reyadawn · 8 hours
Jesus Christ..
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reyadawn · 14 hours
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125 notes · View notes
reyadawn · 15 hours
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If you take asks/requests can you do something with reader refusing any type of help or assistance in anything but she's so used to everything being thrown in her face or used against her so now she is just super hyper independent. She meets Noah and for a long time he doesn't understand why she never lets anyone help her until she opens up and quietly tells him that she can't trust people to not use the help they gave her against her eventually.
Super self indulgent here 🥺😟
if im here • n.s
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pairing: noah sebastian x fem!reader
words: 2k
warnings: none
note: thank you so much for this anon. this is so relatable, and writing this felt so... therapeutic? i hope you enjoy this xx
At first, Noah merely noticed it as a quirk; an oddity of hers that was borderline admirable. Any time he offered to help her carry anything, she would politely, but firmly decline. Once, when she was struggling with a stubborn jar of pasta sauce, he'd tried to help, only to have her snatch the glass away with a fierce glint in her eyes.
It was clear that she didn't need or want his assistance.
Even in times that seemed dire, she refused him. The time her tire popped and she struggled to fit it back onto the rims, and the time the bowl from the top shelf fell against the floor, smashing into pieces and cutting her hand.
He always assumed it was pride or a stubborn sense of independence. But over time, he realized there was something deeper lurking beneath the surface; a sort of wariness, a guardedness that was difficult to penetrate.
One evening, after they'd grown closer, they were sitting on Noah’s living room floor amidst several takeout boxes from the local Thai place. She was battling with a particularly tricky fortune cookie wrapper when Noah instinctively reached out to help.
"No," she said quietly, pulling her hand back as if his touch burned. Something in her eyes flickered, a strange mix of defiance and vulnerability that made Noah pause.
He sat there, watching with a defeated brow as he placed the chopsticks in his box of chow mein, shoulders slumped.
“Y/N…” Noah whispered, his eyes saddened as she struggled, throwing her head back in a frustrated growl.
“Why won’t you just let me help you? Ever?”
She sighed, placing the untouched cookie on the coffee table. Her hands folded in her lap, shoulders hunched as if bracing against an invisible force.
For a long moment, she was silent, refusing to glance at Noah as he waited, knowing better than to press.
"I can't trust people," she admitted, not meeting his gaze, "I can't trust them not to use the help they gave me, against me eventually."
Noah was silent, processing her words. His heart twisted at the bare honesty of her confession, the raw pain that lurked behind her fierce independence. He realized this wasn’t about jars or boxes; this was about survival, about safeguarding herself from the world around her that had done her wrong, time and time again.
"No one should ever use kindness as a weapon," he said softly, respecting her space but wanting her to know he was there, "And I promise you, I won't. Not now, not ever."
She looked up at him then, her eyes clouded with a wariness that made him want to reach out and reassure her. But he knew better now, knew that the last thing she needed was empty reassurances or hollow promises.
Instead, he simply held her gaze, letting his words hang between them as his promise to her. He wanted to show her that he was different and that not everyone would use their kindness against her.
She held his onyx gaze for a long moment before finally looking away. Her shoulders relaxed slightly, but there was still a guardedness about her. It was clear that it would take more than just words to convince her.
But Noah was patient; he knew that trust wasn’t built in a day.
It was something that had to be earned and nurtured, piece by piece. He might not have been able to erase the past or change the people who had hurt her before, but he could certainly try to be different, and show her she deserved to be cared for.
Over the next few weeks and months, Noah did his best to show her he was a man of his word.
He never imposed, never assumed. Each time a situation arose where she seemed in need of help, he waited, letting her make the first move.
Bit by bit, they began to navigate around this invisible barrier - a silent dance of respect and understanding. When she stubbed her toe and cursed under her breath, Noah remained silent, only moving when she held out her hand for assistance. When her car broke down one icy winter evening, instead of rushing over as he instinctively wanted to do, he waited for her call.
It was a slow process, one filled with silent understanding and unspoken words. But with each day that passed, Noah could see the progression. There were moments when she would hesitate just before refusing his help; moments that filled him with hope and reassurance that he was doing the right thing.
One day when an unexpected rainstorm caught them off guard on their way back from a late-night movie, he held out his coat as they stepped out of the theatre. He prepared himself for her usual refusal, the quick shake of her head and the pulled-down brim of her hat as she braved the elements herself.
But it didn’t come.
Instead, she looked at his proffered jacket for a moment before finally nodding, tugging it around her shoulders with a shy smile.
His heart leapt in response.
It was a small victory, but for Noah, it felt monumental. It was the first time she had willingly accepted his assistance without that familiar flicker of fear in her eyes. The rain sliced through the night, drenching them despite the coat, but neither cared.
One small step towards trust. One small step towards un-guilted help.
“Thank you,” She whispered, smiling up at him. Noah wrapped his arm around her shoulder, pulling her into a comforting hug as they headed to their apartment.
“I would do anything for you,” He said, placing a kiss in her hair.
Her shivering body vibrated against his, her hands clinging to his dampened shirt for support.
In the silence of the rain-soaked streets, under the flickering street lamps, she believed him.
Not because she wanted to, but because he had proven it - time and again - through his patience, his understanding. He had seen her fears and her scars and had not flinched away, but stood firmly by her side, always waiting for her to reach out first.
"Noah," she murmured, as they unlocked the door of their shared apartment, her damp hair sticking to his face. "You're different."
It wasn’t a question. It was a statement, an acknowledgement of what they both already knew. He smiled into her hair, warmth spreading through him despite the cold rain dripping from their clothes onto the hallway floor.
"I hope so," he murmured back, pressing a soft kiss to her forehead before stepping back, giving her space once again as they moved inside.
She smiled at him then, one that reached to her eyes.
It was a rare sight and Noah cherished it because he knew how much courage it took for her.
That exchange marked a turning point in their relationship. His promise uttered in the heart of the storm, wasn't just an empty phrase spoken to comfort her.
It was a vow that he intended to keep, not just for that night but for every night thereafter.
In the following days, she became more comfortable in accepting his aid. She even let him help her carry groceries to their apartment, a task she'd always insisted on doing herself before- all ten bags looped up either arm.
But that day, he was allowed to carry five.
There was still that flicker of unease every now and then, a shadow that crossed her eyes whenever he offered his help; however, those moments were becoming less frequent with time.
Noah proved himself to be a man of his word. He stood by her side, not as a knight trying to save a damsel in distress, but as a constant companion who honored her strength and respected her space.
Their souls danced around each other in the ever-evolving rhythm of their companionship - sometimes colliding, sometimes distancing, yet always spinning in synchrony.
One cool spring afternoon, they went to a local park and found a solitary bench that overlooked a still lake. The water mirrored the sky, capturing its changing moods from cool blue to fiery orange as the sun began to set.
They sat there in a comforting quiet for a long moment, lost in their own thoughts.
Noah opened his mouth to say something but stopped himself just in time. He respected her need for space - physical and emotional both. His gaze fell on her profile - her eyes closed and tilted towards the setting sun, her lips slightly parted as she breathed in the crisp air.
"Is your mind always this quiet?" she asked after a while, turning to meet his gaze. He noted how her eyes held a certain softness now, a less guarded curiosity, “Or this patient?”
"No," he confessed with a soft chuckle. "I’ve had to learn patience over time."
"Because of me?" she asked, her voice low.
He turned to face her, taking a moment to really look at her. The setting sun reflected in her eyes, giving them an ethereal glow.
He admired her- every part of her. The good, the bad. Everything.
"Partly," he admitted, "But also because of myself. I've realised that sometimes the best way to help someone isn't by charging in like a hero. It's by waiting…giving them the space they need to heal."
His words stretched between them as she processed, her gaze never leaving his. Noah noticed a hint of something different in her eyes; not fear or apprehension, but something akin to gratitude.
“Thank you,” she said softly, echoing the words she’d whispered weeks before in the rain.
"I'm trying, Noah," she said quietly, "I'm trying to trust again."
He nodded, understanding all too well what that meant for her. It was a leap of faith - an act of trust that was foreign and strenuous to her very being.
"I know," he replied softly.
His thumb brushed over the back of her hand gently, a small comfort against the enormity of what she had just shared, “And you’re doing an amazing job.”
She smiled, looking down at their entwined fingers.
“I’m proud of you,” Noah breathed.
Her heart raced with armour as they sat there, their hands linked while the sun slowly disappeared beneath the horizon. The world around them was bathed in a tranquil glow, almost as if it was recognizing the sacredness of their moment.
Noah squeezed her hand gently, his chest full of emotions he couldn't quite put into words.
He took a deep breath, his gaze still locked onto the surreal sunset before them. This woman sitting next to him, she was strong. She had been through so much, but instead of hardening her heart, she still allowed herself to be vulnerable, for him. Of all people, him.
Her voice brought him out of his thoughts, "I think I'm ready."
Noah turned to look at her, surprised by her sudden declaration. She looked back at him, determination shining bright in her eyes.
"To rely on someone," she clarified, trailing a finger along the flower on the back of his hand, "To trust again... with you."
There was no hesitation in her voice, just a raw honesty that pierced through the quiet evening.
Noah felt his heart surge with a myriad of emotions: hope, joy, relief; but above all, there was a sense of honor.
"Are you sure?" he asked gently, not wanting to rush her.
He knew the gravity of what she was saying, the importance of this moment.
But she simply nodded, meeting his gaze with an unwavering certainty.
