rescuedfromthefall ¡ 2 years
zatanna zatara & stephen strange in the medical wing
Even here, where Zatanna honestly had given up much hope of escaping by her own volition, she had a mind that would never rest, and a deep, abiding interest in magic. It’d been an ever present theme in her life and saved it who knew how many times over; it was hard not to be obsessed. Meeting Bonny had confirmed that there were others here, and from there, Zatanna had taken to spending her down time between translations in the library, sorting through all the residents here and cross referenceing them to the universal media texts and trying to suss out just who they were. It ended up with her skimming a lot of stories she was fairly sure didn’t exist in her world, and finally giving her a start: one Stephen Strange, Sorcerer Supreme.
So now she was loitering outside medical, trying not to look like a total creep as she watched people going in and out, patients and medical staff both. She’d assumed she’d be able to feel the magic on him, but she’d looked at his likeness as well. The low-key stakeout was getting antsy and boring when she finally spotted, and yes, sensed, him leaving. “Stephen! Dr. Strange.” There was a broad grin on her face as she rushed over. “Hi! I’m Zatanna Zatara- and I think we have some shared occult interests and talents. I would appreciate a chat, I could treat you to dinner in exchange?”
medical was quiet. once, stephen would have called it boring, but he’d found that there was plenty of other stuff to distract him during the downtime. he’d enjoyed practicing medicine again, but going back to it wasn’t the same, and it wasn’t just the fact that he couldn’t practice his surgery. somehow, he’d lost the edge and the zeal, his mind constantly wandering to the bigger and weirder magical problems that took up his hours.
when he wandered out of the medical wing, fully intent on hitting the library, he nearly groaned out loud when someone yelled at him. great, one of those people who waited until it was dinner time before coming to medical with a papercut and --
wait, no.
occult interests and talents?”
he paused in midstride and looked over, his third eye popping open as he scanned the lady who’d called out to him. yes - magic, unmistakable, but different. not wanda’s witchcraft, not his own sorcery. not his world, most likely. 
suddenly, this was far more interesting than the library. he had no idea yet if she was friend or foe, but either way, a fellow magic user onboard was a person of interest. 
“zatanna,” he said, smiling as the cloak stirred. “even with all the different universes here, magic and the occult, as you put it, still seems to be vanishingly rare. that sounds like a deal i can go for.” he tilted his head. “i happen to be available right now, if that works for you.”
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rescuedfromthefall ¡ 2 years
        the enthusiasm does not seem to be working, really, but peter is kind of used to always being the more enthusiastic one in the room. so that’s okay, and really, as much as he can remember about this guy, he did not seem to be the frendliest even then. then again, perhaps it had to do with the fact that the multiverse was practically about to blow up right into their faces while another peter parker has decided he’d rather play the role of the wizard. sorcerer. whichever one was the right term.
        “ right, stephen! yes, we’ve met. yes. that was me. ” peter nods, swaying a little on his feet, and his hand flies to grip onto the railing to keep himself steady. for someone who literally climbs on top of highest buildings in new york city, he can be surprisingly clumsy at times, as it turns out. “ well, if i had a stephen strange in my universe, i’ve never met him. shouldn’t you know that? aren’t you like, more skilled in this whole multiversal thing?” peter waves his hand around, and then he shrugs, looking over his shoulder, towards the direction he came from. “ and, ah, nothing. just, you know, going for a walk, and there is not that much place to walk around on this ship. i wasn’t doing anything illegal or something that would be forbidden. ” he changes topics a little too quickly, of course. “ so! are you having a great time here on board? ”
the confirmation that they’ve met doesn’t surprise him, and now, his memory has something to latch onto: the statute of liberty, the sky cracking open. too many spidermen. right. 
“never met the stephen strange in your universe, huh? can’t tell if that’s a good or a bad thing.” he folds his arms, feeling a little put out by the implication that he should know. “what we know about the multiverse would barely fill a thimble. breaking it is far easier than understanding it, as with most things. but my understanding so far is that there are multiple versions of me, although they vary significantly.”
the eyebrow that he raises at peter’s explanation -- or non-explanation -- shows just how much he thinks of it. “nothing illegal you say? like snooping on the bridge or trying to find where the weapons are stored, sort of illegal?”
he ignores the counter-question. it’s just a distraction: if memory serves him corretly, spiderman seems to love that sort of thing. 
