rexinvio-archive · 9 years
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                                             Don’t be kind to it,                                            Honey don’t feed it
                                  it will come back
new blog same crunchy robot aftertaste!
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rexinvio-archive · 9 years
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                                             Don’t be kind to it,                                            Honey don’t feed it
                                  it will come back
new blog same crunchy robot aftertaste!
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rexinvio-archive · 9 years
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                                             Don’t be kind to it,                                            Honey don’t feed it
                                  it will come back
new blog same crunchy robot aftertaste!
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rexinvio-archive · 9 years
If it isn’t obvious, I’ve moved! New clean blog for me to get all up on aw yeah
Threads from before will be continued over here, I just have to get them all tracked down and saved, so bear with me
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rexinvio-archive · 9 years
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                                             Don’t be kind to it,                                            Honey don’t feed it
                                  it will come back
new blog same crunchy robot aftertaste!
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rexinvio-archive · 9 years
coding question: how do i insert an image at the bottom left of my blog while making it clickable
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rexinvio-archive · 9 years
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Earlier today at QuakeCon, Todd Howard revealed to an enthusiastic crowd that Fallout Shelter will be available for FREE on Google Play for Android devices on August 13th.
Whether you’re playing on Android or on iOS, Fallout Shelter will feature new game updates, including Mr. Handy as an all new premium reward. Have him collect resources inside your Vault, send him into the wasteland to collect loot, and defend your Vault from creatures and disasters, including all new Deathclaw invasions and Molerat infestations.
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rexinvio-archive · 9 years
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Disney villain vs Disney prince
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rexinvio-archive · 9 years
Dr. Borus: this is my newest splicing creation crossing a common canine with an also common rattlesnake
Dr. Borus: I call them- Nightstalkers
Dr. 8: *quietly* snuppies [snake puppies]
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rexinvio-archive · 9 years
a message to my followers
To everyone I have ever promised a starter and never delivered, I am sorry. To everyone I have ever let a message sit in my inbox without ever answering it, regardless of how much I intend to answer it–I am sorry. To everyone who has ever written me a starter that I liked and never answered, I am sorry. To all the dropped drafts and unfinished plots, I mourn you but cannot find the will to revive you.  I am sorry. To all of the memes I’ve reblogged and simply didn’t post, I am sorry. To all of the people that I may have made feel ignored or disappointed, I am sorry. I am only human. 
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rexinvio-archive · 9 years
“Just breathe”
Somewhere inside of his head, he knows she didn't mean it. In the weeks since her reactivation, Nemo and Gallant had scarcely left each other's side. Wherever Gal went, Nemo followed in an often hot pursuit, always on her heels, always just a few steps behind her. This particular instance had seen them getting more than a little frisky, a little hot, heavy, against the walls of the hallways that connected various labs yet to be excavated. She had slipped a hand under his shirt, and against his stomach. She traced the mark, still tender with hate and fear.He'd lost it. First he had merely pushed her away, but in their game the urgency was lost. She touched him again, sliding down into his waistband and his heart seized. A shout, a stuttering breath, he left, but the cyborg hadn't mad it far before he was on the floor, his shaking hands covering his face, hiding the sobs, the fear, the dread. He feels the choking hands, the water that suffocates him and surrounds him with an isolation he fears above all.But just link that in the space of a tender moment, he is lost to the past and the nightmares that still haunt him.
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rexinvio-archive · 9 years
Send “Just breathe” for my character to break down in front of yours.
Alternately: Send “I can’t breathe” for your character to break down in front of mine!
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rexinvio-archive · 9 years
Send my muse any topic/subject and they'll give their opinion on it
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rexinvio-archive · 9 years
“Nope” Nemo says, leaning back in the chair and balancing himself out, all while still trying to remain as modest as he can. “The shoulder travels at a much higher rate of speed when swung in an arc, punching is just.... eh” he makes a face. “I mean tha’s comparin jabbin’ someone in the face with the round end of a bat from a foot away rather than actually takin’ th’ swing at ‘em”
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“Plus, it’s a great scare factor. You wouldn’t want someone yanking their arm off and coming after you with it, would you? Especially if you don’t know it’s there”
Gabriel raised an eyebrow at the gesture, then adverted his eyes once he noticed what Nemo was doing. For some reason, he felt nervous. Very nervous. He tried his best to shake it, taking the prosthetics with little more than a nod.
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He set them on the table, then went to get his tools from his bag. Things he’d taken from his father’s pack years ago, thinking a dead man wouldn’t need them. “Wouldn’t punching them be just as effective?” he asked, taking out his old glasses as well–figured he’d need them for this. “Less likely for you to be disarmed, y’know?” He cracked a smile.