"Yes," she whispered. "I think I am."
Her simple affirmation held so much weight. It was her declaration of surrender, but also a confirmation of faith in him.
And that meant more to Noah than any grand gestures or professions could ever do.
He leaned over, closing the distance between them and pressed his forehead against hers. Their breaths mingled in the cool dusk air, creating an intimate bubble around them while the rest of the world faded into insignificance.
"I'll be here for you, whenever you need.”
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@xxkittenkissesxx @deathblacksmoke @nyxisnotok @anameunmusical @sitkowski
@sammyjoeee @cookiesupplier @th4t-em0-k1d @dsireland86 @thefallennightmare
@whenthesummerdies @spicywhenspeaking @veronicaphoenix @lma1986 @calleyx13
@somewhere-diamond @auratheopossumwitch @blackveilomens @skulliecadaver-blog @silentglassbreak
@darkmxgician @sprokat @thatchickwiththecamera @reyadawn @xserenax-13
@philomenie @into-the-grey @amelia-acero @blend-in-with-the-madness @rumoured-whispers
@anything-more-than-human @blacksoul-2 @sweetwombatpizza
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reyadawn · 18 hours
Bad Things is my favorite ✌️✌️
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reyadawn · 19 hours
Noah and Jolly though 😭
*sigh* the feminine urge to kiss a big beefy man so he calls me pretty
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reyadawn · 19 hours
Pinterest savage as fuck...😐
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@hurricanesfollowyou he's just.. *sigh*
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reyadawn · 2 days
There's no way in Hades I'd ever survive that but you can bet my fat ass is still doing it because HOLY FUCKING CHRIST 🥵💀
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Prompt Request!
#9 from list 1
#14 from list 2
A/N: Okay if you got a problem with people using real people in fan fictions and come on my page under my work and complain about it and tell me I need therapy… you’re the fuckin crazy one not me bitch😒
Anywayyyy… this prompt is a “gangbang” in a hot tub, if you don’t like that or it makes you uncomfortable please don’t read it, if you don’t like my work please block me and leave me be, I don’t need your comments or DMs. 🥲🫶🏻
There’s another great story someone did as a “gangbang” where each member has their way with you and I just wanted to link their work here.
The Bet. By @sorrowsofsilence I love their work go check them out and read it if you hasn’t already🩶
Warnings: smut, blowjob, fingering, gangbang, P in V, unprotected sex (don’t try that shit at home), hot tub sex, swearing, dirty talk, my grammar😀
Parings: the entire fuckin band, good luck bitch😩
This request has rotted my mind to the point where it will not leave😵‍💫
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Noah invited you and his bandmates over for a hot tub night. You don’t remember the last time you all have hanged out with each other. You’ve heard rumors that most of band fancies you and feels a certain way about you..
You try not to let that invade your mind. The whole band is attractive not one member of BO is not, you honestly would let any of them hit if you wanted to.
You worked with Davis, the band met you through him. They liked your ideas, the way you were involved with their ideas, and of course your beauty. You were covered in tattoos as were most of the band. They found the work done on you like no other.
Making your way to Noah’s house, you give a slight knock before heading.. “come in”, from one of the guys in the house.
You stepped in, greeted by the warmth and comfort of Noah’s house. Very neat and cozy, you could stay here forever if offered. Most of the band was in the kitchen eating the pizza they ordered, you walked in with your bag in your hand greeted by 4 dudes.
“Hey, how you doing?” Jolly piped up immediately seeing you. His eyes traced over your body admiring your band tee and shorts you had on, exposing your thighs. He could particularly drool at your looks.
“I’m well, thanks for asking.” You replied, smiling. Noah offered you a plate with food, but you shook your head stated you already had food.
Nicholas admired your tattoos while you spoke with Noah about what he’s been doing with the upcoming album. You haven’t had much done, a lot of American traditional pieces you had done. You had some line work, and some other gorgeous pieces that he found were his favorite you had on you. He’s offered to tattoo you at no expense, you took him off on his offer and got to know him a little more while he was doing a piece for you.
You could feel Rufflio’s eyes burning into your skin as well. Finishing your conversation with Noah he suggested we all changed and got in the hot tub.
Most the guys were dressed already, just needing to take their shirts off, you on the other hand had to change, making your way into his bathroom. The guys got the hot tub situated, there was only 4 seats in there causing all of them to exchange glances at eachother.
“Where is she going to sit?” Folio asked.
“Wherever, I’ll move if I have to… or she can sit on me.” Noah replied cheekly.
“Sit on you? What if she wants to sit on me, she obviously likes me more than you…” Nicholas argued.
“Nooo, she likes me the most.” Jolly states confidently, nodding his head.
“You guys are ridiculous..” Noah scoffed, rolling his eyes.
Few minutes later you appeared, making all of them turn their heads. You furrowed your eyebrows seeing there wasn’t much room to sit in there. You stepped in sitting on your knees in the middle of all four of them.
“Y/n, you can see on my lap if you’d like..” Noah offered, you looked towards him nodded, swimming your way towards him.
You fell more attractive to Noah and felt more comfortable around him, the whole band you were attracted to, but Noah you had more conversations with and he knew more about you than most the guys.
You sat down on his lap lightly. Noah pulled you into him, feeling his cock, that you mentally ignored while sitting on him. He was hard underneath you, of course he was. Most of the fucking band was.
You are wearing a red small bikini, who in this hot tub wouldn’t be hard?
You shift around on him slightly getting comfortable, the jets came on having everyone relax in the hot tub. The silence was pretty loud, closing your eyes and resting your head against Noah, he pulled you into his body.
“Should we play never have I ever?” Folio breaks the silence. Everyone looks towards him and eachother, nodding in agreement, there wasn’t anything else to do really… how harmful can this game be?
“Okay but we have tequila too.” Folio pulls the bottle off the ledge he placed when he first got into the tub, showing it off to everyone. Noah gags behind you. “I hate tequila.” He exclaims.
“Well, just hope you don’t have to take too many shots of it.” Nicholas laughed. You felt Noah’s hand playing with your thighs.
Folio takes the bottle pouring some shots, in some cups he brought with him too. He passes them out as the game starts.
“Never have I ever been with a guy before..” he states, you took a sip of the tequila, making a face at its taste. The guys smirked at your reaction.
“Never have I ever given a blowjob.” Jolly continues the game, watching you drink again your face turning flushed from the alcohol and the questions.
Moving to Noah’s turn.. “never have I ever, thrown up in my best friend’s shoes.” You drink again, starting to feel like this game was mainly meant to get you drunk than them.
Finally it was your turn and you decided to make everyone drink. “Never have I ever been in a band.” Causing all the guys to drink themselves, finally giving you a break from tequila.
Moving to Nicholas now, “never have I ever fantasized about having a gangbang.” Everyone laughs, but you take a sip, making everyone pause. Now you feel dizzy at the question.
No one moves, their eyes stay on you. “You want to get gangbanged?” Noah says, surprisingly.
“Ummm… I had a dream, and it was really good.” Feeling your face flush red at their reactions, feeling their eyes burn deeper into your skin.
“Gangbang with who, baby?” Folio moved closer by you, pulling you off Noah and onto his lap.
Feeling yourself grow shy looking away from them embarrassed. Of course Nicholas would out the fantasy you told him a long time ago, while he was tattooing you. “Don’t get shy on us now..” he moves his hand to redirect your face to him, “We all want you..” you felt yourself shiver at his words.
You turned yourself around off his lap to see Noah, Nicholas, and Jolly, nodding in approval. “Umm… I had a fantasy of all of us.. in a hot tub actually..” you chew your lip nervously. “Go on..” Nicholas pushes you more, already knowing the full story.
“Ummm we were all in the hot tub, and all you guys took turns having me your way in this hot tub.” You felt small and shy telling them that. Their eyes widen at the idea and fact of it. Nicholas smirked.
“Who went first?” Noah asked, sitting up to look at you better. “Umm Nicholas actually..” you felt yourself blushing looking back down at the water.
“I’m down if you are..” you heard his voice turning your head towards him. “But if you start..” he grabbed your waist moving you towards him. “You have to be fair and let all of us have a turn with you, just like your little fantasy..” Nicholas pulled you into him more placing you directly onto his hard on.
You melt into his touch, Nicholas starts by placing his lips on yours moving them slowly against yours. His tongue teased your bottom lip before biting it making you gasp to slip his tongue in.
As you find for dominance against his tongue, he takes his fingers hooking them to your bathing suit bottoms and taking them off. He slides his shorts down sliding his cock into you. You pull away from the kiss moaning at the feeling of him. Nicholas moves you up and down making you ride him. Your head is thrown back while the alcohol invaded your mind.
Noah moves off his spot, kissing you while you ride on Nicholas, feeling yourself grow closer to your orgasm as he uses you like his own doll. Noah’s tongue invade your mouth exploring your mouth. As you reach your high with Nicholas you moan into you and Noah’s kiss as you feel him release into you.
Immediately after Noah, bends you over the edge of the hot tub. He takes his cock out sliding it in from behind you, his dick feeling bigger than Nicholas’s stretches you out, causing a loud moan to escape your mouth. Noah’s hand grabs your neck pulling him up towards him while he thrust harder into you.
“Fuckkk..” you cried out. Noah’s noises started sounding more animalistic, his tip hitting your G Spot, fuckin you at a rough pace. Folio got out of the tub coming onto your side. Noah placed your head down at him “Suck him off while I fuck you..” he grumbled, you take Folio in your mouth, Folio moves his hips against your throat, making his tip hit the back of your throat.
