remysinclair-blog · 5 years
Carter didn’t believe Remy owed him anything for his help. He didn’t punch B-Flex’s lights out to be a hero or to receive any kind of reward. He just knew it was the right thing to. In some way, Remy was a friend to him. She was a friend to his sister, and so by association he’d look after her too. Not to mention, he was also close to her brother, Kolton. They haven’t always been tight, but their shitty life-choices brought them together.
“Is it really that bad up there?” Carter looked up at the towering apartment. Gray and dark. The moon was out and it made everything look creepier. It felt like he was dropping her off at the devil’s den. He would have offered her to stay at his house but he didn’t want to look scummy. Like, hey, I saved your ass and now it’s owed to me. Despite their banter and chemistry, Carter wasn’t planning to do anything sleazy. However, planning not to do something doesn’t always mean you won’t. Carter still went in for the kiss and when Remy returned the gesture, he held onto her hips behind her shirt and pulled her closer. “Mhm—” Carter moaned, lifting his hands higher to frame her cheeks and suck harder on her full lips. They tasted as good as they looked and he rolled his tongue into the heat of her mouth for more. His one hand moved down her back and over her butt when a tenant squeezed by to get in which ultimately broke up their heated make-out.
“Yeah…. me too.” he sighed between caught breaths and glossed lips. His fingers stroked the blush on her cheek and then he brushed her lips with his thumb. “Well, you know where to find me… If that asshole gives me my job back anyway. If not –” Carter pressed his hand over her butt and reached into her back pocket to take out her phone which he felt when they were kissing. He waited until she unlocked it and then he tapped in his number. Her background made him wonder who the guy was, but he didn’t ask. He figured he’d save the conversation for another time. “Later…cheeks.” he kissed her lips once more and stroked her stomach before taking a step back. “Drink a lot of water with that pill.” He said in a cloud of smoke after lighting up another cigarette. “Text me if you have any questions about it.” Molly was known for making its consumer really hot and horny, so if she were to change her mind, he’d gladly pick her back up. But for now, Carter disappeared into the night and then caught a bus back home. 
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remysinclair-blog · 5 years
Remy thinking all she’s good for is sex, hurt Tyler. Mainly because he was wondering if that’s how she saw him too. Did she think he just used her for sex until he could find someone else? Someone who suited him better in a more romantic aspect? If so, that wasn’t true. Tyler took Remy’s virginity and gave her his because he didn’t trust anyone else to have his or to take hers. No one would ever matter more to them than each other. Their friendship was more important than a relationship. At least that’s how Tyler always saw things – before he met Brooke. Now things were complicated. There were still nights when he longed for Remy. When he’d lay awake and think about her while stroking himself. But things were different now. He was edging towards a relationship with Brooke, and Remy was in a complicated situation with Lucien. The sexual side to their friendship was drifting and it was best to just cut the cord and let it go before someone gets hurt.
“I hope you don’t think just because I’m escorting Brooke that I don’t care about you because I do. You were never just sex to me. And whoever makes you feel like you are, break it off. You deserve to be happy again, bubs. Do not end up like Kolton.” He laughed, framing her cheeks between his warm hands. He leaned forward like he was about to kiss her pouty lips but at the last second he tilted his chin upward and kissed her forehead. Although he was literally WIRED to share affection with Remy, he knew he had to tone things down if he was ever going to pursue something real with Brooke. He knew she wouldn’t like it very much if she were to find out he was still sharing kisses with his best friends. As well as getting naked in front of her.
“I just don’t believe you.” Tyler laughed her off. He knew she was lying. She’s given him handjobs when he was sick with the flu. A shirt wouldn’t stop her from the gratification she always got whenever she made him hard. When they first started hooking up, she lived for those moments. She enjoyed teasing him and getting him riled up – especially in public where he’d have to hide his boner. Like the time he went swimming with her family at the public pool and Remy wore a revealing bikini for the sole purpose of teasing him in it. After spending 3 hours with a boner hidden behind his hard copy of The Catcher in the Rye, Tyler grabbed onto Remy’s hand and brought her to the parking lot. Then fucked her hard in the backseat of her father’s station wagon. It was the best sex he’s ever had. Still to this day, nothing has topped it.
“Hey,” Tyler replied softly as Remy wrapped her arms around his waist. She seemed physically distant until now and the hug made him feel better. Though the minute she began running her fingers over his six-pack, his cock filled with heat and stirred for attention. Lower, lower! It begged her. “This one? You mean the one you kept stealing from me. There’s Hot Cheeto stains on the inside of the collar from you wiping your mouth on it.” he laughed, turning around to face her. He was a little hard and bulging when his hips touched her and he was sure she could feel him straining against her stomach. However he chose to ignore it and play it off as he took a step back and slipped the undershirt over his head before pushing his arms through the sleeves. 
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“I’m taking your word for it. I mean, the tiger is a little….” He wanted to say it wasn’t upper-class, but neither was he. Sooner or later he’ll have to accept that. “…I don’t know. I just hope she’s not dressed up. But she is Brooke Vanderbilt. So she’ll likely be in some four-thousand-dollar dress. Ugh. I need new clothes.” He tilted his head back against the wall and rolled his eyes. His most expensive item of clothing was his leather jacket which costed him 200 dollars after being marked down from 800. “…I don’t know. I guess I’m ready. Do I look ready? Are you ready? Because you are coming.” He grabbed onto her waist before she could have a chance to change her mind and run.  While he was standing behind her, he hugged her waist, unintentionally burying his bulge in her ass.
