rey-de-los-hanquis · 3 years
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rey-de-los-hanquis · 3 years
You're at the Sunoco on the corner of Washington and Colvin. "Can I get a pack of fags?" The paki yank behind the corner gives you a blank stare. "A pack of ciggys" you say real slow, as if he is daft. He hands you the pack and you mutter "fucking wanker," under your breath. You walk outside and crack open the pack, and reach for one but come with nothing. You peak inside and a look of horror spreads across your face. They're all butts.
Welcome to Albany.
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rey-de-los-hanquis · 3 years
You're drunk leaving Mcgeary's pub drunk when you enter the wrong neighborhood. Somewhere along the way you notice three men in hoodies following you. The streets are dark so you can't make out their features. You turn one corner and then another, and still they pursue you. You can feel them chuckling and muttering the familiar epithets: "Wop","Dago", "Guinea". But then they take a turn for the strange: "Illbreed", "Imperfect", "Surface Dweller". Behind you, you catch strange shapes undulating out of the corner of your eye. You round a corner and spot a stray brick. You grab it and turn to face your would-be assailants. But they are gone.
Welcome to Albany.
Could have just said the last part and I’d have fear in my bones like no other
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rey-de-los-hanquis · 4 years
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rey-de-los-hanquis · 4 years
That moment when you see big honkers
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rey-de-los-hanquis · 4 years
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Phrases and quotes that Tony steals from other people.
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rey-de-los-hanquis · 4 years
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rey-de-los-hanquis · 4 years
my mom: don't say "that's gay" it's homophobic, say "that's dumb" or something but I will not accept people thinking my daughter is some bigot
my dad: laughed for a solid five minutes at someone renaming NYC "Jewtropolis" on a map
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rey-de-los-hanquis · 4 years
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"The original post says 'Im this close to committing a racial crime', the defendant then replied to said post with 'based & redpilled'. May I know whats the redpill & what is it based on."
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"Your honor, my client is just a huge Matrix movies fan and as you can see he’s clearly autistic"
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rey-de-los-hanquis · 4 years
Enjoy being banned. Disgusting
My only regret is that I couldn’t be meaner
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rey-de-los-hanquis · 4 years
me as a father: well son I don’t care what your (((school counselor))) says you’re not getting on those damn amphetamines. try this chewing tobacco it works better and it’s good for u
my son: how did you do reverb with your voice
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rey-de-los-hanquis · 4 years
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rey-de-los-hanquis · 4 years
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rey-de-los-hanquis · 4 years
something just occurred to me about country folk and the whole gun thing. i live near a city up north where there’s way more violence and a necessity to protect your home and family. if people living in those conditions are able to recognize why we need gun control, why can’t people living in sunny remote areas where folks just have good old-fashioned proper manners recognize it? like, billy bob what are you protecting your family from? your neighbor’s brisket? tennessee’s weird fascination with four leaf clover highways? sally mae droppin’ by just to say “bless yer heart”?
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rey-de-los-hanquis · 4 years
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East German policeman nearing the completion of his education, with his girlfriend who is a candidate for the police school, 1988
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rey-de-los-hanquis · 4 years
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A cashless society means no cash. Zero. It doesn’t mean mostly cashless and you can still use a ‘wee bit of cash here & there’. Cashless means fully digital, fully traceable, fully controlled. I think those who support a cashless society aren’t fully aware of what they are asking for. A cashless society means:
* If you are struggling with your mortgage on a particular month, you can’t do an odd job to get you through.
* Your child can’t go & help the local farmer to earn a bit of summer cash.
* No more cash slipped into the hands of a child as a good luck charm or from their grandparent when going on holidays.
* No more money in birthday cards.
* No more piggy banks for your child to collect pocket money & to learn about the value of earning.
* No more cash for a rainy day fund or for that something special you have been putting £20 a week away for.
* No more fivers on the side because your wages barely cover the bills or put food on the table.
* No more charity collections.
* No more selling bits & pieces from your home that you no longer want/need for a bit of cash in return.
* No more cash gifts from relatives or loved ones.
What a cashless society does guarantee:
* Banks have full control of every single penny you own.
* Every transaction you make is recorded.
* All your movements & actions are traceable.
* Access to your money can be blocked at the click of a button when/if banks need ‘clarification’ from you which will take about 3 weeks, a thousand questions answered & five thousand passwords.
* You will have no choice but to declare & be taxed on every pound in your possession.
* The government WILL decide what you can & cannot purchase.
* If your transactions are deemed in any way questionable, by those who create the questions, your money will be frozen, ‘for your own good’.
I could write lists for 5 days & still not finish explaining how utterly awful a cashless society would be, for everyone. Even for the goody two shoes who wouldn’t dream of not declaring £500. Forget about cash being dirty. Stop being so easily led. Cash has been around for a very, very, very long time & it gives you control ove https://www.instagram.com/p/CCqbpY_hVlb/?igshid=lidmavfm877b
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rey-de-los-hanquis · 4 years
every anti-racist warrior i meet is a segregationist. every person i see making racist jokes hangs out with racists of different colors making racist jokes. 
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