retro-wallflower · 15 hours
A gaily reminder, cookies
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retro-wallflower · 1 day
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Merlin 3x06 The Changeling
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retro-wallflower · 1 day
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annie steg gerard
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retro-wallflower · 1 day
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I notice that Autumn is more the season of the soul than of nature.
— Friedrich Nietzsche
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retro-wallflower · 1 day
The real reason Luther and Allison ended up so close as kids is because they were the only two preps in a family of emos
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retro-wallflower · 1 day
behind every hot girl is a tbr of 100+ books
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retro-wallflower · 1 day
The way that they have Sandman getting promoted after cancelling DBD just shows that they didn't cancel DBD because of Neil Gaimen. Neil Gaimen was never the issue. They didn't like the queer representation. Keep talking. Keep shouting. We've got this.
Edit: This was made in a fuss in the middle of the Geeked Week livestream. There are queer characters in Sandman (Desire is Non-Binary) but I’ve never watched it. I still believe that canceling DBD just because of NG is stupid because of the fact that he wrote like 11 minutes of the show.
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retro-wallflower · 1 day
according to the prophecy we all need to chill out and have a beer
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retro-wallflower · 1 day
people will be like ohhh merlin cant handle swords or weapons blah blah blah but are we forgetting how he literally used a crossbow so easily in s4 ep12??? it was two seconds but when i first saw that scene i was like HELLOOOO??? the way he shot people in one go???
we deserved to see more scenes of merlin using a crossbow like that bc… that actually changed my life…
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retro-wallflower · 1 day
the absolute bullshit to be titling Merlin S1 E10 "The Moment of Truth" as if any truths get spilled in this episode
Truths are teased at in this episode but then LIES
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retro-wallflower · 1 day
No because then I think about how much comfort and softness Arthur had to give up since his childhood. No parent figure he could actually admire and be proud of. He couldn’t even be a good husband to Guinevere, he had to be a leader and stoic, he couldn’t cry, and those rare moments where we see him letting himself go, he hugs Gwen so fiercely, he smiles so widely, so entirely, and that’s when your heart breaks, because you see him empty, like something’s missing, and then you realise all those small touches between him and Merlin are all he had ever had. Arthur ‘you’re the only friend I have and I couldn’t bare to lose you’ Pendragon; Arthur ‘Why are you so upset?’ Pendragon; Arthur ‘I haven’t seen you smile these past three days’ Pendragon; Arthur ‘I think we would probably get on’ Pendragon;
Arthur ‘Just… Just hold me’ Pendragon.
He treated Merlin like he wanted to be treated. He did it clumsily, but he still tried. Arthur only ever wanted to be cherished with soft care and tenderness, and I’m glad that was the last thing he got before dying.
And from Merlin, of all people.
(let’s also not forget that Arthur held Merlin’s hand before he died. He stroked his hair, and smiled before going away. In the end, that’s all he ever longed for)
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retro-wallflower · 1 day
i love being told everything btw. if i love you and youre talking to me not a single detail is too much. youll never overestimate how much of the fabric of your day to day i want to hold in my hands and know the model and make of. im Everything Matters girl and everything matters to me
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retro-wallflower · 2 days
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One thing I adore about Dead Boy Detectives is how brilliant the first ten minutes are. The pacing is incredible. You meet the boys, learn who they are, get a peek at what they want, and are shown what their strengths and weaknesses are.
Straight out the gate, you know that Charles is impulsive and more physically protective, and that Edwin is more intellectual and prone to magic. You learn magic exists and this is a setting where an infinite backpack can happen. Edwin gets a chance to show off his deductive skills with their client, and Charles gets to show off his people skills with both the client and the WWI ghost. Six minutes in and we already know these characters.
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You learn that this is how these characters function together, and that they know each other well enough to know each others' strengths and weaknesses and rely on each other and compensate for them, respectively. The pacing is lively and attention-grabbing, and the back-and-forth between the office and the scene while they're on the job allows a fantastic showcase of the contrast between how they work together in different situations.
Then we get a look at the deeper need that motivates our two ghosts: staying together, against all odds, even after death, even in the face of Death herself.
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And then we segue into another brilliant bit of exposition. Instead of a long, stodgy talking scene that would slow down the pacing, we get shown slices of Crystal acting strangely to explain what's going on.
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In the space of ten minutes, we have met our characters, know what drives them, know their status quo, and are ready for that status quo to be upended, all without a single exposition dump.
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No wonder this series series was met with critical acclaim. This is brilliant character writing and pacing. I write for a living, and this intro scene had me turning to the person next to me, saying, "THAT'S how you do it."
There's so much to appreciate about Dead Boy Detectives, but I feel like the script doesn't get anywhere near enough attention. Standing ovation for the absolutely brilliant writing, honestly.
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retro-wallflower · 2 days
"I cant draw" then do it bad who gives a fuck.....
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retro-wallflower · 2 days
everyone knows that space is very very cold, and the sun is very very hot. so i assume there's a bit of space kind of near the sun which is just right. balmy space
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retro-wallflower · 3 days
Baa baa backstreets, have you any boys
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retro-wallflower · 3 days
it's so crazy to me the fact that someone wrote lines such as "do you know how to walk on your knees? would you like me to help you?" and "I could take you apart with one blow" and the direct answer to that "I could take you apart with less than that"
then someone reviewed these lines and someone approved them. then bradley and colin had to read them, decorate them, and then act them while many were around watching and filming them delivering those lines. and someone else also had to watch those scenes again on post production.
and it aired on the very first episode of the very first season of this show. mind-blowing.
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