residentaccursed · 4 years
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Too dead to die
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residentaccursed · 4 years
That would be easy. “Okay, follow me!” Leading Ardyn out into the the hallways Novus headed towards the living room. “This is the living room.” he began not noticing that Ardyn had ‘disappeared’ behind him. “This place is great cause it’s where the TV is. We watch movies here sometimes too.” 
The next few areas were pretty mundane. The kitchen, the gardens, more hallways. But the last area was something that the young royal was the most excited about as any child would be.
Novus personally spent lots of his time in the last area where he wanted to show things. “And this is my bedroom!” He stepped inside showing off his bed and video game area along with a small TV in his oom. “This is where I play my video games and–” 
Upon turning around, the Prince noticed that his new friend wasn’t following him anymore. Had he gone too fast for him to keep up? Spotting a palace guard behind him instead, Novus turned addressing him. “Hey, have you seen a tall guy with a hat around here? He’s got reddish hair and a scarf? His name is Ardyn. He was supposed to be following me but I think he got lost around here somewhere.” the boy explained as he moved past the guard poking his head out into the hallway to see if the man was lagging behind at the end of either corridor. “Wonder where he went anyway…” 
With a small hum Ardyn followed his descendant, sticking his hands in his jacket as he did. As they walked down the grand hallways of the citadel he made a of mental map of the place and took in any details he could. After all he might had need of it in the future for any visits and he simply couldn’t bear  the thought of his little nephew not seeing him again...
However his thoughts were broken from his planning when he saw a couple of guards turning the corner ahead and quickly took action. Without missing a footstep he put a illusion on himself, making him appear as yet another guard. As the two real guards passed he gave them a subtle nod and was returned such, the other two never suspecting a intruder in their midst.
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When they got to Novus’ bedroom Ardyn took a peek inside before the boy turned around to look at him. The confusion was clear in his voice and as such it made the man look down at him with a tilt of his head. He could have answered right away, but...it was slightly amusing to see the child wonder just where his friend had went.
With a small chuckle he finally spoke, “My, is my disguise that good? I have to say I’m rather impressed with myself then.” His tone held a little humor in it as he gave a little light tap to the top of the child’s head.
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residentaccursed · 4 years
Aera just casually leaned against him. "Attention please. "
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It took quite a bit of willpower to not tense up at the sudden weight and contact, but he forced himself to keep relaxed and look down at her, “Consider it your’s, my dear.” It did take a few moments though for him to wrap a arm around her, keeping his hold loose enough to let her move if she so wished.
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residentaccursed · 4 years
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Admittedly his romancing skills do need work...and his focus on anything or anyone that doesn’t deal with his revenge needs improving...not to mention there’s the need to learn how to react to physical touch normally again...
Okay, he can’t exactly blame her for putting an ad up for that.
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residentaccursed · 4 years
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Excuse me...?
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residentaccursed · 4 years
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residentaccursed · 4 years
Aera never truly loved you, you know.
“Oh, I know she loved who I once was. That’s a known fact.”
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“But now? No, no she wouldn’t. She’d want the man who died a long time ago, not the monster that took his place.”
Even as he said that though...there was doubts gnawing at his mind. He barely remember their time together and there were times he questioned even the remaining memories. Were they truly his? Or something completely made up to keep what little sanity he had left?
He wouldn’t say they were to keep hope though. There wasn’t anything left of that anymore.
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residentaccursed · 4 years
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“Should i join you for this meeting?”
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“As much as I would love to keep you by my side that won’t be necessary. Official business I’m afraid.”
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residentaccursed · 4 years
*Drops crate of klondike bars*
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Oh...this should last him a week tops.
Ah, well.
“I don’t want to bore you with so many stories so I’ll give you one good one.”
“There was a time that my little brother unknowingly crash someone’s wedding because he thought it was a open celebration. A open celebration for what I have no idea, but given how full of himself that he was I wouldn’t be surprised if he thought it was for him. To say the least though he didn’t find out until afterwards because the others were afraid to tell him.”
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residentaccursed · 4 years
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“Oh nothing you should worry yourself about, my dear. Just....a upcoming meeting is all, nothing out of the ordinary.”
@residentaccursed replied: 
Don’t mind him he’s just got his usual smile and a tilt of his head…though the look in his eyes appears too gleeful to be anything good.
“What are you thinking, dear?”
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residentaccursed · 4 years
Other Ardyns, seeing Aera be insulted: -Have a sharp quip or remark-
This Ardyn: -tilts his head to the side and stares into space as the voices in his head give him brilliant murder ideas-
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residentaccursed · 4 years
can i politely murder you
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residentaccursed · 4 years
*Casually leaves klondike bar*
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Casually picks up the klondike bar and opens it, “Somnus had more than once gotten mad to his own reflection for “bumping” into him.” Then he proceeds to take a bite out of said klondike bar.
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residentaccursed · 4 years
“I’ve got embarrassing stories of the Founder King.”
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“The price is one klondike bar per story~”
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residentaccursed · 4 years
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     independent / selective GLADIOLUS AMICITIA of final fantasy xv. slow replies. 25+. established september 2020. written by min. wire & discord available for mutuals.
                                                                   ENTER | RULES.
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residentaccursed · 4 years
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Ardyn - FFXV
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residentaccursed · 4 years
She crossed her arms over her chest before sighing loudly. “Then it can’t be helped. Come. You promised me a nice lunch and I won’t have you cancel on me again. “ Aera understood his position, his job, but what she didn’t like was her lonely dinners and lunches. She didn’t really have any friends to keep her company. 
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“Well....my schedule did just clear up for the rest of the day...” he replied as he began his approach toward her, “We can just go ahead and do such if you’re hungry. My treat of course~” Ardyn ended with a purr, offering a elbow to her as he stood by her side.
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