Send me the name of a show/game/movie, and I’ll tell you if I’ve ever played a character from it, or if there’s one I’m interested in playing!
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The manager let out a yelp and jumped back about a foot when his superior manifested in front of him.
“Y-yessir- I was ah- jus’ takin a five minute breather. Been at it for ten hours.” He explained in the hopes that his boss would allow it, although it typically didn’t go over well whenever he was caught taking a break outside his lunch hour. “I’m ‘bout three quarters done.” He glanced up briefly to meet eye contact but look away quickly. The only time one could see the die’s cool and confident demeanor wavered was when he was addressing the Devil.
 “O’ really now, ey? Well well, Kingston! You’s been a busy lil’ bee, ain’cha.” the Devil snickers at Kingston’s answer, as he surprisingly steps aside for his manager to make his way up to the bar counter. “Well then, consider this one ‘ere on me, then. Fer bein’ such a good manager o’ my casino~” there was a rather snide undertone, but he mostly meant what he said. Kingston had been taking superior care of his casino, and all the paperwork that came with it.
Maybe this was a very rare show of generosity? Or perhaps he was looking for a favor again. Regardless, the Devil would allow Kingston to approach the bar, not making a move or saying as much as a peep. Once he’d be joined by the dice-man, however, he’d speak up again.
 “Y’know, Kingston... it reeeeeally stung t’have my lil’ deals taken from me tha’ one time...” he’d start off, sounding rather casual, ‘bored’ even, when speaking of that one time he was ‘defeated’. But there was a voice of malice hidden under that soft-spoken tone of his. “All ‘cause of some lil’ finks tha’ thought they’s were the hot-shots. But y’know--” and he’d shrug, pretending to be unconcerned. “Ah’m over it now, hones’ly. I’ve gots my casino, still, an’ ain’t no more lil’ pipsqueaks buttin’ into my business.”
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Of Spooks & Scaredy-Dogs [Private w/ inkwells-critters]
The loud and commanding shout of the Phantom Express’ conductor, T-Bone, could be heard across the station of Isle 1, located quite close to the local village of the isle. Many of the train’s spooky passengers were seen emerging from and boarding the train, with ghosts and skeletons galore being present.
A rather unorthodox way of ferrying the souls of the lost and dead to the other side, but it was what they were made for! Now, the station was meant to ferry the souls of the dead, but it didn’t mean it was exclusively for those kinda folk. Anyone could come and board the train if they pleased! As long as they got along with the ghastly passengers, and payed a toll that was required for those still living.
However, someone seemed to be there, who did not belong, and T-Bone was quick to notice as he saw a Toon dog meandering about the station. “YOU!” he boomed out quite suddenly. “This train’s only free for the dead! If you want on, buy a ticket or get bust!”
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For once Donald thought that this day might be a normal one. No adventures, no supernatural events, no natural disasters. Just a day where he could enjoy going for a nice stroll and maybe go down to the docks to enjoy watching the ocean. But alas, Donald had forgotten the simple rule of ‘if I think nothing is going to happen, something is going to happen.’
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Out from seemingly nowhere, a dragon landed in front of him. Donald only stared up at the giant beast, frozen to the spot. The dragon’s words fell on deaf ears however, as once Donald regained his senses…. He began running and screaming.
Aaaaand the duck was immediately running off and screaming himself hoarse. Grim had a suspicion that this was going to be the outcome, but it didn’t make him any less distraught at seeing Donald just running off blindly like that! What if he wasn’t looking where he was going?! He could get hurt! So, instincts kicked in, and he would beat his wings and take into the air again.
“W-W-W-WAIT!!! I-... I-I-I-I didn’t mean t-t-t-to scare you!!” he calls after Donald as he flies after him. “P-P-Please just-- J-J-Just stop and l-l-let me explain!”
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An energetic cup ran throughout Inkwell Isle II, taking in the sights they saw.  
Gosh, this place was the berries, it even had a rainbow bridge! 
Cara eventually slide to a halt, and looked up at a giant tower they almost passed.
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“Wowie! That sure is a tall tower!”
Just as they began to look up, a loud voice bellowed out-
“W-W-WhhhooOOooo dares to a-approach the dragon’s c-castle?”
Cara, being the smart dishware they were, came to the one logical conclusion after processing what just happened.
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They proceed to scream, and (rather comically) bolted up a tree, clinging to the tallest branch like a scared cat.
“H-Heheheh! I kinda l-l-like doing that voice now...” Grim said to himself with a bit of a proud giggle once he had done his routine, before he’d check the outside of his tower... but the cup-person from earlier was gone. “E-E-Eh? W-Where’d they go?” he asks as he looks around, a bit panicked. What if they had run off? What if they had lost their parents? He had to help in that case! Then, his keen eyes spotted that they had ran up a tree.
