Week 4: Choice D
I have begun using my food scraps as compost for the garden I have in my backyard. I watched (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ACE_orqgThU) that shows me a good outline as to how to use kitchen scraps like fruit, vegetable skin, and even bread (whatever can be eaten or grown in a field) that will enrich the soil. 
I created a bin that mixes the scraps and some soil from my garden and put some water to start the compost process. (https://www.savvysavingcouple.net/make-cheap-compost-bin/)
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Week 4: Choice B
I have saved up enough green apple seeds to plant my own. I was reading online to see what is the best way to prepare the seeds and although ideally it is best to dry the seeds for 3-4 weeks I have dried these in the sun for about a week. I also placed a plastic bag over the pot to create moisture within the soil.  The soil I used is rich in vitamins since it is my moms holy soil that I took from. her garden behind her back. I haven’t seen any growth and I want to say it is because of the extreme weathers since I’ve kept it outdoors. I cannot place it in my house since it is always hot.  I am using (https://www.bhg.com/gardening/vegetable/fruit/how-do-i-plant-seeds-from-grocery-store-apples/) to help me maintain this plant but I am just hoping something pops out in at least a few days. Maybe the seeds were dry enough?
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Week 3: Choice C
Growing up with a babysitter, she would always make us soups, specifically lentil soups. I have yet to EVER taste anything like her lentil soup but the smell still lingers in my nose when I can get a hint of it. Menestra de lenteja or sopa de lenteja con queso are traditional ecuadorian/colombian dishes that are made in any season.
True leaf market sells sprouting seeds- green lentils to plant.
I am also a huge fan of mexican avocados. I eat avocado with everything, with rice, meat, soup, bread, pasta
Amazon sells avocado tree seedlings and pit growing soil (https://www.amazon.com/Seedling-Transferring-Sprouted-Avocados-Seedlings/dp/B08WJNPP7Y/ref=asc_df_B08WJNPP7Y/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=496943500923&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=3229016099232179358&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9004338&hvtargid=pla-1188526710408&psc=1) This would be a great opportunity to grow since I heard mexican avocados are being banned. Some government marketing proposition that will increase the value of mexican avocados.
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Week 2: Choice C
I have identified my neighborhood’s Community Board (https://queenscb3.cityofnewyork.us/) through the given website (https://communityprofiles.planning.nyc.gov/queens/3). As for the Board meeting is on February 17 2022 from 7pm - 9:30pm. I have emailed them through
[email protected] asking for access to the upcoming meeting.
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Week 1: Defining Resilience
My definition of Resilience is centered around one’s own mentality and well being. In order to accept and adapt to a new version of living, one must be mentally prepared to create one’s new reality. Resilience is adjustment from an unfortunate change. Some techniques I wish to implement to support my own resilience is meditating and using time out of my week to focus on myself. With school, work, and ongoing life obstacles it is easy to lose yourself and to forget the importance of self care and reflection.
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Week 2 - Community Resilience
Community resilience is made when a group of people come together to create a system that prepares them from any unexpected events like natural disasters. On the other hand, personal resilience is strengthening one’s ability to adapt in a different environment physically and mentally. I believe that personal resilience must be achieved before being able to join a system in community resilience. If one is not mentally and physically prepared or in a sense, well enough to recover from a certain stress or change, they cannot 100% help others. In a way, they are related when it comes to creating a system or a method to improve the way of life after going through a life obstacle. There are communities like the Indigenous-led intergenerational resilience, that views the challenges of the contemporary cirses of climate change and the cultural impact within the new generations. This type of community is shown through all the americas as well as other indigenous tribes. There is a book that I have observed by Lewis Williams called “Indigenous Intergenerational Resilience Confronting Cultural and Ecological Crisis.” The cultural shock I have experienced is common within many children of indigenous communities, which is why I am interested in such community resilience. The aspect in climate change can be shown around the world and has affected many communities other than the indigenous communities.
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