words racing in my head, i dont know where to start.
i wasnt prepared
“you can do that” back to the first day when i chose to enter this world which everybody kept telling me i should though i have no clue, in the very beginning i know right here in myself, i dont know anything about it, days and days pass, i know i dont want anything in here, but as i live my life with this, i just accepted that this has to be done not for me but for the people who told me to enter this world and to show them i can, i continued though it was tiring. Not until this day happened, i thought i never wanted this, i thought i accepted the part that this is only a matter of life, but as of this moment, my heart shattered into thousand pieces, and now, it matters like death. “yung gwa mo di umabot” only weeks before i “was” suppose to go back into that place, i am still looking for the missing pieces of my heart but before i was able to find all, the pieces i already found suddenly vanished, i thought that was a part of me, i thought. people started to tell me how sorry they are, but i don’t know why i am not sorry for myself, maybe because, it’s clear to me that this isn’t a part of me, i chose to enter this world ‘everybody kept telling me to’ but not what my heart tells me to enter, i listened to the voices of others but not to the voices my heart kept telling me. Now, i’m in the middle of nowhere, i may return to where i have started or i’ll continue
but there’s one piece which remained though i’m pretty sure is not part of mine, a piece that i can surely recognized is not mine but i chose to kept, that piece was given by someone who believed in me in whatever i do or whatever i wanted to do, one who trusts me more that i trust myself, one who is willing to sacrifice a part of him to fill a missing part of me, and so i chose to continue. I know, those shattered pieces of mine where nowhere to be find, because some things fall apart so better things can fall together. and the greatest piece i’ve found this day is the piece i can’t find anywhere but rather i can create on my own.
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live in the moment now, you chose this. 
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live on your decisions, you cannot change anything about your what ifs.
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those what ifs will surely haunt you, but you should live on your what is
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in order to save other people, you must save yourself first.
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they dont owe you anything, it was your choice to save them. 
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no, you create your own, you control everything that happens in your life
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i fucking hate this cycle
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why do i keep doing this
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is saving synonymous with dying?
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the only thing i want to save them, but them, they took my life away
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i wish i can undone something
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again. what a cycle this is
consistently failing
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More Zodiac Compatibility here
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Anything that costs you your peace is too expensive….learn to let it go.
(via deeplifequotes)
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10 Ways To Be Kinder To Yourself
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Originally posted by chibird
Some of us believe we can achieve happiness is we could just “get there.” If we could be smarter, lose ten more pounds, have more money, or ultimately achieve the best version of ourselves, we would finally be content. The problem with this type of thinking is that we find ourselves often deeply unsatisfied with the progress we make.
As human beings, we have a knack to set ourselves expectations monumentally higher than others. We seldom excuse errors, slips, or any deviation from what we imagine we can be in our imagination. We are often forgiving and compassionate to others’ flaws, but we fail to extend the same nurturing behavior to ourselves. We urge everyone to read these ten lovely reminders, which will help you to love yourself reasonably. 
Keep reading
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