rememberedsilver · 2 years
( @rescuedfromthefall ) sent RP MEME: PLATONIC TOUCHING for DANY & CAS
[ HAND ] to touch my muse’s hand/s in comfort
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dany always found it in her nature to want to help people, to lessen their struggles and make sure they never went through what she had. when she saw cas in the diner alone, looking stressed, she took it upon herself to carefully approach him. she would have said hello anyway as she hadn't seen him in a while, but she slowly reached out to lay her hand on his as she sat beside him. "cas," she said softly. "are you alright?"
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rememberedsilver · 2 years
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daenerys's position as sergeant was always bound to put her in difficult situations. there was a report from the school that a student was caught tagging part of the building, and while she could have appointed a serious punishment for the crime she simply gave him a warning that the next time she would not be so forgiving. one of her partners peeked in to tell her that someone was here to pick him up, so she stood with the boy and rested a hand comfortingly on his shoulder as she escorted him to the front of the building. she reminded him on the way of his warning, to mind his respect for the community. " the next time you do something like this, will be the last time i let you off this easy. " she explained. the kid seemed to understand, and upon talking with him she found he was rather kind and only wanted a way to grab attention. " go on, now. someone is here to take you home ― " just as her words were cut short, and as he departed from her side, she felt her heart drop to her stomach at the sight in front of her, the familiar face she had not seen in years. she was simply at a loss for words.
closed starter for @rememberedsilver { khal drogo & daenerys targaryen }
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drogo parked his car at the station, taking calm breathes to keep his emotions under control. it wasn’t everyday that you receive a courtesy call from town’s station when they catch one of your players tagging the side of a building. he was just relieved they gave the kid a chance instead of taking him fully into custody. he walked into the building and up to the front desk announcing who he was here for then going to sit down as he waited for them to come around with the kid. his hands folded in front of him, tapping them together restlessly until he hears people approaching around the corner. 
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rememberedsilver · 2 years
( @whiskeyandspy ) sent RP MEME: PLATONIC TOUCHING for DANY & DEAN
[ SIT ] to sit next to my muse and bump shoulders
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daenerys had decided to take a much needed walk in the park to relax from her busy day and hopefully relieve herself of her headache with a more quiet atmosphere. work had been busier than usual and reading and organizing files for the station eventually gave her an ache in her head. not that she usually minded it, but between handing out assignments and making sure everyone was doing their job, she was glad when she finally got to leave. with a yawn, the blonde sat down on one of the benches and rubbed her hands together, tucking them between her thighs to keep them warm before she saw a figure out of the corner of her eye approach and sit next to her. she looked over, offering dean a smile. " oh, dean ! " she said. " i didn't know that was you. how's that hand of yours been? "
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rememberedsilver · 2 years
memes for touches that are platonic. ‘My muse’ is the receiver, ‘Your muse’ is the sender. 
add + REVERSE to reverse the actions
[ SHOULDER ] to grasp my muse by the shoulder to turn them around
[ MUG ] wrap my muse’s hands around a hot mug
[ BLANKET ] to drape a blanket over my muse’s shoulder
[ HUG ] to hug my muse from behind
[ SNUGGLE ] to watch a movie snuggled together
[ SHOVE ] to playfully shove my muse
[ HIGH FIVE ] to attempt to high five my muse
[ SIT ] to sit next to my muse and bump shoulders
[ DRAPE ] to drape an arm over my muse’s shoulder
[ OFFER ] to offer my muse food
[ GROAN ] to groan in frustration at my muse over the phone
[ LIFT ] to help my muse lift something heavy
[ HAND ] to touch my muse’s hand/s in comfort
[ NIGHTMARE ] to wake my muse up from a nightmare
[ SIGN ] to use sign language to sign to my muse gratitude 
[ FLICK ] to flick my muse on the forehead for something they said
[ DRINK ] to steal my muse’s drink and take a sip
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rememberedsilver · 2 years
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EMILIA CLARKE AS KATE ANDRICH Last Christmas (2019) dir. Paul Feig
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rememberedsilver · 3 years
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“yeah, i think we could. weather looks good and it’s a good time of day. plus i haven’t seen my horses yet, so it’d be good.“ he answered, flinching at his own overuse of the word ‘good’. he watched her then, and tracked the movements of ghost - who seemed way too eager and pleased to be allowed under her feet while she baked. “ghost would have gone even if we told him no, you know that.” he added, smirking as the dog flattened his ears as if to know he was being talked about. letting out a laugh as she tapped his arm, he turned in surprise as she exclaimed, his eyes growing wide as he looked all around for what she was excited about. “oh! the cookies.” he answered himself aloud before regarding her question. “yeah, i do. i miss the cold and the oldness it gave. america is new in those terms, weirdly. well not new but you know what i meant. i miss being on the border - and enjoying the good things about england and scotland. what do you miss about it?”
