rentfreecat · 3 years
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'being low-profile' just means no wizard hat, right? you can still cast Call Lightning with violent abandon, right??
(here's Miffy's new outfit for level 6 !🥳)
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rentfreecat · 3 years
Does the satisfaction you get from completing a thing make up for the frustration and disappointment of continuing to participate in it after you stopped enjoying it?
Just because you start reading/writing a story or watching a show doesn't mean you have to finish it. Don't let the sunk cost fallacy or some need to finish things you start ruin your enjoyment of your free time.
I will forever love that Marie Kondo moment where she says you should thank a shirt you never wore for teaching you that you don't like that kind of shirt.
If a piece of media has taught you that you don't like something, thank it for that and let it go. Then go into your future armed with more knowledge about yourself and your preferences.
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rentfreecat · 3 years
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rentfreecat · 3 years
Love how Maul constantly bitches that Kenobi “left him to die on Naboo” like my guy did you forget what you were doing on Naboo
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rentfreecat · 3 years
“i also choose this guy’s dead wife” was easily the #1 funniest thing to ever be written on the internet.
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rentfreecat · 3 years
What happens if tarantula no longger need the frog?
great news! that just straight-up doesn't happen.
tarantulas can live for well over a decade, and female tarantulas can expect to breed multiple times before they finally kick it! and since there's always the expectation of there going to be a new clutch of eggs in the nest every year, there's no benefit in getting rid of the frogs that will keep those eggs safe.
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a female columbian lesserblack tarantula will treasure and protect her frogs until the day she dies, and then those frogs will go into the care of whichever of her daughters inherits her burrow! it's an eternal cycle. a cycle of frog.
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rentfreecat · 3 years
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breaking news i tried to post my year in review and tumblr will not let me post the post they themselves created. also there was an error. i would expect nothing less
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rentfreecat · 3 years
look: our neanderthal ancestors took care of the sick and disabled so if ur post-apocalyptic scenario is an excuse for eugenics, u are a bad person and literally have less compassion than a caveman
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rentfreecat · 3 years
Since a lot of folks on Tumblr like to write, a really slept on form of activism is writing letters to the editor of your local newspaper and pitching opinion pieces. I see posts from folks on here all the time that could totally be adapted into short LTEs or even full op-eds.
These can be written for any issue, but if you're interested in doing this for climate action, the Citizens' Climate Lobby has a great tool that will find all of your local (US) newspapers and allow you to easily send LTEs to as many as you'd like with only a couple of clicks. (The tool says to write about the Energy Innovation Act but really they're happy to have you write about anything). The tool doesn't work outside of the US unfortunately, but most newspapers will list an email address on their website which you can send LTEs to directly.
Here is a simple outline and example of how to write an LTE, which only needs to be about 200 words or fewer:
Reference something in the news or a specific part of a news story from your local paper.
Transition into how that news relates to climate change.
Identify a solution.
Present a call to action.
Optional tip: consider including the names of senators or members of congress. Politicians usually have staff who search media for references to them, and "tagging" them like this helps put your issues on their radar.
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And that's it! You can talk about any problem or solution you're passionate about, whether it's carbon pricing, EV vehicles, reducing flights, plant-based food systems, or anything else, and they're supposed to be super short so you don't have to worry about knowing all the details or citing specifics or anything stressful. But feel free to spice it up beyond this basic outline as well. Watch CCL's video on writing effective LTEs here for more guidance.
Whether or not your LTE gets published, encouraging media coverage of climate action matters. Climate change is critically under-reported, and just showing your newspaper that their readers care about environmental issues is a meaningful form of activism.
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rentfreecat · 3 years
instagram is not allowing accounts with BLM related links in the bio to post or comment until the link is removed.
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here’s a twitter thread talking about the same thing. https://mobile.twitter.com/rauhling_bizzle/status/1469691121110437890?s=21
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rentfreecat · 3 years
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rentfreecat · 3 years
I want to preface this by saying this is not victim blaming. This not calling people online lazy or grifting or whatever.
But an underlooked proponent on why some people are nearing homeless and crowdfunding heavily rn is bc society has failed you by making it as inconvenient as possible to learn about social systems and programs that already exist to help your situation as well as not having enough programs and aid.
Lemme give some examples. I have been unemployed for 10 months. My mom told me about a paying job training program a month ago after I already decided to mive in with her to find work, because nothing was coming up in my own city. My best friend didn’t know about affordable housing assistance in my state until she talked to my dad about it on a chance encounter. Some people on here have to see posts about much cheaper alternatives to their current prescriptions or medical plans because its not in the interest of their doctors paychecks to tell them about it. I would have waited to get vaccinated and not have crowdfunded for Uber money if I had known they were going to give free vaccine rides the next month. But I wouldn’t have really known this until I opened the app once that program started, because it is in their interest to keep taking my money until its their desired time for me to reap their “generous” services.
What I’m trying to say is that this is an under discussed aspect of how capitalism fails people. When you are forced to make your life and work and finances so singular and self interested, you are cut off from community and equivalent social services to proper government assistance. You literally don’t know that there is help somewhere out there for you unless you’re told.
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rentfreecat · 3 years
“i don’t understand how you just get so much stuff done under pressure and like don’t freak out” i just go into autopilot bro like i genuinely do not know what happens in high volume situations. i let my body deal with that shit. not for me
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rentfreecat · 3 years
I don't think people realize how some people need abortions because they want to be pregnant. I really genuinely want a child. However, if abortion becomes criminalized, it becomes incredibly dangerous for me to be pregnant. I am physically ill and have multiple health problems that make me susceptible to having various pregnancy complications, miscarriage, and birth defects (that lead to stillbirth). Hell, I have a higher chance of maternal mortality than most women. Banning abortion puts me at severe medical risk. Miscarriage is now under legal suspect and is continuing to be seen as "potential" abortions or just flat out manslaughter; I could be interrogated by the police or even prosecuted in the court of law for having a miscarriage. I could have a pregnancy complication that cannot be resolved because a law prevents me from having an abortion, and I could, at best, be rendered infertile or, at worst, end up dead. I could be forced to go through an excruciatingly long and painful birth so that I can hold a dead infant in my arms because the law wouldn't let me get a "late-term" abortion. The list is endless. Don't let anyone tell you pregnancy is a safe procedure. It is not. Abortion is healthcare.
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rentfreecat · 3 years
Deodorant Recall: More Than 30 Brands Flagged as Potentially Dangerous | Fatherly
"Deodorant Recall: More Than 30 Brands Flagged as Potentially Dangerous | Fatherly" https://www.fatherly.com/news/deodorant-recall-benzene/amp/
FYI, y'all.
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rentfreecat · 3 years
I mean, if we really wanted comic book movies to be faithful to the source material, rather than spending $100 million on one movie, what you’d do is give $20 million each to five different directors, release all five resulting movies in theatres at the same time, and make sure that each movie’s plot refers to the events of all the other movies’ plots in such a way that whichever of the five movies you watch first will be entirely incomprehensible and every possible viewing order is wrong.
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rentfreecat · 3 years
How to deal with little brothers. (via)
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