Noah’s rough pace, and Folio’s cock in your throat make your head spin almost feeling like too much. Noah’s hand snakes down to your clit rubbing it making you cry harder around Folio’s cock.
“You suck me so well..” Folio moans, taking your hair in his hand, guided your face into him more. You clench around Noah indicating your close. You feel Folio twitch in your throat feeling he’s close too. Noah’s head is thrown back with his mouth open, feeling you squeeze him hard as you cum. Folio stops his thrust and buries himself in your throat shooting a load down it.
He immediately pulls out and places a kiss to your face. You lean over the edge panting still, from the high you came off of. Just when you think you were done you felt someone move you off the edge and onto their lap right by the jets. Looking up with blurry eyes you see the Swede Jolly smirking at you. His fingers coming down to your cunt sticking them in.
His head moves down to your ear whispering to you. “I’m going play with you, and you’re going play with me. If you stop, I stop. Got it?” He asked, you nodded your vision finally coming back to normal. Jolly and you were the only ones in the hot-tub now, all the other boys went inside to situate themselves.
One of the seats you were sitting in had jets blowing at your waist level, so obviously Jolly took that as an average having it right on your clit while he fingered you, taking your other hand you jerk him off under the water. He was edging himself a few times while you were getting fucked by the other guys, finally having his way with you felt so good.
His fingers were deep inside, hitting the spot you needed him in the most, you whiny and sensitive everything felt raw and it hurt. Jolly praised you while he continued finger fucking your cunt, going the same pace you jerked him off at.
He whispered in your ear telling you how good you were doing, how good your moans sounded, and how beautiful you looked this way. Every compliment had you clenching your fingers around him. You could hear his moans as well and grunts as he came closer to the edge.
Your legs shook unable to keep them open from the sensation of the jets and him you let go of his cock, causing him to stop too, making you cry out. He cooed you, turning the jets off to calm you down a little more so he can finish you. “Jerk me off, and you’ll get to cum.” He hummed in your ear. You started again, not far off from your orgasm, he can feel how close you are by your sounds and your body’s reactions.
“You close y/n?” His free hand moving the hair out the way of your ear, hearing you whine more for him. “Y-yes..” you breathed. Jolly smirked and spend up his fingers making you shake around him.
“Cum.” He exclaimed feeling himself there with you. You both came around the same time. Tears were streaming down your face, your hair was a mess, and your lip was raw from biting it.
Jolly picked you up out of the hot-tub, grabbing your bottoms and wrapping a towel around you, before lifting you up from your legs being jelly and carrying you to the shower to have Noah rinse you off.
You sat on the shower ground as Noah shampooed your hair. “So was it like your fantasy?” He asked casually, rinsing you off, caring for you in a non sexual way. “Yea… it was very good, though I don’t know if I’d do it again..” you giggled, causing Noah to smirk.
“Good because I want just us to bang, and not the whole band.. next time.” He winked at you, your face flushed red at his words.
After everyone was done and situated no one said anything about what happened, just continued the normal hangout like it didn’t happen.
Taking you out your train of thoughts you see Matt and Davis show up. “Hey, is the hot-tub still open?” Davis asked, seeing you guys glance at eachother in a panic.
“It has to get cleaned, y/n threw up in it.”
Matt and Davis made face, at the idea I’d throw up in the water. “At least no one fucked.” Matt laughed eating a slice of left over pizza, pausing when only him and Davis laughed and everyone else wouldn’t make eye contact with each other.
“Ah what the fuck… she definitely didn’t throw up did she?” Matt exclaimed, making a face. You guys all laughed nervously. Closing your eyes trying to forget about it.
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A/N: I fear this was good and bad. Not my best work but I think it’s pretty good. Hope y’all are still here with me💀🫶🏻
Taglist: @reyadawn @lma1986 @blend-in-with-the-madness @blend-in-with-the-madness @noahsebastions @raspberrywatermelon @into-the-grey @an0mallly @collisionofyourkissmakesitsohard @iluvmewwwww75 @anangelinthepit @dsireland86 @somebodyels3 @aubrey-melinoe @concreteemo @iloveyoutodeathbutimdrowning @dominuslunae @fadingangelwisp @dunnkop @thisbicc @amelia-acero @somewhere-diamond @english-fucker @er3nslovergirl @dravenskye @kaliforniahigh @bloodylullaby @nowherestogo
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reyadawn · 2 days
This fucking chapter had me SHOOK
Hitman!Jolly fic
CN murder, violence, sex, organized crime, blood, angst, 18+
@jilliemiw86 @nojoyontheburn @reyadawn @dsireland86
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Jolly waits and observes everything around him. Casually, his eyes keep wandering to Inga, who is sitting at the table not far from him, pale and frozen.
Before long, she leans over to Kolja next to her and whispers something in his ear. Kolja nods and gets up, helping his mother to stand.
Jolly has been waiting for this. He sees Kolja leading Inga to the stairs and supporting her.
It takes almost an eternity before Kolja is back downstairs with the guests and followers.
He sits down next to Jolly.
“How's your mother....” Jolly asks quietly.
“Shitty.... As usual!” growls Kolja, brushing his hair out of his face.
“Hmm, of course, what am I asking.....” nods Jolly.
“Listen.... We have a few things to sort out. My father's plans.... We should change them!” Kolja presses out, ‘Besides....’ he looks at Jolly with narrowed eyes.
“Yes?” he wants to know.
“Oh... we'll talk about it tomorrow!” Kolja sighs and downs another vodka down his throat.
“Fine... whatever you say!” Jolly nods, but something is making him uncomfortable and he can't put his finger on it. Kolja's comment, his tone of voice? Something about it feels wrong.
Nevertheless, he sticks to his plan. He knows it's a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that won't come his way again any time soon.
So he continues to wait until Kolja next to him is completely drunk and the others present are also beyond good and evil.
Jolly gets up and pulls on Kolja's arm, “Come up! I'll take you to your bed!” he explains firmly, which only makes Kolja shrug his eyes.
Under Nadja's attentive gaze, Jolly drags Kolja to the stairs. Just before Jolly goes upstairs with him, his eyes meet Nadja's.
Nadja nods to him and Jolly nods too, before dragging Kolja up the stairs.
Two bodyguards are standing at the top and want to intervene immediately to help, but Jolly waves them off, “Just open his room door for me!” he grumbles.
The bodyguards do as they are told and Jolly throws Kolja onto his bed. Then stands in front of him, indecisive.
He knows he doesn't have much time and has to get rid of the bodyguards somehow without anyone noticing.
“Have you boys had enough of a toast to Semjon?” a voice is heard at the door and everyone turns around.
Nadja is holding a vodka bottle in the air, with three glasses in her other hand.
The two bodyguards look at each other uncertainly, one shrugs his shoulder.
“Come on... let's have a drink, or several, to Semjon! Everything's quiet here, only friends present.....” smiles Nadja and wiggles the bottle seductively.
“Hmm,” one of them grumbles and sets off, the other follows him.
“THANK YOU!” Jolly forms his lips to Nadja, who smiles at him and hooks onto the two bodyguards, pulling them with her.
Jolly waits a moment, heart pounding, until he leaves the room and closes the doors behind him.
Not today, Kolja, he thinks to himself grimly, today it's your mother's turn to follow your father!
Jolly walks quickly, but quietly, to Inga's room, takes his latex gloves out of his trouser pocket, puts them on and then presses the door handle and waits. Nothing can be heard, so he opens it a small crack. There is no light coming from inside, so she must be asleep by now. Just as well, Jolly thinks to himself and nimbly squeezes through the gap and immediately closes the door behind him.
He holds his breath for a moment until his eyes have adjusted to the darkness.
Inga is curled up in the wide bed she shared with Semjon, Jolly realizes as he steps closer to her.
She has a pillow pressed against her and her face buried in it. Semjon's pillow by the looks of it, which must still smell like him...
FUCK, Jolly has to swallow. He didn't think this scene here would affect him so much, touch him so much that he feels a lump in his throat and has to swallow.
FUCK.... He is paralyzed.
But he knows that if he doesn't act now, he might lose his future, because Inga would pursue him to the ends of the earth with her rage and hatred and only give up when he and Olivia are dead.
The thought that Olivia could be in danger if he lets Inga live makes Jolly act again.
So he takes the pillbox from his inner jacket pocket and pulls out one of the white capsules inside.
They are his own. Semjon has handed them out to EVERYONE in the organization, including himself and his family, his wife.
Cyanide, as a last resort.....
Jolly breathes in and out deeply, bracing himself for what lies ahead.
All at once he becomes very calm, his facial features appear cold and emotionless.
He carefully kneels down on the bed next to Inga's body. He knows that she has taken a strong sleeping pill, because its can is right next to her on the bedside table, as is a drunk glass of water.
That should make things a little easier. He gently grabs her chin and turns her head towards him, causing her mouth to open automatically. Jolly pauses one last time, closes his eyes briefly and then puts the capsule with the cyanide into her mouth, so that when he presses her jaws together, she has to bite the capsule open.
So, he presses Inga's lower jaw onto her upper jaw, holding her head with an iron grip.
All this makes Inga wake up. Irritated, she looks sleepily at Jolly. When she becomes aware of his grip and the bitter taste of bitter almonds in her mouth, she opens her eyes in panic and tries to free herself from his grip, but Jolly holds her tightly.
