2018 Challenge
This year I really want to focus on myself and being the best me I can be. Sometimes to do that you need to step away from your reality and be alone with your thoughts, problems, etc. to be at peace with them. My challenge for myself in 2018 is to step away from my reality for a weekend a month at least. So once a month in 2018, I will go somewhere to relax and have fun or do something I’ve been wanting to do. For example, if I have never been out of the country maybe in 2018 my goal will be to go out of the country. 
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I’m only accepting positive vibes in my life.
(via motivated-mindset)
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Never waste your time trying to explain yourself to people who are committed to misunderstanding you.
(via motivated-mindset)
This is exactly why I don’t communicate with many!
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First Things First, Secure the Bag!
So it's the New Year, 2018. And I'm ready for this to be a great year but before that can happen I need to get rid of anything I'm unhappy with and right now that's not having a real career. I have my Bachelor's degree but to do what I truly want to do which is become a guidance counselor, I need to have my Master's degree. So that mean's everything I do from here on out is en route to becoming a guidance counselor. I mean of course I have other interests that I'd love to pursue but this one quote keeps haunting me...
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This quote makes me focus even more on what I truly want! There's so much more that I want to accomplish but the end result in my mind is always the same. Even if I want to pursue these other things I now know what my main focus needs to be. So my plan A will serve as my main focus and my plan B, C, and D will be interests and hobbies until I achieve plan A. Now of course, I have to be difficult and have different game plans to achieve plan A but no matter which game plan I go with...I will get there! When reaching your goals it’s important to not compare yourself to other people. Everyone is different and have their own personal time clocks their hunger is different from your hunger, they may have certain resources that you’re not exposed to. We all have to make the most beautiful sandcastle out of the sand we were given but everyone will not have the same sandcastle. I hope I didn’t lose anyone there...‘‘twas just a simple metaphor. If anyone is reading this and has any experience as a guidance counselor or counselor of any sort. I’d love some feedback about your position and also how you decided that it is what you wanted to do and what path you took/how you got there...
With ☮️&💟,
Nat Nicole
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We all know that life is a journey. It has its ups and downs, highs and lows and we just have to keep on going. God may throw things at us that we feel we can't handle but he won't give us anything that will harm us only make us learn, grow, and be stronger. We have to realize that even though we want perfection out of our lives, we won't be 100% there but with God on our side we can get pretty close to perfection. We try to plan out our lives but God has a road for each of us to travel on with its different speed bumps, stop signs, traffic jams but no matter what happens, if we follow God we will reach our destination.
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We have a twitter here too: https://twitter.com/IntrovertUnite. See some of you there?
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We have a twitter here too: https://twitter.com/IntrovertUnite. See some of you there?
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We have a twitter here too: https://twitter.com/IntrovertUnite. See some of you there?
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It takes so much strength to stay gentle and soft and kind in this world.
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IG : ThePersonalQuotes
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#ThankfulThursday Vision
Today the thing that I’m thankful for is the ability to see. As we all know, not everyone was blessed enough to have vision but that doesn’t make them any less special than us who have vision. Thanks to my vision I’m able to write posts and share my view on things. Thanks to my vision I’m able to experience different people, animals, nature, and other things people often take for granted. Thanks to my vision I’m able to put a face to voices that I hear. Thanks to my vision I’m able to have a favorite color, a favorite travel destination, etc. Thanks to my vision I’m able to include appearance in my relationship preference. There are so many things that we see that we take for granted. Many people in the world are not able to see things that we get to see daily. So look around you today and really appreciate all the beautiful things that others don’t get to see because you never know when your vision could go. I may not have the best vision but I’m thankful for the vision I do have.
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So mad because I just wrote a wholeeee essay about this post and accidentally deleted it 😞 poured my heart out and it's gone.... I'm heartbroken but I'll try to reword everything.
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#TopicTuesday Black History Month
Hey Everyone,
So Black History Month is coming to a close very very soon so I just wanted to dedicate this post to my people and all the great leaders we’ve had to get us the opportunities and privileges we’re able to receive today. So ironic that we get the month with the least days to celebrate our culture but in all honesty we need to celebrate who we are and where we come from more often than just one month. And even so, we really don’t do anything to celebrate our history during the month except for acknowledge that our month is here. I’m not sure as to what things can be done to celebrate and help better the futures of our young African Americans but I’m sure if I brainstormed I could come up with plenty of things. As black people we are looked down upon and stereotyped everyday. We’re ignorant, we’re not intelligent, we’re poor, we’re violent, we have nothing to look forward to in life, and lastly from the mouth of Donald Trump “we have nothing to lose.” We as black people have to become people of power, we need to become the leaders, CEO’s, Presidents,etc. It starts with us, young adults…we need to be examples and role models for our youth so they have a future to look forward to instead of being told all they’re good for is jail or to work a minimum wage job. We have to stop fighting with each other, our war is not with each other it’s with the world around us. The petty things we argue over may seem huge at the time but looking at a wider scope they will seem so small. All the violence going on over love, money, drugs, etc. is so minuscule compared to African Americans becoming leaders in this world and being apart of the wealthy class. We have to want better for ourselves, not to prove it to any other race. We’re simply holding ourselves back and we have to do better. Grown folks to be wise and instruct young adults to be the best they can and pave the way for our youth! I can’t wait until I can get my masters and become guidance counselor , I want to see everyone that I encounter to succeed and be the best version of themselves.
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This is just one of many of her hits on the album.
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“My son, do not despise the Lord’s discipline, and do not resent his rebuke, because the Lord disciplines those he loves, as a father the son he delights in.” ‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭3:11-12‬ ‭NIV‬‬
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