republikkennorge · 6 years
can beto o’rourke pls stop haunting my lesbian ass
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republikkennorge · 7 years
Hvordan kan det ha seg at Norge, som skal være et av de mest progressive og moderne landene i verden, har beholdt en så udemokratisk, kjønnsdiskriminerende og arkaisk institusjon som monarkiet?
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republikkennorge · 7 years
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not to sound like a jacobin bish but how has no one eaten the royals yet
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republikkennorge · 7 years
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it’s guillotine time
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republikkennorge · 7 years
Hi! I saw that you wanted to learn French because you will move to Canada. I don't know for Canada, but the Frecnh spoken in Quebec is really different from the Frecnh spoken in France so if you're training oral comprehension I advice you to listen the French from Quebec. Have a nice day! (I hope I don't sound rude but I'm French and it's sometimes really difficult for me to understand Frecnh from Quebec so don't be surprised if you go to Quebec for some days)
Thank you so much for the advice! I’ll keep that in mind :)
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republikkennorge · 7 years
relative pronouns
in french, relative pronouns can be five invariable pronouns : qui (who) que (what, that…) quoi (what) dont (which) où (where) and the variable pronoun  lequel (lequel, laquelle, lesquels, lesquelles + duquel, de laquelle, desquels, desquelles + auquel, à laquelle, auxquels, auxquelles).
a relative pronoun represents and replaces the noun it’s linked to and agrees with it in gender and number when variable (le pays duquel je viens : the country which i’m from).
QUI/QUE: can be used as a subject (la fille qui porte un jean rouge aime MCR : the girl wearing red jeans likes MCR), direct object (la fille que tu vois là aime MCR : the girl you’re seeing here likes MCR) or indirect object (la fille à qui tu as parlé aime MCR : the girl you talked to liked MCR).
QUOI : is always a complement and refering to an object (a thing), mostly something abstract, ex : rien, quelque chose… (c’est ce à quoi j’ai pensé toute la journée : that is what i thought about all day long).
DONT : can be a noun complement (je bois dans une tasse dont la anse est cassée : i’m drinking from a mug which has a broken handle), indirect object (le livre dont je t’ai parlé est sorti : the book i told you about is out) or adjective complement (les filles sont allées à un concert de solange, dont elles sont fan : the girls have gone to a solange’s concert, whom they’re fans of).
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Où : can be an adverbial phrase of time or place (la chambre où je dors est la plus grande de la maison : the room i sleep in is the biggest in the house).
LEQUEL, DUQUEL, AUQUEL : can be a subject - rare, literary (j’ai appelé ma mère, laquelle m’a informée de ton accident : i called my mother who told me about your accident) or a complement, about things or animals (cette fête, à laquelle j’ai déjà participé l’an dernier, aura lieu à rome cette année : this event, to which i’ve already gone last year, will happen in roma this year).
they can also be preceded by ‘ce’ : ce qui, ce que, ce dont - those can mean ‘what’ or ‘which’ and replace la chose qui, la chose que, or la chose dont. ce qui (what) is the subject of the following verb. ex : je ne sais pas ce qui est tombé (i don’t know what fell down).  ce que or ce qu’ (what) is used as a direct object and is generally followed by a subject and a verb. ex : ce que je te demande, c’est d’être à l’heure (what i’m asking you is to be on time). ce dont (what, which) is used as the object of the preposition de. ex : ce dont j’ai peur, c’est qu’il revienne (i’m specifically fearing him coming back).
nb : if we want to stress a point, we can use ce qui/que/dont + c’est/ce sont : ce qui me plaît le plus, c’est ta robe (what i like most is your dress).
