resonanthead · 2 years
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| | ➻ ( rudy pankow, twenty-two, he/him ) did you hear all the drama from rick’s party ? yeah apparently ( gareth emerson ) was there. i think someone said they work at ( sam goody ) and their favourite song is ( love bites - judas priest ) and that they tend to be ( creative, impulsive ) but also seemed quite ( self-destructive, facetious ). everyone says they remind them of ( liquorice rolling papers, split lips, drum solos and yard sale paperbacks stuffed in your back pocket ) …. i guess i could see that too. | |
name : gareth jason emerson
nicknames : grizz, gar, gar-bear, grizzly-adams
age : twenty-two
pronouns : he/him
sexuality : bisexual
birthday : august 30th
birthplace : hawkins, indiana
family : jolene emerson (mother), graham emerson (father), whitney emerson (y. sister), archie emerson † (y. brother)
tattoos & piercings : septum and tongue pierced though mostly hides these unless he’s partying in indianapolis or chicago or with the freaks. inner bicep piece of a black dragon curled around a great sword, roman numerals of archie & whitney’s birthdays on his left wrist, a tiny banana between his pointer finger on the right hand for monkey, his dog. a few ugly stick and pokes and some newer ones that are way less ugly.  
aesthetics : room temperature pizza, spending half your pay check on polaroid film, a wave of good aftershave, headbanging until your neck feels like it’ll snap, letting your little sister paint your nails, engine oil in denim, love bites by judas priest playing faintly from a pair of headphones, dappled sunlight through forest leaves, sweat in your eyes, broken drumsticks, slinging your arm round the neck of your friend who can’t stop laughing, purple red bruises blooming like a valentines bouquet across your ribs, lovingly restoring old vinyl in the garage, the cold brush of a chain dangling from your lover’s neck against your racing pulse, smashing your fist into concrete until the knuckles split, the scent of old paper, cracked spines and well loved books.
never worn a matching pair of socks in his life, gareth liked garage sale paperbacks, pizza rolls and not much else. back in the day, the first five or six years of gareth’s miserable existence, the family had had a nice ranch style place by the woods but then his dad lost his job and they lost the house. from then on the family were usually too on top of one another, grizz always seeming to end up underfoot.
rock and roll’s the devil’s work, obviously. has soundproofed part of their small basement to practice drumming without getting yelled at.
[family death cw] though he never talks about it at all any more, about twelve years ago grizz’s five year old little brother drowned in lake tippecanoe when his dad briefly took his eyes off them. this kind of tore the family up. his mom left when grizz was fourteen, leaving a wad of cash in an envelope in his dresser and asking him to promise to be a ‘good boy’ until she came back. still waiting.
got a job the second he could during high school and has stayed employed ever since, though bounced around a fair bit.
[child abuse cw] his dad rarely goes a couple weeks without spiralling into a rage and physically attacking grizz which has been the same since his sophomore year, he’s just about to try and move out and find his own place after saving for a few years out of high school but he doesn’t want to leave his sixteen year old sister in the house.
used to be on the track team, a very fast runner.
held average grades at the start of high school, got some special attention from his english teacher who believed sincerely that he could do better if he just focused. managed to do pretty well by graduation but lost confidence in himself and his ability to adapt to living anywhere but hawkins because of his inability to pick a college. feels kind of cursed and stuck in roane county.
corroded coffin is his outlet, along with the ice hockey league he sometimes plays in a town over. has a notebook full of polaroids, quotes or lyric ideas scrawled on diner napkins, drive-in theatre tickets, the stamp from clubs in indianapolis and anything else you can think of, that is usually stuffed in the small of his back.
wears a lot of flannel and his extremely battered leather jacket basically every day of the year.
spends tooooons of time carefully painting the miniatures with tiny brushes for eddie’s d&d campaigns. usually plays a monk or a druid.
has a dog that is a mongrel of too many breeds to count named monkey, he has a neckerchief.
drums on every surface. all. the. time.
built a tree house and dugout in the middle of the forest for his friends from fifth to eighth grade, grizz’s dad is a carpenter by trade so he knows his way around.
makes a meaannnnn mac & cheese, is pretty much always down to clown.
pretty handy at fixing most types of motorbike, has been the only person to touch his own bike for about three years.
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resonanthead · 2 years
(takes off my leather jacket to reveal a second, secret leather jacket underneath)
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resonanthead · 2 years
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resonanthead · 2 years
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Richard Siken, Little Beast
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resonanthead · 2 years
Location: Hawkins General Hospital
Time: Early evening
“I thought visiting hours were already over?” Rhia raises a curious brow to her unannounced visitor that had just came into her room. She didn’t think that would eventually be caught up in the violent antics of the masked killer but she was sadly mistaken. Being attacked in her own neighorhood was extremely unsettling, making her realize that nobody was safe. While her injuries weren’t super severe, the hospital still wanted to monitor her and the rest of the victims from tonight’s attacks.