Not ending up like Kolton, all miserable and alone and vying for sexual validation, was easier said than done. Losing their mom had set both Sinclairs off kilter. Remy, especially. She lost sight of what was important. She no longer saw the point in taking her time to develop a relationship with anyone. In fact, she ran from them. She looked for any excuse not to get close to other people. Knowing life was short and it would only get ripped right out from under you anyway. Getting close to people meant inflicting more damage onto them and yourself. It just seemed scary and too dangerous. Which is why, Remy didn’t have any solid relationships in her life. Well none, except for Tyler and he didn’t really count because he doubled as more. He was not only someone she hooked up with on occasion. But, he was her best friend... and an extension of her family. He was everything to her and more. That’s what made letting go of him so hard. At times, Remy didn’t think she was capable of releasing her hooks on him. It was selfish of her, she knew that. Especially since, Tyler found a way to move on. Despite getting a whole new, upgraded life -- he remained exactly the same, by being true to himself. Albeit, he was a little more beefier in the physical department. 
That much Remy noticed when he changed out of his shirt and maneuvered his body to kiss her forehead rather than her lips. He was much taller, so he had to bend down. And for a second, Remy braced herself for their lips to touch. Because, that was just natural. Forehead kisses were a mild alternative to the make out sessions they were used to. But, it was just another thing she had to adapt to. Because fucking each other senseless was no longer acceptable. As much as Remy wanted Tyler to pick her up and take her right there on his bed, or his desk, -- he couldn’t. Or he refrained out of respect for Brooke. Who, he made the effort out of pointing out -- wasn’t his girlfriend yet. So, did that mean there was hope for them to rekindle something? Remy hoped so. She just wasn’t entirely sure yet. 
“I didn’t mean you,” Remy assured Tyler. She didn’t want him to think that she grouped him in with all her other hook ups. Tyler was special. He never made her feel like she was second best. Not until now when the threat of him getting a girlfriend and cutting certain ties with her, hung in the balance. But, she told herself he could never replace her. She needed to believe that so she didn’t completely lose her mind or herself. “Think of it like a sign of good luck then. You’ll have a little piece of me with you, reminding you not to fuck it up.” After Tyler slid the shirt down over his torso, Remy allowed her fingers to graze the outline of the tiger’s face. She didn’t care what he said. The shirt made him look hot. Like a grungey rockstar. And girls definitely wanted to fuck rockstars. Even five-star beauty queens. “Oh shut up,” Remy rolled her eyes, at Tyler’s need for new clothes. “You look hot. Now, I’d fuck you.” 
Little did Tyler know... she wasn’t just saying that to boost his confidence. She really would fuck him. Hell, she wanted to. Even more so, after he playfully grabbed onto her waist and pulled her in against his chest. Tyler held her captive between his arms, reminding her that she couldn’t escape even if she wanted to. And that she was coming with him tonight whether she liked it or not. 
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“Mmm,” Remy hummed, moaning just slightly as Tyler’s bulge poked her in the ass and rubbed against the outer layer of her jeans. Like him, she felt a stirring in her stomach and then between her legs. He was baiting her and it wasn’t fair. She could feel how hard he was. And she knew, like he did deep down, that his boner didn’t lie. Despite his reservations, he felt it inside of him too. But, Remy being Remy... couldn’t live on what ifs. She had to prove it to him and to herself that what they had was undeniable and could never be replaced. Or.. erased. “I don’t know...” Remy mused, tentatively. As if debating now, as she wiggled between his hold, intentionally rubbing her ass against the bulge of his cock, to see how much bigger and harder it could get. “I’m not sure I’m ready yet.” To entice him even more, Remy reached up to pull her hair over one shoulder, letting Tyler get a strong whiff of her perfume along the back of her neck. “Maybe I should change too? Or at least, get rid of my undies. They’re a little wet now.” There was a heavy suggestiveness in her tone, before she brushed her ass against his groin once more, instigating temptation.
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remysinclair-blog · 5 years
“It was nothin.” Carter shrugged his shoulders with nonchalance. He didn’t see the big deal. B-Flex was harassing her and so he dealt with it. Simple as that. He wasn’t aware that most people wouldn’t have intervened. They would have turned a blind eye and let it happen. Either because they don’t want to get involved in someone else’s drama or because they simply don’t care about a girl in a short skirt being felt up by a drunken celebrity. It happens every night, at every club. But Carter wasn’t like every other guy. He has a younger sister ( who’s best friends with Remy ) and if some guy was borderline molesting his sister, he’d hope someone would have the balls to step up. In high school, Carter was a star athlete, popular, and could have been a model with how sharp his jawline and abs were. It’s why he was prom king. It’s why the prom queen ( The It Girl ) didn’t remove his hand when he placed it on her ass during their dance – despite being in a relationship with his brother. With all those things going for him, he still never acted like a douche, or forced himself on anyone. Being famous or well-known was no excuse for behavior like that.
“Glad you’re alright, sweet cheeks.” He smirked, reaching over to pinch her cheek. Carter was obsessed with her high cheekbones, round face, and pouty lips. Guys like B-Flex were more interested in grabbing her ass or pawing her chest, but Carter was lost in her green eyes and pink-lipped smile. She was younger than him but he didn’t care. That seemed to run in the family which he would find out when Lucien returns to The Upper East Side for their father’s funeral.
“Chivalrous? Is that what that was?” Carter laughed through a ring of smoke. His voice was deep and scratchy from years of cigarettes and alcohol. The word sexy coming from Remy’s mouth made him smile. He didn’t hate the sound of it. Remy was beautiful and fun and if she were to show an interest, he would take it. “Ah no. Don’t worry about it. I’ll handle it. He acts like I don’t know all his secrets. That I don’t know his business is corrupt and that he deals drugs from the back and holds illegal card games in the basement. He was trying to impress that asshole C-Dog or whatever the hell his name was. I’ll get my job back. Or else he’ll have a problem.” Carter was sure of it. He wasn’t going to let that asshole fire him. Not unless he wants his wife to know he’d been snorting coke and banging high school girls in the VIP section.