Inga has no chance. Her movements become jerky, her body rears up until it goes limp. Trembling, he feels for her pulse. Nothing.... No more heartbeat can be felt.
Jolly only now realizes that he has been holding his breath the whole time. Shaken, he sucks fresh air into his lungs and remains kneeling for a moment, trembling.
With his hands still trembling, he brushes Inga's hair out of her face, arranges her body and the bedding so that there is nothing to indicate any outside involvement, and heads for the door.
He peers out cautiously. The corridor is still deserted, so he can leave Inga's room unnoticed.
After closing the door behind him again, Jolly takes off his gloves and puts them in his trouser pocket, adjusts his tie, smooths back his hair and straightens his jacket.
As if nothing had happened, he strolls down the stairs and rejoins the other mourners.
Nadja and the two bodyguards are still toasting Semjon. When she sees Jolly, she nods to him and pours another glass.
So that he doesn't draw attention to himself, Jolly also takes a glass, pours himself a generous gulp of vodka and pours it down his throat with deadly contempt.
“You drink vodka?” Alexei next to him, who seems to have appeared out of nowhere, is amused.
“Hmm,” Jolly shrugs his shoulder.
“What was the problem you had to solve today, so close to Semjon's funeral?” Alexei wants to know.
“Is it enough if I say something private?” Jolly is vague.
“Hmm,” Alexei looks at him skeptically.
“Fuck.... I was with a woman and forgot the time....” snorts Jolly and is pretty close to the truth.
Alexei's face falls apart before he laughs uproariously and punches Jolly on the shoulder, “Damn... you're more cunning than I thought.... Knows Nadja.....”
“Yes!” growls Jolly.
“And she doesn't mind?” gasps Alexei.
“Christ, I'm not her fucking property!” growls Jolly, pouring himself another vodka and downing it.
“All right.....” grins Alexei, but then becomes serious, ”I've been thinking about our last conversation.....”
“Hmm” nods Jolly and waits.
“You're right... Nadja IS the better candidate!” snorts Alexei, ”I'm not the only one who thinks so!”
“Hmm” nods Jolly again.
“But many people think YOU are even more suitable!” adds Alexei.
Jolly snorts in amusement, “Forget it! I'm not in the mood for that kind of shit! I have absolutely no ambitions for that!”
“Think about it!” Alexei shrugs his shoulder.
“Thanks, but I don't need that. Put your money on Nadja. She's the one!” he explains seriously.
“Hmm,” Alexei nods, ”but what about Kolja?”
Jolly shrugs his shoulder, “He'll take care of himself... just wait and see!”
“You may be right... I just hope he doesn't throw everything into chaos first!” growls Alexei.
“Hmm.... We'll see!” muses Jolly, looking at his watch, ‘Bloody late....’ he declares.
Alexei grins, “Your bed must be warmed by now... right?”
“Possibly.....” Jolly explains, stretching, ”I'm going to disappear anyway. Kolja wants to discuss some things with me tomorrow and I want to get at least a few hours' sleep before then!”
Alexei laughs softly, “I'll take your word for it!” and slaps Jolly on the shoulder again.
Jolly quietly closes the front door behind him, kicks his shoes off his feet and drags himself into the living room. He drops onto the large, dark green, cozy couch, rests his head on the backrest and closes his eyes.
He needs a moment before he joins Olivia in the bedroom.
“Joakim?” the thin voice from the side behind him makes him jump and turn to face her.
He smiles at Olivia, “Min Liv...!” he sighs and holds out his hand to her.
Immediately she is with him and snuggles against his chest on his lap, “I couldn't sleep...” she whispers.
“Hmm,” Jolly mumbles, stroking her hair, ”I'm back with you now!”
Olivia nods and wraps her arms around his chest, “Now everything's all right again!”
They sit together in silence in the dark, enjoying each other's closeness.
“Let's go to bed..... Tomorrow, or rather today, could be a stressful day!” sighs Jolly, noticing how Olivia stiffens at his words.
“Why?” she breathes.
“Well... Inga.....” Jolly presses out.
Olivia nods slowly, “Just Kolja....” she whispers.
“Yes..... just Kolja!” confirms Jolly bitterly.
“Then it's all over!” gulps Olivia, tenderly stroking Jolly's cheek as he leans into her gentle touch and closes his eyes.
“Yes..... then it's all over!” he confirms harshly.
As Jolly expected, all hell breaks loose in the morning. He is not yet fully awake when his cell phone buzzes incessantly.
He looks at the display with a petrified expression. The messages and missed calls add up ad infinitum.
Olivia looks at him anxiously as Jolly looks through the messages and finally answers the next incoming call.
“Hmm,” he grumbles.
“FUCK, how long have you been asleep?” hisses Alexei, ”You have to come right away. Something terrible has happened!”
“I've only just woken up... what's going on? Where should I go?” Jolly wants to know.
“To the house... the private house... Inga....” Alexei breathes in and out deeply.
“What about Inga?” asks Jolly.
“She's dead....!” gulps Alexei, shocked.
“What?” gasps Jolly convincingly.
“Yeah, man, dead... Kolya found her. She was lying peacefully in her bed... she must have bitten her cyanide capsule.... It's unbelievable!” Alexei explains, shocked.
“Fuck.... I'm coming, just give me a moment until I'm dressed. Then I'll be right with you!” explained Jolly.
“Hurry up. Kolja is beside himself and I'm afraid he's losing his mind! The doctor has injected him with a sedative!” Alexei swallows.
“I see. I'll be there as soon as I can!” Jolly promises and hangs up, then stares at his display for a long time without saying anything.
Olivia looks at him questioningly.
“You're not on duty today, are you?” he wants to know from her.
“No.... Why do you ask?” Olivia wants to know.
“Because I want you to stay here today. Pack the rest of your things... I have a feeling that a quick departure might be necessary!” gulps Jolly.
Olivia's eyes widen, but she nods, swallows, “Do you want Kolja.....”
“I don't know... if the opportunity presents itself....” Jolly shrugs his shoulder.
Olivia wraps her arms around his neck, “Whatever you do, be careful! Please! I still need you.....”
Jolly has to smile at her words, “You know... I will ALWAYS come back to you!”
“Swear it!” Olivia intensifies the pressure of her arms on his neck, pulling him closer to her, “Swear to me!”
“I swear to you, on everything I hold sacred!” Jolly whispers tenderly, kissing her tender lips.
Regretfully, he breaks away from her, “I have to go, min Liv! Lock up well behind me, put the bolts forward and have the gun I gave you handy!”
Olivia turns pale at his words, but again she nods, “I will... don't worry about it!” she tries to smile.
Jolly kisses her again before getting out of bed, getting dressed as Olivia watches him silently.
“I probably won't be able to report....” he explains.
“I know!” she gulps, ”It's all good....”
Jolly leans towards her one last time, “See you later, min Liv!” he kisses her and then tears himself away from her. He goes from her apartment to his and changes his clothes, because he can't possibly show up in the same suit from yesterday. He also puts on his gun belt, just in case....
“Thank God you're finally here!” growls Alexei as Jolly comes through the front door.
“Hmm, where is he?” he wants to know.
“In his bedroom.... The doctor practically shot him up with some stuff. He's asleep or unconscious...” Alexei explains.
“Hmm” nods Jolly and thinks about it.
“Damn... this is all absolute shit!” hisses Alexei.
“Who's all here?” Jolly wants to know.
“Nadja and Sergej are in the living room... Kolja's entourage is loitering all over the house. Hanna is with him....” Alexei informs him, ”Otherwise the bodyguards and the staff!”
“Ok... and Inga?” Jolly wants to know.
“She's still in her room..... Kolya didn't allow her to be picked up!” Alexei swallows.
“Hmm,” nods Jolly and a sinking feeling spreads through his stomach, ”Maybe we should do that first... make sure her body is taken away.”
“Kolya will freak out, ....” Alexei warns him.
“Then I'll go to him now and try to talk to him!” growls Jolly and starts to move.
Two bodyguards are standing outside Kolya's room and nod at Jolly, who nods back.
He enters quietly. Kolja lies curled up on his bed, his head in Hanna's lap. She looks up when she notices Jolly. There are tears in her eyes and on her cheeks, which she wipes away with a sniffle, “He's not well!” she whispers, stroking his hair.
“Hmm” nods Jolly, ”I need to talk to him..... Inga... she can't stay here!”
“He won't allow her to be taken away!” replies Hanna immediately.
Jolly sighs, then sits down at the foot of the bed and waits.
An hour passes before Kolja stirs and slowly sits up.
“Where have you been?” he wants to know from Jolly.
“In my apartment.... I came as soon as Alexei reached me!” explains Jolly.
“Yesterday.... Did you notice anything suspicious after you brought me to my room?” Kolja wants to know quietly.
“What do you mean? Suspicious?” Jolly wants to know, irritated.
“My mother....... Did you see anyone at her door?” Kolja wants to know.
“No... nobody!” Jolly replies immediately, Kolja looks at him blankly.
“You think someone else has her....” asks Jolly, stretching.
“Murdered?!” Kolja finishes the sentence, ”Possibly......”
“Heavens.....” gasps Jolly and he feels sick, ‘Do you have any suspicions?’ he then wants to know.
“No..... just a feeling!” swallows Kolja, ”She loved my father, very much.... But I can't believe she would kill herself .....!”
“Well.... People don't always react rationally or as usual when they're grieving....” Jolly tries to explain.
“My mother would never have left me alone... not by choice!” Kolja blurts out, hurt.
