Well, folks.
My new tumblr is up and running, so this is probably going to be the last post I'm going to make on this one. Residenttourniquet has served me well, but I suppose it's time for something new.
If you're interested in my new one, just leave me a message or like this or whatever and I'll let you know what it is.
My writing can still be found here, for anybody who's interested.
Stay classy, San Diego.
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*bangs knife against glass in order to make noise*
*accidentally hits it too hard and breaks glass*
Chauncey just showed me a way to back-up my posts and things, so I’m probably going to make a new blog within the next couple days. I’ll probably follow most of the same people, but if you definitely want to know what my new url is going to be, go ahead and like this post, so I can send you a message as soon as I figure it out myself.
To the people who just started following me, sorry about that.
*realizes that no one is listening and sits down awkwardly*
Just in case anyone missed it.
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*bangs knife against glass in order to make noise*
*accidentally hits it too hard and breaks glass*
Chauncey just showed me a way to back-up my posts and things, so I'm probably going to make a new blog within the next couple days. I'll probably follow most of the same people, but if you definitely want to know what my new url is going to be, go ahead and like this post, so I can send you a message as soon as I figure it out myself.
To the people who just started following me, sorry about that.
*realizes that no one is listening and sits down awkwardly*
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Day Seven: Four People I'll Love No Matter What
No one.
Just joking. Okay, umm, let's see:
My family (I'm just going to lump them all together)
I honestly can't think of anyone else... Of course, none of the aforementioned are guaranteed either. There's a high probability that I'll get sick of them all eventually and  move into a remote cabin in the mountains so I can be by myself for the rest of my days, but at this point in time I honestly don't see that happening, so yeah.
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Oh wait, they've got a back-up app for Macs. As soon as they create one for Windows, I'm probably going to use that and then re-make. Of course, this is Tumblr so who knows when that's going to happen...
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I've been thinking about deleting this blog and starting a new one just so I can have a fresh start, but then I realize there's too many posts that I don't want to lose, so I guess the whole point of this post is:
Does anybody know if there's anyway to back-up text posts?
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One of my housemates just burst into my room.
Housemate: Hey, has [my boyfriend] come over at all?
Me: Uhh, not that I am aware
Housemate (now visibly disgruntled): Ugh, really? What has he been up to all day?
She... she just spent all day with him and just got back maybe ten minutes ago.
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Tom Whalen
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The beginning of my senior year of high school was not a good time in my life. I let someone who I thought was my friend move into my house, and she ended up staying much longer than I anticipated. I allowed myself to be affected by her. I was angry and easily-irritated. She found joy in making the people around her miserable. She actually ruined my seventeenth birthday and afterwards, told me that she didn't want to be at my party anyway; she actually wanted to answer a booty call. All of my frustrations built up and I took them out on everyone besides her. My behavior was atrocious and it remained that way until I kicked her out just before New Year's Eve, on my mom's birthday. Tyler affectionately refers to this time period as "that time you went crazy." Gosh, if there was only one thing I could take back, I think it would be this. That friendship was one-sided, toxic, and parasitic. I should have known better than that.
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Day Six: Five Things I Regret
My refusal to apply to colleges in Texas during my senior year
Not getting my drivers' license at sixteen
Letting my worry about not having enough money inhibit my social experiences throughout high school
Not being a better friend to the people who should have actually mattered to me
Being too shy to make friends
Here's more for anyone who's interested.
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 thesilentprotagonist replied to your post: To the boy who spitefully called me a lesbian...
The fact that people still feel it’s ok to respond to rejection with “Well clearly you are gay,” as if that is an inherently bad thing, makes me sad. Why don’t some people ever mature?
You know, I honestly don't understand; I feel like I go to school with some of the most narrow-minded people... I asked him why he would think that, and he responded by saying that I "looked like one..." He obviously didn't think so when he was hitting on me...
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So, I actually went out and socialized tonight. We ended up taking the bus out to Haleiwa so we could eat Thai food (which is sooo good. If anybody ends up on the North Shore, let me know so I can take you). It was super fun, but I accidentally let it slip that I think the cute boy I mentioned in an earlier post is attractive. Now, my housemate is super excited about playing matchmaker. I don't know how I feel about this. He's like five years older than me and every relationship I've been in previously hasn't ended so great. I think I just want to be his friend for now.
And maybe, we can make out sometimes.
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Man, it really ticks me off when people use labels meant to identify a demographic of people as a derogatory term. The English language is comprised of quite an extensive vocabulary, so I'm sure that you could find a word that would actually convey the proper meaning.
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To the boy who spitefully called me a lesbian because I declined your blatant sexual advances:
You can go screw yourself, because I honestly cannot fathom why anyone else would want to when you've got an ugly personality like that.
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On days like these, I have to suppress the urge to eat because I always, always overdo it, and I can't because I've been doing so well. I just ate twenty minutes ago and I already feel like I haven't eaten in days. I can eat again after I finish my homework. That should be about five to six hours from now.
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Day Five: Six of My Dreams
Get a Ph.D. in Psychology (preferably from NYU)
Publish a novel or book of poetry
Live in a brownstone in Manhattan or a brightly colored townhouse in San Francisco
Make enough money to be able to afford all the clothes I want and to be able always take people out for lunch
Travel to different countries with someone who is important to me
To be happy enough with myself to believe that somebody else could be happy with me too
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