“Well, home sweet home, right?” Carter said as they reached her doorstep and he looked up at the apartment building. It wasn’t the best neighborhood as affiliated gangs and hookers walked the streets, but it was better than the UES. Carter would take these people over someone like B-Flex. Which is why he didn’t live that far from the Sinclairs. “You sure you’re all right?” Carter licked his lips as he drew a hand over the front of Remy’s shirt to see her stomach. B-Flex’s fingerprints were already fading. “If you’re feeling any discomfort later, you can pop this. It’s on me.” he waited until she raised her hand and then he placed a molly into her palm. “Don’t tell your brother.” He smiled halfheartedly and then leaned and kissed her cheek. He was going to leave their goodbye there but when he brought his head back, he found himself staring into her eyes and then at her lips. He couldn’t detect any signs of discomfort or rejection and so he leaned in again, only this time he pressed his mouth against hers and rolled his tongue against her lips.
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“So, he’s modest now?” Remy mused behind a tight-lipped smile. It was a refreshing sight to see from a Calloway, or really any elite member, where affluenza was a real thing. Carter never flaunted his wealth or used it to get him very far. If he had, he wouldn’t be slumming it on the streets with her or any other Upper West Sider. But, some would say he turned over a new leaf. He let himself get acquainted with the lesser fortunate. Remy wasn’t exactly poor. But, she certainly wasn’t rich. Her father made enough to send her and her brother to private school and put food on the table. But, she couldn’t go out with her private school friends on shopping sprees because she had no extra allowance or change to spare. It was difficult sometimes, always feeling like an outsider. But, she managed for the most part and so had Kolton. 
“Sounds like you got it covered then. But, I still feel like I owe you one.” And, she didn’t like feeling indebted to people. That’s why in exchange for his sister’s help, Remy showed her the time of her life. She didn’t want to feel like anyone’s charity case. A project he or anyone else had to take on and nurture until she fit in, or felt more comfortable. But alas, she’d find some way to repay him. 
“More like home, bittersweet, home.” Remy paused to look up at her apartment building. Her home was sweet in the sense that it was a symbol of comfort and security. But it was bitter in the sense that, it was tainted in blood now that her mother was gone and traces of her were still everywhere. Remy didn’t have the heart to throw away any of her mom’s stuff. Over time, she started collecting piles in her closet so when the time eventually came, she’d have all the important memorabilia that she desperately wanted to keep. Carter’s question about her well-being was enough to snap Remy out of whatever daze she had gotten herself into on the porch step outside of her building. It was late. So chances are Kolton and her dad weren’t even awake. Neither was Tyler. “Yup.” Remy nodded. She kept conversation minimal because she didn’t want Carter to hear the way her breath got caught in her throat when he raised her shirt to have a look at any damage. There wasn’t any. It was fading fast and Carter stopped B-Flex before he could really leave a permanent mark on her skin. 
“What is it?” Remy looked down at the pill Carter dropped into her palm before she stuffed it into her pocket for safe keeping. Maybe she’d try it out before bed. Or keep it for another time. “Kolton doesn’t need to know everything. It’s none of his business--” Remy seemed pretty confident and convinced of that as Carter leaned in to kiss her cheek. For a second Remy froze, letting the scruff around Carter’s mouth brush against her cheekbone before he ultimately pulled away.
 Then they stood there for a moment, as Carter stared down at her lips and Remy stared back at his. The same thought seemed to weigh on both of their minds, before Carter inevitably took the plunge and pressed his mouth against hers. They kissed for a long moment, exchanging tongues until one of Remy’s neighbors passed them by to head on inside after working the graveyard shift.
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 “Mmm-- I should probably go--” She didn’t want to as she placed her hand against Carter’s chest. But, she knew she had to before someone woke up and noticed she was missing. Or her dad’s alarm went off. “--But, great talk. We should do it again sometime. Maybe longer.” Remy wanted to leave the invitation open, as she pecked Carter’s lips one last time and headed inside, up to her room. 
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remysinclair-blog · 5 years
“Hey! I didn’t mean to offend.” Tyler raised both hands with mock-surrender. If he wanted Remy to accept his relationship with Brooke, he’d have to do the same and support her love affair with the Calloway’s middle-child. “I’m sure Lucien is great…” in bed. What else could he be great in? He was a teacher and she was a student. He was also well-traveled and with a house full of dark family-secrets. Tyler wanted her to be careful around him. Especially when someone just declared a war against his family. Was Victor Calloway’s headless body not scary enough for Remy to run far away? Not really, considering she’s flirting with death every time she hooks up with a Calloway. “I just care about you, Rem. It’s my job as your best friend to look out for you. Isn’t that why you’re so wound up about me spending time with Brooke? Because of her mean girl rep. What do you think she’s going to turn me into a water-polo jock with frosted tips and a frat boy vocabulary?” he teased, laughing as he reached out to hold and caress her arms. “I may have joined the football team and I may have been invited to a few parties by Victrola’s pageant girl, but I’m still the same Ty. I’m not going to switch up on you. I’m not going to leave you, bubs.” Tyler brushed his fingers over her cheeks and behind her ears. He knew she loved having her earlobes and the back of her neck touched. When her mom died, Remy spent every night in Tyler’s bed and he never complained once. He was her person and that would never change.
“The Ball. Yeah. I’m actually escorting Brooke.” Tyler wasn’t trying to shove the fact in Remy’s face but he also didn’t want to lie to her about it. If he hid it, that would only be worse. “I feel like Lucien should step up. It can’t just be about sex… I don’t like that.” Despite them just being friends ( best friends ) Tyler was still very possessive. In his mind Remy was still his. He didn’t want to share her with people, but at the same time, a relationship between them could potentially screw their friendship up and Tyler didn’t want to risk that. Especially since his feelings for Brooke were so strong. He never felt anything like it before. It was different than friendship-love and lust… With Brooke everything tastes better, smells better, and feels better. It felt like he was falling in love.
