggering very upsetting mutations. These are different from the upsetting mutations, which are fine and harmless). From then on the slime mold seems to guide the host plant’s growth, forming a shell from the vines that is constantly growing and shedding. This serves as both a home and an ample food source.
The botany world is torn on whether this forms a mutualistic symbiotic relationship or whether it’s straight up parasitism. And yes, plant nerd blood has been spilled over this argument. Not a ton of blood, it’s not like this is the great lichen wars, but still.
The Antenna
All yell care-taking is done by the Antenna sect. This is a mysterious group of witchy botanists and engineers who, like the previously referred to upsetting mutations, are harmless despite their entire vibe. Well. Harmless enough for botanists anyway.
Not a lot is known about them by the general public but they keep things working smoothly and show up quickly when something isn’t.
Members of this sect haven’t had a set “look” or uniform for about a generation and a half due to the ending of a lot of the the founding member’s bloodlines, but each Yell site has it’s own culture that attracts certain kinds of people. Despite their differences, there are a few things that make Antennae easier to pick out of a crowd if you know what to look for. The skin of their inner ears develop thin branching markings or wave-like ripples depending on how they interact with Yells. Some have obvious hare ancestry and sport roughly branching horns that grow quite long and shed every year (these shed horns are fed to the Yells). Newer members wear a lot of lightweight ear jewelry to help pick up important signals and behavioral quirks from the Yells, but the longer they stay in the Antenna the less tolerant they are of this. Things get…loud. Behind their eyes. Inside their teeth. Seasoned members usually can’t stand wearing any metal jewelry at all. The head botanist of one of the most remote Yells wears ear plugs almost 24/7 because of left behind shrapnel from an accident in his youth.
He is deaf.
He says he’s not really blocking anything out, just sorting it properly.
No one really knows what he means. It’s fine.
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remedysweet · 20 days
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the bunny is eepy 😴
download psx blahaj on my discord channel!
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remedysweet · 28 days
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Lady werewolves? Zombie werewolves? Fighting winter werewolves? Yes, please. (I believe in werewolf women supremacy)
UPD - added the silly meme LOL More art on my Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/ndc1992
the werewolf woman in the post is my OC Raha, the “double cursed woman“
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remedysweet · 30 days
your werewolf girlfriend is NOT breaking into your house to fuck you on the full moon when she becomes a hormonal mess. look at her. she has big stupid paws and can’t use them. she’s been trying to get the pantry door open for five minutes straight. she’s not even horny she’s just really snuggly and kinda melancholy and wants cheetos and can’t get to them because of your smooth ass doorknobs
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remedysweet · 30 days
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Concept sketches of a girl's werewolf night where every 30days they go out and rave to she wolf or some folk songs and eat chickens and talk werewolf stuff
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remedysweet · 1 month
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remedysweet · 1 month
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My changeling Kieran for a dnd game I’m in!
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remedysweet · 1 month
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Happy black cat day!!
Here are some black cats I've drawn through the years
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remedysweet · 1 month
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doodling a bunny vs doodling a hare
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remedysweet · 1 month
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remedysweet · 1 month
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two midwives show off their searchlight tattoos.
searchlight designs vary between families, communities, and specialties but always incorporate sky themes like suns, moon, clouds, stars, flying insects, ect. thinking about the context of a design can tell you a lot about the rabbit it's on.
tattoos and dyework, especially if they're ritualistic or emotionally significant, are usually touched up every 5 years or so if they're the kind that are meant to last. the pigments used for these tattoos not only color the skin but bleach and/or color the fur for years afterwards so everything shows up nicely. midwives and doctors keep the fur on their arms very short for hygiene purposes so any designs there are especially clear on them.
dirt and blood doesn't stain this treated skin/fur easily, so it's common to see pale rabbits with the tell tale signs of being up to their elbows in viscera often decorated with markings so bright white that they almost seem to glow. it's either very cool or very unsettling depending on who you are.
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remedysweet · 2 months
I don't know how many of my followers are furries but we just lost one of ours.
He died because the medical industry in the US refused to help. He was murdered in a million little ways, with a million automated systems.
He was on bluesky no more than five hours ago, now he's gone.
Dragoneer ran FurAffinity, which is more or less the furry art site. It looks like its' from the early aughts, has no native pdf support, and has zero discoverability or algorithmic function. It's home to me, it's always been home.
No matter how often I moved or how often my life radically changed, there was FA. I met my husband on the forums. Through the majority of its' life, Dragoneer kept it running. He never sold us out, never tried to keep up with trends. It's a community.
And there is something bitter about losing someone who was key to keeping one of the relics of the internet before corporations took over.
We have our home, but it's lost its' keeper.
Good night, Neer. You kept the lights on.
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remedysweet · 2 months
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some glassy-container adopts i made. Only the Sun is currently available for 65$ (+10$ for extra animation like the cat guy)
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remedysweet · 2 months
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