remnxnt-nxrse · 4 years
"Mikan. . Tsumiki? Sorry, If I don't remember well enough, it's just been so long since I've seen another classmate . ." Servant had gave a polite smile at the Nurse, his smile rather welcoming (@askwarriorsofhopeandservant)
“O,oh! Servant— H,hello.” Her voice was a bit sharper than normal, but as shaky and timid as always. “T,that’s fine! I think.” 
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remnxnt-nxrse · 4 years
“Y-yeah! That’s what I thought too...” She hated going against what her beloved had wanted, but she had to admit, this was already much better. She hadn’t...liked being exposed as much as some made it out to be.
Mikan slipped into the room, hunching her shoulders over so she seemed almost mouse-like. Harmless. “I s-saw O-O-Owari... and she t-told me about the.. um... the thing.” She rocked back and forth, fiddling with her fingers and slipping the mask off so he could see her face. “I-I... I understand if you say n-n-no! Owari is mostly c-convincing me to do t-this... I was wondering if...” She trailed off, voice shaking.
She stood outside, adjusting the mask that obscured her face. Obviously nervous, she shifted from foot to foot, trying to not seem as a threat. “H-Hanamura? C-can I come in o-o-or-? If n-not its o-o-okay!” - remnxnt-nxrse
While serving a guest seated next to the window, Teruteru caught a glimpse of a peculiarly dressed person. The mannerisms seemed familiar, but the attire did not. How curious. Only when the person began to speak did he realize it was Mikan.
“Ah, Tsumiki! I hardly recognized ya! Come in, come in!” He opened the door to let her in, examining her mask with interest. “So, what’s with the, uh…” He gestured at his face. “The mask? Special occasion, or jus’ tryin’ out a new change of wardrobe?”
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remnxnt-nxrse · 4 years
“B-b-both? I m-mostly didn’t like t-the old- everything.” Also, it was easier to talk to people when they couldn’t look her in the eyes. A fun, helpful plus. She’d  gotten tired of the short dress Junko suggested and decided to go with a original idea. It was certainly less revealing, for sure. “C-can we talk? P-p-privately?” 
The way her voice rose nervously made it more of a plea than a request.
She stood outside, adjusting the mask that obscured her face. Obviously nervous, she shifted from foot to foot, trying to not seem as a threat. “H-Hanamura? C-can I come in o-o-or-? If n-not its o-o-okay!” - remnxnt-nxrse
While serving a guest seated next to the window, Teruteru caught a glimpse of a peculiarly dressed person. The mannerisms seemed familiar, but the attire did not. How curious. Only when the person began to speak did he realize it was Mikan.
“Ah, Tsumiki! I hardly recognized ya! Come in, come in!” He opened the door to let her in, examining her mask with interest. “So, what’s with the, uh…” He gestured at his face. “The mask? Special occasion, or jus’ tryin’ out a new change of wardrobe?”
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remnxnt-nxrse · 4 years
She was afraid, still, as anyone would be, but that wasn’t all there was. Carefully, not moving from her spot, she studied him back with something akin to fascination. “You know, right?” Her voice was soft, though she wasn’t expecting a answer. “This isn’t only for the fun of it.”
¤there's low growlig from within the lab. Fuck.... hes HERE.¤
Mikan jolts, glancing behind her slowly, a mix of surprise and some form of fear in her eyes. She had just looked away from the camera for a few minutes- oh well, that was alright. She still stood, edging towards the door of the camera room.
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remnxnt-nxrse · 4 years
She opened the door slowly, getting ready to run. She had defenses, of course she did, but she wasn’t activating them for a reason. She wanted to see him. And she wanted to see him unharmed, hopefully- though her being unharmed as well would be preferable. 
¤there's low growlig from within the lab. Fuck.... hes HERE.¤
Mikan jolts, glancing behind her slowly, a mix of surprise and some form of fear in her eyes. She had just looked away from the camera for a few minutes- oh well, that was alright. She still stood, edging towards the door of the camera room.
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remnxnt-nxrse · 4 years
¤there's low growlig from within the lab. Fuck.... hes HERE.¤
Mikan jolts, glancing behind her slowly, a mix of surprise and some form of fear in her eyes. She had just looked away from the camera for a few minutes- oh well, that was alright. She still stood, edging towards the door of the camera room.
