reyesmaritza-blog · 7 years
“Like that video of the woman who "copped” some couples couch. Telling them it was her house now.“ Maritza laughed but she could all too well remember the days of doing what they had to do to find somewhere at least a slight bit comfortable to sleep. "Alright, you got me on that one. I concur. But we’re still making a spare and you’re going to have a new fashion statement around your neck if you forget them again.” About to reach into her pocket to dig out her own, she decided to have a little fun at her best friends expense. “But uh—” Patting all around her pockets and taking a quick look in her bag, she looked back to Rowan. “My house key is on my keyring…and my keyring is with the car…”
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reyesmaritza-blog · 7 years
sloan wasn’t happy about being dragged everywhere but the dog was apparently in charge right now and he wanted to greet everyone around. sloan shook his head as he heard the other speak. “i think we all want to believe that we’re worse than we are.” he shrugged, watching the dog smell around. “i can be a bitch when i want.”
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The dog inched more towards her, sniffing around at her legs and her feet and it was all Maritza could do not to jerk backwards — she might have had reason to be afraid of dogs but showing that fear, even to one that seemed harmless, was a dumb move. They could sense fear or whatever, right? Eyes on the dog, Maritza let out a short laugh before forcing herself to take a quick glance up. “ Well, they do say admitting is the first step to recovery...or whatever. But if you ask me, there’s nothing wrong with being a bitch. Definitely makes life easier." 
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reyesmaritza-blog · 7 years
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Some dude said ‘my religion is kindness’ to which she answered…
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reyesmaritza-blog · 7 years
Maritza took a hesitant half step back when she realized there was a dog approaching — or rather at the realization that it seemed to be directly approaching her. The words did little to calm the stomach cramping wave of fear that had rolled over her at first but the fear was short lived as it often ended up being around dogs if they seemed okay and despite the fact it seemed like the pooch was giving his human quite the walk, it didn’t seem like she was in any sort of situation with a dog that would warrant the step back or the fear. “My uh, my roomie would probably say the same thing about me.” Her throat a little dry from the momentary memory that had caused the initial fearful hesitation, Maritza had cleared her throat before continuing on with a slight laugh. “You know, all bark no bite.”
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“romeo stop!” sloan shouted to the dog in front of him to slow down a little as he pulled on the leash. he had long legs, sure but he wasn’t all that excited to run around the block. he shook his head when he saw someone walking towards them, figuring that was who the dog was trying to catch up with. he held onto the leash tightly, apologizing to the person as they got closer. “don’t mind him. he’s not as scary as he thinks.”
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reyesmaritza-blog · 7 years
Ask me about my demons.
lilith: what was your biggest rebellion against authority? why did you do it? raum: do you have a tendency to hoard anything? if so, what? jezebel: talk about a time you used your sexuality to get your way mephistopheles: have you ever helped  a loved one destroy themselves? verrier: do you find yourself disobeying or obeying most authority? asmodeus: on whom do you want revenge and how would you take it? baal: if you were a god, how would you prefer to be worshipped? lamia: how do you feel about children? lucifer: what are you most proud of? sonneillon: do you hate anyone? batibat: talk about the worst nightmare you have ever had abaddon: what person, place, or thing have you most wanted to destroy? belias: do you gossip? abraxas: do you believe in any higher power? if so, what? ornias: talk about a time where you felt drained of energy lix tetrax: if you could travel by wind, where would you go? astaroth: have you ever falsely accused someone? carreau: do you consider yourself compassionate or harsh to others? why? leviathan: what do you believe lies in the unexplored areas of the ocean? belphigor: if you could pick 3 forms to shapeshift into, what would they be? azazel: talk about a time when you were falsely blamed for something mammon: when were you most greedy? for what? verrith: are you a patient or impatient person? pythius: out of all the lies you have ever told, which is your favorite? berith: do you often argue with others?
