return-to-ravenbrooks · 12 days
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October 31st, 2009
Ravenbrooks weather station
They stripped you down and beat you black and blue
All in the name of a false god
All because you were born
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return-to-ravenbrooks · 15 days
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This is the [REDACTED] check-in with Mr. Woodhart. I, Trinity Bales, am the interviewer as usual. Would you please state your full name and age for the records?
Yes, it’s Damien Percy WoodHart, age 23.
Thank you. How are you today, Damien?
I’m alright. Work was work, but we already know that.
Right, shall we get into it then?
Of course! I’m ready when you are, Ms. Bales.
Have you attended any “meetings” since our last check-in, Damien?
Yes, I have. It was a shorter one than usual, actually. They’ve been getting shorter lately. I’m suspecting it has something to do with me, but I can’t be certain since I’ve been in attendance for years. This one didn’t include much beyond the average chatter about the town and about the “new blasphemous god”’s behavior.
I see… How has…that been going as of late?
You mean Zach? Ah, he’s alright. As alright as he can be, all things considered. I’ve been keeping him out of their sights as best I can, but you can only do so much in a small town.
Right, I can only imagine with the- wandering. Is it fair to assume his continued denial of any involvement in the woods is- less than accurate?
Any assertions he has made regarding that are factual, I can promise you that. It’s not as if he’s even capable of lying about it, his situation ensures that. I’m sorry, Ms. Bales, but Zach is not an avenue for you to explore accurately. I’m sure you’re referring to his. Nights out.
I'm not referring to lies from his perspective, Damien. I am referring to the reality of the events.
The reality of the matter is that even if he is out there in his condition, it’s not of his own volition. The others are terrified of him. He keeps them inside some nights. I just help him in the instances he doesn’t quite complete his route.
Right. …And about the circumstances regarding the damages to the Grocer's?
An outburst. He wasn’t doing well there, and I did my best to help him calm down, but I’m not one to keep him under surveillance 24/7. It was partially my fault it got to that point, but he. Well. He has some right to be upset, honestly.
Care to elaborate?
… Well, if I had to describe it, he wasn’t always in the headspace to work. His mind wanders as much as he does. Behaviors he can’t always control, general distractions, everything you already probably know. But the work seemed to exacerbate it. He was more tired when he came home, and he seemed more easy to anger. Work can indeed do that. Imagining how it would be if I wasn’t working is sometimes very appealing… My- My point is, he didn’t enjoy the position, and he had resentment for it.
If you don't mind my further prodding, how does that make it at all your fault?
… I mean in the sense that it’s my job to help him. I didn’t help him enough in that instance. I apologize, I didn’t clarify.
I see. Well, from the way he speaks about them, the sleeping pills aren't having much effect. Have you seen anything, however?
Sigh I think they’re proving useless, in all honesty. All it seems to do is accelerate his nights. Not even getting him sluggish. He falls asleep faster, so it happens faster. I think that all it relies on is his sleep state.
… I suppose that means that he’ll be perpetually tired until I figure out how to reverse this. The townsfolk are not a helpful bunch, but I’m planning on going back to the library tomorrow.
Damien, you're an intelligent man, how open are you to- an experiment?
Absolutely not. I’ve not enough research to do anything as drastic as that!
No no, nothing intense. But you mentioned thinking the transformation is tied to his sleep state correct?
Yes, I did.
And, previously, we attempted to adjust it with more sleep, correct?
That would be accurate, yes…
Well, what if we attempted the other direction? Longer hours awake and conscious?
… I’m… not entirely sure if that would be good for Zach, at least in this state. I can try to give him a more consistent, spaced sleep schedule, but its a touchy subject with him.
I can tell… I can't be sure it will help, but perhaps even recommending things like coffee to help stay awake at work might help, if only a little. I know you only want what's safest for him. We do too, I promise, but to find the formula for what's best, sometimes we have to take some leaps of faith. Sadly, there aren't any books on fixing- his condition.
… I’ll look into some possible options for keeping him awake in intervals. It’ll be a shift, one that he can hopefully adjust to within a week.
Wonderful, and hopefully, we can reconvene in our next check-in. Unless, of course, anything happens which needs a sooner meeting.
Hopefully. I’m hoping there are no scenes about me at the next meeting. They used to be so frequent…
That reminds me… any updates on Crow Face?
… He’s. He sure is Crow Face. He does an awful lot of staring at me…
Any more- uh.. attacks?
No, nothing of note with him has happened since- … Well, since he got my parents.
