rexiroxi · 3 years
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On April 3, 1996, domestic terrorist Theodore Kaczynski, known as the Unabomber, was captured at his cabin near Lincoln, Montana.
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rexiroxi · 3 years
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with the slightest disturbance, the dream’s going to collapse
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rexiroxi · 3 years
Hybristophilia – The Ultimate ‘Bad Boy’ Complex
*while this post focuses predominantly on women falling for serial killers, men can also experience this too, it is just less common*
With the new Ted Bundy movie screening at Sundance this weekend it seems like an appropriate time to discuss the topic of hybristophilia. Not heard of it? Well keep reading…
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So this year Zac Efron is taking the lead role in Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil and Vile (yes, it is a very bad title), he plays one of America’s most notorious serial killers. Bundy committed over 30 brutal and sexually sadistic murders in the 1970’s before he was eventually caught (for the final time) and executed in Florida. Charming, handsome and charismatic he was far from what most people would picture as a deranged monster, rather he was the stereotypical “all American” boy.
The nature of his crimes were so shocking and disturbed that they sparked a huge public outcry for his immediate execution. However, a strange phenomenon occurred during his murder trial. Women were showing up at the court proceedings to express their support and profess their love for the killer. A bench in the courtroom was reserved for the “groupies” who would smile warmly at Bundy as he took the stand, giggling joyously if he glanced over at them. But why? Well, the term for this is hybristophilia – a paraphilia (think: paedophilia, necrophilia etc) that describes women who feel a strong sexual attraction to men who have done bad things. Like, really bad things. Murderers. Rapists. Armed robbers. Crazy right? Well, actually not so much. There is some psychological logic behind all this madness…
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Why do they feel this way?
One of the first reasons that could be attributed to this is the basic animal instinct to feel safe and protected. In nature many animals pick their mates based on their predatory abilities, the ability to hunt and kill, the physical strength and violence needed to become an alpha male is what attracts female partners. Females naturally choose the strongest male to mate with. Transferring this logic to human behaviour works to a certain extent. But a man who kills women? That’s not strong? Well, no it is not. But the feeling of danger and fear combined with the branding of him as a predator may trigger a natural animal instinct in some women who will then perceive him as a viable sexual partner.
There is also an element of narcissism to hybristophilia. The idea that this violent, savage man with impulses to murder women would choose not to kill you, but rather to be in a relationship with you, well that must make you pretty damn special right? That was certainly a contributing factor to Bundy’s groupies. His victim profile was typically young, attractive, intelligent ladies. Many of the women who showed up to Bundy’s trial no doubt thought that if he was released (which was delusional as it was) that he would see them as more than he saw his victims, he would spare their lives because their lives were worth saving. That is also the premise of basically every vampire love story ever.
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The last thing to mention is Nightingale Syndrome, which relates to Florence Nightingale and is used to describe when a doctor falls for a patient under their care. How is this relevant to women falling for serial killers? It boils down to the basic principle of wanting to save someone. Saving them from a physical disease or a mental one are really quite similar. Sometimes people see a severely damaged person and a strong desire to save them is triggered within. Doctors and patients, women and serial killers, no difference. Okay, well maybe a big difference.
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rexiroxi · 5 years
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Audrey Hepburn on set during the filming of Sabrina, 1954
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rexiroxi · 5 years
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Newsweek: Killer Covers
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rexiroxi · 5 years
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My brother is still alive, as long as Versace’s alive. I will not allow that man, that nobody, to kill my brother twice.
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rexiroxi · 5 years
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High School photo of Ted Bundy in high quality.
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rexiroxi · 5 years
1978 was a wild year:
Ted Bundy escaped prison, committed his final murders, Jan-February
The Hillside Stranglers committed their final murder, February
Ted Kaczynski mailed his first bomb, May
Jeffrey Dahmer committed his first murder, June
Harvey Milk assassinated, November
The Jonestown Massacre kills 918, November
John Wayne Gacy confession, December
Dennis Nilsen committed his first murder, December
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rexiroxi · 5 years
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rexiroxi · 5 years
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John Lennon rehearsing for the Our World live satellite television broadcast at Studio One, EMI Studios, London, photographer(s) unknown. (June 25th, 1967)
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rexiroxi · 5 years
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On April 07, 1978, Nita Neary was presented a photographic lineup by Captain Jack Pottinger of the Leon County Sheriff’s Office. She identified Ted as the perpetrator of the Chi Omega attack.
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rexiroxi · 5 years
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rexiroxi · 5 years
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rexiroxi · 5 years
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“Of course there is a final solution too: death of entire human race. It would solve every problem of humanity. The faster human race is wiped out from this planet, the better… no one should be left alive. I have no mercy for the scum of earth, the pathetic human race.” -Pekka
Pekka responsible for The Jokela school shooting (7 November 2007)
He killed eight people and wounded one person in the toe before shooting himself in the head; twelve others were also injured.
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rexiroxi · 5 years
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rexiroxi · 5 years
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rexiroxi · 5 years
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Alejandro Henriquez murdered two girls aged 10 and 14, and a woman aged 21.
Convicted nearly 30 years ago for the New York crimes and sentenced 75 years.
Even families of the victims did not believe in his guilt. He commited 6 murders.
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