“My singing is NOT awful. Shower singing doesn’t count.” Tyler laughed as he took a step back to find his car keys. “Brooke isn’t exactly my girlfriend yet. So don’t use that term in front of her, it might scare her away.” Immediately he regretted giving her the idea. “What’s wrong with my shirt? You’re telling me you wouldn’t fuck me in this? I don’t believe it. You fucked me in way worse. Remember the Batman shirt I wouldn’t take off? I wore it for, like, a week. That didn’t stop you from climbing into my bed at night.” he laughed, and despite his argument, he lifted the ends of his shirt and shrugged out of it. His tan, hard muscles flexed into place as he searched his drawers and closet for a replacement. Football has been good to him. Not only did it give him more time with his favorite cheerleader ( Brooke Vanderbilt ) but it also did wonders for his tall, newly-ripped physique.
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Whether or not he meant to, he still did to some degree. But that matter was neither here nor there at this point. And it wasn’t at the forefront of Remy’s mind. Nor was it what she chose to focus on. Every time Tyler talked about Brooke, Remy could feel a little piece of her heart break in her chest, and scatter into little pieces on the floor. It wasn’t like she was ever dating Tyler or had plans to. She thought about it, sure, but then always talked herself out of it. It wasn’t worth losing their friendship over. Still. Hearing Tyler declare that he just cared about her was rather bittersweet. It was nice to know, of course. But, sometimes she wished he wouldn’t care about her at all. So, it would make leaving him and the more complicated parts of their friendship, behind. It was harder to see him as just a friend, when sometimes he felt like more than that. “No--” Remy mumbled softly when Tyler depicted an off-brand picture of himself. She could never see him with frosted tips or a frat boy vocabulary. But, he had to admit that being with Brooke was changing him in ways. And it would change their friendship in ways too. Having significant others meant they couldn’t climb into each other’s beds anymore and cuddle late at night. They couldn’t find comfort or closeness in each other’s skin. Tyler couldn’t kiss her scrapes and bruises. Everything about them would have to be strictly platonic now. Keeping that in mind, Remy looked down when Tyler caressed her arms and tried, to subtly draw them away as an attempt to not make a big deal out of it. It worked for a brief second and then Tyler brushed her hair behind her ears and caressed her earlobes instead. It was Remy’s soft spot and, so she couldn’t help but close her eyes and give into it. 
All was fine and dandy after that, until Tyler brought up Brooke again -- awakening Remy from the spell he had her under and igniting her frustrations all over again. “Of course you are.” She didn’t mean to sound so bitter but, she did. She wasn’t mad at Tyler for getting a life and dating. But, she was angry that she never could seem to have what everyone else did. Her parents marriage wasn’t all that great. And so, it didn’t set the best example. Kolton was a certified man-whore. And Remy wasn’t falling that far behind. All guys wanted from her was sex. At least, that’s all she had with them. No relationships ever came about. “Yeah well? Maybe that’s all I’m good for.” Her response was quiet, almost inaudible. Like a silent confession, she needed to get off of her chest. And if Tyler couldn’t hear it then he couldn’t judge her for having sex with different guys. Really, it’s only been 3. But, considering none of them were dating her.. some would still consider that three too many. 
“Yeah, okay --” Remy chortled, rolling her eyes as she fell back in step with their friendly banter. “That’s exactly what I’m telling you. I wouldn’t fuck you in that shirt. I wouldn’t even give you a handjob.” Her lips curved at the corners while she recalled his one of a kind batman shirt. He liked it so much, he wore it all the time and it even had holes in it. One in the arm and two along his torso. He didn’t fill it out like he would have now, after playing football for the last couple of weeks. Remy’s been to a few of his games, and witnessed Tyler share a celebratory kiss with Brooke instead of her, on the field. It made her stomach turn just thinking about it. But not as much as it turned when he tore his shirt off his body and tossed it to the side. Remy could feel the desire and want stirring inside of her. She was practically hypnotized by it. So much so, she couldn’t stop herself as she came up behind him and wrapped her arms around his stomach from behind. His skin felt warm and his stomach was ripped as Remy ran her hands over it, trying to play it off as an innocent gesture by blindly pulling out a shirt a moment later. One that she could tell just by the texture of it, was from his old closet at the loft. It was a local band tee and had a tiger printed on the front. Remy loved to borrow it and once stole it for an entire month before Tyler took it back. “You should wear this one,” Selfishly, wearing something that reminded her of him or them -- made Remy feel like, even though he was out with Brooke tonight, he was still hers. Her bub. “It stands out. Looks very retro and she’ll wanna know what it means. So it provokes interest ---” and it’ll make you think of me, she added on silently to herself. 
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remysinclair-blog · 5 years
“You referring to the red Porsche? No one rides in her but me.” he reminded Remy with a playful grin. The way his lips were able to curve upward felt foreign to him. He hasn’t really smiled in a long time. The once gelled poster boy with a beautiful smile was now a totally different person. From cotillion suits and football jerseys to muscle shirts and tattoos. His 1963 red, Karmann Coupe was the last piece of his former self. And he wouldn’t share it with anyone. The next girl who sits shotgun in his Porsche will be his wife – if he ever makes it that far. Most of the time his future seems bleak. An early death was bound to happen before marriage.
“You’re bad.” Carter smiled as he watched her squeeze the lime juice onto her tongue; suggestiveness laced in everything she does, whether intended or not. Her brother Kolton was the same way. She probably learned it from him. They both had very sexual auras and always attracted the wrong kind of attention. A prime example of this was the way B-Flex grabbed onto Remy’s hips from under her shirt. Carter’s body stiffened when he noticed how uncomfortable she was and how the YouTuber wouldn’t take ‘no’ for an answer and kept groping her as if she’d learn to like it. Guys like him felt entitled to everything and everyone. Usually, sad, desperate girls jump for the attention, but Remy wasn’t seeking internet fame, even though it would have helped her reputation at Victrola skyrocket.