…I see. …How is the condition of your coin? Or- coins if what Zach mentioned is correct.
It’s just fine. I’ve not had any streaks of luck lately, I don’t think there’s anything to be concerned about for the time being.
Good, good. Finally, have you checked in with Mr. And Mrs. Carrion as of recently? Are there any updates on their- mental states?
I have some minor progress for both of them, Mrs. Carrion moreso. It’s a bit difficult to get much done, but it’s fine. I’m just worried about some of the points I’m going to have to make to them eventually.
Well, I can promise we're working to find information ourselves on the matter. The sooner we can find a way to help you two the better for Ravenbrooks. And the work you're doing helps more than I think you realize. And…I'm sure if Zach could know more about it all, he'd say the same.
I’d give most anything for him to have all this reversed. For him to have a restful night. I’m not going to stop until that happens.
Neither will we. Is it fair to assume you'll be open for the same check in time in two weeks?
Unless I have an emergency appointment, we’re all set.
Wonderful. Thank you again for your time, Damien.
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return-to-ravenbrooks · 16 days
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This is the [REDACTED] check-in with Mister Carrion. I, Trinity Bales, am the interviewer as always. Could you state your full name and age for the record?
Zachariah Corbin Carrion. 22.
Thank you, and, how are you today Zach?
I see. If I remember correctly you've been perscribed sleeping pills since our last check in. Have they been helping at all?
No, well- I've been falling asleep fast sure but I wake up just as tired and sore.
Ah, well, what about your skin issues?
The bumps? They haven't gotten worse I suppose. The usual clearing up by about midday and reappearing the next morning. I've gotten used to the itching, even found a lotion that helps it a little.
That's good! Well then, onto the more serious questions, shall we? How're the woods recently?
...I've told you before. I don't go into the woods.
Right, of course.
I have asked you to remove that question from your list
I remember, but if you remember our last conversation, I told you why we can not remove it. It would be appreciated if you would respect that.
...Whatever. Can we move on?
Of course. Do you have your coin on you?
I have several.
Wh- Several? From where?
I don't think that question is on your list.
Please don't be difficult about this.
...I will tell you after the interview. It doesn't need to be on record.
I- ...fine. Have there been any more sleep walking incidents since our last check in?
Oh, yeah. I was at work on- Thursday? Yeah, when I fell asleep. Woke up on the roof of the bakery. There was the following Monday too, I'd tried to destress at the old arcade? You know the one. Lost my rhythm combo because I was so tired.
And you woke up-?
Oh right, uh, at home. But Damien brought me there. Didn't say where he found me, just 'outside'
And you don't think there's any chance it could've been-
It wasn't. I told you I have no interest in those woods or the weather station or the amusements park or anything of that sort. Not awake. Not asleep.
...Right. I suppose that's where we'll end for today then. Oh! Actually, Zach?
How're your birds?
Oh- well, Edgar has been having some issues eating a proper portion, but we're working through it alright. Cedric has this new puzzle we've been loving. It's a slider puzzle too so the others have been starting to use it as well. And, right, Crowley has learned to open windows! I don't know where he learned it but it's really useful when they get locked out accidentally.
Well, I'm glad they're doing alright. Our next check in is currently set for [REDACTED], does that work alright for you?
Should. Not like I have a work schedule to worry about right now anyways.
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return-to-ravenbrooks · 17 days
For the Ravenbrooks investigation doodle idea uhhhhh how about them playing Monopoly together Idk đź‘€ please?
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Game night gone wrong
(I've never played monopoly so I'm going off videos on what it's like lol)
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return-to-ravenbrooks · 17 days
If you’re still taking requests for the Ravenbrooks Investigation Club doodle idea (if not, feel free to ignore this) How about uhhh a wholesome group hug with Nicky being at the center his face red and squished as hell
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Physical touch is part of the healing process Nicky, don't fight it
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return-to-ravenbrooks · 17 days
I can imagine Nicky and Aaron being that one me like
Aaron:my boyfriend is wearing a fucking suit to his autism diagnosis appointment
Nicky:it’s a special event!
Aaron:shut up
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I wanted to do it in a way that fit since Nicky doesn't do suits (same man, same)
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Look at his lil face, he's so excited for his autism
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return-to-ravenbrooks · 19 days
Diary Entry
I've decided to leave. Once and for all. I have to.
How am I supposed to face them again? To look them in the eyes every morning with the face of the son that isn't theirs. Their son wouldn't have come to them to tell them what they already knew. He wouldn't be failing his classes. Their son was an "unmotivated genius".
