resistancefashion · 5 years
Goals for 2020
Looking towards the future, I intend to have a majority of my pieces for my senior collection is done by May because I plan to stay in New York over the summer to start an internship or a job to boost my fashion career. I want to network in a different city where I have family to support me, but also encourage me to put my best foot forward in a different environment. Once I have more garments done, I can add that to my portfolio and hopefully get more opportunities for jobs in Manhattan. I also would like to spend the summer in New York because I believe if I properly network and build connections there, I will be able to have a higher possibility of finding a career after I graduate from Bowie State in the fall. By the end of the fall semester, I will have the rest of my collection completed and have even more work and experience under my belt to progress to a higher level than I would have has before. 
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resistancefashion · 5 years
Inspirational Shopping
I know the stresses of the fall semester drained me from taking a lot of free time to myself, so one important thing I did when we had a gap from December until the end of January was take some time to do what I wanted. I got to shop more and go to different museums - including the Newseum which sadly closed down December 31, 2020. While taking time to shop and explore Washington DC, I got the opportunity to buy a few items that were pretty similar to things I would like to put into my senior collection and were extremely inspiring. Many of the items I saw were a trendy take on business casual. One important garment I saw was a Tommy Hilfiger plaid blazer that included shades of pink, blue and red. My original drafts of my collection featured many different flirty spring colors featuring pink, baby blue, and vibrant green. 
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resistancefashion · 5 years
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NAK DESIGN STUDIO Model Prep for show
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resistancefashion · 5 years
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resistancefashion · 5 years
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NAK DESIGN STUDIO Bridal Dresses Backstage at Fashion Show
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resistancefashion · 5 years
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NAK DESIGN STUDIO Launch Day Intinerary!
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resistancefashion · 5 years
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NAK DESIGN STUDIO Photoshoot at the Wharf in Washington DC
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resistancefashion · 5 years
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NAK DESIGN STUDIO Outdoor Photoshoot
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resistancefashion · 5 years
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Internship Launch Party Flyer!
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resistancefashion · 5 years
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The 8 Fall Shoe Trends to Buy Into Now
From metallics to combat boots, something crystal, and something slouchy.
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resistancefashion · 5 years
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Mariane Calazan photographed by Mar + Vin for Emannuelle Junqueira
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resistancefashion · 5 years
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Elle Canada June 2019 - Arlenis Sosa Pena by Max Abadian
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resistancefashion · 5 years
Senior Thesis Proposal
1.    Theme
The theme of this senior thesis proposal is ‘resistance’. The word resistance by definition means, the refusal to accept or comply with something; the attempt to prevent something by action or argument. In September 2018, I started the Resistance Campaign to bring awareness to sexual assault not only on this campus but to also bring awareness to the issue and how it is overlooked in the black community. I would like to further my campaign and continue that theme in my senior capsule. This capsule is a continuation from the previous semester which was initially modeled after an incident that happened to me in Bowie, MD. The collection is crafted as a representation of my different types of style which ranges from trendy business casual to an edgy femme. The collection will feature an avant-garde and feminine flair to the average pantsuit, dress, jumpsuit or blazer. This collection features fun and bold colors, symbolizing and embodying confident women wearing the clothes underneath. Lace, linen and cotton blends will all be incorporated within the capsule, with embellishments of pearls, colorful zippers and of course, the word “resistance”.
2.    Research
Over the course of the past few years, I have been growing my brand but also expending my knowledge on activism, socialism and how to become more involved in the community. Since being in college I have grown to have a stronger voice as an artist which has transpired in my artwork as time has passed. Initially, I was very fond of artists such as Kara Walker who illustrates images of rape, racial injustice, the disadvantages of the black community and a variety of other topics. Her work was so influential and so politically and emotionally charged that it was beautiful work to see. Another influential person is Kerby Jean-Raymond who uses his clothing designs to promote advocacy. Even though his social media and runway pieces, he addresses topics such as police brutality and injustices in the black community. Artists with a free voice such as theirs have drawn me to read and educate myself more on artists and authors who were just as influential. Currently, I am reading a book called Pussy by Regena Thomashauer which talks about the inner power a woman has and how beloved a woman should truly be, not only from her counterparts but to herself. It is extremely rewarding to read a book such as this because it talks about how a women’s power and uniqueness get overlooked an underappreciated in our society. A new study posted on September 16, 2019, by CNN stated that 1 in 16 US women was raped for their first sexual experience, and yet rape is still treated as if it’s a minute subject worldwide. Expressing advocacy and awareness through different art forms is needed and I want to do my best to convey this message through my work.
3.    Concept
The mission of The Resistance of Bowie State University is to be a liaison for Bowie State students and administration as an advocate for sexual awareness and safety. This campaign strives to bring social recognition about sexual assault to the student body, faculty, and administration to better security and knowledge on its campus for all genders, sexualities, and diverse backgrounds. The Resistance provides a safe haven for social interaction, activism, and acknowledgment through education, awareness, and advocacy. By using different art forms and creating clothes that illustrate freewill and advocacy, a larger and more effective message will be shown that influences a community to take accountability for their actions in an interactive and informative way. By exposing more people to activism art and fashion, it can provoke feelings within the audience to influence them to further change their actions or mindset on a worldwide issue.
