remuseatsdeodorant · 2 years
Sooo… when are we getting Patton’s TED(dy) Talk on how stuffed animals may actually have sentience?
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remuseatsdeodorant · 3 years
Oh you’re a Logan Stan? How’s the gifted kid burnout going?
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remuseatsdeodorant · 3 years
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the first time Patton swore
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remuseatsdeodorant · 3 years
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ID: The “Are you tired of being nice?” meme but with Remus and Logan Sanders. Remus asks “Aren’t you tired of being ignored? Don’t you just wanna go ape shit?” while Logan’s eyes glow orange. /End ID.
and he said yes [x]
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remuseatsdeodorant · 3 years
okay, can we talk about how smart remus genuinely is?
his ingenuity is absolutely incredible. he’s able to create entire fucking rube goldberg machines with little to no effort. he’s able to calculate exactly what he wants to happen and how to make it happen, even if it fails in the end.
remus acts silly, but he’s so smart. his final words to logan were “but who do you really want to scream that at?” he knows he’s been pushing logan’s buttons. he knows logan gets ignored and disregarded. he’s so perceptive, and this episode really shows it. fantastic writing and fantastic development.
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remuseatsdeodorant · 3 years
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arent you tired of being nice?? dont you just wanna go apeshit???
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remuseatsdeodorant · 3 years
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but i will transcend,
and vomit this loser out of me
i will become the next big thing
i will light myself on f i r e
it’s time to get out of bed,
and be the starchild i can be.
- starchild sung by brittain ashford from ghost quartet
this is a fun little comic which took a much darker take on the song starchild, and the song is definitely more lighthearted and whimsical than how i portrayed it in this. i just thought it’d be fitting that if logan were to be the dark side rage, he would definitely use the sun as his logo/symbol to represent him, so him being this “starchild” is him accepting his true form, since, ya’know, the sun is a star. (also listen to ghost quartet because it is more confusing and mysterious than logan’s playlist, and i’m sure if you love logan, you’ll love this musical)
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remuseatsdeodorant · 3 years
Remus really said “Aren’t you tired of being ignored? Don’t you just wanna go APE SHIT!?” to Logan huh
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remuseatsdeodorant · 3 years
The asides: [is released]
All the Logan fans:
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remuseatsdeodorant · 3 years
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logan angry moments
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remuseatsdeodorant · 3 years
Adoring the new asides!
As an extremely logical person who deals with a lot of intrusive thoughts (and borderline delusions sometimes), the crew did a fantastic job at portraying the balance of these thoughts with logic.
How you sometimes still need to check to ensure the intrusive thought is wrong, even as your logic continues to repeat that there’s no way its true.
AND LOGAN FINALLY GETS MAD!! I hate that Remus of all characters tipped him over, when everyone else has ignored him so much. But I suppose it’s just because they’re such perfect counterparts.
This episode really pushed that Logan is being ignored because other important things keep happening. That Logan can acknowledge that Thomas’ newfound connection to Nico is important to Thomas’ health just as much as a clean apartment is, but is upset that his carefully planned.. plans are being pushed aside for spur of the moment decisions.
And finally solid confirmation of the orange side! Gonna be honest, I’m really hoping this is just Logan. That Logan comes in two parts, calm logic, and seething anger. As we have seen other side’s get angry, but none have shown the orange eyes like Logan did. It would fit thematically as well, given how often Logan pushes that he has no emotions. Almost like he’s (possibly subconciously) denying that he is a very emotional side. And that Patton (Logans direct opposite in roles) encompasses a lot of Thomas’ positive emotions.
I’m sure Im not the only one who can get really angry when going down a logical deep dive into something Im passionate about. In a lot of what I do, Logic and Anger are nearly hand in hand. And besides, when one is angry, they tend to think its a logical conclusion even when it may not be. Anger is an emotion that feels logically driven, even if its logic is flawed. So it wouldn’t be too shocking to see Logan be the orange side.
Alongside a connection like this bridging the gap between Romans dubbed “light and dark” sides. Where Virgil is one aspect (in name) in two spots depending on how one looks at him, it would be nice to see a side that is in both sides at once rather than Virgils grey area. Where logic is good, but can lead to anger which would be viewed as bad. A side that cant exactly be seen in a positive light (anger), being simultaneously one that is rarely seen in a bad one (Logic).
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remuseatsdeodorant · 4 years
I’m begging y'all at this point - please stop sharing Patreon content. You are hurting Thomas and Co and all of us other patrons.
What y'all are doing will actually impact the Co financially.
Today the Co gave us a discount code for the shop. It took only a few hours for someone to say that they saw a patreon code on Twitter.
Please, stop.
I know some of y'all might say, “well, if you have patreon, you don’t need it - since you have money. Let those of us who can’t afford the Patreon have the code.”
The discount is a PERK. We give the Co money and they give us a discount. If you use the patreon code without being in the patreon, you’re causing the Co to lose money. Therefore, they may not keep this perk.
Say, for example, you went to Hot Topic and make a purchase. If you don’t know, Hot Topic cashiers will normally drop a discount card into your bag once you make a purchase. It is an incentive to keep you coming back to Hot Topic/keep you spending money. Imagine you go behind the counter and steal one of those discount codes.
You didn’t pay for anything, yet you took something you didn’t pay for. That discount card is an incentive.