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remnxnt-nxrse · 4 years
The camera swivels, despite not really having much of a pedestal. There’s no real way to communicate, it has no speaker, but she’s watching. As creepy as it may be, the camera isn’t moving away- she’s probably taking notes.
Someone's watching him. The nurse always had some sort of presence, even through the slightly damaged camera hanging off a nearby building. Evidently, she's interested in whats going on. - remnxnt-nxrse
¤Currently, he’s mauling the remains of several things…. one looks like a deee, but the rest appear to be human victims…..¤ @remnxnt-nxrse
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remnxnt-nxrse · 4 years
✴⭐✴ ✴⭐✴ ✴⭐✴ ✴⭐✴ ✴⭐✴ ✴⭐✴ ⭐
"I see you're finally here. Shall we begin?"
✴⭐✴ ✴⭐✴ ✴⭐✴ ✴⭐✴ ✴⭐✴ ✴⭐✴ ⭐
@survivors-despair @remnxnt-gymnxst @remnxnt-nxrse @remnxnt-princxss @remnxnt-mechanic @cooking-with-despair
✴⭐✴ ✴⭐✴ ✴⭐✴ ✴⭐✴ ✴⭐✴ ✴⭐✴ ⭐
"Let's not waste any time."
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remnxnt-nxrse · 4 years
The lab was rather normal. It was a long hallway, with a EXIT door at the end and at least ten doors branching off. It looked much bigger than from the outside, but Mikan had several remnants she was in contact with, so if you were willing it would be easy to explain away. The lights flickered softly, and a song started up, beginning quietly. It was a song in french, La Vie En Rose to be exact. It wasn’t sung by the original, in fact, the voice sounded female. And a tad like Mikan. It was coming from a door on the right side of the hall, but after a few seconds the sound of someone banging on the wall began on the left. Should Enoshima investigate the noises or follow the song?
Mikan had locked herself in her lab for days, not even leaving for food and not making a peep, aside from a few pained screams from inside the lab’s walls. 
Suddenly, she had sent out a mix of texts and letters- seemingly random, and with several misspellings and for the letters, shaky handwriting. They requested those they were directed at to come to her lab as soon as possible, for her ‘magnum opus,’ or her greatest creation. 
The door to said lab is creaked open, light flooding from underneath. Do you come in? 
@askultimateluckytrash @ultimate-aikido-master @theultimatemoralcompass @cooking-with-despair @enoshimas-hope @remnxnt-bushmxster || anyone can interact, I’m just tagging people she’s interacted with before!  
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remnxnt-nxrse · 4 years
“It’s nothing, r-really. Just not f-f-fond of kids. . .?” That wasn’t quite it, but she wasn’t sure of the source of her anxiety either. At least not sure enough to verbalize it. “It’s n-not a big deal! I c-can help as much as you n-n-need-need me to!” She was a people pleaser even now, and she could probably push past it if she really wanted to- if just for the later affirmation she did something well.
“As said, I’m f-free anytime for the next- week or so? J-just come in whenever you w-w-want to.” She went quiet, teeth digging into her lip a bit too harshly. She’d been one of them who shoved Chiaki’s death down as if it had never happened- She’d been close to despair even before that, so it wasn’t hard to separate herself from her class altogether- Chiaki specifically. It was a bit odd to hear her name again.
“Y-yeah! It’s nice.” Nodding quickly, as if to make up for lost time, she mustered a less-nervous-than-usual smile. 
There's a big crash, and then- mikan, sitting on the floor, blinking owlishly behind a pair of lopsided glasses. She tripped. "I- I heard you had a baby p-problem?" - remnxnt-nxrse
The sound of shattering glass immediately turned the new parents’ attention toward the entrance of the restaurant. They had just succeeded in putting their new baby to sleep after a satisfying meal, and worried the commotion would wake them – but fortunately, the child was undisturbed, sleeping soundly in the Imposter’s arms.
Rushing ahead in front of their partner, Teruteru discovered a bewildered and bespectacled Mikan in a rather compromising position. He covered his eyes in response, fighting back the instinctual nosebleed. “Nurse Tsumiki, please pull yerself t’gether…” Peeking through his fingers, he extended one hand to help her up.
