rewindibility · 4 years
      “ You know what would be a neat flavor? “ is the question that falls from her lips with a hum as she remains perched on a set of concrete stairs, fingers lightly gripping the ice-cream cone. she’s come to find herself enjoying the dessert quite a bit of it as of late– an old habit from when after some singularities, she’d raid the Chaldea kitchen for a pint of it when sleep evaded her some nights. and the recent destruction still has her feeling a bit restless.
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        “ Curry. You’d think that would work as an ice-cream flavor? I mean, if they can make mayo flavored ice-cream then curry shouldn’t be too far off of a thing. “
@rewindibility​ –  starter call.
       it was as if a giant thought bubble had just hovered over her head with various ice cream of different colors and flavors... like chocolate, vanilla, strawberry and lots of others. perhaps she temporarily got distracted for a second with that slight drool creeping out the side of her mouth imagining it although she knows she shouldn’t have any. ❝  curry? what’s that? i’ve... never had it before. um, could they really make ice cream flavors out of anything? ❞ curry and mayo... while she wasn’t sure if she knew what exactly those were, she’s shocked by the large quantities of ice cream flavors.
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rewindibility · 4 years
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.Deku's Fan cLub.
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rewindibility · 4 years
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i know we’re in the middle of an event technically but eri needs more friends and if you’d like teeny tiny (perhaps) starter from her, like this to let me know and i’ll work on it! i’ll be working on old drafts in the meantime! i’d like for her to be more vocal, that’s also my goal! but if your muse is friendly with children? even better! capped off at 2 for now.
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rewindibility · 4 years
@venandii​​   ♡ ‘d  
       foxes pounce around the wide open area surrounding the fox village. it was completely foreign to her, this place that eri was oh so curious about. whether or not those creatures were friendly, she didn’t have a clue and thus she wanted to stay as far away as possible to ensure her safety from them however she could not help but stop to watch. perhaps she completely missed the woman from view but after taking another glimpse, eri saw them. she looked as though she had fit right in with the other foxes after noticing the odd tail behind her. who WAS she really? she thought, silently watching from a distance wishing to get a closer look. 
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rewindibility · 4 years
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this is the smile of a girl who didn’t know how to smile.
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rewindibility · 4 years
My muse could use a hug right now. Send “♥” to give them one.
You can also send “◘” to have your muse hugged or “♣” for them to avoid my muse’s contact.
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rewindibility · 4 years
@chocoholicsinner​   ♡ ‘d  
       eri hadn’t realized she had fallen, well almost slipping until someone had caught her just before she could touch the ground. it was her fault for not watching where she was going and it was a good thing that she wasn’t too far away. perhaps there had been too many people, thus prompting her wanting to desperately get away from the crowd. eri wanted to at least say something to him for helping her, even if he did look rather scary to her.   “  ...thank you.   ” she says, brushing off some of the dust off of her legs.  “  uh, um... do you want this? no one else is going to have it so please! ...take it.   ”  eri reached out her hand, showing him a small little chocolate bar that a friend had bought for her, an extra one that she probably won’t eat anyways.
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rewindibility · 4 years
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i know we’re in the middle of an event technically but eri needs more friends and if you’d like teeny tiny (perhaps) starter from her, like this to let me know and i’ll work on it! i’ll be working on old drafts in the meantime! i’d like for her to be more vocal, that’s also my goal! but if your muse is friendly with children? even better! capped off at 2 for now.
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rewindibility · 4 years
         that smile of eri’s never fails to warm mirio’s big ‘ol heart. despite how minuscule and simple the action is, the little girl’s happiness is all that preoccupies his mind. after all, it was her smile that he promised to protect. to see eri, someone who formerly didn’t even remember how to smile, now doing so in his presence alone, mirio is beyond elated – his grin consuming his whole face as he attempts to contain his emotions.
         a quick glance over is enough to tell him that she isn’t in any immediate danger and appears fine. a sigh of relief slips out as he meets her gaze once more. his free hand sheepishly scratching the back of his head, he chuckles lightly.
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         ❛ ehe, you got me! guess my disguise sucked, huh? ❜ gently does he toss the branch to the side, making sure it’s thrown in an area people are sure not to trip over. ❛ have you been smiling lots? are you having fun? ❜
       a long time ago, seeing mirio used to bring her guilt considering what had transpired when he tried to save her months ago. now what she could do was smile whenever they crossed paths, as if she had made some type of promise to smile for him. it made eri somewhat happy, very happy actually. she looked up to him as a hero who sacrificed his quirk in order to help her and even then, she couldn’t believe it. seeing him made her feel safer, seeing that she still considered spirale to be an overwhelming place.
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       “  it was cool... did i ruin it?  ” did she ruin it by finding him so quickly? eri didn’t really get it, why he liked to hide so much but maybe he was doing something else. “  it can be scary but... sometimes it’s fun. i’ve met a lot of people. but aizawa-san has been taking care of me! ” eri said it as if she was glad and she definitely was, she spoke with reassurance. while eri was ecstatic that mirio was with her now, she still wanted to ask... either due to fear or just simply curiousity or both. “  did you know how you got here? was it... scary?  ”
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rewindibility · 4 years
                                                               ☆  @rewindibility​!  ☆
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      ☆—       “ how ‘bout this one? ” he took a seat beside her in the sand, offering a single shell nestled in the palm of his glove; to spite its plain shape was a pink and green iridescent shimmer dancing across its surface. hey, he thought it was kinda neat, but she was the real connoisseur here— with luck, it’ll be good enough to decorate that killer sand castle of hers she’s got going. but first, he had to submit his find for royal approval, “ pretty cool, right? ”
                                                                              he might be a natural at this!