For this collection, the target market consists of women who know what they want and know what is right from wrong. This collection is targeted towards women aged twenty-one to forty years of age. The Resistance represents a woman with a voice whether vocal or not, is always ready to express what she is feeling through the clothing she wears. She enjoys feeling unique and understands that confidence is a major aspect of her femininity. Being herself is her first choice always and will always be true to herself. She is a goal-oriented woman and will stand up to any task when she is needed. She strives for the betterment of others, as well as herself, by promoting well-being for all. Her attention to detail and passion for everything from her education and career to her art and community make her strive for more every day. Her annual income is $60,000 – $80,000 a year, with her educational status being some sort of college degree or higher. Her ethnicity is a broad spectrum ranging from African American, Middle Eastern or Caribbean, to Hispanic, Asian or Caucasian. She enjoys volunteering and reading in her free time to better her community and learn more about activism. Her marital status ranges from single to married, and she is comfortable with being independent if she chooses. She is an all-around dynamic woman who chooses her happiness and her freedom of expression over anything else.
4.    Plan
After properly sketching and having the outfit ideas for the collection, I would need to decide which pieces from the line I would use as interactive pieces of clothing. These pieces would include shirts that speak if a person’s heart races or clothing that would change color.  Because I want the underlying message of this campaign to be informative, placing programming software within the articles of clothing would be accounted for. I would also like this to rent out a venue in Washington DC to display all aspects of the campaign. Showcasing the different art mediums will not be able to be displayed in the student gallery and by hosting an event off-campus I can reach a different audience of people to better promote myself and the clothes. For the off-campus event, I would love to have a casting call to recruit models. The main issue with that is model cost, and properly sizing the models. If I cannot get the correct models, I will have a showcase at a select venue in Washington DC. For the senior showcase on campus, I can recruit people on campus in the following VCDMA majors (such as graphic designers, animators and music tech) to help with my promotion and set up. For both on-campus and off-campus events, I would need to talk to different coordinators and people in charge of different venues to discuss ticket pricing, opening night plans, spacing options and other amenities for a perfect show.
5.    Budget
I would like my clothes to be made with nicer materials so fabrics would cost between $500-800 for the entire collection. I would like my collection to be hosted at Culture Coffee Too in Northeast Washington, DC which would also cost about $150 an hour (and would be rented out for a three-hour period). The LilyPad Arduino or other technology I would be using in the clothing can easily be obtained because of the VCDMA department. I have an adjustable mannequin at home, but otherwise, I would probably have to pay another fee for mannequins used at an off-campus venue as well. Promotion such as business cards, and flyers would not cost as much.
LilyPad Arduino
Total Estimate:$587.56
6.    Create
Initially, everything would be made by me using simple sewing machines and fabrics. I currently am starting my collection for my senior thesis to potentially grow and partner with other well-known companies. This will take place between October 2019 and December 2019 to hopefully be taken public by March 2020. Since I would like to later make this into a profitable business, I would continue to promote my work through social media and create a website committed to the movement. If the demand for my brand increases to a point where doing everything myself is too chaotic, I will then either formulate a team to assist in creating my product or get in contact with manufacturers that can efficiently handle the work while still maintaining profitability. If I do take the approach of making an agreement with a manufacturer, I expect them to withhold the same level of quality that fits my company’s standards in order match my more reasonable prices due to the quality of the clothing being provided at an estimated price of $75-300 an item. Currently, I have the entire collection sketched out properly with colors, fabrics, and inspiration. The mood board for the collection is completed as well, along with a blog of inspiration pictures that is featured on Tumblr. Everything is regularly updated to show my progression on how I want this collection to flourish.
7.    Promote
People use social media for many aspects from sharing moments with friends to funny memes and other cultural aspects, and also to announce and promote events. I plan to create multiple different versions of flyers for my event(s) in order to post on both my personal and campaign-focused Instagram page. This is an easy and free way to get people to notice what is happening in the area. Advocating Bowie Students on campus through local means such as face to face also helps with gaining the desired exposure. By the time we have reached promotions, I will have ideally made stronger connections on different levels in order to help promote my events in both social media and local interactions. Also, brochures and posters are two visual ways of getting people to come where graphic designers can also be beneficial. I also understand that people continuously use Facebook as well as Twitter which will advertise to a wider audience of different age ranges. It would significantly increase the number of people who see the event flyers I am posting as well as making sure that more people at least see the information. Even if they do not attend the event, from continuously seeing the brand's information you can become familiar with the work and content created.
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resistancefashion · 5 years
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Source: instagram.com/vivianhoorn
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resistancefashion · 5 years
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Senior Collection Mood Board!
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resistancefashion · 5 years
In the Know Beauty 9-year-old girl is first double amputee child to walk the runway during New York Fashion Week
After being born with a condition that required both of her legs to be amputated, Daisy-May Demetre is now walking the runway at New York Fashion Week
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resistancefashion · 5 years
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Valentino / Fall 2007
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