“Well, uh, someone kinda…dropped off this kid here ‘n then up ‘n left. We dunno who the biological parents are, so we’ve been preparin’ to care for ‘em in case it’s a long-term affair.” He straightened out his apron after he helped Mikan to her feet. “Any advice you can give us? This’s all really new to us, but I’m sure I ain’t gotta tell ya that.”
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remnxnt-nxrse · 4 years
Oh, this is chaotic.
“O-oh,, you mean the ‘b-b-b-b-’ oh, you know. I g-g-guess it is. . .” She doesn’t seem to want to talk about it. 
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remnxnt-nxrse · 4 years
Mikan froze like a deer in headlights at the mention of a appointment, glancing to the floor like it could somehow help her. She never was good with kids, they just seemed so fragile and she was very, very good at breaking things, in her own opinion. But she always had trouble saying no, and now was no different, so she just nodded and stuttered and slipped her way through a reply. “Yeah, I can fffind some day! I’m not t-t-t-that busy, so whenever is p-probably fine. . .” 
With a weak attempt at a smile, she looked back up, clasping her hands in front of her. “J-just tell me when! I can always make space for y-you t-t-two.” She reached up to tug at one of her sloppily cut curls, letting the smile drop into her more nervous, timid one.
She jumped when he grabbed her hand, staring at TeruTeru for a moment as if he was speaking a entirely different language before nodding, ever so slowly. “Y-yeah. I t-t-t-think so too. . .” She couldn’t tell him otherwise, and her anxieties had never helped, so she just nodded along. “What d-did you say you were going to name them a-again?” 
There's a big crash, and then- mikan, sitting on the floor, blinking owlishly behind a pair of lopsided glasses. She tripped. "I- I heard you had a baby p-problem?" - remnxnt-nxrse
The sound of shattering glass immediately turned the new parents’ attention toward the entrance of the restaurant. They had just succeeded in putting their new baby to sleep after a satisfying meal, and worried the commotion would wake them – but fortunately, the child was undisturbed, sleeping soundly in the Imposter’s arms.
Rushing ahead in front of their partner, Teruteru discovered a bewildered and bespectacled Mikan in a rather compromising position. He covered his eyes in response, fighting back the instinctual nosebleed. “Nurse Tsumiki, please pull yerself t’gether…” Peeking through his fingers, he extended one hand to help her up.
“Well, uh, someone kinda…dropped off this kid here ‘n then up ‘n left. We dunno who the biological parents are, so we’ve been preparin’ to care for ‘em in case it’s a long-term affair.” He straightened out his apron after he helped Mikan to her feet. “Any advice you can give us? This’s all really new to us, but I’m sure I ain’t gotta tell ya that.”
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remnxnt-nxrse · 4 years
“If they’re s-speaking, t-they’re at least one. Most kids start speaking m-more clearly around. . .eighteen months? T-that doesn’t mean sentences! Just. . .less gibberish and more actually l-linking words to t-t-things!” She got closer, hesitantly, tugging at the bandages on her arms. Children weren’t bad but she couldn’t help but worry. 
“They look about sixteen to twenty months- almost two. I can’t t-t-tell for sure, but it’s the best guess I can d-do for now. I can p-probably get a closer range with a e-exam. . .” She muttered the last part, changing the subject quickly.
“T-they can probably eat real food i-if it’s cut up, but . . .softer stuff would be better just in case, if you can do that! They l-look a little old for b-b-baby food, but you can g-g-get that I guess. T-they’ll need clothes t-t-too, kids go through clothes f-fast. And bibs. And p-probably a highchair. S-s-sorry for laying that all on you two so fast!” 
There's a big crash, and then- mikan, sitting on the floor, blinking owlishly behind a pair of lopsided glasses. She tripped. "I- I heard you had a baby p-problem?" - remnxnt-nxrse
The sound of shattering glass immediately turned the new parents’ attention toward the entrance of the restaurant. They had just succeeded in putting their new baby to sleep after a satisfying meal, and worried the commotion would wake them – but fortunately, the child was undisturbed, sleeping soundly in the Imposter’s arms.