“O-O-O-Oooh dear, n-n-no-no-no!! P-Please, get d-d-d-down from there!” he exclaims as he comes swooping down. He was about as tall as the tree itself, but yet he did not move to just pluck the cup-child out of the tree. He did not want to spook them further.
“P-P-P-Please get down, p-please? I-I-It’s dangerous t-t-t-to climb trees w-w-without proper p-p-parental supervision!”
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        Indie / Semi Selective / Multimuse Cuphead OCs                                          Written by TheLittleAnimals
                                        Check out the About and Rules
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@ask-cara-quelete asked for a Starter!
Atop his towering spire on Isle 2, Grim Matchstick was able to see all over Inkwell Isle, and naturally, all over Isle 2′s fairgrounds as well. The lonely dragon was thankful that his deal had been undone, but he still felt rather lonely after all was said and done. So he was just busy peering around the fair, trying to look for people who came close to his castle.
And then he’d spot one, small child approaching. A weak smile grew on his face, as he’d clear his throat gently; *A-Aherm!* and then he’d do his best pulling off his ‘spooky’ voice, which was heard booming from the tower, albeit with some of his stuttering still there;
 “W-W-WhhhooOOooo dares to a-approach the dragon’s c-castle?”
This was just routine, naturally, not to actually scare people.
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@do-or-dice | Continued from here
As Kingston was heading for the bar, the music of the Devil’s Casino was in full swing in the background, courtesy of the personal band of imps and skeletons in the Devil’s employ, their brass instruments blaring out a soft, yet swinging, jazzy tone. Before the dice-man had a chance to even reach the counter of the bar, however, a pillar of smoke and flame manifested before him as a dark, fuzzy figure would be seen leaning up against the counter; none other than the Devil himself.
“Aaw, wha’s the matter Kingston?” he’d inquire, smile as wide as a canyon, showing off his deadly pearly whites. Casually snapping his fingers as a cigar appears out of nowhere, he’d summon a flame to his thumb with equal easy as he’s ignite it, sucking in a deep breath and blowing out thick smoke rings. “Work bein’ a little demandin’ tonight? Y’know, those papers ain’ gonna fix ‘emselves after all.”
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Is there a list/about page with your muses? If not may I ask who you muse?
My list of muses is right here!https://residents-of-inkwell.tumblr.com/muses
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“Can you walk?”
“How did this happen?”
“What the hell happened?”
“I hit my head.”
“Did you hit your head?”
“Can you hear me?”
“Don’t close your eyes, stay awake!”
“Come on, stay with me!”
“No no no no no!”
“You shot me!”
“I didn’t mean to shoot you!”
“You stabbed me!”
“I didn’t mean to stab you!”
“Take the knife out!”
“Don’t take the knife out!”
“It was an accident!”
“That/this wasn’t an accident!”
“That looks broken.”
“I think my leg/arm is broken.”
“That doesn’t look good.”
“Am I going to die?”
“You’re not going to die!”
“Calm down!”
“Don’t panic!”
“I can’t help you if you don’t let me!”
“Are you bleeding?”
“Don’t move, you’re bleeding.”
“Is that blood?”
“Whose blood is that?”
“That’s a lot of blood.”
“Do you know how to get bloodstains out?”
“Why do you know how to get bloodstains out?”
“Damn, I got blood on my shirt.”
“Don’t move, you’re losing blood!”
“I won’t let you bleed out!”
“You have blood on your face.”
“I swear to god, if you get blood on me…”
“What’s your blood type?”
“Why in the hell would you need to know my blood type?”
“That cut is nasty.”
“You have a massive gash in your arm/leg!’
“Don’t touch it!”
“Don’t move, you’ll only make it worse!”
“I’ll get some bandages.”
“You’re going to need stitches.”
“That looks infected…”
“Did you get bit by something?”
“There’s no exit wound, the bullet is still in you.”
“There’s an exit wound, the bullet went through you.”
“How are you feeling?”
“How does it feel?”
“It’s still not healed, but it’s getting there.”
“Let’s go home.”
“I just want to go home.”
“Let’s get you into the bathtub.”
“We need to change your bandages soon.”
“Get some sleep, okay?”
“You need to eat something, you’ve been through a lot today.”
“I’ll check up on you in a bit.”
“You’re going to be fine. I promise.”
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He looked down with troubled expression. Hiding away, huh? It could be his course of action in similar case but it wouldn’t solve the problem… He would need to think about the solution for this later.
Hearing the rest of Cala’s words, Mug raised his eyes again.
“Oh, please, don’t be like that,” he objected softly,”Of course I understand! Nobody knew how this whole story would play out in the end. All you knew was that we worked for the Devil at the time and that we needed yer contract. Anyone would try to save themselves in your place!” And they did. In fact, every and each debtor did. “If I held any grudge against you, would I be here right now?”