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rescuedfromthefall ¡ 2 years
🩸- “do you?” klaus countered keeping his face as passive and unreadable as possible as he held his whiskey still. “ah, i see - “ he chuckled, allowing himself to relax the moment that he realized the other was simply….pointed in truth and not threatening him.
“well, good on you for being so incredibly precise, but i meant it in jest - i suppose as a way of greeting.“ he explained allowing a lazy roll of his shoulders before bringing his drink to his lips, his eyes never leaving castiel. “my kind?”
another mirthful noise came from him as he set his now emptied tumbler down and shook his head, “i am afraid to tell you but there is nothing quite like me, i am my own kind.” even his daughter had differences. it was lonely being a hybrid. at the other’s question, klaus carefully studied him. “you’re not human but you’re also nothing i’ve ever encountered before. your essence is strong and powerful, but i won’t give you a name in case i’m wrong.”
oh, sarcasm. or humour. it wasn’t that cas didn’t have a sense of humour, it was just that different species all approached it differently. what was funny for the angel wasn’t funny for the demon. and what was funny for demons definitely wasn’t funny for angels.
“you’re not human,” cas explained, nodding at him. “i’m not sure what you are, though.” 
a moment later, klaus confirmed it, but his answer gave nothing away. ah, a person who liked his secrets, apparently. “what kind is that?” 
cas wasn’t sure if klaus was baiting him to try and get him to divulge information, but in this case, he didn’t see any harm in letting him know what he was. just about half the ship probably already knew anyway. “here’s a hint - what you’re seeing is my vessel, not my true form. does that help?” 
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rescuedfromthefall ¡ 2 years
ROSALIE HALE + LOUIS POINTE DU LAC ( @rescuedfromthefall​ ) location: louis’ cafe. 
“ do you think that lestat would like this scarf? ” she holds a brilliantly patterned lavender silk scarf, adorned with sprawling flowers.  “ i’ve read all the books about you two.  you can’t write a book about vampires without expecting vampires to read it. ”  rosalie smiles, shoving the scarf into the small box on the table.  “ isn’t his birthday soon? or do i have my dates mixed up again? ”
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“It looks like his style.” In other words, flamboyant but classy. “And the colour - I think he would approve.” 
Louis raised his eyebrows. “Books?” he asked. “I wasn’t aware that Daniel had published more than one. He paused. “Unless Lestat published his own.” Well, that seemed entirely like him.
“It is his birthday -- though that’s something I never recorded. So I’m guessing you got that from somewhere else. And I think you’ll quickly find that it’s hard to capture all of Lestat’s personality within a few pages. He’s ...” he gestured broadly. “Multi-faceted.” 
He leaned against the table, eying Rosalie. “So... since you know all about me, why don’t you tell me what vampires are like in your world?”
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rescuedfromthefall ¡ 2 years
@trailsblaze​ sent:  ❝ THAT’S your strongest spell? ❞  (peter for strange!)
stephen shot peter quill an annoyed look. yes, fine. he was hoping that the man would be at least a little impressed, because -- despite everything, stephen was still more than a little bit of a show off.
(what was the point of being a master of the mystic arts if you didn’t get to showboat once in a while anyway).
“you have literally seen me battle a titan and look through fourteen million futures,” he said. “there’s no such thing as a ‘strongest’ spell, it’s all relative.” he gestured around at the mirror dimension that he’d put them in. “it’s one of them. because the mirror dimension itself is incredibly powerful, where anything i will can happen. observe.”
he splintered the gardens into prisms, flipping peter up to what had previously been the ceiling, as the dimension warped around them. “impressed yet?”
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rescuedfromthefall ¡ 2 years
@astranomic​ sent  ❝ out of curiosity, is this how we die? ❞ tony for cas!
castiel liked tony stark. unlike his husband, tony seemed to be able to take the whole angel thing in stride, although sometimes castiel wondered if the man’s frenetic and endless talking was an attempt to conceal everything else. 
“i can’t see the future,” castiel explained patiently, thinking that there was a chance that tony actually thought he could. admittedy, he’d hung around humans enough to realise that there was a good chance that it was a rhetorical question.
“i don’t think we’re in any danger,” he said, as the ship angled its way through space. “asteroid fields aren’t really what they look like in the movies, they aren’t as densely populated. or were you referring to something else?”
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rescuedfromthefall ¡ 2 years
@artificialvoyage​ sent:  “ you don’t need to be so polite around here, you know! help yourself; i don’t bite! “ - lestat to louis
the look that louis gave lestat was best described as ‘withering’. 