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republikkennorge · 7 years
So I found this cool website for learning ancient languages
go wild
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republikkennorge · 7 years
German Vocabulary: Valentine’s Day
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Der Valentinstag - Valentine’s Day
Das Geschenk - present/gift Die Schokolade - chocolate Die Süßigkeiten - sweets Die Blumen - flowers Der Blumenstrauß - bunch of flowers/bouquet Die Rosen - roses rot - red Rote Rosen - red roses Die Tulpen - tulips Die Valentinskarte - Valentines day card Das Parfüm - perfume Das Gedicht - poem Die Kerzen - candles Das Herz - heart Der Herzschmerz - heartthrob Das Date - date Die Beziehung - relationship Der Partner - partner (male) Die Partnerin - partner (female) Mein Freund - my boyfriend Meine Freundin - my girlfriend Mein Verlobter - my fiance (male) Meine Verlobte - my fiance (female) Mein Ehemann - my husband Meine Ehefrau - my wife Der Verehrer/Der Bewunderer - admirer (male) Die Verehrerin/Die Bewunderin - admirer (female) Der heimliche Verehrer - secret admirer (male) Die heimliche Verehrerin - secret admirer (female)
Die Kosenamen - pet names Schatz/Schatzi - sweetheart Engel - angel Liebling - darling Mäuschen - little mouse
Die Liebe - love lieben - to love Der Flirt - flirt flirten - to flirt Sich verlieben - to fall in love Ich habe mich verliebt. - I fell in love. Die Leidenschaft - passion Die Zärtlichkeit - tenderness Die Zuneigung - affection Die Hingabe - devotion Die Vernarrtheit - infatuation Liebe auf den ersten Blick - love at first sight Wahre Liebe - true love Die Verführung - seduction verführen - to seduce Der Kuss - kiss küssen - to kiss Die Umarmung - hug umarmen - to hug Die Romantik - romance süß - sweet Die Freundschaft - friendship Die platonische Liebe - platonic love Der Amor - Cupid
Alles Liebe zum Valentinstag! - Happy Valentine’s Day! Du bedeutest mir so viel. - You mean so much to me. Ich liebe dich. - I love you. Du bist wunderschön. - you are beautiful. Es war Liebe auf den ersten Blick. - It was love at first sight. Wir sind füreinander bestimmt. - We are meant for each other. Ich will den Rest meines Lebens mit dir verbringen. - I want to spend the rest of my life with you.
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republikkennorge · 7 years
Why would you need Sami and Norwegian for that?
If by some miracle you instantly became fluent in 3 foreign languages, what would they be? This includes various forms of sign language and Braille. I’d choose Spanish and French for media consumption and Russian because communism, lol.
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republikkennorge · 7 years
If by some miracle you instantly became fluent in 3 foreign languages, what would they be? This includes various forms of sign language and Braille. I’d choose Spanish and French for media consumption and Russian because communism, lol.
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republikkennorge · 7 years
i have never watched skam does that make me a bad nordmann
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republikkennorge · 7 years
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bish.. if you’re a sapphic norwegian hmu immediately. 
idk if you post these kinds of things, but can bi women/lesbians from norway who want to befriend other sapphics like this post? i'm a norwegian lesbian and i'd like to get to know more sapphics.
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republikkennorge · 7 years
Skal dette liksom være imponerende? Kongehuset koster oss mangfoldige millioner i året. Hadde de virkelig brydd seg om fattige hadde de vært forkjempere for å avskaffe dette eldgamle systemet og heller bruker pengene på de svakeste i samfunnet, men i stedet drar de på yacht-ferier og kjøper designkjoler og designvesker til enhver anledning, så dette lille PR-stuntet er bare latterlig. 
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republikkennorge · 7 years
So apparently Norway just decided to decriminalise all drugs ... neat.
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republikkennorge · 7 years
.... going through sami-related tags now and i’m realising there was a lot of discourse going on a few years ago. glad i missed that lol.
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republikkennorge · 7 years
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Minoritized languages moodboard: Sami
Sami or Saami is a group of Uralic languages spoken by the Sami people of Northern Europe. They live in the Artic area called Sápmi, which is administratively divided in Norway, Sweden, Finland and Russia.
For @blackteaandlanguages
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republikkennorge · 7 years
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The Sami people have lived in northern Scandinavia at least as long as the Norwegian, Swedish and Finnish majority, and they are therefore considered indigenous to this area. The Sami people are the minority everywhere except from Central Finnmark, Norway, where most still have Sami as their first language. Most Sami people live in Norway, but they also live in Sweden, Finland, Russia and Ukraine.
The Sami people were discriminated against for a long time, and the Sami languages were suppressed until after the Second World War. Things have changed a lot today. Sami is one of Norway’s official languages and there is no official discrimination of Sami people or languages in Norway, Sweden or Finland. Yet it is very likely that several of the smaller Sami languages will die out within a few decades because they have very few speakers. Northern Sami, however, is so sufficiently widespread that it will probably survive the foreseeable future.
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