“Hmm” nods Jolly and the uneasy feeling in his stomach increases.
“I.... I want you to question everyone who was here last night.... Guests, staff, bodyguards, our men... EVERYONE!” orders Kolja.
“I will!” Jolly nods and stands up.
“So?” Alexei wants to know from Jolly when he gets back downstairs.
“Hmm, he doesn't believe in suicide, he wants me to ask everyone if anyone went into Inga's room!” grumbles Jolly, her eyes downcast.
“FUCK... do you think so too?” Alexei wants to know, stunned.
“It doesn't matter what the fuck I think, Kolja thinks it, so we'll ask everyone.... All the guests from yesterday. Take care of that. I'll start with everyone in the house!” growls Jolly.
“The surveillance cameras.....” Alexei reminds Jolly.
“Hmm, I'll look through that footage first....” nods Jolly and he gets freezing cold. FUCK, you moron, he thinks to himself, you brainiac didn't think of that.
So he gets moving and goes into the technical room of the house, where all the recordings are stored.
He quickly searches for the relevant recordings. FUCK.... He is clearly recognizable.
He quickly deletes all the footage from yesterday so that it looks like a technical error.
God, Karlsson, he curses himself, concentrate at last... mistakes like that are fatal!!!
Still thinking about the mistake he made, he goes back.
“I've sent some men out to question yesterday's guests!” Alexei nods at him, ”What about the recordings?”
“There aren't any!” growls Jolly.
“WHAT?” gasps Alexei in disbelief.
“Hmm, either a technical error, or they've been deleted.” Jolly nods and realizes that his heart is beating in his throat.
“FUCK... if Kolja is right with his assumption?” hisses Alexei.
“Hmm” Jolly shrugs his shoulder without responding further, ‘I'll talk to Nadja....’ and simply leaves Alexej standing there.
“We need to talk!” he growls to Nadja and reaches under her arm.
Nodding, Nadja lets herself be pulled away with him.
“Why don't we go out onto the terrace?” she suggests loud enough for everyone else to hear.
“What is it?” she immediately wants to know from Jolly outside.
“Kolja doesn't believe it was suicide and wants to question everyone. He'll find out that you practically lured the bodyguards away.....” Jolly explains quietly.
“I see....” Nadja nods slowly, ”I'll think of something!”
“Be careful! Kolja is more dangerous than usual right now!” Jolly warns her.
“You should remember that too!” snorts Nadja, ”Or you can kill him as quickly as possible and solve the problem!”
Jolly snorts, “I can't march into his bedroom and just shoot him. I'd be dead on the spot!”
“I'm not talking about that.... But hurry up, for God's sake!” Nadja hisses at him.
“I will!” nods Jolly, ”Time is the deciding factor now!”
“That's it!” nods Nadja, ”What do you want to say to Kolja now?”
“Well, I've deleted all the footage. There's no more picture evidence. I'll tell him that you were drinking with the bodyguards on Semjon, that I was there after I dropped him off in his room and that I didn't notice anything suspicious!” explains Jolly.
“Sergei will confirm it!” nods Nadja.
“You're getting used to him?” Jolly grins at her.
“He's..... well... he's nice... a nice guy. I don't know how that's possible in this environment. I get the feeling he really likes me. He's attentive, courteous and he's not a head case,” snorts Nadja.
“But?” grins Jolly.
“He's nice... NICE!!! Jesus, I find myself really starting to like him....” Nadja hisses and rolls her eyes.
Jolly has to laugh, “Well...who would have thought that possible, right?”
“Oh, you shut your stupid mouth!” Nadja hisses at him, but then has to smile.
“I'm really happy for you Nadja... you deserve someone who likes you, for your own sake!” Jolly explains seriously.
“Thanks....” nods Nadja, ‘But he's not you!’ she adds quietly.
Jolly looks at her, “Give him a chance, a real chance. Who knows....”
“Save your relationship advice!” Nadja growls at him.
“Okay... I'll shut up!” laughs Jolly.
“Your friend.... Is he really reliable.... Trustworthy?” Nadja suddenly wants to know.
“From what I can tell so far, yes!” nods Jolly.
“Good, then ask him to get in touch with me. Give him my home number!” Nadja explains seriously.
“I will!” nods Jolly.
It is late evening by the time everyone has been interviewed.
Exhausted, Jolly drops into an armchair and pours himself a drink, which he takes in large gulps.
Alexei drops onto the couch opposite him.
“So?” Jolly nods at him.
“Nothing... and you?” Alexei wants to know.
“Nothing either...” Jolly shrugs his shoulders.
“Kolja won't be happy with that!” Alexei muses.
“We can't pull anything out of a hat if there's nothing!” sighs Jolly, ”I've informed the mortician. Inga can't lie up there forever!”
“Yes.... Does Kolja know about this?” Alexei wants to know.
“Not yet... I'll go and see him in a minute!” growls Jolly and stands up.
“Good luck!” snorts Alexei, ”I really don't want to swap places with you!”
“I wouldn't want to swap places with me either!” growls Jolly and goes to Kolja.
He knocks softly on his bedroom door and enters.
Kolja is still lying in bed, his head still in Hanna's lap.
“No one has seen or noticed anything suspicious!” Jolly explains immediately, ”Besides, I've informed the mortician, he should be here any minute!”
Kolja shoots up, stares at Jolly in bewilderment, then wriggles out of his blanket and slips out of bed, stumbling towards Jolly with his fists clenched.
As he comes to a halt in front of him, he punches Jolly in the face with full force, causing him to stumble backwards slightly.
Jolly stoically wipes the blood from his lip. You little fucking asshole, he thinks to himself hatefully, but at least your punch isn't as hard as your cursed father's, may he rot in hell!
“YOU HAD NO RIGHT TO DO THAT!” Kolja yells at him and punches him in the stomach, causing Jolly to collapse slightly and gasp for air.
FUCK, another punch.... Jolly angrily clenches his fists and has to control himself not to punch back.
“Kolja... I'm sure your mother didn't want to rot in her bed!” Jolly hisses, which earns him another punch to the jaw. Blood runs down his lip and chin again.
Liv will have a fit, he thinks to himself with a sinking feeling in his stomach, if I turn up bleeding again.
“Kolja....” tries Hanna, who puts a hand on Kolja's shoulder to reassure him.
But Kolja pushes her away so that she falls back onto the bed and raises a fist against her.
Jolly grabs hold of Kolja's arm, “Come to yourself!” he growls coldly at him.
Jolly's hateful look seems to bring Kolja back to his senses, as he blinks at him in irritation.
“Don't take your anger out on Hanna!” growls Jolly, ‘She didn't do anything!’ and lets go of Kolja.
Kolja narrows his eyes and looks coldly at Jolly, turns his head slightly to the side, “Get out of here!” he hisses at Hanna. She gets off the bed, trembling, and hurries out of the room.
“Don't ever do that again!” Kolja grumbles quietly, coming damn close to his father, Jolly has to admit.
He nods slowly.
“I'm serious... NEVER disobey one of my orders again, NEVER stab me in the back again! Do you understand that?” Kolja hisses at him again.
“I did!” Jolly nods as calmly as possible, even though he would love to beat Kolja up.
“Artur always said you were headstrong....” growls Kolja, ”That's probably why he had you watched....”
Jolly's face stiffened and he felt sick that Kolja had to come here today of all days.
“Fedor.... Artur's surviving man, he said Artur had ordered his two men, the ones who are also dead, to watch you.....” Kolja looks at Jolly lurkingly.
“Hm” grumbles Jolly, feeling his stomach turn.
“You didn't notice anything?” Kolja wants to know.
“Well.... I noticed a black car... that's all!” Jolly shrugs his shoulder, ”When it was gone, I didn't give it a second thought. Why did Artur have me watched?”
“He didn't tell me... only Fedor, after my father died.... I guess he was afraid of my father!” Kolja still looks Jolly coldly in the eye.
“And what does Fedor say.....” growls Jolly, who is trying to regain control of his emotions.
“Just that you were under surveillance....” shrugs Kolja.
“Hmm, and now what?” Jolly ventures.
“When Fedor is fit again, I'll ask him if he knows more!” he looks at Jolly again, lurking.
“Is he ill?” Jolly wants to know, stretching.
“The idiot has pneumonia....” snorts Kolja and goes to the bar cabinet in his bedroom, pours himself and another glass full of vodka. He holds one out to Jolly, who reluctantly takes it.
“You're my brother.... Right?” he wants to know from Jolly, ”My right hand!”
“Hmm,” nods Jolly, who would have liked to vomit on the floor.
“Sa sdorowje!” Kolja toasts Jolly and tips the contents down his throat.
Jolly follows his example - what else could he do? The alcohol burns like fire in his mouth and on his lip, where his flesh is exposed.
Trembling, he wipes his lips, staining his hand bloody.
“Do you still need me?” he wants to know quietly from Kolja.
“Where are you going?” he asks with narrowed eyes.
“To my flat....” Jolly explains, stretching, ”It's late.... Yesterday was a long day, and so is today!”
Kolja looks at him again with narrowed eyes, then waves him off, “As far as I'm concerned, get out! But be ready when I need you!”
“Hmm,” nods Jolly, puts the glass on the table in the room and leaves.
He has to control himself not to slam the door behind him. Son of a bitch, he thinks to himself angrily, and wipes the blood off his chin again.
When he arrives downstairs, Nadja looks at him with wide eyes.