That’s exactly the same thing with the patreon. Yet, somehow people are justifying it because it is non-tangible - because it’s virtual.
The more this happens, the more likely Co will take away perks. If they can’t trust us not to spread info outside of patreon, then they won’t give it to us. Simple.
I’m begging you, please stop. Thomas and Co are a small group of independent YouTubers. They do not have millions of dollars to spend. If you want to see my breakdown of Thomas and Co’s patreon and why I applaud them for making it, check out my “Defending Thomas’s Patreon” post. I explain there why artists need a stable income to create content.
You all sharing content are disrespecting Thomas and Co and all of your fellow patrons. We just want to support the Co. Please stop taking advantage of their kindness/their incentives. They are already giving us so much with the patreon. Please, don’t make them regret it.
If you don’t have a patreon, you’re not missing out on any content. None of the stuff that happens in there are plot-related. Trust me, I know. This is all just extra stuff. You aren’t missing a thing.
I am trying so hard to be nice about this. If this continues, I will honestly have to stop trying. This isn’t fair to anyone.
Please, stop sharing Patreon content. You are hurting everyone.
Please, stop.
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remuseatsdeodorant · 4 years
“Which Sanders Side are you based on specific facts about your childhood”
Please check it out, I tried to make it the most fun it can be!! Don’t forget to tag me/reblog with your results💕💖💞
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remuseatsdeodorant · 4 years
canon logan: it's important that everyone gets proper rest and nutrition, doesn't overwork themselves, and makes an effort to take care of themselves
fanon logan: yes but except for me
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remuseatsdeodorant · 4 years
ok not to engage with sanders sides on main but anyways: when i see people who really, actually do believe that canonverse logan should ‘become a dark side and go apeshit’, it kind of makes me realize that none of you like. actually know 1. his character and 2. his conflict like, not to be overdramatic, but literally everyone in canonverse sanders sides has had beef with logan at some point. like, the light sides don’t like it when they dont give them the answers they like (and plus they’ve repeatedly clowned on him (roman especially)), janus impersonated and silenced him multiple times, remus probably fuckin hates the dude since he’s the only one who can put him in his place, like, if i’m being honest, the only one who probably hasn’t outright hated logan at any point is virgil, and even then they’d still argue at some point because like. let’s be honest, virgil and logan do directly counter each other at the point. everyone, not just the light sides, but EVERYONE, is uncomfortable with logan at some point. when you’re in an environment like that, you don’t just lash out. you don’t ‘go apeshit’ and you don’t try to pick sides(pun not intended) with that sort of shit. you shut yourself in. you force everyone out and you seclude yourself from everyone because the only person who hasn’t hurt you is you. it’s not the breakdown that we see from roman and virgil. it’s not a “i thought i was your hero” or a “i was one of them”. but it’s still a breakdown. just slower. less noticeable. not a lightning flash. a slow, slow flood. and the saddest part of it all is that no one notices, because he doesn’t express himself in the way that other people do. he doesn’t emote like he used to anymore because he got mocked for it, and he got rid of it as a survival tactic. but now that he doesn’t emote or show anything about how he really is, they don’t know how he’s doing. and they never check in like they do with the others because, unfortunately, there’s sort of a part of all of them that don’t… really care how logan’s doing. i mean, look at the line from the puzzle song: “no one wants to be a joke-” “but a life without jokes is incomplete” i’m not gonna include virgil in this because i watched the scene over and over again, and virgil was clearly taken aback by the line, so he clearly didn’t expect it. he was interrupted by character thomas, patton, and roman. so the latter three all acknowledge that yes, they do treat logan like a joke, and then they continue to do it. and that’s fucked up! that is some fucked up shit that they said to logan! and it bothered me from the moment the song came out that everyone treated that line like it was NORMAL, because it’s not! that is a blatant normalization of their mistreatment of logan, and that’s fucked up! and to be honest, i thought svs:r was going to be the thing that made everyone realize it? as the story progresses, we see logan distancing himself more and more from, well, everyone to the point where he’s not even physically present anymore. but i guess everyone else, just like all of the other sides, didn’t really get that. by the way, this isn’t me saying that all the sides are terrible and me saying that i think that all of them are canonically unsympathetic and that logan is free from all wrongdoing. they’re not, he’s not, and they shouldn’t be. they’re flawed, incomplete sides of one single person, that wouldn’t make any logical sense. i’m just a dumb logan fan that wants better for him, and i’m incoherently writing long posts at mignight about how much i want that for him.  anyways i hope this is coherent enough to read later bc im tired and i’m not going to proofread this i’m just gonna send it in queue and hope that you all can understand me. ill talk about how much i love logan and virgli’s interactions in the series later. maybe. depends on how y’all are like when i post this.
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remuseatsdeodorant · 4 years
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who is it 👀
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remuseatsdeodorant · 4 years
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Since people rarely listen to me when I speak about my issues with aro-Remus (especially paired with ace-Roman), I figured maybe it would help if y'all heard it from the sides themselves.
This doesn't mean you HAVE to stop headcanoning Remus as aro and Roman as ace (if you're aro and want to project it on Remus, I totally understand that!), I'd just wish people knew that I personally am uncomfortable with that idea due to stereotypes and the demonization of alloaro people. Plus, I'm tired of getting dumb comments on my posts about aro Roman.
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