revmommd-blog-blog · 13 years
Tip for insuring Ipad or Iphone:   I had been lusting for an Iphone since they came out but being on the Verizon network kept me from getting one.  When it was finally available through Verizon I was going to wait until my Blackberry Storm died, you know, to rationalize all the "tech" in my life already. However, when my employer made the switch to the Iphone/Ipad and claimed it as the preferred method of accessing our work computers well, then, I also jumped on that bandwagon...who wouldn't!   I got the IPad and then the Iphone, and when I wanted to insure them, Verizon told me that they didn't have any insurance for the Ipad but I could insure my Iphone at a cost of almost $12/month and a $180 deductible. (This for a phone that cost $199 on an upgrade!). To say the least, I passed on that "deal."  My daughter had just bought a MacBook Pro and had bought what is called Apple Protection care.  **This is the most important thing.... if you buy an Apple product       --from ANYWHERE-- you can buy this 2 year protection within 90 days of purchase.  It was $69.99 for the Iphone and $79.99 for the Ipad.. quite a savings from the "deal" offered by Verizon!   I have been trying to get the word around on this for anyone thinking of buying and insuring their Ipad or Iphone. Go to Apple - not the telecoms! Sent from my iPad
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revmommd-blog-blog · 13 years
"The Big Short" by Michael Lewis (Part II)
This is a great book on the market and what led to the 2008-2009 Market crash.
Main take-away:
The analogy was made that it was as if Goldman Sachs set a fire in a house, left the house, and then locked everyone else in the burning house.  People from Goldman Sachs are now in government positions and are working within to prevent the very thing that they started from happening again. Unbelievable. I wonder if they ever have GS reunions and  start them by playing Billy Joel’s song, "We didn’t start the fire”... lol. 
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revmommd-blog-blog · 13 years
Sleep: It's Like Clockwork
Maintaining a routine before going to bed is extremely important for a good night sleep.
My routine: take out my contacts and put on my glasses a couple of `hours before bed. I take off any makeup and thoroughly wash my face and my feet. Then bam, an hour or two later and I'm practically asleep on the couch!
If you have trouble sleeping, try getting into a nightly routine. This helps the mind know that is it about time to start unwinding and taking a trip to dreamland. 
Putting on lavender scented cream on the feet is also very calming. Lavender is proven to help calm the mind and it's great at putting the stressfulness of your day aside. 
A couple more tips to add to your nighttime environment:
No lights
No computers
Nothing that will cause you to “wake up” is not good for you (i.e. phone beeping, loud music, etc.)
Happy dreaming!
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revmommd-blog-blog · 13 years
One Family, One T.V.
With a large family, people are amazed that we only have one T.V. in the house with cable.
The old tv (that was dying …some 20 years ago…that T.V. just wouldn't die) is in the basement for workout videos or movies when the kids have their sleepovers with friends.
Many people seem to be taken-back that all 7 of us can share a T.V. but we all have learned to share over the years. If one person has desperately been waiting to watch a show then we're respectful of that---and typically pass jokes back and forth depending on the torture of choice (i.e. The Twilight Saga).
It really does makes for close family time. We all sit, talk and laugh with each other in the family room while unwinding from the day.
Needless to say, it has worked out well. 
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revmommd-blog-blog · 13 years
Bagless Vacuum "Less-Mess" Tip
With the new vacumns that are bagless, a lot of mess can happen in the air during the cleaning process.
To clean the holder out, I take out the dirt holder and hit the dirt out into the wastebasket. I then hold on tight to the various parts and put them in the toilet bowel and swish them around while flushing the toilet.  
This cleans them very quickly, and keeps the mess to a minimum! Just what every mom wants: minimum mess! 
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revmommd-blog-blog · 13 years
Balance: Family is the Key
With working full-time and being a mom to five children, balance is sometimes a “dream”.  I always measured my balance not by my work but by my interactions with my children and husband. I passed up a lot of trips, rewards, and recognition along the way. And in the long run, my family and friends proved my choices to be more correct than anything. 
When I am with my family, I feel like it is heaven on earth: what a wonderful feeling. 
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revmommd-blog-blog · 13 years
Smooooooth Sailing: Skin Secret
Who doesn't love having smooth and hydrated skin without the stickiness of lotion? 
When you get out of the shower, before toweling off, rub Neutrogena body oil all over your body to keep your skin healthy and smooth. It really works wonders!
 You can use baby oil or a pinch of lotion (if you must), but put it on wet skin. However, Neutrogena body oil works the best for my skin. 
I learned this trick while at school in West Texas. My friend, Dawn, always had beautiful soft skin despite the dry heat. She passed this trick on to me and I have been doing it ever since!
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revmommd-blog-blog · 13 years
Great book on the market and what led to the 2008-2009 market crash. 
Take away: Goldman Sachs set the fire and then locked the door on everyone in the house. Unbelievable. 
Click on the title for the link to the Huffington Post article on "The Big Short"
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revmommd-blog-blog · 13 years
Costco = Savior of Grad Parties
Discovery of the day: COSTCO IS AWESOME
I've already checked into Coctco Annoymous to deal with the addictive nature of Costco and all you can save there.
With that said:
Costco is the best place!
I just had a graduation party AND a family reunion within a week span of each other. I normally try to prepare everything but gave up due to the pressures of life, decided to buy the prepared food as well as some homemade dishes.
It is economical AS WELL AS delicious!! All of the employees are so helpful and pleasant. I love shopping there---MUST HAVE MEMBERSHIP FOR FAMILIES! 
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revmommd-blog-blog · 13 years
Always Keep Caladryl in the Kitchen!
The story behind Caladryl:
I have a tendency to burn myself when I am cooking.
I caught the top of my hand putting a pan in the oven and burnt the top of my knuckles..ouch!!! It was hurting so bad, no aloe plant in sight, and I saw the Caladryl clear lotion on the countertop . It said it made sunburns and bites stop huriting so I put it on the burn.
Crazy enough, It stopped hurting, dried out the blister and NO marks or scar!!! It is now a staple in the "kitchen of klutziness" here. 
(I know… oven mitts and a bit less klutziness would be so much better.)  
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