“He takes after his father!” Jolly snorts angrily.
“What did you do to upset him like that?” Nadja wants to know.
“Called the mortician and stopped him from beating Hanna!” growls Jolly.
Nadja looks at him for a long time, “You haven't learned to mind your own business all these years, Jolly!” she then smiles, “You still have a good heart. I love you for that.... But that can also be the death of you, you know that!” she gently strokes his cheek.
“Hmm” grumbles Jolly and lowers his eyes, ‘I'll make sure it's NOT my death....’ he whispers, then looks up, ”I'm going home now. Take care of yourself, Nadja!”
19 notes · View notes
reyadawn · 2 days
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I'll never understand why Said and Done didn't make it onto the acoustic album....
61 notes · View notes
reyadawn · 3 days
My door may not swing for Folio or Ruffalo but ...a BO orgy???
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Here’s a prompt tease. RIP EVERYONE this is actually gonna be insane to write 🫠😵‍💫
(It’s not finished yet btw)
@lma1986 @reyadawn @blend-in-with-the-madness @raspberrywatermelon @somebodyels3 @dsireland86 @anangelinthepit @aubrey-melinoe @noahsebastions @philomenie
(Most of the people who are normally on the tag list will be tagged, if you would like to be on let me know, that also isn’t a tag list above..)
- Mandy 🫶🏻🩶
32 notes · View notes
reyadawn · 3 days
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Red Room
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📸 Bryan Kirks, bless you for this 👌❤️
I normally do summaries; a prelude to what you'll read...not this time. Enjoy ❤️
Mesmerizing. That's what I'd choose to desribe it. Magestic even. To be quite literally, a fly on the wall, and witness the pure melodious voice of Noah Sebastian in a setting not controlled by the stage. It echoed softly, my eyes closing at the therapeutic sound. Like rain water. Like a babbling brook. It was serene and peaceful.
I pressed my ear tighter to the cool white painted wood of the studio door. A warm red glow illuminated the tips of my polished toes as it spilled underneath the crack between the bottom of the door and the hardwood floor. Jolly's frame suddenly came into view, clad in a black Bad Omens hoodie and a baseball cap, long hair tied back into a loose bun at the nape of his neck. He smirked at me, crossing his arms over his chest and leaned against the door frame. I giggled softly and shook my head in embarrassment. We listened for a few moments in silence before he moved to plant a kiss at my temple and turned in the direction of his bedroom down the hall.
I quietly turned the doorknob, careful to do it slowly so it didn't squeak or grate before gently opening the door and silently slipping inside the room. Computer desks, monitors, speakers, laptops and microphones littered the edges of the room. A couple of bean bag chairs and a leather couch offered warm comfort and a few fake potted plants gave the dimly lit room a splash of color.
Noah's voice echoed softly around the room and all I could do was stand in the darkened doorway and watch, completely entranced. The lyrics to a demo he wrote for The Death of Peace of Mind but never made the cut, spilled from his full lips, tears suddenly filling my vision...
Eyes start to blur out of focus
I called out but you didn't notice
You know that I know that you're hurting
Still we sit alone
Hot tears rolled down my cheeks, my lips parting as my breathing grew shallow, chest heaving. Noah turned his head in my direction, irritation flashing across his dark features and then instantly softening when he realized it was me. Practically launching himself from his chair, he reached me in two strides and yanked me to his chest, long arms wrapping themselves around me tight, as the damn burst and I started shaking with animalistic sobbs.
Noah rocked us from side to side, my hands fisting the material of the black t-shirt he wore, my tears creating a wet spot in the soft fabric. He could have cared less, just continued to sway us gently, softly humming as he bent his head down, lips grazing the shell of my ear. His hair had gotten longer, his bangs falling into his eyes as the rest of his hair created a curtain around his face. It was almost, almost wolfcut. My favorite. That realization had the corners of his lips curling.
Noah suddenly lifted me up in his arms, my thighs instinctively wrapping around his waist as he carried us the whole two strides again to his chair and sitting us down, my legs dangling on either side of his lap. By now, my sobs had dwindled down to silent tears again. Noah's dark eyes roamed my face as he brushed the hair away that had stuck to my cheeks. His fingertips lingered on my skin, gently wiping my tears with this thumbs before gently running the pad of his thumb across my bottom lip.
I nodded.
That was all the consent he needed. The line between friends and something more had been crossed after all these years as his lips slanted across mine. The taste of Noah on my lips, my tongue exploded into a thousand stars. It was heady, sweet and unlike anything I ever tasted. I waited for so long to be noticed. For him to look at me the way he looked at them. To touch me the way he touched them.
But would this last or would I be another notch in his belt?
"You have never been nor will you ever be just another notch in my belt...you're far more precious than that...they never even came close..."
@anangelinthepit @concreteemo @aubrey-melinoe @fadingintothegrey @concreteangel92 @artificialstardust @amourtoken @bloodylullaby @english-fucker @exitwoundsx @flowery-mess @iamamatus @iluvmewwwww75 @kaliforniahigh @lilhobgobbler @philomenie @raspberrywatermelon @sorrowsofsilence @sacredthefran @somebodyllelse @somewhere-diamond @xxrainstorm @xmads-omensx
108 notes · View notes
reyadawn · 3 days
Girl, I was BAWLING. FUCKING BAWLING last night when I wrote this. I needed ressurance so badly.
Thank you for reading, dear, sorry for the tears ❤️
Red Room
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📸 Bryan Kirks, bless you for this 👌❤️
I normally do summaries; a prelude to what you'll read...not this time. Enjoy ❤️
Mesmerizing. That's what I'd choose to desribe it. Magestic even. To be quite literally, a fly on the wall, and witness the pure melodious voice of Noah Sebastian in a setting not controlled by the stage. It echoed softly, my eyes closing at the therapeutic sound. Like rain water. Like a babbling brook. It was serene and peaceful.
I pressed my ear tighter to the cool white painted wood of the studio door. A warm red glow illuminated the tips of my polished toes as it spilled underneath the crack between the bottom of the door and the hardwood floor. Jolly's frame suddenly came into view, clad in a black Bad Omens hoodie and a baseball cap, long hair tied back into a loose bun at the nape of his neck. He smirked at me, crossing his arms over his chest and leaned against the door frame. I giggled softly and shook my head in embarrassment. We listened for a few moments in silence before he moved to plant a kiss at my temple and turned in the direction of his bedroom down the hall.
I quietly turned the doorknob, careful to do it slowly so it didn't squeak or grate before gently opening the door and silently slipping inside the room. Computer desks, monitors, speakers, laptops and microphones littered the edges of the room. A couple of bean bag chairs and a leather couch offered warm comfort and a few fake potted plants gave the dimly lit room a splash of color.
Noah's voice echoed softly around the room and all I could do was stand in the darkened doorway and watch, completely entranced. The lyrics to a demo he wrote for The Death of Peace of Mind but never made the cut, spilled from his full lips, tears suddenly filling my vision...
Eyes start to blur out of focus
I called out but you didn't notice
You know that I know that you're hurting
Still we sit alone
Hot tears rolled down my cheeks, my lips parting as my breathing grew shallow, chest heaving. Noah turned his head in my direction, irritation flashing across his dark features and then instantly softening when he realized it was me. Practically launching himself from his chair, he reached me in two strides and yanked me to his chest, long arms wrapping themselves around me tight, as the damn burst and I started shaking with animalistic sobbs.
Noah rocked us from side to side, my hands fisting the material of the black t-shirt he wore, my tears creating a wet spot in the soft fabric. He could have cared less, just continued to sway us gently, softly humming as he bent his head down, lips grazing the shell of my ear. His hair had gotten longer, his bangs falling into his eyes as the rest of his hair created a curtain around his face. It was almost, almost wolfcut. My favorite. That realization had the corners of his lips curling.
Noah suddenly lifted me up in his arms, my thighs instinctively wrapping around his waist as he carried us the whole two strides again to his chair and sitting us down, my legs dangling on either side of his lap. By now, my sobs had dwindled down to silent tears again. Noah's dark eyes roamed my face as he brushed the hair away that had stuck to my cheeks. His fingertips lingered on my skin, gently wiping my tears with this thumbs before gently running the pad of his thumb across my bottom lip.
I nodded.
That was all the consent he needed. The line between friends and something more had been crossed after all these years as his lips slanted across mine. The taste of Noah on my lips, my tongue exploded into a thousand stars. It was heady, sweet and unlike anything I ever tasted. I waited for so long to be noticed. For him to look at me the way he looked at them. To touch me the way he touched them.
But would this last or would I be another notch in his belt?
"You have never been nor will you ever be just another notch in my belt...you're far more precious than that...they never even came close..."
@anangelinthepit @concreteemo @aubrey-melinoe @fadingintothegrey @concreteangel92 @artificialstardust @amourtoken @bloodylullaby @english-fucker @exitwoundsx @flowery-mess @iamamatus @iluvmewwwww75 @kaliforniahigh @lilhobgobbler @philomenie @raspberrywatermelon @sorrowsofsilence @sacredthefran @somebodyllelse @somewhere-diamond @xxrainstorm @xmads-omensx
108 notes · View notes
reyadawn · 3 days
I legit fucking cried as I wrote this last night....
Glad it made you happy, bestie ❤️
Red Room
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📸 Bryan Kirks, bless you for this 👌❤️
I normally do summaries; a prelude to what you'll read...not this time. Enjoy ❤️
Mesmerizing. That's what I'd choose to desribe it. Magestic even. To be quite literally, a fly on the wall, and witness the pure melodious voice of Noah Sebastian in a setting not controlled by the stage. It echoed softly, my eyes closing at the therapeutic sound. Like rain water. Like a babbling brook. It was serene and peaceful.