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rexinvio-archive · 9 years
From the bottom of the stairwell, there’s a bark. The cyberdog is unharmed, for the most part, and wagging her tail as Dezz looks down. But there’s more to be found in the room at the bottom of the stairs, and she step inside.
Again, more saws, more body parts, more of everything and the adde soft hissing of a beast within the kennels of the next room beside the large, metal door that led into the false school setting. There was no need to mess with such a thing, Roxie seems to know where she needs to go-- so she starts heading down a hallway and a stairwell that look to be of some use. It’s slow goings, but the doors open to her and that seems to be enough, because she’s sniffing out something along the paths that lead to the observing windows, both in the false school and a contained suburban neighborhood, which looked like it had recently caught on fire, along with the giant skeleton of some poor beast that must have been trapped in the blaze-- or caused it. 
Dezz was leaning over the computer and barely had the time to turn around and catch the hands of the lobotomite as he swung his proton axe at him. He landed on his back over the table, pushing hard against the lobotomite leaning his weight over him. Dezz could feel the static electricity of his weapon sting at his skin as he electric blade slowly went lower and lower… He groaned, and spat in the lobo’s eye. The latter flinched, and that was enough. Dezz rolled, destabilizing his assailant and throwing him off him. As the lobo righted himself Dezz took out his Desert Eagle and shot point blank at his head. A portion of his skull flew off with a disgusting crack, revealing the sparkling coils hidden in his head… yet he was still standing. The lobotomite snarled and swung his axe clumsily, missing Dezz and planting his weapon firmly in the computer which sparkled and hissed. “Oh, FUCK YOU!!!” Dezz shouted indignantly, taking a pulse grenade from his belt, removing its pin and shoving it in the lobotomite gaping head cavity as he was trying to pry his axe from the table, before kicking him away and jumping behind an overturned table. There was an explosion, with a mess of blood and a wave of electricity that made Dezz’s skin crawl and frazzled his hair a bit. When he got up from behind his table, he could see the lobotomite on the floor, headless, his body still twitching from the electricity messing with his artificial internal organs. “You dirty fuck….” he sighed. Now he had to find another computer… “Wait… Roxie! Are you still here, girl?” he called, looking around.
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rexinvio-archive · 9 years
Friendly reminder that ADHD/ADD is as big and handicap of a problem as Depression and/or Anxiety disorders
Like. Jesus Christ.
Friendly reminder: Not all people with ADHD are bouncing off the walls hyperactive like little kids with too much ice cream, caffeine, and/or cake. People with ADHD can be very reserved and completely normal, and sometimes you can’t even tell the person has the classification.
Friendly Fun Fact: People with ADHD actually have incredible minds. ADHD people actually really fucking smart, and they’re usually incredibly creative, but, they have the handicap of their mind defocusing and having the most limited attention span of a gnat. Most projects they start never get finished as their brain has already moved on to five other things.
Fact huzzah: If you’re ever talking to someone with ADHD, don’t get mad or annoyed when they suddenly kind of space out or look distant (Like they aren’t even part of the conversation). It’s generally hard for them to focus, because they’re minds are already a whirling vortex of seven other things they’re focussing on. Just keep talking, odds are, they’re paying attention and soaking up what you’re saying in a multitask like channel.
Friendly important reminder: If someone tells you they have ADHD don’t wig out and make fun of them if they are hyperactive most of the time. It’s makes people feel legitimately bad and like they don’t fit in when they already feel awkward and different because they may be on fucking medication to help their mind focus and lay off the whirlwind of thought chaos.
Friendly extra reminder: If a person with ADHD is doing something extensively, like they’re focussing on something to the extent that they seem completely absorbed in it and like they’re not there in the room but they’re inside of whatever they’re doing, DO NOT FUCK WITH THEM. THEY HAVE ENTERED A HYPERFOCUS. It’s one of the times their brain actually takes a chill pill /by itself/ and they can focus intently on the thing they’re doing. You screw that up and it’s impossible to go back to what was originally being so extensively focused on.
Oh, also: People with ADHD find it harder to be in relationships PEOPLE If your partner has ADD/ADHD please, PLEASE be patient. Be supportive and willing to listen. Don’t be rude and blame mistakes on your partners handicap, it makes them feel like shit and it’s not nice.
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rexinvio-archive · 9 years
Ah, poor Nemo. Winters aren't horrible here, but the crater likes to hold onto temperatures. He has to dress the warmest, lest he become a half breathing corpse-sicle. The cold slows him down immensely, and since survival here relies on reaction time, he covers every last inch of himself in several layers. Which in theory is great. In practice, not so much. He's better off staying home. The robots really don't care.
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