“Baby girl, chill the fuck out.” B-Flex turned towards his entourage and asked them to lower the cameras. Carter was now gone from the bar and Remy was left alone, wedged between her chair and this wannabe Machine Gun Kelly. “If you keep acting like this stuck-up, prude princess, I’ll make sure you never step foot in this club again.” Flex whispered harshly against her lips just before feeling a pull on his shoulder. Carter yanked him right off of her and then punched him in his gold-filled mouth. B-Flex would make sure the footage is never uploaded, it was too embarrassing for him, and Carter would only become a World Star legend. However, that didn’t matter, security saw everything, and after throwing both Remy and Carter out of the club, the latter was fired.
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“Fucking prick.” He muffled, sparking a limp cigarette between his lips before shuffling the pack outward, in case Remy wanted to partake. “You okay sweetie?” he touched her cheek and then her waist, where B-Flex kept grabbing onto her, hard enough to make her skin red. “Come on. Let me walk you home. If I ever see that guy again, I’ll kill him.”
Her baby pink lips curved at the thought. She took great pride in being bad. Being bad was a lot more fun than being good. Remy enjoyed the attention, she thrived on it. Everywhere else she felt invisible. At home, in school, around her peers. In the outside world, girls and guys flocked to Remy. And she liked it that way. Even though sometimes, that attention got her into grave trouble. Like now for instance, when B-Flex grabbed onto her and thought because she was asking for it, she shouldn’t be so surprised when he took the bait. Guys like B-Flex were the reason why, young girls weren’t allowed to wear short skirts or anything that made them feel empowered and sexy. Because they often misconstrued sexiness with an invitation into someone else’s pants. When that wasn’t the case here at all. Nor would it ever be in any other circumstance. 
“Oh, will you?” Remy mocked. She probably shouldn’t have but, she couldn’t control herself. And she didn’t necessarily believe him. Because she naively thought that being tight with Carter, the bartender, meant she got a free pass. When in reality, it didn’t work that way. No one cared here, that the Calloways had more money than God. Carter didn’t even use his last name when he applied for the position so, he was treated just like every other employee with no special privileges or advantages. “I highly doubt that,” she continued to scoff against his mouth, after he whispered a tad bit more harshly against hers. For a split second, Remy thought B-Flex had backed off, when in reality -- Carter intervened. “Oh my god, Carter!” Remy was stunned, to say the least. Her hands covered her mouth and she quickly stepped aside to dodge the messy collapse of B-Flex’s body as he hunched over the bar and let out a slew of profanities. Security intervened and before either Carter or Remy could process what had happened, both were thrown out of the club. 
Then to kick Carter while he was still down, he was fired on the spot. “What the hell was that?” Remy questioned Carter (more so, impressed than angry), after falling into step beside him as they walked off the crowd of eyes following them and strolled down the streets of the Upper West Side. The second Carter offered her a drag of his cigarette, Remy accepted. She took the cigarette between her lips and inhaled before releasing a soft puff and casually handing it back to him. “I’m fine,” she assured him. It wasn’t the first time, someone else had grabbed her inappropriately and she doubted it would be the last. “Who knew you were so chivalrous though? Defending my honor and all -- I don’t know,” Remy shrugged “it was kinda sexy. I’m sorry about your job though. If you want, I can always go back and tell them it was my fault? That you were just being a good Samaritan and that creep was way out of line. I mean, what’s more damaging to their reputation? A poor, innocent girl who was almost taken advantage of and molested by a big celeb or a big celeb getting decked in the face?” 
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remysinclair-blog · 5 years
“Well, you will anyway because you love me.” Tyler said, flashing her one of his more playful smirks. He knew she wouldn’t do anything to sabotage his relationship with Brooke. She may have hated it but she didn’t hate him – never could. “Look, I never liked the terrible-ten either. I still don’t. If they’re our future kings and queens of the world, then we’re all screwed.” He laughs, being dead-serious, but he also wasn’t including Brooke into that scenario. She wasn’t like the Kingstons. Her heart seemed genuine, just misconstrued. Everyone expects her to be a brat and a bitch, and maybe she has her moments, but Tyler knew who she was beneath it all. She was like them. Like, himself and Remy. Her mother was wherever and her father was a no-good, lying politician. Would he ever say this out loud or to Brooke’s face? No. But that didn’t stop him from thinking it. Brooke deserved a better family, better friends, and he wasn’t going to give up on her just because she’s involved with Victrola’s elite.
“They judge us, we judge them, it’s a never-ending cycle, Rem. You’ll see you two have more in common than you think.” All Tyler needed her to do was play nice and not rub anything in Brooke’s face. Because if she does, Brooke will never feel comfortable letting him continue traditions with Remy, such as sleepovers. Things like that weren’t supposed to continue after a certain age for boys and girls. It was considered wrong. Which, Tyler understood. Because everything their families feared would happen – did happen. They’ve had sex more times together than with anyone else. Everything Tyler knew (sexually) he learned from practicing with Remy.
“If anyone should understand, it should be you. You’re kind of low key dating Lucien, aren’t you? Or is that… – What is that anyway? You never really explained it in full. If you ask me, I’d say he’s too old for you, and his history with the Townsends is too deeply-rooted.” Tyler didn’t want her to be with Lucien. She was only setting herself up to get crushed. Out of all the terrifying-tens, weren’t the Calloways the worst? Hence, their father being beheaded in a very public matter.
“Well, I don’t think I’ll be singing campfire songs either, if I do, then kill me because I’ve been taken over. You’ll have to storm Area 51 for the real Tyler Kingston.” He was beginning to hate that name – his cousin ruined it for him. Especially since he cannot go a day without being reminded that, “he’s not a real Kingston,” – whatever the hell that means anyway. Just because his father detested the elite, just as much as himself and Remy, doesn’t mean he’s any less of a dynasty.
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“That’s debatable.” She was just teasing him though, of course. Tyler was her favorite person and he’d continue to be her favorite person until the end of time. No amount of girlfriends or boyfriends or distance could ever change that. And she was determined to prove it by being the greatest best friend ever. That way he’ll never feel the need to replace her with someone else. Not that he could, -- she was one of a kind. 