“you don’t bite,” he repeated, deadpan. “you. don’t. bite.”
then he completely lost the battle to keep his expression serious, and the laugh bubbled through, bursting out of his chest like a breath of fresh air, and suddenly he was roaring with laughter, practically doubled over and nearly rubbing at his eyes.
he hadn’t laughed like this in ages.
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“oh, lestat. i know all about your biting.” smirking at the other vampire, he strode forward, until they were close enough to nearly touch. “you know, i came to the library for books, but i think i found something else i want,” he said, his voice practically a purr. he reached out, his hand angled to brush his knuckles over lestat’s cheekbones ...
...then grabbed a copy of the dracula film off the shelf behind lestat. “this,” he said, stepping back. “this looks like it would be great for movie night.”
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rescuedfromthefall ¡ 2 years
sidney wasn’t entirely sure why she had decided to end up here tonight. casino’s were not usually the sort of place she entered but… it wasn’t like being on this damn ship was usual for her. she missed home. her family. 
she was grieving and she had to admit that nursing a drink while she was off duty did sound rather appealing. “you’re very observant.” 
sid hadn’t meant to sound harsh or cruel, but it was hard for her to trust. especially a stranger offering her a drink. “i’ll take a whiskey. strongest they’ve got. please.” this time she offered a small smile towards the other. “i appreciate the offer.”
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observant. yes, a vampire tended to be, especially with lestat’s influence at the back of his mind, telling him that humans were prey to be hunted. if he didn’t actively try to block it out, he could sense the heartbeats of everyone here, the thrum of blood pulsing through arteries.
better to turn those observation skills to something less... violent. 
“not a problem,” he said, gesturing to his staff. “i usually try to make sure people are enjoying themselves when they visit - and looks like you’re having a rough day. is everything alright?” 
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rescuedfromthefall ¡ 2 years
@trailsblaze​ sent: “What a waste of a good pumpkin.” (paul for morpheus!)
morpheus had to agree with the sentiment. what had formerly been a lovely pumpkin grown in the gardens that he’d been taking care of, was now butchered; the victim of some amateur carving attempt that resulted in carnage. the pumpkin had broken apart entirely, leaving behind a dismal, half crumpled face.
"is this a tradition on your world?” he asked paul, as he knelt to examine the casualty. “i gather this is a tradition unique to a few countries on earth.”
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rescuedfromthefall ¡ 2 years
@lightyearns​ sent: “ come on in! take a seat! i’ll fix you up a plate, there’s more than enough to go around! “ mia for cas !
“i don’t actually eat--” castiel tried to say, but his objections were swept up in a flurry of activity. he had to admit: the food - the pies specifically - smelt wonderful. maybe it was worth trying the eating thing again. after all, he did have fond memories of tucking into food when he’d been human.
“so ... i was actually just here looking for dean winchester,” he said, as he took a seat. “i don’t suppose you’ve seen him.” he glanced around. “is this some kind of event? i thought it wasn’t thanksgiving yet.”
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rescuedfromthefall ¡ 2 years
@lcstinthestars​ sent: ❝ you open the chest to find a piece of paper that reads ‘ fuck you ‘. ❞ ( Stephen & Clint) 
stephen couldn’t help it - the eyeroll and the huff of annoyance were second nature to him. he leaned back in his chair, folded his arms, and levelled a glare at barton, wondering what on earth had possessed him to join the man for D&D night.
“roll to cast a portal to rip open the fourth wall to tell the DM: “up yours”,” he said, as the cloak mimed shock and horror.
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rescuedfromthefall ¡ 2 years
( @thecambriastarters​ ) ⚔️ DAEMON TARGARYEN & ANYONE
⚔️ ( location ) un petit coup casino-side, the cambria one
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⚔️ - to make things avidly clear, daemon was not here to gamble. he’d had his fair-share of bad luck in turns in flea bottom and found gambling wasn’t suited for him. but the vices surrounding and the drinking were something he quite enjoyed. that, and the information he could silently accrue as he sat by himself in a corner and listened. when someone began to approach, he glanced up and raised his brows before cutting his gaze to the seat beside him. “feel free to take a seat, i won’t be a bother - it’s crowded tonight and even i have the common sense to know when it’s polite to not hog seats.” he offered, a small, thin smile on his lips. “do you gamble? or come here for something more?”
