revengefemme · 5 hours
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revengefemme · 6 days
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revengefemme · 6 days
whatever *explodes like a whale carcass*
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revengefemme · 9 days
people r always saying “get therapy” 2 ppl who have actually had too much therapy and need to do two years of a brutal physical labor job instead Genuinely no more therapy-speak and obsessing over the supposed intricacies of your average mind for you get your ass on the Alaskan salmon fishing boat
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revengefemme · 11 days
Observation #1: The prefix "a-" means "none", such as in "asexual", "apolitical" and "Atheism".
Observation: The word "unicorn" is a combination of "uni", meaning "one", and "cornus", meaning "horn".
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This is an acorn.
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revengefemme · 16 days
good morning let’s hear it for Mildly Cool Outside a round of applause for Mildly Cool Outside
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revengefemme · 19 days
I am creating a life i don’t want to run from i am creating a life i don’t want to run from i am creating a life i don’t want to run from
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revengefemme · 21 days
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revengefemme · 21 days
please practice being excited about stuff.
yeah, I said "practice". remember how much joy there was in getting a new toy/book/game as a kid, and practice feeling that excitement again. a lot of us had that instinct squashed out of us, and you may not even know that you've internalized the idea that being excited and joyful isn't "mature" or "cool".
fuck that! let yourself experience joy and excitement! part of being an adult is learning that not only should you be able to feel anger/sadness/hard emotions without suppressing them, you have to do that for joy/excitement/wonder too.
let yourself feel unhindered, unbridled excitement!
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revengefemme · 21 days
the experience of animal in your house never gets old. fuck yes dude there's an animal in here. did you guys know about the animal
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revengefemme · 21 days
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revengefemme · 22 days
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Repaired my fave jacket, got emotional, drew something about it
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revengefemme · 23 days
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revengefemme · 1 month
attention joann's shoppers. there is a freak in the yarn aisle buildinf a nest
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revengefemme · 1 month
seething about the fact that i will never experience photosynthesis in my own useless cells. i bet it feels so good when the light of the sun both warms you and fuels you at the same time. a bone-deep satisfaction mixed with a heated sugar-rush and endless brightness. not that i would fucking know
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revengefemme · 1 month
We’re never gonna find the one perfect system of how to run a society that will be good for everyone forever but we can keep trying our best to do better than we did last year and the sooner you accept this I think the sooner you can start making real change in the world
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revengefemme · 1 month
omg imagine being born and you are on a spaceship and everyone aboard is sooo so mad at you just because you burst out of some guy's chest to be born. like um sorry i've not been alive before i didn't even know that's not allowed please be nice to me um the spaceship floor is cold is no one going to knit me some little booties i am calling child protective services
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