renaevanbuskirk · 4 years
Week 13 – Progress Update.
My business has been steady and super fun to do! Getting family and friends to help on random jobs is extremely enjoyable! My social media is going great. Customers really enjoy the before and after pictures of vehicles. Its satisfying. Currently everything is going so well. I learned to balance, stay focused and committed to my business but also to have fun. I now know when to order and how much to order. I learned to keep profits tracked and, in an account, so I can realize how much money I am actually making. Next summer, I am looking forward to hiring a couple of summer students! In the meantime. I will keep my business slow and steady and keep building good relationships with my customers.
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renaevanbuskirk · 4 years
Week 12 – Progress Update.
I was approached by a small company who was interested in having 3 vehicles cleaned next month and I agreed. I know I only committed to so many a week to keep the stress and demand off of my shoulders. But my partner agreed to help! The extra business will be worthwhile! Amazon shipped fairly quick! We got all new car fresheners. Customers have been loving it! I also have non-customers ask about coming by to purchase the air fresheners. I am learning that I love to keep just the right amount of busy!
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renaevanbuskirk · 4 years
Week 11 – Progress Update.
I am doing 3 vehicles a week on average which is a great balance for me. My order from my bulk purchase a few weeks ago has arrived! Nothing like being fully stocked. This week I had a new helper. My niece who had so much fun helping me! Great company is always the best. She did a wonderful job and I look forward to have her helping again. The business has been successful. Orders and routine are all in check. Everything is running smoothly. Everyone is happy! I am realizing more customers are wanting the monthly deep clean which works for me! Loyal customers on a monthly basis gives me the consistency.
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renaevanbuskirk · 4 years
Week 8 - Progress Update
Another great week. Made a bulk purchase that will be delivered hopefully next week – with covid19 a lot of deliveries are being delayed so fingers are crossed. If it isn’t delivered by then I can always purchase another couple small cleaning supply to make it last. We are still receiving good feedback! Customers are wanting more choices for car fresheners! So I will also be making an amazon purchase for these to bring in a variety for our customers of all quality and prices
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renaevanbuskirk · 4 years
Week 7 - Progress Update
Completed our 10thvehicle! It has been so much fun to see the customers happy. And it’s also a relief that there has been a great response by the community. Everyone is supportive and encouraging. I decided to start buying bulk for cleaning supplies. I started off with small purchases but now that I know business is flowing – I can definitely start investing in bigger bulk purchases with revenue coming in.
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renaevanbuskirk · 4 years
Creative Advertising Exercise Has your life been so busy with work, family, extracurricular activities, plans, school? Whatever it may be; we’re here to help with your vehicle! We will give it a good deep clean focusing on attention to detail for a very affordable price! DROP IT OFF TO US TODAY  We work around your schedule and satisfaction guaranteed!
Renae Vanbuskirk, Car Detailing Small Business Owner, Chapleau Ontario
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renaevanbuskirk · 4 years
Customer Persona
Ideal Customer
My ideal customer is a woman named Lisa who lives in a small town. She is 43 years old, works full-time, has 3 kids, and a dog. Her kids keep her busy on evenings and weekends – adventuring and taking kids to their extracurricular activities.
Lisa is a very busy mom who rarely goes out of town because she is so busy with work and the kids. She does the best to keep up with her vehicle as she does want it to look nice and upkeep. She gets the kids to pick up the garbage in it but that’s it.
Pain Points
Thoroughly cleaning the vehicle is time consuming and finds she rarely has time to give it a good deep clean and pay attention to detail with her busy lifestyle. This has always been stressful for her. When Lisa goes out of town, she doesn’t get her car detailed because it’s also time consuming.
. She can afford the service once a month. But who can get to do the job?
Buying Trigger
She starts asking around her small town. Maybe teenagers? Maybe someone in need of some extra cash.
Buying Process
New company in town. Car detailing service. They offer a ride home after you drop your vehicle off. It is just down the street!
Choice Factors
Lisa was willing to get just anyone to do. Now she has a company who does a great job.
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renaevanbuskirk · 4 years
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Message map!
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renaevanbuskirk · 4 years
Week 6. Where will I get the money?
Luckily! I have money saved up which will cover equipment and supplies to get me going. It is a small business and doesn’t require much to start up however in the future I would like to start to explore grants offered to First Nations small business such as the aboriginal entrepreurship program.
Goals in the future are to operate a stand alone car wash and attached have a business garage to do detailing instead of out of my garage.
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renaevanbuskirk · 4 years
Week 10! Renae’s car detailing. Start up progress venture.
I’m getting down the whole balancing work life and business thing. I started involving my kid to help with certain tasks such as hoseing off the vehicles which is so much fun for him!
I’m interested in learning about tax write offs and exploring that topic a little more. Benefiting from every end of your business is key. Next purchase order I will be ordering in bigger bills to save money in the long run.
Customers are quite happy! I want to provide an area on a website for the to voice their feedback! All feedback is essential in maintaining a good business. Knowing what you could do better is always good.
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renaevanbuskirk · 4 years
Week 9
Advertising is going well! There has been a lot of interest in our small town. What is not working is being able to balance work life with business life. It will take some time getting use too - managing a social balance between life work and business. Project is coming along well! A business takes a lot of time and dedication. Not anyone can just start up a business. You have to have experience and determination 😉 I have learned that I need to work on setting limits for myself. An example would be scheduling. Not to schedule myself overboard and feeling okay about that.
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renaevanbuskirk · 4 years
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renaevanbuskirk · 4 years
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renaevanbuskirk · 4 years
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renaevanbuskirk · 4 years
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White spirit Moose I saw last week on the way to Timmins 🙂
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