( stephen strange & daemon targaryen !! ) 
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it was stephen’s first time stepping into the casino, and he had to admit that it was everything he expected it to be. lights, crowds, yells of the disappointed and cheers of the momentarily rich. not exactly his scene - he played poker, but only when it involved deals with the devil. 
“yes - but only when the fate of the universe is at stake,” he said with a smirk. “i actually came for the food, and thought i’d swing by and through this place to see what all the fuss was about.” 
the cloak fluttered, apparently excited about something, and stephen let it fly off, where it zoomed to go hover over one of the tables. “don’t play cards with the cloak, however, it cheats.”
he took the proffered seat, eying the other with interest. “what about you? what’s the biggest wager or gamble you’ve ever made?”
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rescuedfromthefall ¡ 2 years
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🥃 - dean was busying himself with the closing chores of the salty salmon. a name he’d finally grew fond of. sure he wasn’t labeled as ‘the owner’ but he was as close to being one as he possibly could be. humming to the tune on the radio, occasionally singing along, he stopped mid-way when the tune changed to elvis.
one of elvis’s biggest love songs, to boot.
turning slowly to look over his shoulder, dean raised a brow as cas spoke his name. suddenly a nervousness settled in within him and he couldn’t remember what to do with his hands or anything really. forcing himself into a smile, he looked up and met the angel’s gaze and gave a nod. a silent ‘sure, i’m your open book, spill it’.
“cas,“ he responded, though his voice sounded quieter than he’d expected it to. clearing his throat, he finally moved his hand again and gestured to him. “yeah, go ahead. uh, i’m just finishing up but you got my attention, what’s up?” suddenly, elvis’ voice got increasingly louder in his ears - which competed with the pounding of his heart.
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ok. he could do this. funny - he’d faced down the nothing and demons and leviathans and this was the thing giving him funny nervous feelings. it wasn’t physically possible for his stomach to be doing the flops that he felt it was doing, but he thought he finally understood what humans meant by butterflies in his stomach. even after all this time, being in a vessel was ... weird.
he wasn’t even afraid that dean didn’t share the same feelings, or some kind of feelings. he knew - sure, it had taken way too many years - but he knew that dean loved him in his own way. but he wasn’t sure how he’d react to confronting it, to turning it from something unspoken into something real. 
humans -- no, not just humans -- people -- were known to run from much less.
“dean,” he said, his voice suddenly feeling a little hoarse, as he thought back to the last time he’d tried to tell dean this. yeah, that hadn’t gone well, considering the timing.
“i want to say...”
              like a river flows, gently to the sea--
“like i said before, back when, you know...” ah shit, he was stalling, wasn’t he? “i just wanted to say--”
what was the quote? fools rush in where angels fear to tread? no, that was frank sinatra. 
           darling so it goes; some things... are meant to be
“i love you. and i was wrong before; i thought i could be happy just saying it, just being, but... i can’t be at peace without you. whatever time we have - i want to spend it with you.” 
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rescuedfromthefall ¡ 2 years
indulgences like these were rare, fickle things—things that gabe never bothered with, simply because he didn’t have the time. even as he continued to shove his credits into the slot machine, not a care in the world, he pulled the level in time for louis to approach him.
he wasn’t startled, but he gave a once-over, and a quick shrug. the slot machine spun and casted a shadow of color against his face as he looked to louis through his peripheral vision. “a beer will do. if you’re offering. nothing of that nasty shit, though. whatever it is with the languages i can’t read. that’s just … yeah, no.”
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there were some people who had views on what you should or shouldn’t do at a casino, like how poker ranked higher than blackjack and just about everything ranked higher than the slot machines on the invisible social hierarchy. 
louis didn’t give a rat’s ass about their views. those were usually the same people who had views on what a black man could do at a casino, and it usually didn’t involve owning it. in his world, people could enjoy whatever games they wanted to enjoy. 
“we have beer. we also have really good bourbon.” he made a quick gesture to one of his employees. “the name’s louis. are you enjoying the casino?”
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rescuedfromthefall ¡ 2 years
Closed Starter for Morpheus ( @rescuedfromthefall​ ) Where : The Gardens 
Jean had flown among the stars, just rarely had she needed the confines of a ship to keep her safe from it.  A boon that came from her time connected to The Phoenix but the longer she spent on the ship, the more she yearned for the ground.  Taking an early morning stroll through the gardens.  Taking in the artificial sun and smelling the fresh air that just beat the recycled ones within the ship.  “I hear many people have been causing issues with the gardens, I hope it doesn’t it cause everyone to lose access to this place.” It was one of the few places onboard that made her feel grounded.  It made her choice make sense.  It reminded her that a life on board was possible. 
