Starter call
Want a Mary starter? Like this and I’ll give you one~!
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“I told you a while AGO I DIDN’T LIKE LASAGNA SPAGHETTI IS SUPERIOR!!!” He shouted, “Now, stop crying, you’re going to make my spaghetti too wet now make my dinner, I’m hungry.”
“Y-you never told me you didn’t like it!” Mary said still sobbing. What was James’s problem? why was he so mean?
“Y-You can just make your own dinner!” Mary said running off.
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“Well, I’m alone there now… In our ‘special place’… Waiting for you…”
An indie Mary. Written by Leia. Side blog of @nxtyourmary
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“What the hell Mary, just get a frozen lasagna if you want one so badly, it takes a fraction of the time to cook. Now, spaghetti time.”
“W-why are you so insensitive?!” Mary said beginning to sob. 
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“I lied, you always burn it, and it has too little sauce, it’s dry and burnt Mary,” he admitted. “Now, make me some spaghetti.”
“B-but I spent five hours on it,” Mary said breaking down into tears.
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James frowned as he looked at the dinner table.
“I said I wanted spaghetti though, I don’t like lasagna, you always burn the bottom of it,” he huffed, glaring at her, not happy at all. “You knew I was working a long shift today, I just wanted some spaghetti after a long day at work.”
“B-but you told me you liked my lasagna...,” Mary said looking defeated. 
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“Hunny I made you lasagna!”
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Canon Silent Hill muses.
Non-canon Silent Hill muses.
Other characters/OCs with a Silent Hill verse.
Willing/seeking to rp with Silent Hill based muses.
Silent Hill exclusive blog content.
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“Well, I'm alone there now... In our 'special place'... Waiting for you...”
An indie Mary. Written by Leia. Side blog of @nxtyourmary
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“Alright, my phone is on in case if you need to get a hold of me. Meds are on the table, tea is in the microwave for you as well. It shouldn’t take me too long, I’ll just walk down there,” he smiled.
It was a nice enough day, his green field jacket keeping the gentle breeze off of his arms. He loved the jacket, likely his most prized possession. 
“Call me if you need anything,” he chuckled, turning up the volume on his phone a bit before snagging his wallet off of the counter and heading out the door. 
As promised, he wasn’t gone for longer than forty minutes or so, multiple bags in hand. He moved quickly, stuffing a few bags in the cupboard up above the fridge- where he stored his alcohol. Fireball. Bailey’s Irish Cream. Grey Goose. And his absolute favorite. Jack Daniel’s. He knew Mary would disapprove of his drinking, after she would go to bed, he’d click the tv on and have a few glasses of whatever sounded good. Passing out on the couch, waking up feeling nauseous, quickly cleaning the glass and putting away the alcohol before Mary would see them. He had a feeling she knew of his drinking, he just hoped she would assume it was just a small glass here and there- and not a nightly occurrence for him.
James sighed, setting the stuff on the counter for the party that night. He hoped it would all go by quickly, he didn’t mind the parties, not at all, it helped having Mary there, he wasn’t exactly the best with people.
Mary nodded. She wouldn’t collapse today. She had before. But today was different. She made it over to the rocking chair at the window. She loved to look out the window. It reminded her of her time in Silent Hill. Why wouldn’t James take her there again? She wanted to go back so badly. It was so peaceful and pretty. James didn’t seem to enjoy Silent Hill too much. She wished James would be with her all the time, but she couldn’t be a hindrance on him. It was all she was....A burden. She wished this wasn’t true, but it was.
Then there was James’s drinking. She didn’t care for it, but she was the one who caused it. So Mary didn’t say anything. Mary just wanted to feel wanted for once. She wanted to feel like James wasn’t just lying through his teeth to her. She sometimes questioned his love for her. Was she wrong to? She let out a small sigh. Before she knew it, James was back. She stood up and turned to face him a small smile on her face, “welcome back.”
Mary was also excited for this party. She was going to be a great hostess. Mary was also a people person. Or she used to be. Until the disease hit. Mary and James had actually met at a party. She couldn’t remember why they were throwing a party today, but Mary was okay with it.
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“Oh, yeah, I always tend to forget those. Do you want to run to the store, if you’re up for it, if not, I won’t be gone long. The dollar store is down the street,” he insisted, soft smile on his face. 
He always felt he should at least offer it to her, if she wanted to come along, even if she wasn’t feeling well, it was good to extend the offer to her from time to time. He preferred to go alone though, much quicker that way.
“I’ll be fine here. I’m not up for going out today. Thank you,” Mary said smiling at him. She knew he was being kind despite her being so horrible. She was just wanting to get better. The doctors said there wasn’t a cure, and she was dying. Mary didn’t want to think about that. She didn’t want to leave James. She knew it was bound to happen, however. She just wasn’t ready to face that reality yet.
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“I won’t,” he insisted, soft smile on his face. “I need to run to the store, and get a few more things for tonight, ran out of paper plates,” he explained. “Anything you suggest?”
The coughing made him grind his teeth slightly, he hated the sound of it. It drove him mad, kept him up at night sometimes. Even when it subsided for a while, he could still hear it, bouncing around inside of his head- haunting him. 
She saw his reaction. The slight teeth grind. Hurt ran through her. Why couldn’t he be more understanding? Mary had to hide the flash of hurt that ran through her eyes. She was trying to be better about that, “forks. You forgot to pick them up again.”
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“I’ll only ask once. Who are are you? How did you get into my hospital room?” Mary asked tensely. She didn’t know this man. Who let him in? Why wasn’t James here?
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“James sweetheart, don’t forget about the party tonight, please,” Mary said to him with a smile. She coughed a little bit. She hated this illness. She hated what it made her. She hated she was horrible to James. However, she was trying hard. She was trying so hard to not be horrible.
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Starter call for Mary
If you would like a Mary thread. Please like or reblog this!
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 @thats-why-i-needed-you @walridernightmares​ @mymindsasunder
Ahhh thank you for following my Mary side blog ;-; I’m throwing up a starter call for Mary~
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