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dany plucked the cookies from the tray and quickly but carefully set them on a plate so they could cool off. “ alright, then. we’ll see them after our snacks. “ she hummed, smiling softly and leaning against the counter. she looked down at ghost and chuckled when he flattened his ears against his head, but sighed at jon’s question. of course, there were always things she did and didn’t love about england, but she knew she couldn’t let anyone know the truth about what happened before she left. not even jon. she couldn’t risk their friendship.” the architecture, the people, taking the train or the bus. though this change of scenery has been quite . . . refreshing. i think i needed this. “
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rememberedsilver · 3 years
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        ‘  it’s  partially  our  fault  .   we  need  to  get  better  at  restricting  access  to  certain  parts  of  the  library  without  the  proper  protection  equipment  -  ’    protection  from  the  humans  ,   of  course  ,   the  books  could  truly  do  no  harm  -  the  ones  they  had  ,   anyways  .    ‘  a  few  couple  decades  .   it’s  old  .  ’  
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" oh, " she hummed, looking around at the shelves full of books. she gave a simple nod. " a few decades . . . well, do you have anything about, er . . . old history of england? scotland, perhaps? i haven’t visited this library before, so i’m not exactly sure where to look. "
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rememberedsilver · 3 years
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ME BEFORE YOU (2016) dir. Thea Sharrock
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rememberedsilver · 3 years
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arya grinned as dany got in the car and tapped the roof as she climbed back into the driver’s seat. “we can decide who to blame at the end of the day. god knows someone’ll do something that’ll get me all pissed off.” maybe that wasn’t entirely true; she didn’t exactly go to work waiting for a reason to get annoyed, but the office tended to do that all by itself. she hated being stuck at a desk – she was, truly, made for work on the field. she pulled out of the long driveway and got back on the road, flicking on the heater as she did. “it’s getting bloody cold,” she said. “i guess winter is almost here, so it makes sense. so what do you think about today? petty theft claim, maybe even a wellness check? not more paperwork.”
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dany slipped into the passenger's seat and buckled her seatbelt before they got back on the road. she rubbed her hands together and attempted to warm them before she adjusted the fan so the car blew heat on her. " you and me . . . both. " she said slowly, settling into her seat. she was similar to arya in the sense that she preferred being out on the field actively doing something, but if her job called for some paperwork or files to be sorted, she supposed she wouldn't mind it necessarily. she huffed a breath and gave the other girl a look with a smile before she scrunched her nose and looked out the window. " i miss the summer, i miss the heat already. " she sighed. " i know i've got to supervise and give assignments for the day. should we need to send anyone out though, i'll be sure it's you. i know you hate staying behind as much as i do if we can help it. "
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rememberedsilver · 3 years
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okay so he definitely wasn’t going to get by without her helping him out. he let out a grunt in response, his knee-jerk response to shout out a ‘i’m fine’ being swallowed down like a bitter pill. she wasn’t sam, she wasn’t cas, and she wasn’t bobby - she was a stranger, and a cop and a part of him said he had to be nice for all intents. clearing his throat, he gave his hand over to her to take care of. “you really don’t have to - i’ve been tending to wounds and cuts my whole life, worse ones than this too. especially on my brother, damn kid always had some sort of new bruise or cut on him every time i turned around.” he joked, pausing when he realized how damning that sounded - stuttering a bit and back tracking he let out a nervous laugh. “we rough housed a lot. you know?”