And besides, as much as he assured her that her and Brooke would get along -- Remy had her doubts. Brooke wasn’t the type of girl who picked paintballing and smashing things in a room out of a fit of rage, over a shopping spree at the mall or evening mani-pedis. Remy couldn’t careless about which Jimmy Choo’s to wear with which Chanel dress. That’s why she had The Princess of the Upper East Side to guide her, with her poor fashion sense. Remy was much more comfortable in tennis shoes or her doc martins and a pair of fishnets than a gurdie and heels. For that reason, Remy had trouble understanding Tyler and Brooke’s relationship or what all they had in common, if anything. They say opposites attract but being polar opposites doesn’t work all that well either. It was whatever though. Remy had to try, for Tyler’s sake, to put her doubts aside because he was happy. And in the end, that’s all that really matters. 
“Well, it’s a good thing I didn’t ask you.” She never meant for her tone to sound so harsh or biting. But, the topic of her and Lucien was a sensitive one. Remy didn’t really know where she stood with Lucien or what he wanted from her. And she hated being reminded that if it weren’t for the It Girl’s indiscretion with her own brother, Lucien might’ve been married or engaged to her by now. And Remy would be... god only knows where. “Look, I don’t know what’s going on with me and Lucien.” The way Remy said it, it sounded like there was more to the story. Following a pregnant pause, Remy sighed. “You know that debutante thing? Where the elite girls have to find an escort to bring them to the ball? -- Well.... Lucien’s going with his ex. I’m not even invited because I’m not a debutante but if I was, I couldn’t take him anyway. I mean it sucks, not being able to go out and do things together but, I also really like him. So, it’s complicated.” She shrugged but, it was evident she still struggled with it. 
“And oh god, I hope not. I’ve heard your singing and it’s AWFUL--” Remy teased him with a playful laugh. Eventually, she hopped down away from his windowsill and wobbled over to him. “I also think you should change your shirt if you wanna impress your girlfriend tonight.” It wasn’t established yet that he and Brooke were even dating but Remy figured they were well on their way, at least. “Seriously, Ty. It’s hideous. You look like a prep school nerd. Not the kinda guy a girl wants to fuck, ya know?” 
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remysinclair-blog · 5 years
“Rem,” Tyler sighed with a subtle roll of his eyes. He didn’t want his relationship with Brooke to feel like a competition with his best friend. He didn’t want Remy to feel like he was choosing someone over her. That isn’t the case. Nothing has to change between them. Aside from the obvious cuddling and hooking up. That wasn’t really appropriate anymore. Neither Lucien nor Brooke would approve or even understand that there was nothing romantic about them sharing a bed. Still, if Tyler saw Brooke in bed with someone else, he’d get angry and not want to hear about it either. “I love you, Rem. But you have to stop badmouthing Brooke. She’s not as bad as you think. She’s actually really sweet. I think you’d like her. So why don’t you give her a chance? And if you don’t like her…and I’m proven wrong… then you can leave and go back to sticking pencils into your eyes.”  he laughs, holding onto her hands and then interlacing their fingers. It was his way of comforting her — letting her know he’d always be hers.
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Still, Tyler wasn’t sure how to navigate between the two — best friend and girlfriend. He never seriously liked anyone before. Not like this. His feelings for Brooke were completely new to him. What if Brooke wants to hang out after hours? How would he explain he has a movie night planned with another girl? Maybe she’ll be more understanding than his worries give her credit for. Deciding to play it by ear, he stands to his feet and gradually lets Remy’s fingers fall from his hands. “If you think you’ll be a third wheel, which you won’t be, you could always invite someone to join us? I don’t think Lucien would show but, there has to be someone else? What about that Castle guy? From our class. Didn’t you hang out with him a couple of times?” Tyler has no idea the guy’s a certified lunatic. He does well with hiding it, and to be fair, Tyler hasn’t been around the Upper East Side long enough to know everyone’s secrets.
Whether or not he wanted to, or he intended to -- it still felt like he was choosing Brooke over her. Going to some party she invited him to, was the same as skipping out on their plans to be with her. This was a time-honored tradition of theirs. It was something constant and unwavering for Remy to look forward to. Sure, she knew that their relationship had to change now, to fit in all these other counterparts. Girlfriends, boyfriends... even graduation, when they both left New York to go off to college. But college wasn’t for another year. So they had time. Or so, she thought. In reality, that wasn’t the case. Not only that, instead of taking her side -- he was defending Brooke. How well did he even know her anyways? Why did she have to compromise but Brooke didn’t? It wasn’t fair. But then, Remy was also being stubborn and over-protective. She lost one person she loved this year. She couldn’t lose him, too.
“What if I don’t want to?” She supposed, hypothetically... that she was talking about the party and her verbal agreement to stop bashing Brooke. Trash talking the terrorizing-ten was kind of their thing. But, now that was suddenly off limits because Tyler was dating the legendary prima-donna herself? As if! Even while friends with the youngest Calloway, and close to that entire family, it never stopped Remy from bashing them on occasion whenever she felt snuffed or pushed away. She was spiteful in that manner. Tyler was the only person who understood her in her entirety. The good, the bad, the ugly... he’s seen it all and loved her in spite of it. That’s why letting go was so hard. It wasn’t every day you found someone who accepted you wholly.
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“Who?” The topic of this Castle guy caused Remy to shift uncomfortably by Tyler’s window before she perched herself on the windowsill. She never got around to telling Tyler that he was blackmailing her and Lucien. Or that he asked her to let him escort her to the ball in exchange for something else. He was a sleaze. But, she told herself she could handle it on her own. She didn’t need Tyler and her older brother, to fight every one of her battles. It made her look and feel weak. And the kids at Victrola, didn’t respect the weak. In fact, they ate them for breakfast. “Fine. Whatever. I’ll go.” She figured if worse came to worse, she’d just find the stoners and get high with them all night to tolerate the rest of the party. “But you owe me. And for your sake, I’ll try to be nice. Even if it kills me. Although, don’t expect me to sit around a campfire with your girlfriend and start singing kumbaya. Not gonna happen. Not even if you bribed me with hot cheetos.”