I made her cry again, and maybe it's my own guilt showing through, but it felt like she cried more hearing the words she knew were coming than when they finally found me. Found the thing that replaced their child and ruined his life.
If I had become anything at all, following after them, or becoming an engineer, or even just a member of society that did more than bus dishes and flip burgers, they would've been happy. But instead, I'm nothing. I'll always be nothing now.
I tried so hard to keep up with everything, I even thought I was doing okay for a while but no, I just couldn't. Almost ten essential credits short. 20 failed classes in four years. I couldn't do it.
They'd never see their boy in a cap and gown. They will never see him walk up on a stage after someone spoke the name "Nicholas Roth" for all to hear.
I still don't know which hurt more to see, mom burying her head in dad's shoulder, or dad lying through his teeth.
"It's okay" if it was mom wouldn't be crying.
"There are plenty of amazing people who dropped out" of college. Geniuses dropped out of college. Only idiots couldn't graduate highschool.
"It's not your fault, I mean, he told us this might happen" But they didn't want to believe it, why would they? Their son couldn't still be so broken from something that happened in middle school. Who cares if he still has to take medication and put a sack on his head just to fall asleep? If he struggled to even sit in a classroom without having a panic attack? He was better than what some doctor thought. He was stronger than that.
Nicholas Michael Roth was. I wasn't.
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Trinity is letting me stay with her. I don't know for how long until we both decide I might have better chances sitting in an alleyway and rotting.
I've failed everyone and will continue to fail, I just know it.
My parents, my partners, the club...
Makes me wish I'd died in that stupid basement.
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return-to-ravenbrooks · 20 days
Since your asking for return to raven brooks doodle suggestions pls draw Maritza and Finch being silly little goobers in love‼️‼️‼️
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This image is unrelated
First batch of the drawings are done! These are so fun hehehe
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Dude, drawing all the characters in their PJs was so fun
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return-to-ravenbrooks · 22 days
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Despite the initial unsureness, no one could resist the adorable face of Imbir
Besides, little guy seems to know his way around town better than we do!
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return-to-ravenbrooks · 22 days
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Return to Ravenbrooks:
Entry 8
Name: Finch [REDACTED]
Date of Birth: 1996
Gender: F
Current Address: 910 Friendly Court
Height: 5'0
Hair color: Black
Eye color: Black
Key features: Dyed hair, grey pink lipgloss, lip piercing
Role: Scout
Abilities: Eyesight, accuracy, flexibility
Occupation: "Wouldn't you like to know"
Status: Fair
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"Dude!" Delroy jumped back.
"What the hell Nicky?!" Maritza was staring, dumbfounded. I let out a long 'impressed' whistle. He was already reeling from the impact before Aaron even hit the floor. I think he might've broken something.
"Mmmppphhhh- Holy aliens-" he exhaled through gritted teeth.
"Nice shot, first time throwing a punch?" I smirked.
"Not the time Finch." Trin shot me a glare, I don't know when she managed to learn such a mean look, but it always caught me off guard. I pursed my lips impatiently. Sure enough, he busted a knuckle and probably fractured something from the way he was now babying his hand. We couldn't find the will to care though, or at least were too busy recovering from the shock. "I thought you guys were best friends?"
Nicky didn't respond, but the two exchanged a look. God I hate when they do that. Looks like that are how we got here in the first place.
"Delroy, do you have any rope on you?" She asked. Delroy looked completely off put by this, but there was that look again.
"What kind?"
"What're you got?"
I leaned my head back and sighed, rubbing my forehead. "Please tell me we're not doing what I think we're doing..." I felt Maritza's arm rest on my shoulder.
"No way, we're 'just taking a quick look' remember?" She smirked and stifling the laugh it gave me was difficult at best. Jabbing her however, was much easier.
"I mean, we were going to question him anyways- eventually. Right?" Enzo tried to reason while helping lift Aaron.
I don't know why I of all of us was given the camera for this. Or why we needed a camera for it. I mean sure we took pictures all the time while investigating but this felt- creepy.
"This is like CIA kinda shit guys."
"He'll be fine. He can deal with a little interrogation after what he did." Nicky shook his head. He's still nursing his hand, even in its loose bandage.
I don't blame Aaron for his freak-out when he wakes up. I suppose being tied to a chair in your kitchen while the kid who tried to break your face stands over you.