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she lifted a brow and looked down as she carefully took his hand and let it rest on the counter. she unraveled the cloth and simply let it set underneath, gently spreading out his fingers to keep his palm exposed. " well, " she started, as she observed the wound and tiny bits of glass embedded in his skin. " i suggest we take this into the back unless you're fine with getting blood all over your counters. or do your customers fancy those kinds of thrills ? " she did her best to not touch the wound sites without cleaning her hands first, but let her fingers move his own apart instead. she kept her brow raised as she listened to him, throwing him a look as he spoke about his brother. she pulled back and stood up. " mm-hm, " she said simply. " i had a brother of my own yet somehow i was always the only one that ended up with a bruise. " she nodded towards his hand. " come on. we ought to get this taken care of, just lead the way. "
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rememberedsilver · 3 years
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“uh,“ jon responded, a bright flush crept up his cheeks as he ducked his head in attempt to hide his embarrassment - again forgetting she couldn’t see his face. “well where else am i supposed to get a sheet, dany?” he complained, finding his voice but the playfulness in his tone told her he was only half serious. “oh you know, i’d almost daringly drink until i’m pissed - just to see you carrying me. hell, i’ll ask arya or robb to record it for proof.” he remarked, smirking before getting tired that she couldn’t see his face and took the sunglasses off before slowly he rose the sheet up to rest over the top of the mess he called hair. “i wore my pajamas underneath, figured it’d be good to be comfy.” he splayed his arms out and did a little spin before facing her again. “how many hearts you break? hopefully a garden full.”
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" i don't know . . . at the very least, find one that you don't need to use? " she offered in a teasing tone. " i have no doubt in my mind that arya would record it and send it to everyone she knows." she giggled at the thought and watched as he removed his sunglasses and the sheet from over his head. she lifted a brow and reached up to smooth down fly aways that curled and stuck out in different directions, even if he was just going to cover his hair again. she gestured his outfit with both hands and nodded, lifting a finger up. " oh, please, why would i limit myself to just one garden? " she smirked, " perhaps i even put their heads on a spike. "
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rememberedsilver · 3 years
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a small piece of paper dropped at her feet, neatly wrapped in black and orange ribbon. she did not like the abruptness yet she couldn't help but feel as though it begged for her attention. as she plucked the scroll from the ground and unrolled it, the red ink spelled:
when death paid for life, you emerged from the flames. you were the mother of dragons — the winged shadow came in threes.
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rememberedsilver · 3 years
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jon fixed her with a pointed look, a pout on his lips before he set his sights onto his dog. “i think you’re giving ghost a little too much credit, if i’m honest.” he raised his brows as ghost fixed him with a look of his own before letting out a low whine and turning his attention onto daenerys. suck up, jon thought before sighing and pulling on a smile. ”well i always enjoy spending time with you, have no doubt in that - i’m just terrible at most things that don’t involve me working out there.” he nodded his head out towards the pasture through the window before giving daenerys what anyone would describe as his signature woeful look. “ghost would agree over anythin’, you know that - especially when it comes to food he shouldn’t be havin’.” jon spoke quickly, his accent thicker than it normally was as he turned to give his dog a warning look. “you know i am, i just suck at expressing it.”
