restore-me · 5 years
Actual picture of me from March 6th, 2018 to April 1st, 2019
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restore-me · 5 years
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restore-me · 5 years
Juliette: Damn I hate Warner so much, wow what a little bitch.
Warner: *pets a dog and smiles*
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restore-me · 5 years
Aaron: making my way downtown, walking fast
Emotions: Hi!
Aaron: walking faster
People who love him: Aaron we-
Aaron: fucking sprinting
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restore-me · 5 years
Anderson earasing Aaron’s memories for the millionth time because he fell in love with Ella again
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restore-me · 5 years
Aaron mutters something under his breath that sounds suspiciously like, “Unwashed idiot.”
-I love Aaron’s insults so much omg
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restore-me · 5 years
Defy Me Spoilers
“Kenji said I was supposed to get you a ring.”
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restore-me · 5 years
Ella (talking to Kenji and Aaron): I love you both
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restore-me · 5 years
Kenji comforting Aaron when he was having a panic attack in Restore Me:
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restore-me · 5 years
Aaronella Fluff
Aaron helping Ella cut her hair
Aaronella washing each other’s hair
Aaronella buying a small house in a forest away from everyone
Aaron begging Ella not to tell Kenji where it is
But she still does
Ella starting a new journal but instead of it being full of sadness it’s full of all the new happy memories she makes
Ella poking Aaron’s dimples when he smiles
Aaronella swimming in a small lake and Ella keeps splashing at Aaron so he picks her up and kisses her
Ella keeping a list of everything that makes Aaron smile so she can do them whenever possible
Aaron taking too long to wake up so Ella kisses him until he finally opens his eyes
Aaron reading Ella asleep
Aaron insisting that they spend the entire day in bed
And then Ella finally gives in
Stargazing on their roof every night while Aaron teaches Ella the constellations
Ella finding out that Aaron is ticklish accidentally and he’s just grumpy all day because she keeps using it against him
Aaron buying Ella stacks of books every time she runs out of books to read
Aaron trying to teach Ella how to drive
And she fails miserably
Aaron coming home from the bookstore with a stray dog and Ella’s just like ???
(They still end up keeping it)
Ella gradually stealing Aaron’s shirts until he wakes up one morning and notices his closet is getting smaller while Ella’s is getting bigger
And she convinced him he’s actually going insane until he notices her wearing his favorite sweatshirt
He doesn’t actually confront her, but he does buy t-shirts just to wear them once and put them in very obvious places so Ella can take them
Ella struggling to get something from the top shelf and Aaron just casually walks by and picks her up so she can reach it and then walks away without saying anything
Aaronella taking a walk through the woods and she just “accidentally” trips on Aaron’s lips
Someone talking shit about Aaron and they mysteriously get pushed on the ground
And Ella just happened to be walking by
But no one knows who did it
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restore-me · 5 years
Everyone: Wow I’m so happy Anderson is dead we can all be happy and free now!
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restore-me · 5 years
Minor Spoilers
Ella acting offended when Aaron was going to take a shower without her is my new religion.
Ella crosses her arms, pretending to look mad, but I can see the effort she’s making to fight back a smile. “Aaron,” she says sternly. “You were going to take a shower without me?”
Um excuse me, that’s absolutely beautiful.
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restore-me · 5 years
Minor Defy Me Spoilers
I honestly have no idea who gave Tahereh the right to end the book but I’ll allow it because the ending was beautiful.
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restore-me · 5 years
Ok this isn’t really a spoiler but I’m on page 65 and I’m having a heart attack someone please fucking help me I can’t breathe, I wasn’t prepared.
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restore-me · 5 years
Happy Defy Me Release Day!
I’ll be remaining spoiler free until Saturday, April 5th but I’ll still include warnings. Happy reading!
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restore-me · 6 years
Juliette: I’m calling Nazeera
Kenji: No, wait.
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restore-me · 6 years
Theories for Defy Me
Warner and Juliette (past):
Based on the Defy Me excerpt where it appears Warner is meeting a young Juliette, I think that Warner first met Juliette before she was taken (hence the picture described at the end of Restore Me) and his memory was erased when she was taken, because in the excerpt he seemed like he didn’t know her at all and they were both clearly very young if Juliette was about to meet her adoptive parents. It’s unclear if Warner forgot her or had his memory erased a second time, but my best guess is that he became interested in her yet again so his dad wiped his memory.
Warner and Juliette (future):
I definitely think they’ll be back together by the end of the series, it could obviously take some time but Juliette really does love Warner and we all know she didn’t have much love when she was growing up, it’d be really hard to let that go. (I could just be in denial idk). I also think their reunion will be very interesting because Juliette now knows that they knew each other before all of this and Warner has no idea.
Juliette is really good at making plans, considering her last one ended up with her successfully killing Anderson and becoming madame supreme. She’s going to have all that free time as a hostage to figure out what to do, and if she doesn’t get herself out first, someone is going to come for her, she has an entire army rooting for her and she’s still the supreme, even if no one likes it.
So we know there are others with powers, and some of them work for the reestablishment, plus that one thing at the end (it’s been a year and I need to reread, I can’t remember shit😂) where Juliette killed all those people was planned by the reestablishment. I think someone who works for the other supremes has the power to induce hallucinations. I mean, come on, we know Juliette has lost control and broken things before, but I don’t think she would ever allow herself to lose that much control. If she was hallucinating it would make her vulnerable and easy to attack while other soldiers apprehended everyone else. I think the side characters and main ones are being help hostage somewhere in North America but they’re not dead. Especially if they really did have someone who could alter reality in people’s minds, they could use them as weapons.
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