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I made this long-ish comic about my favorite urban legend. I remember hearing this story on camping trips as a kid and it always stuck with me.
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How to Make Likable NPCs?
The title is self-explanatory. This one is on the request of @lori-dragons. So here is some advice I’ve got about how to make your NPCs likable.
Number 1: Have them give free stuff.
Ever played Dragon Age? I used to joke about how it’s dumb that you can get NPCs to fall in love with your character just by getting them gifts. “How unrealistic” I thought. Then I played D&D and found out that if my NPC gifts FUCKIN’ ANYTHING to a PC, they will fall so desperately in love with them.
Everyone loves getting stuff for free. So if you have an NPC gift your PCs something, a health potion, +1 sword, armor of fire resistance, ANYTHING, they will instantly be liked by your PCs. The more stuff the NPC gifts, the more he will be liked.
Example from experience: A reoccurring character I have is “the Doctor.” Basically a weird Plague Doctor that seems to be running EVERY alchemy shop, although no NPC seems to notice this. Suspicious right? Creepy dude, everywhere at once. Must be bad news. Except he keeps gifting the Party potions for free. So they just ignore all the red flags that he’s probably not trustworthy.
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Number 2: Make NPCs pets or children.
Guaranteed success. A cute animal, even if said animal is an owlbear, if you present it as cute and nice, the Party will LOVE that thing. This is FULL PROOF with 99% of parties. Children, not so much. As a player, I always tend to distrust children and try to kill them cause kids are fuckin’ creepy and weird. But that’s just me. Your Party might actually be DESCENT HUMAN BEINGS. Who knows? Haven’t played with any of those before.
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Number 3: Other traits a likable NPC can have.
The following traits I can’t describe in thorough detail, so you’re getting it in list form.
An NPC that is kind and supports the Party but is very naive about the darker parts of the world. Example: bright eyed squire to the Party fighter who just idolizes heroes.
A very sexually promiscuous shopkeeper. Not someone who hits on the Party. That is how you get PCs to DISLIKE an NPC. Rather, an NPC who makes it clear he/she is open to be hit upon.
An NPC that loves to fight. Parties love this. Someone who is NUTS about fighting and dying in an honorable way, while flaying your enemies with their own spines.
Insane wizards/alchemists that are absolutely batshit. I had a sorceress that invented drugs and lost all control of her power while getting high. Or a wizard that is batshit insane about people breathing more than 1 breath per 5 seconds. Just crazy wizards. Parties love crazy wizards.
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Keep in mind, there’s more to making an interesting NPC. The above just talks about making LIKABLE NPCs. There’s a LOT more on how to make good villains, or just generally interesting NPCs. And if you folks want, I will post thoroughly about that. But I will leave that up to you. Hope my advice was useful to you all.
The Unfair DM
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EXPEDITION NO. 47  by Alex Konstad
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Our Eladrin Swords-Bard/Paladin, Gilienne Zolerre! If you want to hear more of Gil, you can listen to our campaign via podcast! Thirsty For The XP on Spotify, Youtube, iTunes, and Soundcloud!
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Art tutorials by Disney artists Griz and Norm Lemay
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Spellbooks /Journals
Prozo Books on Etsy
See our #Etsy or #Journals tags
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This is so amazing
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A Necrolith Colossus (or Bone Giant) from WARHAMMER, made out of figures by Kahless.
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Forgive me, daddy, I’ve been naughty.
listen im not a religious person but….
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Why It’s So Hard by ashpwright
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Inktober day 7: Enchanted
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*Laughs in Chaotic Good*
Rogue: “I yeet a Molotov into the crowd of hobos.”
DM: “What? Are you serious? Those are beggars! I thought you were Good!”
Rogue: “No, I’m *Chaotic* Good. I did good by giving them money. Now they are doing bad by trying to mug us for more money. Therefore, in my eyes, they deserve no money and a fiery death.”
DM: “You can’t be serious! They are literally no threat to you guys!”
Rogue: “I’m hearing a lot of bitching and not a lot of hobos burning to death.” *Starts rolling dice while laughing maniacally*
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Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl (2003)
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Lord of the rings by https://www.instagram.com/misty.beee/
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Blood Mage again - ink and water colour
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My part of the sketchtrade with @tamisrandom, their blood mage Savos!
I’m sorry that it took so long, but I had to start over and over again because I wasn’t satisfied with the sketch. And even now I’m definitely not happy with the outcome but … I didn’t want you to wait any longer, so …
yeah, I hope it looks okai. If anything is wrong or looks too bad, just tell me and I change it! 
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