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Gareth put a tired palm over his mouth. “There isn’t a door in this building that will keep me from bringing you batteries for the walkman.” He tapped a bag he carried in frayed looking fingerless gloves. He looked more normal than usual, making the effort to at least try to be allowed in. “Sorry I didn’t knock, didn’t wanna scare you but if Shirley catches me out there again she’ll throw me out the window.” 
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resonanthead · 2 years
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resonanthead · 2 years
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“God is good.” Heather said so acerbically it was a miracle the words didn’t sizzle. 
“It’s public knowledge, the people have a right to know.” She replied but her voice was noticeably quieter than before. Grizz seemed genuinely scared, she knew pain in someone’s face only too well. Hockey was a dangerous sport.
“You’ve got a mouth guard haven’t you?” It was cheating to be sincere and she looked away, lips pursed in discomfort. 
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“Amen.” Gareth four-pointed himself with frankly sacrilegious rings adorning his fingers. 
“Okay Peter Parker, slow down there, you know what the highest award in the states for a reporter is? Getting killed by the CIA.” Her voice was quieter. A minor miracle.
“Why, have you got a fake hip in that duffle bag of yours for spare?” Grizz’s heart pounded in his ears, why was she always such a bitch.
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resonanthead · 2 years
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“okay, you called my bluff.” will wrinkled his nose and waved away the tobacco. it just smelt bad even if it made him think of home. “i’m, i’m sorry you’re right. the sherriff’s department were so obviously scapegoating you both it was painful to watch. you’re tall, you might be fast i don’t know. how are you?”
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grizz had the biggest urge to ruffle will’s hair but he knew how poorly he would have taken it at that age and good-naturedly tucked the cigarettes away again. “good. you had me worried there byers.” will neatly side-stepped the compliment entirely as though gareth hadn’t said anything and he quirked an eyebrow. “i was on the track team, for a while. i have been better william, i’ve been better. you?”
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resonanthead · 2 years
“shit,” tommy mumbled as he felt gareth’s teeth on his skin. he didn’t need any marks. while he thought he could get away with it, it was also something that he might find himself having to explain at least once. he didn’t have an excuse for that one. “don’t you dare leave a mark,” he said, though his words were hardly as venomous as he intended for them to be.
grizz flexed his grip in tommy’s hair at the curse. hernandez’s voice wavered slightly, he let out a snarling hiss against tommy’s collarbone before he tore away. “she’ll probably know anyway when i’m done with you.” it was a little unkind of him and not exactly true but he enjoyed the thought that tommy couldn’t hide him, like he and three guys from the basketball team were trying to stuff gareth into a locker. he bit another kiss into his mouth again to stop thinking. 
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resonanthead · 2 years
Max smiled, despite rolling her eyes. She just knew if she pushed the fiver back to him, they were going to waste ten minutes fighting over it.
“Sounds like him,” she said. She eyed how Grizz balanced his bags. “You need help carrying those?”
Probably not, but she wanted to be somewhat helpful to Grizz. Take off some burdens off his back. She hated feeling she couldn’t do anything for her friend, going to work like things were normal when they were so decidedly not. Grizz looked dilapidated despite his efforts to ‘be that chill’. She could see it in the lines of his shoulders.
Max grabbed her notes and straightened them before hiding them in the cupboard under her register. “I…” she hesitated, no longer positive to explain her plans to him. Grizz might freak out and it was easier to do things if people didn’t know to stop you.
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Mayfield had always been a tough cookie and he tried not to show the pleased line of his jaw that she realized this battle wasn’t even worth her energy. So what. He had more money than the kids in college by a couple bucks, enough to leave a handful of notes if they ever gave him a ride or sneakily pay for the McDonalds.
“Classic Eddie. My dad kind of went ape shit when the news stuff got out.” Grizz didn’t know why it got through his usually strong mental filter, it was meant as an explanation for why he’d been freaking out but he hadn’t meant to put it on her at all. “Sure, thanks.”
He checked she was ready, chin bobbing in a nod as he curled her one bag from his inner elbow to take off him. 
“Go for it Red, we’re hiding from the angry mob so speak now.” He smiled tiredly but encouragingly where she faltered. It rung in his head what he’d tried to do for Whitney too for all the younger party members, if only someone had been around and eager to listen to him. 
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resonanthead · 2 years
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resonanthead · 2 years
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“…it’s time to join the club.“
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resonanthead · 2 years
He might as well commit to the character. Just thinking about what he could say to Gareth created a buzz under his skin that he wanted to get under control. And why ruin the mood anyway? October had ruined enough, talking thoughtless.
He gave Gareth a thumbs up, telling the other man that he was fine. And then switched to two fingers, wanting something with a straw. Something he could drink without lifting his mask too much to reveal who he was.
While waiting for his drink, October leaned against the pool table, his gloved fingers tapping an improvised rhythm on the clothed playing field. The Halloween mix had switched into something with synths and 808s. His shoulders relaxed a bit. October could feel the tension slowly leaving him.
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Gareth shook his head, smirking when they played into the bit and didn’t reply. Not everybody in Hawkins was so willing to but he supposed nerds had to stick together out here.