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“  it’s pretty...  ” looking at it, she didn’t recall seeing it around the beach yet, that shell with those particular colors. where was it hiding all this time? it made the sand castle somewhat special since the rest of the shell looked pretty ordinary to her. this shell... it was different from the rest of them. was he a professional sand castle creator? she gently takes it off his hand, looking around her sand castle trying to figure out where to put it.  "  where do you think i should put it...?  " eri really had no ideas, maybe he would know?
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rewindibility · 4 years
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                         Eri-chan in twin pigtails! (❁´◡`❁)
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rewindibility · 4 years
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Who would have thought that the target of the League’s mission a few months back would also be here in the same place. To be able to see one another face-to-mask was an interesting treat. However, it would have been nice for Twice to actually know that it was the target of a mission he and Toga were in. Overhaul was very careful in making sure neither of them caught a glimpse of the girl. They never did. Therefore Twice had absolutely no idea that this girl was someone who would have shown good promise to the League in the future.
The man cross his arms over his chest, tilting his head at the young girl that didn’t move where she was. Maybe she was scared of his appearance? Well that would make a lot of sense- children having a fear over the face you can’t see. “Ahem- don’t you worry kiddo. My face is actually a lot scarier if my mask was off, so lets keep it on and just say this is my actual face?” Well he’ll be trying his best. “You know what a good kid like you needs? Some ice cream! Did your parents say no to that? If they did then that’s a reason to be sad! I can go and get you just a scope of your favorite flavor! See I’m not such a bad guy? You can trust me!”
       she hasn’t seen him before, at least not that she could remember. they were a complete stranger that had taken interest in her all of a sudden as she stood there, hiding behind the fat metal pole to observe him with caution. it looked like he knew her but it wasn’t the same for eri. after leaving such a dangerous environment in the last few months back home, even now meeting other people still seemed scary despite eri being here by herself. 
       “huh? is that some kind of costume or something...?” it was an odd costume, eri knew that for sure. pro heroes and villains always wore a costume, don’t they? and his actual face? he wasn’t trying to scare her away like the others but... that didn’t make him any less scary. ice cream? was there any nearby? she did remember seeing a shop not too far from here, then again she had been eating so many sweets lately. it did sound nice but perhaps she did not seem up to following such a weird man with what looks like a full body suit. “ice cream...? i’ve had it before... b-but you don’t have to get me anything, really...” her voice barely audible, still hiding behind the street pole.  she shouldn’t be talking to strangers, especially one with an odd mask. 
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rewindibility · 4 years
- @fleurteller​   ♡ ‘d  ( springtide festival ! )
      eri had seen fireworks here once before but tonight, they seem particularly different, perhaps much more amazing compared to when she had last seen them. her mouth was partially agape as she stared right up at the night sky as the lights explode into numerous flower shapes. others may think differently but to her, it was almost like magic seeing the fireworks light up before her own eyes. she was standing off at a more secluded little area, just enough to still see the sight of the other guests in the background with the fireworks just shooting up high enough for her to see them. her eyes would become bigger and bigger, mesmerized by the sight that she did not seem to realize a woman in her vicinity. 
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rewindibility · 4 years
- @erasurepro   ♡ ‘d  ( springtide festival ! ) 
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      “have you... been apart of something like this before, aizawa-san?”
      softly she asks, eyes glued to the eggs everyone was carrying around. what kind of celebration was it that involved decorated eggs? aizawa-san didn’t look like the type of person to enjoy something like this, so she did not want to force him to do all this for her. actually-- she was a little nervous to get involved, merely observing everyone else from the sidelines. it looks like those eggs have something in them, what could they be? eri’s grip around his fabric got tighter as curiousity slowly gets the better of her, wanting to go get a closer look at the various scrambled eggs.
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rewindibility · 4 years
— 🌼 SPRING   :   spring prompts for adults, kids, and adult & kids to do together, alter as needed; feel free to specify when sending in !
plant plants in a garden / pot plants
watch bees & butterflies in the garden
bird - watch with binoculars
have a picnic
search for wild spring flowers
look for four - leaf clovers
pick strawberries
take a walk / take a jog
go on a walk with a pet [ your dog / friend’s dog / both? ]
go on a hike
play or wade in a creek
feed some ducks
skip stones across a pond
play in the rain
ride bikes / ride a tandem bike
watch the sun rise / watch the sun set
fly kites
blow bubbles
climb a tree
play on / at the playground
swing on a swing set
draw pictures with side - walk chalk
play hide - and - seek
have a water balloon fight
paint rocks
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rewindibility · 4 years
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i’m going to disregard eri’s last starter call because for the life of me i can’t think of ideas so... like this post for a springtide festival related starter, capped off at 3 but her castmates/people she interacted with previously can like beyond it! for now, i’ll slowly get to replies! 
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rewindibility · 4 years
— 🌼 SPRING   :   spring prompts for adults, kids, and adult & kids to do together, alter as needed; feel free to specify when sending in !
plant plants in a garden / pot plants
watch bees & butterflies in the garden
bird - watch with binoculars
have a picnic
search for wild spring flowers
look for four - leaf clovers
pick strawberries
take a walk / take a jog
go on a walk with a pet [ your dog / friend’s dog / both? ]
go on a hike
play or wade in a creek
feed some ducks
skip stones across a pond
play in the rain
ride bikes / ride a tandem bike
watch the sun rise / watch the sun set
fly kites
blow bubbles
climb a tree
play on / at the playground
swing on a swing set
draw pictures with side - walk chalk
play hide - and - seek
have a water balloon fight
paint rocks
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