ren16 · 5 years
Karen O. Amigo
Since it is already the month of love, did you already found the love of your life? or are you still waiting for someone? I know everyone can relate about this because it is timely and also this month we celebrated the Valentines Day.
Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no records of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil bit rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always persevere, and love never fails. (Corinthians 13:4-8)
There's a famous quotation "Love never fails, if it fails its not love"
In my own experience theres no fairytale formula for true love. It begins and blossoms with partners committing and recommitting to each other. February 14 is the day of love and friendship a time for Valentines Day and remembering love the journey of love doesnt stop here, we should show each day and filled them with love. Romantic love is grounded primarily in feelings and emotions, yet fullness of love goes deeper, When we love we never forget and we are able to imagine the idea of eternity and life everlasting, not because by the absence of outward beauty. We emphasize in the importance of having someone special in our lives and how they make everything better. Real love endures all kinds of trials and believes and hopes for the best, knowing that in the long run God will bring the best.
When I was younger, I came up with a list of ‘non-negotiables’ ten attributes that I wanted to find in a person like ‘moral,’ ‘communicative,’ and ‘lifelong learner. In my experience, a great relationship happens when both people feel like they have lucked out. You become the company that you keep. Over a lifetime shared with someone, you are going to pick up their qualities, their habits, their lifestyle. I have since thrown away my list and replaced it with a simple philosophy. "Find someone who you feel lucky to be with, and who feels lucky to be with you. Someone who you admire, someone who you want to become more like" and "love never fails, if its fail its not love" because I believe that love is your cheerleader, it believes in you, and tries its best to help you achieve your vision. Love changes perception of beauty. Love stroke your grey hair, wrinkles and remarks how distinguished it makes you look. Love teaches you to find ordinary, extraordinary. Love doesnt always make you happy, but makes you better. Happy too, but also unhappy because your relationship will be test their will be conflicts and arguing that the two of you will encounter and its up to the both of you on how you will overcome it. Love is a choice, you make that choice every single day and every single minute and love is beautiful, it is necessary but it is never what you think it will be. It is always much, much more.
How the love never fails?
1. We should celebrate each month with loads of love.
2. Walks with love, affection and happiness in each moment
3. Be filled with sweet moments and enjoy anything that means time together
4. Buy something symbolic, it could be memorable and appreciated by your partner. We have to remember that romance and to be romantic does not always need to be expensive or materialistic items as present. Try to gift that will set a different vibe in your relationship.
4. Dream together, the two of you should know your wants out of life and working together to make those dreams possible.
5. Embrace your partners individuality, let them be themselves, you should not be below the belt. Love your partners imperfection.
6. Have fun, all couples should have some activities that they enjoy doing each other.
7. Manage your conflicts and prevent arguing.
8. Have a strong foundation, Rastogi said that Your interests, opinion and experiences can change as you grow. But if you share the same core belief systems, you will have a platform from which to build a strong relationship
I just want to remind you also that this month is not just only for the lovers out there. Always remember that you are loved by God whether you dont feel it in your surroundings, there is always the one who appreciate and love you for who you are. You will find also your perfect one just wait for the right time because having a partner is not a race so wait for your time, let God write your love story and He will give the best for you. Just a reminder love should be expressed every day, not just on some made up holiday.
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