Rushing ahead in front of their partner, Teruteru discovered a bewildered and bespectacled Mikan in a rather compromising position. He covered his eyes in response, fighting back the instinctual nosebleed. “Nurse Tsumiki, please pull yerself t’gether…” Peeking through his fingers, he extended one hand to help her up.
“Well, uh, someone kinda…dropped off this kid here ‘n then up ‘n left. We dunno who the biological parents are, so we’ve been preparin’ to care for ‘em in case it’s a long-term affair.” He straightened out his apron after he helped Mikan to her feet. “Any advice you can give us? This’s all really new to us, but I’m sure I ain’t gotta tell ya that.”
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remnxnt-nxrse · 4 years
“Y-yes, I’m so sorry-! I tripped-” She tugged her dress down quickly, adjusting her glasses with one hand and accepting his to pull herself up with the other. She got over the embarrassment quickly- it wasn’t as if it didn’t happen often. She didn’t have the best balance, and she had mostly accepted it now.
“Yeah! Y-yeah, I can try my best to help-” She pushed her glasses up gently, not really moving towards the baby nor back- she knew a lot, but she got nervous around children. More nervous than usual, anyway. 
“Do you k-know how old they are? You p-p-probably already know this, but you’ll need b-b-blankets that they can’t get too t-t-tangled up in, guard rails if you don’t want to b-b-buy a crib, p-p-pacifiers, b-baby gates and door knob covers if they’re old enough to walk- if they’re not, that’s fine. Those are good for kids between o-one and three, I t-t-think!” 
There's a big crash, and then- mikan, sitting on the floor, blinking owlishly behind a pair of lopsided glasses. She tripped. "I- I heard you had a baby p-problem?" - remnxnt-nxrse
The sound of shattering glass immediately turned the new parents’ attention toward the entrance of the restaurant. They had just succeeded in putting their new baby to sleep after a satisfying meal, and worried the commotion would wake them – but fortunately, the child was undisturbed, sleeping soundly in the Imposter’s arms.
Rushing ahead in front of their partner, Teruteru discovered a bewildered and bespectacled Mikan in a rather compromising position. He covered his eyes in response, fighting back the instinctual nosebleed. “Nurse Tsumiki, please pull yerself t’gether…” Peeking through his fingers, he extended one hand to help her up.
“Well, uh, someone kinda…dropped off this kid here ‘n then up ‘n left. We dunno who the biological parents are, so we’ve been preparin’ to care for ‘em in case it’s a long-term affair.” He straightened out his apron after he helped Mikan to her feet. “Any advice you can give us? This’s all really new to us, but I’m sure I ain’t gotta tell ya that.”
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remnxnt-nxrse · 4 years
“Oh! H,hello, Monaca! I’ve h,h,heard about you! Y,you want to be the second generation of be-“ Mikan shook her head, like a dog clearing water from its ears, before correcting herself. “Junko?”
Tumblr media
"My my my my! So many friends to watch Monaca destroy the world!"
She then smiled creepily as she got seemingly closer
"Monaca's name is Monaca Towa! Monaca's former title was Lil Ultimate Homeroom but now it's The second generation Junko Enoshima! Monaca came to have fun and maybe spread a little bit of despair along the way! So could I get a promo? Pretty please?~"
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@askultimateluckytrash@ask-a-cool-spaceguy @askhajime-hinata @ask-the-ultimate-psychoanalyst @a-lying-grape @despair-enoshima @phoenix-rights @ask-postdespairhajime @ask-chef-teruteru @ask-lucky-boy @askhiyokosaionji @d3-tective @ask-ultimate-traditional-dancer @theultimatemoralcompass @askultimatecollector @theunluckyservant @cooking-with-despair
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remnxnt-nxrse · 4 years
Mikan looks very stressed, to say the least. She’s walking quickly, a syringe clutched so tightly in her hand that her knuckles are going as white as her face. She’s muttering to herself, almost absent-mindedly, a bloodied bandage on her shoulder-it’s sloppy wrapped. 
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remnxnt-nxrse · 4 years
Hey Mikan-- have you decided what you're gonna do with Gundham yet?
She’s attempting to sort through papers, but her hands are shaking so badly she’s ripping them. “N-no! Why w,w,w,would i know what t,t,t,t,t- fuck!” She smacks the table with her hand, looking close to tears. “I d,don’t k,k,know.” 
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