I pressed my ear tighter to the cool white painted wood of the studio door. A warm red glow illuminated the tips of my polished toes as it spilled underneath the crack between the bottom of the door and the hardwood floor. Jolly's frame suddenly came into view, clad in a black Bad Omens hoodie and a baseball cap, long hair tied back into a loose bun at the nape of his neck. He smirked at me, crossing his arms over his chest and leaned against the door frame. I giggled softly and shook my head in embarrassment. We listened for a few moments in silence before he moved to plant a kiss at my temple and turned in the direction of his bedroom down the hall.
I quietly turned the doorknob, careful to do it slowly so it didn't squeak or grate before gently opening the door and silently slipping inside the room. Computer desks, monitors, speakers, laptops and microphones littered the edges of the room. A couple of bean bag chairs and a leather couch offered warm comfort and a few fake potted plants gave the dimly lit room a splash of color.
Noah's voice echoed softly around the room and all I could do was stand in the darkened doorway and watch, completely entranced. The lyrics to a demo he wrote for The Death of Peace of Mind but never made the cut, spilled from his full lips, tears suddenly filling my vision...
Eyes start to blur out of focus
I called out but you didn't notice
You know that I know that you're hurting
Still we sit alone
Hot tears rolled down my cheeks, my lips parting as my breathing grew shallow, chest heaving. Noah turned his head in my direction, irritation flashing across his dark features and then instantly softening when he realized it was me. Practically launching himself from his chair, he reached me in two strides and yanked me to his chest, long arms wrapping themselves around me tight, as the damn burst and I started shaking with animalistic sobbs.
Noah rocked us from side to side, my hands fisting the material of the black t-shirt he wore, my tears creating a wet spot in the soft fabric. He could have cared less, just continued to sway us gently, softly humming as he bent his head down, lips grazing the shell of my ear. His hair had gotten longer, his bangs falling into his eyes as the rest of his hair created a curtain around his face. It was almost, almost wolfcut. My favorite. That realization had the corners of his lips curling.
Noah suddenly lifted me up in his arms, my thighs instinctively wrapping around his waist as he carried us the whole two strides again to his chair and sitting us down, my legs dangling on either side of his lap. By now, my sobs had dwindled down to silent tears again. Noah's dark eyes roamed my face as he brushed the hair away that had stuck to my cheeks. His fingertips lingered on my skin, gently wiping my tears with this thumbs before gently running the pad of his thumb across my bottom lip.
I nodded.
That was all the consent he needed. The line between friends and something more had been crossed after all these years as his lips slanted across mine. The taste of Noah on my lips, my tongue exploded into a thousand stars. It was heady, sweet and unlike anything I ever tasted. I waited for so long to be noticed. For him to look at me the way he looked at them. To touch me the way he touched them.
But would this last or would I be another notch in his belt?
"You have never been nor will you ever be just another notch in my belt...you're far more precious than that...they never even came close..."
@anangelinthepit @concreteemo @aubrey-melinoe @fadingintothegrey @concreteangel92 @artificialstardust @amourtoken @bloodylullaby @english-fucker @exitwoundsx @flowery-mess @iamamatus @iluvmewwwww75 @kaliforniahigh @lilhobgobbler @philomenie @raspberrywatermelon @sorrowsofsilence @sacredthefran @somebodyllelse @somewhere-diamond @xxrainstorm @xmads-omensx
108 notes · View notes
reyadawn · 3 days
Red Room
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📸 Bryan Kirks, bless you for this 👌❤️
I normally do summaries; a prelude to what you'll read...not this time. Enjoy ❤️
Mesmerizing. That's what I'd choose to desribe it. Magestic even. To be quite literally, a fly on the wall, and witness the pure melodious voice of Noah Sebastian in a setting not controlled by the stage. It echoed softly, my eyes closing at the therapeutic sound. Like rain water. Like a babbling brook. It was serene and peaceful.
I pressed my ear tighter to the cool white painted wood of the studio door. A warm red glow illuminated the tips of my polished toes as it spilled underneath the crack between the bottom of the door and the hardwood floor. Jolly's frame suddenly came into view, clad in a black Bad Omens hoodie and a baseball cap, long hair tied back into a loose bun at the nape of his neck. He smirked at me, crossing his arms over his chest and leaned against the door frame. I giggled softly and shook my head in embarrassment. We listened for a few moments in silence before he moved to plant a kiss at my temple and turned in the direction of his bedroom down the hall.
I quietly turned the doorknob, careful to do it slowly so it didn't squeak or grate before gently opening the door and silently slipping inside the room. Computer desks, monitors, speakers, laptops and microphones littered the edges of the room. A couple of bean bag chairs and a leather couch offered warm comfort and a few fake potted plants gave the dimly lit room a splash of color.
Noah's voice echoed softly around the room and all I could do was stand in the darkened doorway and watch, completely entranced. The lyrics to a demo he wrote for The Death of Peace of Mind but never made it the cut, spilled from his full lips, tears suddenly filling my vision...
Eyes start to blur out of focus
I called out but you didn't notice
You know that I know that you're hurting
Still we sit alone
Hot tears rolled down my cheeks, my lips parting as my breathing grew shallow, chest heaving. Noah turned his head in my direction, irritation flashing across his dark features and then instantly softening when he realized it was me. Practically launching himself from his chair, he reached me in two strides and yanked me to his chest, long arms wrapping themselves around me tight, as the damn burst and I started shaking with animalistic sobbs.
Noah rocked us from side to side, my hands fisting the material of the black t-shirt he wore, my tears creating a wet spot in the soft fabric. He could have cared less, just continued to sway us gently, softly humming as he bent his head down, lips grazing the shell of my ear. His hair had gotten longer, his bangs falling into his eyes as the rest of his hair created a curtain around his face. It was almost, almost wolfcut. My favorite. That realization had the corners of his lips curling.
Noah suddenly lifted me up in his arms, my thighs instinctively wrapping around his waist as he carried us the whole two strides again to his chair and sitting us down, my legs dangling on either side of his lap. By now, my sobs had dwindled down to silent tears again. Noah's dark eyes roamed my face as he brushed the hair away that had stuck to my cheeks. His fingertips lingered on my skin, gently wiping my tears with this thumbs before gently running the pad of his thumb across my bottom lip.
I nodded.
That was all the consent he needed. The line between friends and something more had been crossed after all these years as his lips slanted across mine. The taste of Noah on my lips, my tongue exploded into a thousand stars. It was heady, sweet and unlike anything I ever tasted. I waited for so long to be noticed. For him to look at me the way he looked at them. To touch me the way he touched them.
But would this last or would I be another notch in his belt?
"You have never been nor will you ever be just another notch in my belt...you're far more precious than that...they never even came close..."
@anangelinthepit @concreteemo @aubrey-melinoe @fadingintothegrey @concreteangel92 @artificialstardust @amourtoken @bloodylullaby @english-fucker @exitwoundsx @flowery-mess @iamamatus @iluvmewwwww75 @kaliforniahigh @lilhobgobbler @philomenie @raspberrywatermelon @sorrowsofsilence @sacredthefran @somebodyllelse @somewhere-diamond @xxrainstorm @xmads-omensx
108 notes · View notes
reyadawn · 3 days
Thank you for reading as always ❤️❤️❤️
Red Room
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📸 Bryan Kirks, bless you for this 👌❤️
I normally do summaries; a prelude to what you'll read...not this time. Enjoy ❤️
Mesmerizing. That's what I'd choose to desribe it. Magestic even. To be quite literally, a fly on the wall, and witness the pure melodious voice of Noah Sebastian in a setting not controlled by the stage. It echoed softly, my eyes closing at the therapeutic sound. Like rain water. Like a babbling brook. It was serene and peaceful.
I pressed my ear tighter to the cool white painted wood of the studio door. A warm red glow illuminated the tips of my polished toes as it spilled underneath the crack between the bottom of the door and the hardwood floor. Jolly's frame suddenly came into view, clad in a black Bad Omens hoodie and a baseball cap, long hair tied back into a loose bun at the nape of his neck. He smirked at me, crossing his arms over his chest and leaned against the door frame. I giggled softly and shook my head in embarrassment. We listened for a few moments in silence before he moved to plant a kiss at my temple and turned in the direction of his bedroom down the hall.
I quietly turned the doorknob, careful to do it slowly so it didn't squeak or grate before gently opening the door and silently slipping inside the room. Computer desks, monitors, speakers, laptops and microphones littered the edges of the room. A couple of bean bag chairs and a leather couch offered warm comfort and a few fake potted plants gave the dimly lit room a splash of color.
Noah's voice echoed softly around the room and all I could do was stand in the darkened doorway and watch, completely entranced. The lyrics to a demo he wrote for The Death of Peace of Mind but never made it the cut, spilled from his full lips, tears suddenly filling my vision...
Eyes start to blur out of focus
I called out but you didn't notice
You know that I know that you're hurting
Still we sit alone
Hot tears rolled down my cheeks, my lips parting as my breathing grew shallow, chest heaving. Noah turned his head in my direction, irritation flashing across his dark features and then instantly softening when he realized it was me. Practically launching himself from his chair, he reached me in two strides and yanked me to his chest, long arms wrapping themselves around me tight, as the damn burst and I started shaking with animalistic sobbs.