"Nicky?" What the hell?" He looked around frantically. Or as much as possible when someone grabs your face. It's borderline weird how grabby he got. Checking his nostrils, the underside of his chin, his cheeks, inside his ears, pupils. Finally when he was done looking for- whatever that was he took a step back and cupped his hands over his face.
"Why couldn't you have just been a changeling or something?!" He yelled into his hands.
"Wha- did you actually punch me over more alien nonsense?!" He wiggled under the knots. Nicky rubbed his temples and paced heavily.
"No! But- You're not supposed to be here! You're dead!" He stopped to gesture towards him. Maybe he thought it would make him not be here. "I mean- they looked through the whole house! The town! You were just gone!"
Aaron's face scrunched, a mix of pain, and what I could only assume was embarrassed regret. Like a dog caught chewing the remote.
"Besides!" He rubbed his bangs back, "You must be dead! I can't imagine any other reason that you'd go 12 years without calling or sending a letter or just doing, I dunno, anything to tell your best friend you're not dead!" He threw his hands in the air, and like a cue, Aaron's expression worsened.
"Look I wanted to, I really did just-"
"Just what Aaron? You can go get a fancy degree and put your life together so perfectly, but you can't bother to find a way to tell me you were okay? I went nuts trying to find you! I went through school a laughing stock because no one believed me that you needed help!"
"And because you broke your window with a chair and acted like a total asylum patient," I added. His shoulder's scrunched, and I could almost feel his want to turn his scolding to me next. But he stayed facing Aaron. Clearly, this was more intense than I'd realized. And, suddenly holding the camera didn't seem so bad. Wish I had popcorn, though.
"I just- ugh. Aliens, forgive me..." he buried his face in his hands again, dragging them slowly down his cheeks. "I would've been fine if you simply really never wanted to see me again, but I needed something! I was so sure that- that you were just waiting for me to stop messing around and do what I was supposed to!"
"Nick, I-" Aaron paused, shifting under his ropes again. "For god's sake, can you guys untie me?!"
"No, you had a strong dead arm when we were kids. I'm not testing your shots now that you're-" Nicky gestured madly at him again. "I dunno, a football player? A wrestler?"
"An architect."
"Seriously?" He looked him over several times. "Whatever, point is, I'm not testing the structural integrity of my bones today"
"Any more than you already have," I added. This time, he did look back, I met his eyes with a flashing grin.
"I'm not going to punch you," Aaron promised with a sigh, letting his head drop. The way his hair fell around his face, I almost would've thrown model in with that list of job guesses.
Nicky folded his arms, jerking his head away in a "hmph." Aaron accepted this solid, 'no' with another sigh.
"Look, I couldn't say anything because I-" he paused and grumbled. "I was busy, okay?"
Nicky looked ready to try and break his other hand. Instead, he just ran it through his bangs again. "Busy... right. Right... well, am I going to meet the wife 'n kids?"
Aaron choked on the air, "What?!"
"Well I can only assume a perfect family came with your busy-ness"
"Dude- Gross! No!" He spat the words like he was still a middle schooler. Ready to talk about how kissing girls gave you cooties. Nicky chorted, stifling giggles, which slowly turned to laughter.
"Yeah, right, sorry. You probably couldn't even manage to kiss a girl"
"I could too!" Aaron started to laugh as well. "Dude, shut up! Stop laughing!"
"You stop! I'm pissed at you!" There's something about watching two grown men giggling uncontrollably that's just, boring.
I stopped the recording, "Are you two gonna keep at this for much longer?" The louder laughter occasionally intertwined with 'dude' drowned out my question almost entirely. "...Whatever. Have fun weirdos."
I'd be willing to bet good money they didn't even hear the door shut behind me.
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return-to-ravenbrooks · 23 days
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"I can't even tell which one of you looks stupider right now."
The last Biography will be coming out later today
I wonder who it'll be
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return-to-ravenbrooks · 23 days
Return to Ravenbrooks:
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Entry 6
Name: Aaron Peterson
Date of Birth: 1996
Gender: M
Current Address: 910 Friendly Court
Height: 6'5
Hair color: Light Brown
Eye color: Brown
Key features: clean-shaven, fluffy hair
Role: Informant
Abilities: Lock picking, engineering, sneaking, careful
Occupation: ???
Status: Undetermined
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One two three, one two three, one two thr-.
The ninth plank creaks slightly under my step. I lifted the notebook again, marking the spot on the room grid with an X.