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“issues?” morpheus said, frowning slightly. he hadn’t been paying attention - quite typical for him - content to leave mortals to do what they were wont to do, but the threat of being cut off form here had him looking up and paying attention.
“if that’s so, i would rather remove them myself first. who are these miscreants?” he queried. 
he glanced around the gardens, but no one in the immediate vicinity seemed to be causing issues. not for the first time, he longed for his powers - to be able to access the dreams of others would give him all the information he needed. he’d never needed to actually pry for answers before.
brushing aside the flare of annoyance at how limited he was, he turned back to the other. there was something unusual about her, a sense of the sort of timelessness that he usually associated with his siblings... but of a completely different ilk.
“i take it you enjoy this place? they remind me of my home... and i guess they remind you of yours.”
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rescuedfromthefall ¡ 2 years
“stalking you? i didn’t know you were that conceited.” she replied with nearly no hesitation. it was a jest, only by sound of her voice being light and loose, but the delivery was idle, almost absent; she gave him a half-assed, closed-mouth smile. she hadn’t ever met the doctor enough to hold a conversation as long as this one already was. even before the cambria program, she couldn’t recall a time where they crossed paths save for tony’s demise, but even then little words were spoken. “no, i had been ‘volunteered’ as you say.”
her gaze, dark brown and curious, flitted over to the shelf that stephen had been perusing. nothing caught her eye, and she almost had an idea to remove herself from the store for it’s lack of selections, but—stopped. a sigh escaped her lips and she glanced up to the doctor with a tilt of her head. “and you? i imagine you wouldn’t choose to live in space of your own free will. such a preposterous thing, don’t you think?”
"oh, i’m much more conceited than this,” stephen joked, smirking a little. it was easy to banter with wanda - much too easy, all things considered. but he’d always respected her, even with all that had transpired with the dark hold: how could he not? he’d seen what the dark hold had done to other him. the road to hell and good intentions and all that.
“that makes two of us. space really isn’t my favourite, considering my last field trip was...”
yeah, probably better not to remind her about thanos. “i’m curious, by the way. what’s the last thing you remember from back home?”
oh, it was asked casually, but it was anything but a casual question.”
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rescuedfromthefall ¡ 2 years
( @rescuedfromthefall​ ) 💘 CRISTINA YANG & STEPHEN STRANGE
💘 ( location ) apartment 3001, the cambria one
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💘 - cristina sat on the only space not covered with dirty clothes on her couch and looked up at stephen with an expectant look. “are you just going to stand the entire time or are you going to do that weird floating thing you do?” she asked, bringing her bagel to her mouth and taking a hearty bite of it. it was kinda nice that for once someone wasn’t afraid to enter her living space. she knew she was a mess, knew she had a back catalogue of clothes to wash and various food things to throw away, but if anyone asked; she was looking to see if there were such a thing as space rats and roaches. a lie but whatever. “i can order us something to be brought to the room? my tv doesn’t work but it makes a good mirror when you angle yourself correctly.”
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this wasn’t the first time stephen had peeked into cristina’s room, but it was the first time he was actually staying in for a prolonged period of time. it still took all his 14 million lifetimes of practice to keep his expression placid. 
his own quarters on the cambria were more reminiscent of his expensive apartment when he’d been a neurosurgeon - so squeaky clean and ordered that it looked like a show flat. he hadn’t yet accumulated the sort of clutter and bric-a-brac that the sanctum had ... and even then, he’d kept most of the sanctum neat. the clutter had all been delegated to the undercroft, together with generations of ... collections ... of masters of the sanctum.
still, there was a lot that he was ready to face for cristina. “your tv doesn’t work? i thought we were supposed to be able to call someone to fix it for us.” 
out of respect for cristina, he hadn’t brought the cloak, which was sulking back in his own room, so floating was out of the question. instead, he carefully shifted the piles of clothes around until he had cleared a sort of space on the couch, and plopped down. “i’ve been on my feet for too long today to stand the entire time,” he groaned. “but take out sounds really good. how’s the pizza? i haven’t gotten round to trying it.”
he leaned back, then winced as his back impacted something. he pulled it out, only to find that it was stray stethoscope. “did you steal this from the medbay? i could have sworn i saw you wearing another one just now.” 
“so ...” his eyes flicked to the window, and back to cristina, remembering her initial discomfort with it. “how’re you finding space?” 
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