Noah rocked us from side to side, my hands fisting the material of the black t-shirt he wore, my tears creating a wet spot in the soft fabric. He could have cared less, just continued to sway us gently, softly humming as he bent his head down, lips grazing the shell of my ear. His hair had gotten longer, his bangs falling into his eyes as the rest of his hair created a curtain around his face. It was almost, almost wolfcut. My favorite. That realization had the corners of his lips curling.
Noah suddenly lifted me up in his arms, my thighs instinctively wrapping around his waist as he carried us the whole two strides again to his chair and sitting us down, my legs dangling on either side of his lap. By now, my sobs had dwindled down to silent tears again. Noah's dark eyes roamed my face as he brushed the hair away that had stuck to my cheeks. His fingertips lingered on my skin, gently wiping my tears with this thumbs before gently running the pad of his thumb across my bottom lip.
I nodded.
That was all the consent he needed. The line between friends and something more had been crossed after all these years as his lips slanted across mine. The taste of Noah on my lips, my tongue exploded into a thousand stars. It was heady, sweet and unlike anything I ever tasted. I waited for so long to be noticed. For him to look at me the way he looked at them. To touch me the way he touched them.
But would this last or would I be another notch in his belt?
"You have never been nor will you ever be just another notch in my belt...you're far more precious than that...they never even came close..."
@anangelinthepit @concreteemo @aubrey-melinoe @fadingintothegrey @concreteangel92 @artificialstardust @amourtoken @bloodylullaby @english-fucker @exitwoundsx @flowery-mess @iamamatus @iluvmewwwww75 @kaliforniahigh @lilhobgobbler @philomenie @raspberrywatermelon @sorrowsofsilence @sacredthefran @somebodyllelse @somewhere-diamond @xxrainstorm @xmads-omensx
108 notes · View notes
reyadawn · 3 days
Red Room
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📸 Bryan Kirks, bless you for this 👌❤️
I normally do summaries; a prelude to what you'll read...not this time. Enjoy ❤️
Mesmerizing. That's what I'd choose to desribe it. Magestic even. To be quite literally, a fly on the wall, and witness the pure melodious voice of Noah Sebastian in a setting not controlled by the stage. It echoed softly, my eyes closing at the therapeutic sound. Like rain water. Like a babbling brook. It was serene and peaceful.
I pressed my ear tighter to the cool white painted wood of the studio door. A warm red glow illuminated the tips of my polished toes as it spilled underneath the crack between the bottom of the door and the hardwood floor. Jolly's frame suddenly came into view, clad in a black Bad Omens hoodie and a baseball cap, long hair tied back into a loose bun at the nape of his neck. He smirked at me, crossing his arms over his chest and leaned against the door frame. I giggled softly and shook my head in embarrassment. We listened for a few moments in silence before he moved to plant a kiss at my temple and turned in the direction of his bedroom down the hall.
I quietly turned the doorknob, careful to do it slowly so it didn't squeak or grate before gently opening the door and silently slipping inside the room. Computer desks, monitors, speakers, laptops and microphones littered the edges of the room. A couple of bean bag chairs and a leather couch offered warm comfort and a few fake potted plants gave the dimly lit room a splash of color.
Noah's voice echoed softly around the room and all I could do was stand in the darkened doorway and watch, completely entranced. The lyrics to a demo he wrote for The Death of Peace of Mind but never made it the cut, spilled from his full lips, tears suddenly filling my vision...
Eyes start to blur out of focus
I called out but you didn't notice
You know that I know that you're hurting
Still we sit alone
Hot tears rolled down my cheeks, my lips parting as my breathing grew shallow, chest heaving. Noah turned his head in my direction, irritation flashing across his dark features and then instantly softening when he realized it was me. Practically launching himself from his chair, he reached me in two strides and yanked me to his chest, long arms wrapping themselves around me tight, as the damn burst and I started shaking with animalistic sobbs.
Noah rocked us from side to side, my hands fisting the material of the black t-shirt he wore, my tears creating a wet spot in the soft fabric. He could have cared less, just continued to sway us gently, softly humming as he bent his head down, lips grazing the shell of my ear. His hair had gotten longer, his bangs falling into his eyes as the rest of his hair created a curtain around his face. It was almost, almost wolfcut. My favorite. That realization had the corners of his lips curling.
Noah suddenly lifted me up in his arms, my thighs instinctively wrapping around his waist as he carried us the whole two strides again to his chair and sitting us down, my legs dangling on either side of his lap. By now, my sobs had dwindled down to silent tears again. Noah's dark eyes roamed my face as he brushed the hair away that had stuck to my cheeks. His fingertips lingered on my skin, gently wiping my tears with this thumbs before gently running the pad of his thumb across my bottom lip.
I nodded.
That was all the consent he needed. The line between friends and something more had been crossed after all these years as his lips slanted across mine. The taste of Noah on my lips, my tongue exploded into a thousand stars. It was heady, sweet and unlike anything I ever tasted. I waited for so long to be noticed. For him to look at me the way he looked at them. To touch me the way he touched them.
But would this last or would I be another notch in his belt?
"You have never been nor will you ever be just another notch in my belt...you're far more precious than that...they never even came close..."
@anangelinthepit @concreteemo @aubrey-melinoe @fadingintothegrey @concreteangel92 @artificialstardust @amourtoken @bloodylullaby @english-fucker @exitwoundsx @flowery-mess @iamamatus @iluvmewwwww75 @kaliforniahigh @lilhobgobbler @philomenie @raspberrywatermelon @sorrowsofsilence @sacredthefran @somebodyllelse @somewhere-diamond @xxrainstorm @xmads-omensx
108 notes · View notes
reyadawn · 3 days
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Red Room
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📸 Bryan Kirks, bless you for this 👌❤️
I normally do summaries; a prelude to what you'll read...not this time. Enjoy ❤️
Mesmerizing. That's what I'd choose to desribe it. Magestic even. To be quite literally, a fly on the wall, and witness the pure melodious voice of Noah Sebastian in a setting not controlled by the stage. It echoed softly, my eyes closing at the therapeutic sound. Like rain water. Like a babbling brook. It was serene and peaceful.
I pressed my ear tighter to the cool white painted wood of the studio door. A warm red glow illuminated the tips of my polished toes as it spilled underneath the crack between the bottom of the door and the hardwood floor. Jolly's frame suddenly came into view, clad in a black Bad Omens hoodie and a baseball cap, long hair tied back into a loose bun at the nape of his neck. He smirked at me, crossing his arms over his chest and leaned against the door frame. I giggled softly and shook my head in embarrassment. We listened for a few moments in silence before he moved to plant a kiss at my temple and turned in the direction of his bedroom down the hall.
I quietly turned the doorknob, careful to do it slowly so it didn't squeak or grate before gently opening the door and silently slipping inside the room. Computer desks, monitors, speakers, laptops and microphones littered the edges of the room. A couple of bean bag chairs and a leather couch offered warm comfort and a few fake potted plants gave the dimly lit room a splash of color.
Noah's voice echoed softly around the room and all I could do was stand in the darkened doorway and watch, completely entranced. The lyrics to a demo he wrote for The Death of Peace of Mind but never made it the cut, spilled from his full lips, tears suddenly filling my vision...
Eyes start to blur out of focus
I called out but you didn't notice
You know that I know that you're hurting
Still we sit alone
Hot tears rolled down my cheeks, my lips parting as my breathing grew shallow, chest heaving. Noah turned his head in my direction, irritation flashing across his dark features and then instantly softening when he realized it was me. Practically launching himself from his chair, he reached me in two strides and yanked me to his chest, long arms wrapping themselves around me tight, as the damn burst and I started shaking with animalistic sobbs.
Noah rocked us from side to side, my hands fisting the material of the black t-shirt he wore, my tears creating a wet spot in the soft fabric. He could have cared less, just continued to sway us gently, softly humming as he bent his head down, lips grazing the shell of my ear. His hair had gotten longer, his bangs falling into his eyes as the rest of his hair created a curtain around his face. It was almost, almost wolfcut. My favorite. That realization had the corners of his lips curling.
Noah suddenly lifted me up in his arms, my thighs instinctively wrapping around his waist as he carried us the whole two strides again to his chair and sitting us down, my legs dangling on either side of his lap. By now, my sobs had dwindled down to silent tears again. Noah's dark eyes roamed my face as he brushed the hair away that had stuck to my cheeks. His fingertips lingered on my skin, gently wiping my tears with this thumbs before gently running the pad of his thumb across my bottom lip.
I nodded.
That was all the consent he needed. The line between friends and something more had been crossed after all these years as his lips slanted across mine. The taste of Noah on my lips, my tongue exploded into a thousand stars. It was heady, sweet and unlike anything I ever tasted. I waited for so long to be noticed. For him to look at me the way he looked at them. To touch me the way he touched them.
But would this last or would I be another notch in his belt?
"You have never been nor will you ever be just another notch in my belt...you're far more precious than that...they never even came close..."
@anangelinthepit @concreteemo @aubrey-melinoe @fadingintothegrey @concreteangel92 @artificialstardust @amourtoken @bloodylullaby @english-fucker @exitwoundsx @flowery-mess @iamamatus @iluvmewwwww75 @kaliforniahigh @lilhobgobbler @philomenie @raspberrywatermelon @sorrowsofsilence @sacredthefran @somebodyllelse @somewhere-diamond @xxrainstorm @xmads-omensx
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