Ok, no fancy photos or quotes to share! I just want to get bak committed to blogging on here. It’s JULY, half way through the year and I decided to recommit to my goals and get back to what makes me tick! Here’s to month 7!! Im revamping my websites, rebooting my businesses, of course taking more trips, and just moving with peace and purpose! This year i’ve already checked some things off my list, so i’m really soaking in all of that. MONTH 7, LETS GO!! 
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Lesson while Flying|Airplane Mode: I took this picture in flight. It was a clear indication that “The sun is always shining just above the clouds”.. it’s all about perspective.. when life appears to be difficult(heavy,cloudy and dark).. the sun is always there!
So whatever weather that’s in your life currently.. the sun is always shining behind those clouds! Happy Monday! 💫✨
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We had an amazing time in New Orleans! It’s y’all’s uncle’s birthday 🥳. We jam packed so much in a day trip! I really enjoyed watching my dad party and have a great time! I always dreamed of the moments I’d be able to afford to fly my parents and siblings out. This is my 4th time (I’m blessed, I know) 🤪 but seriously, 2nd trip of 2022 “mission accomplished”
Here’s a recap…
We landed around 9:30am New Orleans time (1hr behind).. should I mention we woke up at 5am to make this all possible.
We went to breakfast at the “ruby slipper cafe” which was so bomb!!! Who drinks at 10:30am? 🤷🏽‍♀️, needless to say, we got started early.
From here we caught an Uber to the river walk mall where we had a wine tasting, had a few photo pops, rested and charged our phones. Very little shopping happened. We were backpacking by the way. Sooo yea.
We then ventured over to the casino! The only person that was lucky enough to finish better than they started was Brandon.. he’s a lucky man 😜.(Pun Intended)
I got a notice that we could check into the air bnb sooner than expected. I was a little sketch on the air bnb at first but it was a really nice modern home a few steps away from a really cool neighborhood bar.
We checked in.. napped for a sec, checked the local bar, chilled for a minute and then…
We ventured to bourbon street! Searching for Rockefeller Oysters and Nawlins Cuisine. Urgh the vaccine cards, anyway we needed it to dine. I can’t recall the restaurant but the food was good! We ate, Dranked and moved on..
Then the Birthday Shenanigans began..
We ventured to “The beach on Bourbon” which was ABSOLUTELY NOSTALGIC! Omg I really went in there to take a picture to send to my friends like… Remember this? 😂😂 and then shortly after we were taking shots, dancing and drinking.
Anyway. We hit about 4 spots on Bourbon, ordered chicken and beignets for our midnight snack and ended up at the neighborhood bar next to our Airbnb..
Ok fast forward, everything was comfy and accommodating, the next morning. We were tired and our stomachs on a thousand 😂😂. But we made it to the airport for our 10:20 am departure.. and off to ATLANTA for the snow storm 🙄.
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Moment of clarity today. This year I really gotta be intentional about “me”, how I start my week/mornings, and accomplishing my goals and being filled up the same way I pour”. I often reflect on how much I juggle, and like juggling.. in the process something almost always remains “untouched/neglected”.. today i set the intention to get back on track…all before noon! Sometimes it’s heavy.. but “You got this”💪🏽✊🏽
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Whew.. year 3! We just wrapped our 3rd Wellness Retreat! Each year the group has changed, but the mission remains the same! We are super grateful for the amazing facilitators and the awesome group of women that has supported this vision from day 1! Each year we link up to inspire you guys to be happy, be healthy and healed and give you the tools, resources and support system to do so! We wish you well on your journey throughout this year and beyond! This wouldn’t be possible without you, we’re so grateful for all the paths that we’ve crossed and thanks for trusting us to help kickstart your journey! We’re looking forward to our midterm retreat at the beach! Stay tuned!
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I’m so pumped! This weekend I jumped head first into my goals! I feel very inspired, I feel like I have a pretty solid plan, my faith is strong and i’m ready! One of my main priorities this year was to PURGE and get organized! So far, thats just what I did.. BRING IT ON 2022! I hope I don’t lose this feeling! The beginning is very exciting, and I’m feeling every bit of it! LFG JESS! 
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Ok! January 1,2022
We’re going to try this thing again. This year I’m committing more to blogging and writing! I missed sharing soo many dope stories and moments throughout 2021. Besides COVID still having us in a “chokehold” it’s been a pretty awesome year! Today/ yesterday was pretty stacked and productive. I feel that I had to come up for air and now I have what I need to keep swimming. This year I’m prioritizing self care, rest and business. Sounds cliche.. but overall I’m seeking BALANCE. Here’s to a fresh start! 2022 be good to me! Ooo.. and while I’m here, Facebook memories can be a doozie.. I’m so grateful for previous accomplishments and opportunities, however I found myself comparing my current to my past, feeling like I haven’t accomplished anything significant this year. After giving it some thought some things came to mind..btw. The small things matter too!
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Ok! Back to blogging! It’s been a minute! I’m back and I want to be more active and more present than ever before! I’ve had some pretty amazing moments over the past 8 months that I haven’t gotten a chance to share! I feel like my life has been in a whirlwind..I’m now in a space of reorganizing and getting back to me!!! I’m re strategizing the use of this app, and attempting to not over share what’s on Instagram and Facebook.. each app has its own purpose right? So yea! Welcome back!
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Don’t believe the hype!
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THE 30 for 30 Program‼️you can workout ANYWHERE!
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Mood‼️ 30 for 30!
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Never let em see you sweat!
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