reprcbates-retired · 5 years
feel free to unfollow, this blog’s not in use anymore
you’ll know if or when i come back
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reprcbates-retired · 5 years
feel free to unfollow, this blog’s not in use anymore
you’ll know if or when i come back
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reprcbates-retired · 5 years
i think i might just archive this blog. i’m tired of disappearing on unnotified hiatuses because i simply can’t fathom replies/reaching out to people to plot.
im just really tired, yall.
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reprcbates-retired · 5 years
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We are all Superstitious is comic that follows the life of two boys and their experiences with small, everyday supernatural beliefs.
If you’re having trouble reading it, you can download it for free on my gumroad!
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reprcbates-retired · 5 years
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This is what Alexandria’s office looks like, minus the guitars. She wanted to keep a whimsical feeling to her space, somewhere that uplifts her patients. She also encourages her patients to help her water her plants and she lends out books without much expectation of getting them back.
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reprcbates-retired · 5 years
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  “See, that’s precisely what I meant when I said you were progressive.”
Casamir smiled over at Victor like a wolf, one hand toying with the unconscious woman’s hair. He reached out with a foot to nudge Victor’s hips, enjoying the view from where he reclined.
   “There’s only three of us at the moment.     Lord Rufus had to go and get himself beheaded.”
Casamir scoffed, as if irritated by the dead man.
   “Lady Misericorde, Mother, when she can be bothered to     come home, and myself. You’ll fit right in.”
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As much as Victor enjoyed being praised for his brain, he had a feeling this was much more shallow. It felt tuned out, or maybe that’s just how he felt about when Casamir spoke most of the time. Shifting his legs in a wider stance, he played the words over in his head and ran his tongue over his top teeth.
    “Mina’s there? Eugh, no thank you.      I’m sure she’d leap at the chance to      kill me on sight.”
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reprcbates-retired · 5 years
She’d managed to keep from rolling her eyes, even if it had been a struggle to do so. Still, Molly didn’t meet Alexandria’s eyes, slumping further in her chair like a petulant child. This was Alexandria’s job, of course…to attempt to urge and keep Molly in a healthier frame of mind. Naturally she wouldn’t understand.
“I don’t try to hold onto people.” She mumbled, shrugging a little as she picked at her nails. “I don’t need to. I just…remind myself that people suck sometimes, that’s all. It’s less a grudge and more a…I don’t know, a memo to myself.” She mimed writing in the air. “People can suck.”
“You know who doesn’t suck? Dogs. Dogs don’t suck because they’re awesome. I’m hungry–got any snacks?”
Alexandria crossed her legs neatly and nodded. Molly did have one thing that she agreed with, but that’s not the reason they were here. They were finally starting to dig down into some of Molly’s inner conflicts.
    “They certainly can. Everyone has that      capability to do wrong, and everyone      does at some point. Some are worse      than others. Some do wrong intentionally.      And some don’t.”
That was, more or less, repeating what Molly had said in more detail. Alexandria liked to think of it as understanding human nature, in this aspect.
    “But we have to remember and understand      that being bad or doing bad, it isn’t the only      thing we do. I’m not saying that the people      that did wrong you deserve your forgiveness,      but if you approach each and every person      with the expectation of disappointment, you’re      not going to be very happy down the road.”
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reprcbates-retired · 5 years
Reblog if you are willing to do heart-to-heart threads where our muses just sit and talk about their feelings, things that have happened to them in the past, or even current events within their verse.
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reprcbates-retired · 5 years
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reprcbates-retired · 5 years
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the vault of heaven; the sky.
Etymology: from Late Latin firmāmentum, “sky” (considered as fixed above the earth), from Latin for “prop, support”, from firmāre, “to make firm”.
Original: by Franz Von Stuck
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reprcbates-retired · 5 years
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    “I do not like the void. You can keep it.”
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reprcbates-retired · 5 years
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Maura’s show recommendation: Patrick Melrose (2018)
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reprcbates-retired · 5 years
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reprcbates-retired · 5 years
*Slithers through your inbox making a sound like the rustling of dead leaves*- love sneky boi
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-pets the snek- please don’t send me into a void
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reprcbates-retired · 5 years
"Tell me, how do you feel about zombies?" Casamir asked Victor, lounging at one end of the sofa. His dinner was unconscious, he was bored and didn't feel like finishing her. "There's an opening at the enterprise I'm involved in.. I think you might enjoy working with us. You're just the kind of forward-thinker we've been looking for."
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    “They rot too quickly. Not well-preserved.     Whoever made them has clearly never     heard of formaldehyde.”
Victor sighed and slouched back from the other side; his body was only wrapped in a thin bedsheet. His legs entangled with Casamir’s poor victim. As much as he enjoyed losing himself in work, he had to take any word from his partner with a grain of salt.
    “Tell me more about this enterprise.”
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reprcbates-retired · 5 years
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   “I should like to know what the difference is, precisely.      You are asking me to commit an act of genocide. Why      should I view them as anything different from you or Horst?”
Cabal didn’t bat an eyelash, watching the General with  a clinical calm as he bristled. Whether or not his jab had  been intentional was anyone’s guess. But anyone who  knew Cabal would also know that he had a talent for jabs.
      [Sometimes he used needles instead of words]
Pale blue eyes watched the folder slide towards him, and  flicked upwards to meet crimson. Cabal lifted the folder;  gloved fingers flipping it open upon his knee.
     [at least his assigned partners had salt.]
   “How many, and what are our alternatives? Have you tried talking to them?”
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    “This is how war goes, sorry to say.      Vampires are the enemy. We kill      the enemy.”
For a second, he had to bite his tongue from commenting any further. Being exhausted from the fighting, it wouldn’t have been such a bad idea if Silas was expired at the end of this. However, it wouldn’t look good to wish for such things in front of his team. Especially one who had a violent history.
As long as he was still here, he could try to keep the world safe for a little longer.
    “There are no alternatives, unless you      can tell me honestly you’ve found a cure      for this. Freshly turned vampires can’t      control their hunger, and I highly doubt      whomever is the Lord of the Dead over      there is making much effort to train them.”
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reprcbates-retired · 5 years
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 “And yet you have no reservations about what you are asking of me?   No loyalties to your own kind? Is extermination our only option?”
For a man who regularly dealt with death as his stock and trade, Cabal was hesitant to deal death en masse. He knew that he was potentially pricking a nerve with the General, but it was a risk he was willing to take to ascertain the cause.
He sat down in the chair before Silas’ desk, his expression a mask.
  “Who are you assigning as backup? I’ll want to vet their qualifications.”
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    “Private Cabal, I warn you to watch what      you say. I am not the same as the vampires.      Your brother is not the same as them.
     Know the differences.”
As furious as the insult made Silas, he did well not to show any signs of aggression, lest he only prove Cabal’s point. Sitting still for a moment, he let the tension melt away from his posture, and resumed focus on the mission. He slid forward a manila folder.
    “Agent McKie and Officer Barrow will be with      you. I want as many of them dead as possible,      and with Officer Barrow’s wit and Agent McKie’s      tenacity...along with your skills, I believe this has      the best chance of success.”
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