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reyesmaritza-blog · 7 years
It was hot, the car they shared was yet again once more in the shop and Maritza had spent the entire day doing her absolute least favorite thing — job interviews — so it was probably could go without saying but the girl was extremely grumpy. So grumpy in fact that not even the sight of her best friend up ahead as Maritza approached home did even the smallest thing to up her spirit a bit — or at least it didn’t until she was within earshot and heard Rowan’s monologue of conflict. One leg bent to place a foot on the bottom step as Maritza leaned against the railing a bit, arms crossing lightly over her chest, eyebrow perking upwards as she waited for the other to turn around. “Gee, I betcha wish you’d listened to me when I suggested we hide a spare key right about now, dontcha?” If the gloat wasn’t evident in her tone it was definitely obvious by the smirking grin on her lips. Boy did she love being right.
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“Fuck!” Rowan sighed as she dug through her pockets, frantically searching for any sign of the missing key’s she’d realized were no longer there. “I really don’t want to walk all the way back to the damn library…” She had been mumbling to herself, not realizing anyone was around as she stood outside her apartment, glancing up at the second story window that she knew she’d left unlocked, debating if she should make the daring effort to climb. “…yeah right.” She laughed at herself. “Nice thought, Ro. But you’re not sixteen anymore. Clearly you have a death wish.” With a sigh, she turned on her heels, about to make the long walk back to get her keys.
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reyesmaritza-blog · 7 years
i’m aj, i’m horrible at intros , & i haven’t been in a group for years so i’m probably going to be more rusty than the tin man so i apologize early for it.
I’ve got the makings of a fuller about started but i didn’t have the time last night to finish and i’m going to be out for the day until later tonight so I figured i would just throw this little list together for now in the intro post and finish up maritza’s about when i get home! if anyone would like any plots / connections with maritza, feel free to shoot me a message!
— orphaned at the age of five by a car crash that took away her mother and her younger half sibling, maritza and her fraternal twin merric were placed into the system after no family stepped forward to take them in.
 — the system did what they could but two years after being placed in the system, the twins were separated. merric was adopted out after an open house event and maritza has never seen her brother since. 
 — a closed adoption, she was never allowed to know the name of the family that adopted her brother nor where they lived. 
 — maritza met rowan a year later when the pair both were placed with the same foster family. truth be told, she was a bit icy to the girl at first as she was to every person after losing merric but eventually, the pair became inseparable. 
 — when that foster family ended up like all the rest, both girls were placed in the same group home and never went long without the other. if one was placed with fosters without the other, it wasn’t long before they landed themselves back to the start. it was a rough world and both girls had found someone who made it a little less rough and they refused to let themselves be separated. 
 — at sixteen, the girls realized that no one was ever coming to give them a forever home and with just two years left before not even the system would be there for them, they decided to shove their belongings into a suitcase and slip away one night. they both had very little money but they scrapped by on what they did have, purchasing a taped together car that became a bed at night as they worked whatever odd jobs they could find until they scrounged up enough money for their first real home in over a decade, a small cramped loft with barely any elbow room. 
 — they never stayed long in places as they struggled to really get on their feet but eventually they ( rowan moreso ) were stable enough to settle down finally, a comfy, roomy house and the town it was nestled in becoming home. 
— maritza has trouble holding jobs down, never finding herself satisfied with something for long before boredom kicks in and leaves her itching for a change but she always makes sure that she’s got her half of the bill money by each deadline so rowan isn’t saddled with it all. if it wasn’t for rowan, maritza would likely be living a very nomad sort of lifestyle - never settling, always on the go and seeking out new adventures but she stays put, almost afraid to be away from her friend. 
 — it’s been almost seventeen years since she become an orphan but only six since her life finally seemed to resume again. 
 — maritza stuck it out in high school, just barely graduating but making it through nonetheless. it wasn’t easy bouncy from school to school so she isn’t as book smart as most but she makes up for it with street smarts, or so she claims. 
 — developing her party girl lifestyle from the short time she spent around her young mother, maritza lives each night to the fullest because you never know when it’s going to be the last. 
 — is secretly terrified of turning twenty two, the same age her mother was when she died.
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reyesmaritza-blog · 7 years
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Favorite Sofia Rodriguez moments
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reyesmaritza-blog · 7 years
tag dump.
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