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remysinclair-blog · 5 years
In debt with both drug dealers and gamblers, Carter was in need of some income, fast. Leaning over the bar, the former prom king and promising athlete tapped away on his phone, texting his friend Kolton Sinclair for some help pulling off another job. When little miss hot and perky closed in on him, Carter’s eyes lifted and a smile curved along his scruffy mouth. He knew Remy was his friend’s kid sister. He’s been over their house countless times. But he also didn’t care. If Remy wants to dance on Molly then who was he to say no? He wasn’t her father. Besides, she wasn’t doing anything he hasn’t done himself.
“Hey, sweetie.” Carter reached across the bar to squeeze Remy’s very pinchable cheeks. They were one of his favorite features of hers. He knew she thought it was annoying whenever he did it, but bugging her had become one of his favorite past times whenever he wasn’t lowkey checking her out behind big bro’s back. “Ah, some jack-off from YouTube is here. It’s a big deal for the club. They’re allowing him to vlog the whole thing. He’s a total prick, though. If he puts his camera in my face one more time, I’ll break it.” his laugh was soft and playful, but that didn’t diminish the conviction behind his threat. He was seriously considering ruining that guy’s life.
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“You mean least favorite customer.” Carter corrected her with playful banter. “You have a tab worth more than my car and you’re not flashing me your boobs to get free drinks like every other hot girl.” he teased, biting into his bottom lip, while admiring her tight figure dressed to party. “But I guess I can make an exception.” After grabbing a highball glass and a bottle of vodka, Carter mixed her drink and adorned the sugary rim with two slices of lime. “There you are, sweetie. Now do me a favor and tell your shit head brother to call me when you see him.” Carter pushed his arms out against the bar, leaning back to survey the party. The douche with the camera could have any girl he wanted and so he quickly became bored with them all. He wanted someone he couldn’t have which led him right to the girl who stiff-armed him earlier as if he were in her way. “Sup, baby, you wanna dance? I’ll make you Insta-famous.” The Vlogger whispered in Remy’s ear with his hand on her lower back and his entourage anticipating his final say.
It was a reflex of hers now, to blush and groan whenever he greeted her with a pinch to the cheeks. In the beginning, Remy hated the gesture. But, over time she’s learned to appreciate it for what it is, while still pretending to despise it. Having a set of inside-jokes and unique little quirks, is what made Remy feel close to a person, regardless of who they were. She had about a hundred and one with Tyler, and then about a hundred more with the youngest Calloway, AKA -- Carter’s baby sister. 
When she really stopped to think about it, Remy’s relationships with each Calloway sibling, was different. Carter never babied her and helped supply her with uppers to reach her full potential, Lucien was more careful and observant and authoritative around her but still hot, and the youngest Calloway, her best friend, was the ying to her yang. They were all special, and all important in her life. Whether she said it out loud or not. 
“Actually,--” Remy interjected with her forefinger pointed outward, “That depends on which car we’re referring to. That old clunker you use to get around or the one you inherited and keep safely tucked away in your garage. I’m still waiting for the day you'll take me for a ride.” Upon smiling kittenly at the innuendo, Remy hid her smirk behind the glass of her drink. “When I see Kolton, I’ll pass along the message. Unless I’m too trashed and I don’t remember.”  Laughing, though she knew the statement to hold some truth to it, Remy plucked one of the limes from the side of the glass and squeezed it into her drink before collecting the remaining juices on her tongue. She was so busy just enjoying and giving herself over to the taste of the drink that she didn’t even notice the man of the hour sneak up on her until it was too late to stop him and, he placed his hand against her lowerback. 
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In an attempt to shake him off, Remy slid an inch over to the side and then growled when he couldn’t seem to take the hint. “I’m good. I don’t need your help with that, thank you.” Remy tried for politeness but, it seemed to go completely over the YouTuber’s head. He thought that, because he was a media influencer and often treated like a celebrity that, he could take whatever he wanted with no regard to anyone else’s feelings. “Are you deaf? I said no!” Feeling his grip grow even tighter, Remy pushed on his chest to get him to back up and started to panic when she felt trapped with nowhere to go to get away from him. 
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remysinclair-blog · 5 years
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“Don’t I know it.” Tyler sighed, glancing at the wall where they could both hear the Empire’s prince fucking one of the hotel’s guests against the wall while blasting his shitty rap music. He was clearly doing it to piss Tyler and Remy off. After Remy rejected his hand on her waist, he got mad and Tyler threatened him to leave her alone. Now he was taking his frustrations out on some poor dimwit.
“I miss you too, by the way.” he knew that’s what she really means whenever she badmouths the hotel or the entire Upper East Side in its entirety. Remy was more accustom to the parties and private school than he was. Her father helped remodel Victrola and she’d been going there her whole life, and even has friends here. Tyler still felt like a pariah, with the exception of Brooke Vanderbilt, whom he was supposed to meet up with in the next hour. “Oh crap…” It was Friday? Yes it was Friday, idiot! He knew that when he accepted Brooke’s invitation to attend a party with her. He couldn’t let her go alone or with someone else. He’d lose his chance with her. She was sure to have the entire Billionaire Boys Club all over her. “Rem. Shit, I totally forgot.” He thought about lying to her. I’m sick. I have a dentist appointment. My uncle is forcing me to go some social event…sorry. But they’ve never kept secrets from each other before. That’s what made their friendship so special. They knew each other inside and out, quite literally, as they spent their adolescence exploring each other’s bodies after curiosity and hormones set in. “The lifestyle here is so fast… Brooke invited me to a party and without thinking things through, I said yes. It’s in, like, an hour. I hope you’re not mad at me…” Tyler reached out for her hands and pulled her closer so she wouldn’t leave, abruptly. Since her mother’s death she’d been more closed off and Tyler didn’t want her to just bolt. “You could come? I’m sure Brooke won’t mind. Then we can do pizza and moves after. I Promise.”