She’d just shake her head. Of course he’d not be here if he was holding a grudge on her. And honestly, it brought a smile to Cala’s face, knowing he wasn’t here for any such reason. “... Well, you might be made of porcelain, Mugman. But you got a heart of gold.” she says, still smiling as she addresses him. “But, in that case...” she then says, raising an eyebrow.
“Why are you here, then?”
A Siren’s Woes [Closed w/ allhailmuggod]
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Starter Call!
Like this post for a starter from yours truly! And please do state which of my muses you’d like to thread with!
If you’re a personal blog, but have an RP side-blog, please tell me the url of your RP side-blog as well!
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Well, lookee here! You actually pulled it off… but you’ve made me lose a bet! And for that, you ain’t seein’ the boss just yet. We’re gonna play a little game first!
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(Artwork credit goes to; kitsumarii)
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We’re gonna kill off Cuphead!
We’re gonna make him pay!
His debt to the Devil!
Is comin’ due today~!
An Independent and Semi-Selective Roleplay and Ask blog for multiple muses from the game Cuphead!
Semi-Selective, OC Friendly
Multiship Blog
Multiverse Blog
Mun and Muses are 18+
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The story made Mug grit his teeth. On the outside it might be seen as a sympathetic frown, but it was much more than that. Yes, Mugman knew this side of Cala. But he was really more concerned that he knew this ugly part of himself as well. So, this story was like one of his nightmares. People getting to see what really was going on inside his head… it was… a bit too scary to imagine.
However, this inner fear also made him understand Cala better. If he was scared by simply thinking about it, what had she felt when it actually happened? How had she reacted? This wasn’t just about curiosity or help anymore. Mugman also wanted to know it for himself. No. He needed to know. Maybe one day he would need to go through the same problem.
“What… did you do about it?” Mug softly asked. Honestly, no matter how hard he needed to know, he couldn’t afford making Cala Maria cry. For different reasons.
While she was having a break in her story-telling, Cala allowed herself to slouch further onto the pier, her head now resting along her arm fully as she’d just look at the ground for a while, lost in thought. Telling the tale of her past and the deal was taking a toll on her, it was noticeable. But she did it anyways, for Mugman had asked to know, and she was not going to deny him her tale. Especially now when her deal with the Devil was null thanks to this boy and his brother.
She’d raise her gaze once he addressed her again, as she’d lift her head a bit, chin resting on the back of her hand. “I... I just hid myself away, deep in the darkest depths of the ocean, where no one could find me.” she admits rather sadly. “And I stayed there, until that one day... where you and your brother came for my contract. And I--” well, she had always wanted to say it the moment she got her soul back.
“... I wish to apologize for that moment, Mugman.” she speaks with all the honesty she could muster. “I truly did not mean to attack you and your brother. I was... I was merely trying to protect myself. Surely you can understand?”
A Siren’s Woes [Closed w/ allhailmuggod]
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“Oh,” left Mug’s lips, his eyes still following the other’s movements.
Was it really his place to listen? His place to pry into her past? Maybe it was, to be honest. The whole Inkwell knew the brothers’ deal with the Devil.
“So, dwellin’ on the past, huh?” He concluded with an assuring smile, “Does sharing it help? I can listen some more if you want. I don’t have much to do anyway.” Was he lying? Not really. Did he want to help? Maybe. Was he simply curious? Absolutely.
She’d glance up to Mugman as he offered to listen more to her tale and wondering if it’d help to share it. She’d raise a brow for a moment, before she figured that, yes, it would help a bit if she shared her story with someone. After all, Mugman and his brother had only been instructed to take her contract from her, not even being told a thing about her backstory.
So, she’d nod slowly, before she continued; “The backdraws were that... yes, everyone knew of my singing talent and my beauty. And that’s the key thing; they knew everything. Even if they had not seen it in person, gossip would spread real quick... and that is when that fiend struck. He cursed me to have an ugly side of myself. Quite literally. I’m pretty sure you know of Her...”
She refused to acknowledge that side of her as an actual side of herself. She refused to even name it. But Mugman could potentially figure out what she meant with ‘Her’. The hissing of snakes for hair, the piercing shriek of a petrifying gaze...
“Naturally, everyone learned of it the first time I accidentally transformed. A member of the crowd during one of my songs said something... I don’t remember what it was, but it angered me so much that... that She showed up, and turned the poor soul to stone. And then everyone could see my foul side on display... and I lost all my fame and friends. Everyone knew how...” a light sniffle which she tried to choke back. “How ugly I was...”
A Siren’s Woes [Closed w/ allhailmuggod]
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“It ain’t gamblin’ if ya neva’ lose!”
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Ask/RP blog for King Dice from Cuphead
Crossover, OC, and NSFW friendly
20+ mun with 7+ years of creative writing experience.
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