The bartender had the band on lock for the evening and he got a vodka lime and soda, sharp and a little sweet with the fruitiest looking straw they could muster in under a minute. Gareth swaggered slightly on his way back over with an old fashioned in his other hand. 
In the throngs of people, hiding from their boredom in a small town evening he squared his shoulders some, angling to make sure they had some extra room. “You good?” he asked as he handed off the drink.
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resonanthead · 2 years
“i’m not that much younger than you are,” mike pointed out. though, technically the other was right. he was still a teenager. it didn’t fit with his desire to be mature though so he wanted to argue it. then he decided gareth was going through more than enough at the moment so he decided to drop it. for now.
he rolled his eyes. “i’ll be fine. there’s no need to worry about it!” though, a part of him was slightly worried, though certainly not as much as a lot of people he had come across. he could understand why gareth was as nervous as he was though. it made sense. “fine though. i won’t get murdered specifically for you.” at the question about will, he laughed a little. “we’re not that attached at the hip, are we?” he asked with a bit of a smirk. “he’s doing his own thing!”
there wasn’t anything wrong with not being cut out for prison. at least, that wasn’t what mike was attempting to imply there anyway. he thought that only criminals could make it in and whatever petty things girzz had done in the past didn’t exactly earn him that title regardless of how much people may think otherwise. “ted isn’t on anyone’s side. ever. i think he was just happy he had something to complain about.”
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“i know, you’re old enough to be trialled as an adult but not to drink, what a world or what a state. screw indiana i’ll drive us to canada.” grizz had felt that annoying in-between at that age, treated as a kid and an adult in the worst ways. “look, i’m just saying, cut yourself a break.”
“man, in d&d we never split the party ‘cause whoever goes alone gets into shit.” he points out. the buddy system was a lame name for it, the logic worked in grizz’s mind. “aw shucks mikey, for little old me?” he batted his eyelashes in mike’s direction but turned sincere as he thanked him for giving easily. “you both go to the same college and you’re best friends, right? so it makes sense.”
“he’s living the american dream, true patriot.” there must have been something redeeming about the guy if such a total smoke show had chosen him. “dads, who needs ‘em?” 
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resonanthead · 2 years
now it was getting good and tommy was reminded of all of the reasons he dealt with gareth. he was too good at this. a lot of practice, a voice in the back of his head quipped as he tilted his head to the side. right now, he was a little too distracted to make the comment.
tommy let out a soft breath and stayed quiet for a moment before peaking. “don’t think that’s because you like to hear me talk, is it?”
grizz revelled in the easy direction tommy was suddenly taking from him, obligingly tilting his jaw just so to expose his neck more fully. he was grateful he’d ditched the tie a while ago. he set his teeth over the muscle hidden beneath the collar in a question, whether he could mark him with his mouth.
gareth smiled at the soft sound he made. “ding, ding, ding. we have a winner.” 
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resonanthead · 2 years
who: @resonanthead​ where: muncie ice skating rink. when: six am, early november 1988.
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Heather tipped back her first pain medication of the day, chased it with cool water from her flask. She shifted her focus then to the her boots, one ear uncovered from her headphones for her free routine music as she meticulously and robotically looped her laces on her skates trying to ignore  the twinging protest of her hip. 
“Oh. You’re here this morning,” she muttered coldly. It was annoying that he did ice hockey, it had pissed her off every year since they were eight. “I didn’t think they let suspected murderers in a nice place like this.”
Gareth looked begrudgingly good, hair that barely dry that would freeze stiff if the temperature dropped like it did this time of year especially in the early morning. The instinctual allure of a numbered team jersey let her eyes continue to rove over him out of her peripheral. 
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“You have eyes, congratulations.” Gareth crossed his stick between his knees, working on the pads on his arms to get them loose. He wore a blue hockey jersey in the team’s colours. 
“Wow, low blow and that’s only suspected actually, so watch your mouth around here.” Grizz spoke out the corner of his own mouth, eyes darting around. Two of the wings from the other team had sucker gut-punched him outside the showers and he had a feeling he’d be pissing blood for a day or two.
“Not everybody in Muncie knows I’m public enemy number one and I’d like to keep my teeth,” he hissed glancing around the lobby before taking a deep, bracing breath. “Please, Heather.” 
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resonanthead · 2 years
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will felt like a rabbit in a snare around gareth. one long-standing regrettable high school crush made him swallow his tongue every five minutes and for some reason he felt as transparent as cling wrap. “maybe i wanted to have a smoke.” as though they both didn’t know that gareth had ditched his cigarette just for will’s benefit. “what are you doing hanging around he creek by yourself in the middle of november? hiding some bodies?”
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gareth held out his pack of marlboros obligingly in a dare, one eyebrow raised. “well wheeler and sinclair are around here right? is all...” he started carefully. at the retort he pretended to take an arrow to the chest, clamping a hand down over the spot. “you cut me deep, byers, you cut me real deep. i know you don’t think that ‘cause you’d have started running if you did, we both know you could lap me around the lake any day.”
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