rest-in-ashes · 3 years
I don't know which is more cowardly, shield yourself through anonymity or launch false accusations, go to hell, anon.
ur game - plagiarism.
...Leave me okay?
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rest-in-ashes · 3 years
It’s really disappointing that people in the OFF fangame community have to walk on eggshells. You have to be afraid that someone is going to get angry and say you’re copying them just because you might have a similar idea or were inspired by another game in the community. This has been a huge problem for years now. 
I used to be paranoid about people stealing my ideas, but honestly it’s not worth being angry/upset about. I’ve learned to take things in stride and just let people do what they want, because it’s not worth the energy to be an asshole and attack people for wanting to have fun. It breeds unnecessary drama, and drives people out of the community instead of bringing people together. If someone is making something that you think is similar to your own work, maybe take a moment to think about how flattering it is that someone liked your game enough to be inspired by you. If someone is just taking assets then of course you have every right to be angry, but don’t be so self centered and think you’re the only one who is allowed to do a certain theme or idea in a fangame based on someone else’s work. That’s exceededly hypocritical. 
This is one of the reasons why I don’t want to be around a lot of the creators in the fangame community anymore and I want to do my own thing. You don’t have to worry about becoming a target of some catty, high school level clique if you’re doing your own thing. 
To the people who are gatekeeping fangames and perpetuating this fear of expression; go fuck yourself. You’re the reason people don’t want to make fangames anymore because you think your opinion is the only one that matters. Get off your high horse and get over yourself. Let people have fun with a game that’s been around for a decade or so. It doesn’t hurt you at all, so mind your own business. 
To everyone else working on a fangame in current year; I hope you have a wonderful day and you keep working on the thing that makes you happy. Don’t let some asshole ruin your fun just because they think they deserve to be the only one in the spot light or they think their shit don’t stink. You’re better than them. You keep doing your thing because it makes you happy, not because it pleases someone else. 
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rest-in-ashes · 3 years
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Just a few sketches of random ideas
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rest-in-ashes · 3 years
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Also, with this post, I would like to express my gratitude to those who helped in the development of this wonderful project! I hope you will see yourself here :)
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rest-in-ashes · 3 years
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rest-in-ashes · 3 years
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“Let the show begin!”
“It’s been a long time since we last met. But we will meet again, dear Puppeteer. I invite you to a show that was created especially for you~ I hope that you will accept my invitation soon…”
A lot of time has already passed and I have the courage and ideas to finish the project. I do not know how much effort it will take to develop it, but I hope that this day will come. But for now, I can safely say… Let the show begin!~
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rest-in-ashes · 3 years
I'm not dead yet, I'm sorry for the few project updates, there are many factors that have not helped, as health problems, I was recently diagnosed with a rare disease and in advanced state (not deadly at least but yes complicated), I have focused on trying to pay the treatments and those thingy things, but anyway!
Soon I will give small updates as art concepts and more! Thanks for the patience
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rest-in-ashes · 3 years
I know a few people who have the same thought as me, but it’s really sad that so many new fangame creators are instantly overshadowed as soon as they decide to make a game.
I honestly feel so bad for them. They deserve recognition and love for their hard work.
If I could make a change here, I’d say please take the time to check out and play the new fangames that have come out or the ones that have become forgotten over time.
Play Alive, Search, Borderline, heck even HOME that I feel has fallen out of the spotlight as of late. Just any of the games that don’t get the recognition they deserve.
I’ve talked with some of these creators and they fear they don’t get a chance at being noticed like in the old days :(
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rest-in-ashes · 3 years
I want to ask everyone!
Should I make an English version of No title_ (old ver)??
I used to distribute the English version as well, but for the sake of updating, I removed it. It will be translated by Google, DeepL, etc……but if I make an English version of No title_, will anyone play with it??
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rest-in-ashes · 4 years
I feel like I shouldn’t have to say this again but because I was told about this recently, I have to repeat myself:
Don’t kick brand new game creators down, be it in any fandom/community. Don’t trample on them because it isn’t good in your eyes. It’s literally their first attempt at making something to a program they are unfamiliar with. We all start somewhere and we grow and improve with experience, but telling them the first attempt at a game (a demo of it at that) they made from what they managed to learn and put out for everyone to play is shit right to their face is not helpful. Yes, not everyone is going to like it, I know, but it doesn’t mean you have to be an asshole about it. Keep it to yourself and let them continue to learn and possibly fix what you didn’t like.
It’s those kinds of people that destroy the joy in what these new creators hoped to make. They’re so afraid to get more hate and hurtful comments disguised as criticism that they no longer want to continue working on said game or make more in the future.
Only speak up if you have actual helpful critiques to give to help them out and not kick them down. Didn’t like something? Tell them what you didn’t like in a friendly tone and toss them suggestions as to what could be done to fix it/make it better. And again, be nice about it. Seriously, what is so hard about being nice?
Once again, please be kind to these new creators. Don’t be a jerk and kick them down just because you didn’t like what they had to make for a game that isn’t even done yet and is still in early development.
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rest-in-ashes · 4 years
Lately, I've been very busy upsy.
I was hoping this year to get another job, but the pandemic has left me unemployed.
I currently work with my mother selling mouth covers, things in my country have gradually worsened and family members have been infected (I'm okay, dw), the project is still going on, but progress will be very slow, in advance an apology.
Thanks for your attention and stay safe.
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rest-in-ashes · 4 years
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Vader Eloha. The Queen.
Uprising adaptation
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rest-in-ashes · 4 years
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this is a demo of a fangame i made i hope do you like it, im pretty noob in this things of rpg maker so, it will be some error i’ll try to fix in next versions link: mega.nz/#!UNRWgKpZ!gh3EenXsKxm… please enjoy ^v^
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rest-in-ashes · 5 years
Stylized panorama… least it’s better rite??? 
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rest-in-ashes · 5 years
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???: The fight is long, but I can shorten your path, in exchange for a small sacrifice
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rest-in-ashes · 5 years
Happy Birthday James...
I know you aren’t on Tumblr or Twitter anymore, but I just wanted to wish James (dismaluprising) a happy birthday ;-;
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rest-in-ashes · 5 years
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Shannon: Dance macabre~
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