Remy sighed. More so out of disappointment than annoyance this time. She couldn’t blame Tyler for wanting or trying to fit in. She was in that same boat once upon a time. And still kinda is on occasion. She didn’t have two dimes to rub together but she made up for the fact by being her bold and adventurous self, as well as, the life of the party. Which, in her opinion, was better than being rich, spoiled, and vapid. Because then what happens when the money’s gone? All you’re left with is a boring, shitty personality. No, thank you. She’ll pass. 
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“You forgot?” If she wasn’t so shocked and surprised by that, she would’ve been offended. Remy prided herself on being unforgettable. One taste of her should be all anyone needs to get hooked. Otherwise, she wasn’t doing her job or living up to her name. In the moment, Remy didn’t realize that what Tyler actually meant to say was that he forgot he had plans with Brooke. Not that he forgot her, his best friend, or their lifetime’s worth of traditions. That truth came to light when he later elaborated on that sentiment. At that point, Remy sighed AGAIN. And this time, out of pure annoyance. 
At some point, they always knew this day would come. Remy just hoped they could put it off for a little while longer because she wasn’t ready for her relationship with Tyler to change. But, if they weren’t dating.. eventually, they’d have to move on and explore their other options. She was doing it with Lucien (despite Tyler’s disapproval) and so it was only fair, she allowed him to mingle with other people too. But, did it have to be Brooke Vanderbilt? The beauty queen of Victrola and the Upper East Side? First, he’d forget plans and traditions, then next it would be birthdays. Pretty soon, Remy would be erased from his life and Brooke would become the center of his world. It didn’t leave Remy with a very good taste in her mouth. The only silver lining in all of this, was that Tyler still knew her like the back of his hand. He knew, she’d just brush her feelings under the rug and take off. Because closing herself off to the feeling of anything was better than the alternative. That alternative being -- losing Tyler like she lost her mom. “She’s Brooke Vanderbilt. She’s a spoiled, rich brat who I bet is used to being the center of attention. I’m pretty sure she’ll mind. And do I really want to be the third wheel on your date? Uh, not really. I’d rather stick pencils in my eyes all night, than watch you two duke it out all evening with your tongues buried down each other’s throats. Gross.” Remy said that like she hasn’t duked it out with Tyler herself, many, many times in the last two years. More so out of practice and hormonal rage than anything. Although, there were times where Remy knew and had to suppress her gnawing attraction and crush on Tyler. Throwing away their friendship just never seemed worth it to her. Even if, she’s thought about it a hundred times.
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remysinclair-blog · 5 years
Nightclub, Upper West Side 1:33 AM, Flashback -- with Carter Calloway
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"Excuse me, move it, out of my way -- “ Remy sighed with annoyance, as she pushed her way through the crowd of bodies and vibrant-colored confetti. Because of some random, youtube influencer’s birthday, they decided to rent out most of the club for the night, much to many of the locals and regular customers dismay, including hers. She was feeling particularly on edge by the time she made it over to the bar, worn out from dancing, where her best friend’s older brother, and the social pariah of the Upper East Side, was serving up drinks and sexy looks with a special side of ecstasy. 
“Carter!” Being that she was so small, Remy had to practically throw herself across the counter just to reach him. “What’s with all these people???” She wasn’t aware yet, that it was some social media star's twenty-first birthday nor did she care because she didn’t watch much youtube on a regular basis.  Had she known the place would be this packed or crawling with tourists and overly-crazed fangirls, she might’ve found a temporary alternative for the night. But alas, she was stuck there and it was too late. “You’d think it was Mardi Gras with all these boobs flying around in my face. Can I get a vodka tonic, please? And two limes for your favorite customer.” She flashed him a knowing smile in the process, because she knew that last part wasn’t entirely the truth. Sometimes, she left without paying for her drinks. Meaning she jipped him of any tip. But, she made up for it by being cute and adorable. Or so, she hoped.
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remysinclair-blog · 5 years
Friday, August 17th 2019 The Empire Hotel, 8:53 PM  — with Tyler Kingston
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“You know, for the record -- your cousin’s a total douche.” At first, she wasn’t going to say anything. About his new digs or his new roommate. Doing so would only just remind her how much she missed having him around, when he still lived right down the hall from her. With their shared hometown aside of the Bronx, they had a lot more in common than where they simply grew up. Remy wasn’t the only kid who lost a parent this year. So did Tyler. And so did Lucien. Though, she didn’t feel like getting into any of that either. 
Her last conversation with Lucien didn’t go too well. On behalf of him telling her he planned on taking his ex to the upcoming debutante ball. She kept telling herself that it didn’t matter, that it was whatever. That she didn’t care, because she didn’t really feel like going or participating in it all anyway. But was that the truth? -- Who knows?? Not really. Regardless, she didn’t have a choice. She’d leave that occasion up to all the other snobby Upper East Siders. Maybe if she was lucky, she could convince Tyler to skip out on the dance, too. They could make a night of it, like old times. Take a trip down to their old favorite pub instead, order a pitcher of beer and shoot some pool while seeing who could con the other out of their savings, first. Not that she had any to offer him. Unlike their friends at school, and him now, she didn’t know what it meant or felt like to be rich. To have money thrown at her just for the sake of entertaining herself. “But, that’s not why I came. -- I came because, it’s friday AKA it’s movie night. And just because you moved away from home into this nice penthouse suite, doesn’t mean you get to weasel out of tradition. So, what do you want to watch first? Godzilla, The Shinning, Pineapple Express?”
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remysinclair-blog · 5 years
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