Relatively I can't say it wasn't well-built, I only have five other Xs for this room, all rather quiet. I should be happy for that part, but it only makes keeping things right harder. If it was quiet under my step how would it sound under someone smaller? Quieter? Someone trying to sneak up on me?
A soft sigh escapes my lips. I can’t let this stuff get so intense already. If I'm right no one in town even knows I'm here. I worked so hard to fake it. A fake name, a fake architect with a fake background to feed the papers. A fake rich older man wanted a house built in Ravenbrooks and seeing the price of this property decided to invest. I had to be careful. It had to be perfect. I'd likely only have a week, two at most, before they realized I was here.
To think I spent months building up an alibi to grant me so little time.
The silver doorknob glints as I grab it, first overhand, then under. Turned left then right. It clicks softly in both directions. The noise is soothing, comfortingly audible. Next the lock, back then forth then back then forth. Three times. Always three times. It clicks as well, louder with a metallic tang. I stop and listen as the noise echoes back to my ears after every turn. Every door is equipped with a slightly different lock, custom-made.
It's not safe. It will never be safe, but it's better. It'll suit my needs until they find ou-
No- no no no already?! Why are they here already? How?! I can feel the sweat building up on my palms. Need to act quickly. Get rid of it.
They're like scout ants, if I can get them to believe whatever loon will live here just hasn't packed or anything maybe they'll report back nothing. It'll probably cut down my time to days at most but it will be something. Please just leave me some time.
I grab a hammer off the desk, shifting my grip. A builder left it. I create the excuse in my head. I thought you were them, coming to retrieve it. Or, I thought you were a burglar. If it gets violent.
My breath stops. Footsteps. Soft for the most part, with a few heavier sets. Multiple people. Of course. I close my eyes, counting them carefully.
God dammit.
This wasn't going to end peacefully. I knew it. I'm doomed. They'll either kill me or make some excuse to have me removed from town. Could I claim invader for seven people? Could I take seven people?
"Watch your step" a woman whispered. They're in the next room. It's now or never Aaron. Are you going to let it all be for nothing?
"Be quiet." A male voice hushed with annoyance.
He's picking the lock. I shift the hammer in my grasp again, purposeful this time. Ready.
When the door finally opens I'm ready to crack the metal against his skull.
But I can't.
The six behind him notice me before he does. Someone yells, and another grabs and yanks him back. I can’t even see his eyes through the thick lenses of his goggles. No. My goggles.
The hammer has fallen to the floor now, I hadn't even realized I'd let go of it. Just the loud thud of it hitting the floor.
It frees my brain from it's distraction. Seven. I grab my gloves, and yank. The fear in their eyes makes this all easier. "What are you doing inside my home?" I say it calmly, but the malice is omnipresent. Good. I want them scared, to run screaming.
The woman who grabbed his arm spoke up first, stammering nonsense before managing, "Well- well they uh-" she turned and looked at taller women beside her. I took a step closer.
"Th-this isn't what it looks like!" A ginger behind her squeaked. Another step.
The others exchanged glances and angry whispers. I didn't care. I could barely hear them at this point over my own growing anger.
"AH! Well- about that..." the taller woman whimpered. "U-uh- Nick?"
I pause midstep. The goggled man finally pulls them off his eyes. They're not the green I'd remembered so well. Instead that dead looking brown. He looks embarrassed more than scared. "Uh- well-" he begins. I stop listening again.
He stops too and his awkward smile slowly fades. I stare wide-eyed. How can someone look so alike and yet so different to the child they were years ago?
"Aaron." He responds. Something about his voice is...wrong. I can’t place it. But it doesn't matter. Before I even realize it I'm smiling like an idiot. He looks down at the floor. I take another step.
That's the last thing I remember before hitting the ground, before everything went black.
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return-to-ravenbrooks · 23 days
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"It's almost like I never left. Almost."
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return-to-ravenbrooks · 24 days
The Ravenbrooks Investigation Club's official unofficial theme song, as decided by group vote
Thank you to Jay Roth for letting us rummage through his CD collection
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return-to-ravenbrooks · 25 days
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Return to Ravenbrooks:
Entry 1
Name: Trinity Bales
Date of Birth: 1996
Gender: F
Current Address: 910 Friendly Court
Height: 5'8
Hair color: Black
Eye color: Purple
Key features: Pink lipgloss, blue eyeshadow, soft curls
Role: Leader
Occupation: Student
Abilities: Charisma, intelligence, quick thinker, good liar
Status: Fair
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The old Peterson house had long since been torn down ever since Mr. Peterson had been arrested. Left to rot without an occupant, it was condemned and eventually, bulldozed. Good riddance, I'd said at the time, but it looked like someone was finally doing something with the property. There weren't many new people coming anymore, given how the story of a serial kidnapper spread like wildfire. Not even the bars of a cell could keep those rumors from permeating. But, after many long years, there was finally a new neighbor, and, clearly, they were bold, too. Or more likely, they didn't know the full extent of what happened in that old house, and part of me was thankful, but I knew they'd face some less-than-favorable attention for doing so, to say the least.