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daenerys turned her head to peek outside at the green and yellow pastures, now changing colors thanks to the fall weather. " i haven't gotten to ride in so long. perhaps after these cookies are finished, we head out to the stables. " she offered, giving him a look with quirked brows. she looked down to ghost again, who was now following her hand's movements in hopes that food was there to fall to the floor. " he can come too, of course. if he is allowed with the horses. " she gave jon a playful bump on the arm with her fist, just as the timer she'd set buzzed to let her know the cookies were done baking. " oh , speaking of . . . ! " she chimed, grabbing a  mitt to hold between her hands so she could pull the hot tray from the oven and set it on the counter. inhaling a deep breath through her nose, she smiled as the sweet smell of sugar and vanilla filled her nostrils. " you know, i do miss england sometimes." she admitted, looking over to him. " do you? "
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rememberedsilver · 3 years
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dany’s eyes widened at the sudden alertness of the other girl as the book was snatched from her hands. “ ah , “ she said softly, eyebrows scrunching together. she didn’t want to disturb something she wasn’t supposed to touch. “ i’m so sorry. i just assumed i could pick it up since it was on the shelves. ” she looked around for a moment, shoving her hands in her pockets. “ how old is that book? “
LOCATION:   founder’s  library.
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          (  @decimationstarters​  !  )    ‘  don’t  touch  that !  ’   she  practically  jumps  ,   snagging  the  book  out  of  the  other’s  hands  and  holding  it  to  her  chest  .    ‘  it’s  super  fragile  .   can  i  get  you  a  different  copy  ,   or  perhaps  a  different  book ?  ’   she  would  guide  them  out  of  the  whole  area  ,   actually  .  
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rememberedsilver · 3 years
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rememberedsilver · 3 years
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“Of course I want you to believe me.” His playful grin still lingers — the happy expression doesn’t plan on going anywhere. Robb doesn’t move while Daenerys is checking out the yellow jacket. It makes all the hard work worth it. “Thank you!” He stands back to get a better look this friend’s dress. “You made that? It’s beautiful!” Safe to say that Robb likes it — always trying to support family and close friends. He can understand the nerves of going out in something homemade. Those same emotions were coursing through his veins earlier when he was getting ready. Robb eventually had to just say ‘fuck it’ and wear his costume anyway. “Your make up looks great. What gave you the impression that it doesn’t?” Not that he really knows anything about it but definitely doesn’t think Dany looks like a clown. “Do you want to go check out what kind of snacks they have at this party with me?”
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" because i haven't been here ten minutes and i can already feel the sweat dripping down my brow! " she said, blinking as she reached up to gently press her finger against her eyelashes. " and i do hope my lips will stay looking like a heart by the end of the night and not . . . anything else. " she waved her hand in dismissal, mostly to herself, then nodded and proceeded to follow him further inside the museum, already feeling her stomach growl at the idea of food. " you should know that the snack table is the first place i'll go when it comes to gatherings . . . how were you this week though? work is well? "
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rememberedsilver · 3 years
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bonnie had finished closing the coffee and tea house and had decided to walk home when she met up with daenerys. she knew her from around, especially since most of the local law enforcement took use of the café, and decided to walk with her until they needed to part ways. things were normal for most of the walk and as the two of them started to get closer to their destinations - thing stopped being normal. “okay, look - i know it’s fall turning to winter, but this cold is ridiculous.” she piped up, shivering before letting out a nervous laugh - eyes turning towards the sergeant. 
it seemed dany felt it was odd too, and soon bonnie began to feel the gooseflesh begin to form on her skin. “dany,” bonnie whispered, reaching to grab the other’s arm as she stood frozen in shock. “that’s.. that’s a ghost.” she confirmed, surprising herself with how clear and calm her voice remained despite feeling terrified. “look, people call me crazy because i willingly got a degree in the occult, but i am telling you that’s not human. not anymore.”
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dany looked down as the other woman grabbed her arm and gave her a suspenseful look. she didn't know much about the occult, let alone how the paranormal forces were supposed to work, but she couldn't help but try to brush it off. " a ghost? no . . . i mean, how do you know? it has to be someone playing with us. " she insisted. she tucked the pocket knife back into her pocket and pulled out her phone to use its flashlight to navigate around. she observed every shadow and every light that bounced off of every object around them. " not that i'm doubting your degree or anything, it's just . . . a bloody ghost? here? "
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