reochiwwww · 3 months
i hat3 myself sm
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reochiwwww · 3 months
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im fxking hate myself and my life
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reochiwwww · 4 months
im sorry 4my english, cus I never not talk it irl, sorrysprrysorry(((((((
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reochiwwww · 4 months
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Cr. Cloudi
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reochiwwww · 4 months
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reochiwwww · 4 months
hello, I'm created new tiktok account! who want, subscribe!! :3 3nekoneko4
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reochiwwww · 4 months
new photo heheheh
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reochiwwww · 4 months
Rant cause I’m mad idk
Why are women on the internet so sexualised just for existing ? how is it that I get constantly sexualised and sent dick pics/ men literally saying they would like to shag me (which would be rape as I am a minor) just because I dress up as fictional characters. None of my cosplays are revealing in any way and even if they were that would not be consent for me to be sent these disgusting things. Guys see that I’m a teenage girl just living my life and having fun and think “oh she wants to see my genitals” KILL YOURSELF. I have heard guys in my year say I’m cute in a bunny girl sort of way 🤢. Comparing my love of dressing up with a porn category is beyond messed up! I get made fun of for having a harmless and fun hobby whilst guys can boast to their friend about how much porn they watch and they will not be made fun of in any way.how is dressing up as a fictional girl worse than watching women and girls be abused and raped!? Why can women not have hobbies without constantly being sexualised by men? ESPECIALLY TEENAGE GIRLS! Think of one hobby a teenage girl can have without being made fun of! Gaming,cosplaying,liking books,liking anime literally anything but doing their makeup and partying is seen as “cringy” and “weird” sorry for the awful grammar but I’m angry
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reochiwwww · 4 months
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reochiwwww · 4 months
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I am her and she is me (ㆁωㆁ*)
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reochiwwww · 4 months
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reochiwwww · 4 months
im tired(((
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reochiwwww · 4 months
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reochiwwww · 4 months
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Jirai Kei Bjd doll
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reochiwwww · 4 months
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tokyo street snap
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reochiwwww · 4 months
it's me if u even care
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reochiwwww · 4 months
i want live only in kind world🥺
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