rexcotech · 2 years
Is Automation Of Industry Good For Us?
The companies matters most in making more money and they are always on the lookout for ways to minimize the costs to make the profits for the products they make. This is where factory automation comes into play. A factory that relies heavily on automation minimizes their expenditure as they have not to pay the labor costs, to produce products thereby increasing profits all the way around. Bosch EXACT ION Malaysia
For every new innovation implemented there is always a debate on the pros and cons of it. So let's discuss over here the advantages and disadvantages of the industry innovation over here.
Automation relies on programmed machines to perform tasks which were performed by a human before. One of the problems is that these machines cost in the millions of dollars, which means a very high initial investment for the company before it starts. Now the investment which is made is meant to be recovered. Now the investor's thinks to recover it fast in the mode of profits but it's necessary to get the investments back either if it's in fast or slow mode. Now it's depend on the way the production is done or starts and how the work gets completed in the right time to get it delivered to the market to earn good profits to recover the investment. So it is very important to choose the way of production to turn the organization into profits. In theory, the investors can make the investment back in a few years by not having to pay an employee to do the job, who was replaced by the machine. But what if the job becomes unnecessary? This means that they spent a lot of money that was not needed. This money can be invested in the other part of business to develop the organization, like hiring skill workers in other departments where machines can't replace human. Bosch angle EXACT ION Malaysia
The other debate can be as these machines are machines which can replace man but never can replace the brain of man. It is the human who can react to any debacle happen at any time of production, but whereas the machines don't have the much knowledge to react at any debacle till the program for the machine is not structured to do so. Most of us think that the machines are perfect to replace human but it is not the case. The machines have to be updated every time a debacle occurs so that the machine is ready for the next time so that the loss does not occur next time. Whereas the human is always ready for anything and to sort out the problem anytime required.
The other biggest factors affected by the automation of the industry are the humans, because of loss of work. It takes jobs away from the people who need them badly. It does harm the economy because the more people that are out of jobs the worse the economy is. This can change the face of the region. Bosch Rexroth Malaysia
So there are many advantages and disadvantages of automation, but this has to be utilized limitedly for the benefit of human kind but not to worse hit the human life. Utilize it for the best cause to serve human in the best way.
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rexcotech · 2 years
Automation Systems: Truth of Industries
Automatic is the feature which has engrossed our lives as well the industrial processes. And now breathing without this feature is impossible as everything now has turned automatic. Imagining world without washing machines, auto start vehicles, hi tech mobile phones. All these machines are alive and hold importance due to mechanism of automatic which is induced in them through experts. The advancement have stretched its wings to aid various industrial processes resulting in upliftment in the development of nation and a benediction for mankind. Bosch EXACT ION Malaysia
The technology have given birth to many equipments which have eliminated the use of manpower and performance of these machines are decorated with efficiency, pace, excellence and less time consuming as well. Just roam in manufacturing plant and closely watch the entire process from production to packaging. Factory automation equipments have largely dominated the contemporary scene of the manufacturing companies and are of great vitality as well. Elimination of tedious and repetitive works are now possible with the introduction of various machineries.
But the scene was entirely different prior to industrial revolution, there was only mechanization as human part was performed by machines. The invention of pulleys and lifting machines which give the evidence that since very beginning men have lighten their workload by introducing these simple machineries. Bygone are the days when factories workers have to perform the same work endless time which ate hours and even days. Besides efficiency was rammed as there are heavy tasks which are beyond human capabilities. Bosch angle EXACT ION Malaysia
But advancement in information and technology brought in many changes which can be well reflected through use of factory automation systems which reduced the workloads of manpower. Automation has benevolently affected assembly procedures in factories. Material handling systems have substituted human resource with the efficiency, reliability, excellency and speedy output. To talk about few handling systems, chain conveyor and belt conveyor having capability to perform work consistently and can produce maximum output.
Like modular workstations which engineering techniques to construct larger systems by integrating smaller subsystems. The compactness of these workstations have made them applicable in many industrial sectors. Less space is consumed by them and they can fit in small spaces as well. Likewise, the advancement of these industrial automation equipments have also reduced the size and made them compact. Bosch Rexroth Malaysia
The advent in Industrial automation transcended revolutionary consequences which have changed the face of society and also continuous reviving is also observed in the productivity and on lifestyles. Automation is to be credited for spreading more productivity, less time consumption, reduction in prices of the products, as production in huge quantity in cost effective way and minimum time is now possible. From electronic sector to communication sector to manufacturing plants, the use automatic machineries are boldly highlighted but in such influential era of machineries, human efforts and mind have no substitute.
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