I didn't have to wait very long to see who was moving in. A newer-looking red car rolled up on the curb as the construction team worked, and out stepped a man with short brunette hair, fuzzy on top with an undercut, dressed in a warm pink polo and teal-striped shorts. It made me double-take.
I'd heard from Nicky what he looked like. I'd even seen his pictures. But- this couldn't be him. No, It was a coincidence. There was no way he'd even be wearing the same outfit anyway.
I caught myself staring as the man turned his head to look at our house. His brown eyes caught the sunlight, reflecting amber and gold.
Just like Nicky described them...
But- surely not. Never in a million years it could be him. Not after what happened. He'd been gone so long that he was already presumed dead, with no body found.
I peeked through the window again.
He was talking with the construction crew.
He was holding the blueprints, too.
... An architect?
I moved away from the window, grabbing his shoulder to shake him awake. He groaned tiredly but slowly pulled the old burlap bag off his head.
"... Nicky? You need to come look at this"
"...what? What is it?" He yawned
I chewed my lip for a moment. "We... have a new neighbor..."
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return-to-ravenbrooks · 25 days
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Return to Ravenbrooks:
Entry 4
Name: Ivan Torre
Date of Birth: 1997
Gender: M
Current Address: 910 Friendly Court
Height: 5'10
Hair color: Red
Eye color: Brown
Key features:Square glasses, "handcut" hair, rubber gloves
Role: Gadgeteer
Abilities: Intelligence, inventing, flexible
Occupation: Engineer
Status: Fair
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It's hard having such a strong interest in the weird. You try and fit it into every conversation because you just need to share it with someone else. That's how I was about amusement park rides.
Not in the normal way kids talk about rides, about how scary they are, or the fun in riding them, I liked picking them apart. How did each bend play into the ride's movement? What kind of track did they use? How did it operate? Were there any animatronics? What kind? What were the backup plans in case of failure?
Asking those kinds of questions doesn't make you a lot of friends in elementary school though. Even when you try and design your own rides with their racecar tracks and legos.
Adults didn't get it either. Why couldn't I have normal interests? Why don't you go play with the other kids instead of bugging me?
As I searched for new rides to dissect, I quickly decided if anyone in the world would get my interests would be the same man adding to the list with every new piece he crafted. Theodore Peterson, the engineer known around the world, an engineer raised from our very town.
I was obsessed. I had posters of his rides on my walls that I'd likely never get the chance to actually ride, I tried to imagine how he made his blueprints, and how he thought of his plans. By all accounts, I wanted to be Theodore Peterson. I'd tape paper mustaches to my face at school and copy his posture. It didn't help how little I fit in with others, if anything it made it worse, even my parents raised an eyebrow to my behavior. But I didn't care. He understood me. I knew it. And when I learned he'd be returning to Ravenbrooks to build an incredible amusement park for us? I practically fainted.
I remember getting home that night. I was still shaking. I was freezing from whatever that gunk was we'd hidden in. I needed a bath, and to scrub my tongue raw. But I couldn't yet, I was too angry. Even covered in god knows what and slightly singed from what I can only imagine was meant to be a lethal amount of electricity I barely avoided, I grabbed at my walls and tore.
I felt so betrayed. Sure most of the town had gained a slight hatred for Mr. Peterson after Lucy Yi died, but I defended him. I believed it was just a tragic accident. There's no way a person could really be so awful right?
Sure the first time I met him wasn't perfect, he was weirder in person in a way that had seemed almost scary. But- that's just because I was younger, right? A lot of adults seem scary when you're little.
Every excuse I could think of was spent on this man, so desperately clinging, even this morning to the idea that he couldn't really be evil. He couldn't have kidnapped Nicky, not my hero, not the man who built a roller coaster into his house.
My vision went blurry with tears. How could he do this? How could he be such a monster? How could I have fallen for his facade?
And what did such an imaginative man do to my friend?
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return-to-ravenbrooks · 26 days
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"I don't wanna talk about it."
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